About Radio Program (V) -- 有关广播剧(五)
Chinese version
Chronicle Note
**I have not heard one single episode of this radio program myself for a lot of reasons. To do a radio program majorly featuring me was discussed on 07/01/2004 conference call. Radio program has been produced by United States 106.7FM or Clear Channel and on air since 2005??suppose??. I am, a Chinese, the major featured person(suppose). Following are what I gathered from impacts of being major featured person and may not correct. Please contact me at somebodyinMA@gmail.com if content is seriously incorrect and please provide references including broadcasting channel and time, thanks forward.
11-09-2017 Interests Conflicts and Intellectual Contribution Opportunities
Heard this morning's broadcasting of talk about who should be may primary care surgeon and my primary care hospital for my glass house cancer treatment.
My response: I am all for my current primary care surgeon on who should be my primary care surgeon, And I am all for my current primary care hospital to be my primary care hospital.
I was enrolled to my medical treatment through O'Connors which I appreciated very much. But the problem is they all love Tina O'Connor very much (not a sarcasm statement). She just can't get over her 20 years ago experience, and whenever there is any conflicts between me and her out of that "can't get over", they all listen to her side stories only as you can certainly imagine. I choose to let my medical treatment stay clear from O'Connors.
I had a great primary care surgeon who was this morning's partner in discussion. It was started my idea on July 1st of 2004 to let Holly Knowlton to keep an eye on if I spent her husband David Petraeus' money. My previous primary care surgeon is a cousin to this name Knowlton. All my medical expenses have been paid by myself with some "episodes of investment opportunities stories", but with my own steady capability to pay by myself, this was never an issue.
The interest conflicts are from this surgeon become in laws to a great O'Connor and some other names later. Because this or that reason, my patient interests has been comprised. That is the reason I have my current primary care surgeon.
My current primary care surgeon is a surgery nurse practitioner. In surgery, it is not easy for a surgery nurse practitioner to be promoted to a surgeon because surgery hours are needed for a surgery nurse practitioner to be eligible but a surgery nurse practitioner is not eligible to have surgery hours without a surgeon license. My current primary care surgeon was an assistant to my previous primary care surgeon for several years, and he got this opportunity to be in-place primary care surgeon because of the interest conflicts situation. He is the in-place primary care surgeon I trust and he got surgery practicing hours with special permission. He is now a great surgeon and my primary care surgeon.
----Nov. 9th, 2017
Heard this morning's argument of intellectual contribution opportunities.
My response: It is out of the frustration by knowing the handsome income I made from my intellectual contribution.
The argument is those in need of intellectual contribution should give their names some confidence that they can contribute great intelligence because they are willing to contribute. The concerned part is how long those in need of commercial intellectual contributions need to wait, and arguable part is the graceful period of time is expected to be till valid contributions arrive.
I understood the matter as: A lot of talented people's screams may be because of this not-intended blocking efforts from some big names. I did bring my understanding of the matter to those big names' attentions. I also have my own complains about some efforts regarding my health to ensure I cannot contribute intellectually.
This is similar to those efforts about my romance life. Male party should be accessible willingly or unwillingly by those "better-match from whoever's truly felt" till a child can be born or till a wedding can be achieved before the male party can have a word with me about children we share. I am being specially "designed" to have "disgusting looks and disgusting reputations" to ensure I can't have a word with the person who father my children, not to mention share life together with our children. I am determined to bring everyone who have participated this to the laws, for myself and for my children's sake.
----Nov. 9th, 2017
11-08-2017 Confidence In Names and An Engineer's Analyzing
Heard this morning's "why can't you have confidence in my name..." etc.
My response: I am a scientific person that believe in matter of fact evidences. Now I am in school for MBA education, so, I try to use MBA language to explain what I mean by this.
If some you can be illustrated as a blue or red stocks. I can do illustration of standard analyzing as:
1: Analyze the trend of your past performance first to see if you have a solid history that I can have some reason to be confident with that is from my expectation of fitting my best interests from my perspective for me to consider buy in.
2: What is your current "financial position" which means who are you, to me of course, or what are you on over-all any matters currently? And it also implies if there is any possibility for gaining in my favor or if there is only comprised benefits equivalent in my perspective.
3: What will be the expectation out of your potential that is not too stretchy? And of course to analyze if there is any potential for future growth that benefits me from my understanding or at least from my perspective.
All these has to rely on analyzing from solid data which certainly is what evidences are. This is the reason I believe in matter of fact evidences instead of some superstitious "confidence in names".
----Nov. 8th, 2017
Heard tone of "asserted not beneficial" is from my understanding of securities & police officers.
My response: My understanding of what all these announcements on the radio is all about reading a as complete as possible list of situations that is guaranteed "no benefits" as the condition of "do as I said". I call this the tone of "asserted not beneficial" that I do not even need to count my fingers to check if there is any situation has been left out from this "asserted not beneficial" list.
Here is the possible origin why you hear this confidence of "asserted not beneficial with the confidence that you certainly will do as I said." on the radio: On July 1st of 2004, I expressed my understanding about police officers.
Police officers can station in any business or organization for enhance security purposes, and they can be as responsive as possible to calls of help from where they are stationed, and their funding can be supported by the business or organizations that they are stationed, but they are not part of being managed by the business or organizations that they are stationed because they are not securities but police officers.
----Nov. 8th, 2017
Heard this morning's argument of stars.
My response: Heard it is confirmed, by U.S. military speaks person on the radio this morning, that there is no such 5-stars General in U.S. military currently who is a female in her 40s.
----Nov. 8th, 2017
Heard the saying about I can only keep my 3-stars if I was retired from U.S. military.
My response: That is the reason my life time achievement was mentioned the other day. It means I have kept my 3-stars General's privilege as no-longer enlisted since July 1st of 2004 when my stars were taken back.
----Nov. 8th, 2017
11-07-2017 Chinese Communities' Weird Sense of Duty to Prove "Such a Fake"
Heard some talks from some Chinese communities about working for a Chinese investor is too shabby.
My response: It is not rare to hear that from Chinese community. Some even said it is their duty to find out if I am the investor as I announced, and if so, they need to request transfer.
Not many Chinese investors can be called big investors to offer formal permanent jobs in big decent companies that respect same equal employment opportunities is possibly the major reason.
In Chinese communities, Chinese investors' owned companies are known for it means these business provide cash-pay jobs to serve Chinese communities only.
My investments that I claimed have been invested abroad, other than Hong Kong, are all over at least 100 years already. All have been well managed according to local laws by the locals. I am an investor who have no intention to get involved with these investments daily operation.
I say to those who take it a duty to harass me to find out if I am an investor as I claimed, why don't you ask your own company about what your concerns are regarding my declaration of being investor of this or that companies. If you indeed really want to request to be transferred is the only reason you need to find out if I am an investor to the company you work for, I suggest you to be honest to state that being a Chinese yourself, you think a Chinese means low-cast, disgusting cheap like yourself is the one and only reason you deserve to request a transfer.
I am aware that no one ever from People's Republic of China, or Taiwan, Singapore or Hong Kong is this rich as I claimed. But I have to address to you here that please guided by your local laws to satisfy your curiosities out of your disbelieves or your over confidence of who you are.
----Nov 7th, 2017
This is the edited post I published somewhere about my family background in China before People's Republic of China time that started in 1949:
No. 2: I was yelled at how dare I can say I am a musician
No. 4: I am still trying to find out what else I am not but insisted on sitting in their "professional seminars" and just kept on talking.
----Nov 7th, 2017
11-06-2017 All about Miss the Point
Heard this morning's talk about missing the point.
My response: Missing the point is what I agree if an employee confronting an investor's private matter when this employee was having some work related problem with an investor's family,
It is not an employee's employment to confront who deserve to be an investor's most beloved or real true love, it is also not an investor's family's privilege to insult an employee at workplace.
I would say why not let Business related Laws, Labor Laws and company's management to take care of the complains regarding an employee's lawful interests instead of confronting if someone is beloved enough by an investor to be privileged enough to insult an employee at workplace.
----Nov. 6th, 2017
Heard this morning's talk related to a lot of investors wives confusion of deserved privileges in the husbands' investment.
My response: This is another missing the point issue.
The wives deserved privileges are protected by Marriage Laws, Family Laws but not the Business related Laws. Investors families do not have the protection by Business related laws, just like employees' lawful interests are protected by labor laws but not marriage laws.
Investors wives are not privilege to insult any employee in husbands' business, and employees are not privilege to fight for who deserve to be the investors true beloved.
----Nov. 6th, 2017
Exactly being a wife who share children and life with an investor husband, why this wife can't have a saying over her husband's inherited investment.
My understanding: This is to say that husband have a saying over inherited investment because of blood, why not the wive because of sharing life together with the investor?
I am similar to the investor husband in this saying that I have saying over my inherited investments because the blood I carry, and impressively obviously, I am not willing to privilege anyone to have a saying over my inherited investments.
So, the first and foremost issue that may be "missed the point" is: If the investor husband willing to let the wife who share life with him to have a saying over his inherited investments?
I was confronted in 2004's meeting if I know anything at all to have a saying over my own inherited investments from those who worked their way up. and I have to earn their ears to convince them that I also worked my way up. And currently, as everyone already heard a lot, that all these shits throwing at me is to bring out the argument "why listen to her even this or that is her inherited investments?"
So, the second issue that may be "missed the point" is: If this sharing life wive know anything at all that deserve employed professionals' ears even if the investor husband willing to privilege the wife to have a saying?
I made myself very clearly that I have no intention to perform daily operation over my own investment. I do have this understanding that why I need to take on such huge responsibilities since those much talented professionals are taking good cares of my investments on my behave responsibly and can do a much better job than me? I also have enough work experiences to know that if I want to do a technology research, I do not need to run a business daily to achieve so, and if I want to practice some MBA's general administration, I do not need to run a big business to achieve so.
So, the third issue that may be "missing the point is:
If this wife is benefiting the investor husband's investment by having a saying over it? Mark here: the wife is the sharing life wife, the husband's investment is her shared interests.
If this wive is demanding to be respected as the investor's wife or she is demanding to be respected as the investor to the husband's investment?
----Nov. 6th, 2017
11-05-2017 All about Glass House Cancer related.(都是有关脑控癌的)
Heard some talks about donation to treat glass house cancer this morning.(中文附后)
My response: Current treatment effort is still the same as it has been: To make it affordable to majority so majority do not need to rely on charity to be healthy as ever if infected. I heard rumors that current special insurance(limited offer) is about $5000/month, and expectation to achieve complete cure is about in several years time. The emergency package(limited offer) is, by rumor, $50,000 in one installment in advance to schedule treatment, and average cost is around $30,000. Payment in advance is needed because treatment won't stop till complete finish once it started.
Unless you are high risky group, currently the recurrence chance is limited. (From my own experience as a patient of experiencing less recurrence).
The effort is still going on to make this treatment more affordable.
Donation for treatment is not financially practical because this is not nature disease that has rare chance to re-occur once completely cure. This is a man-made bio-medical situation that can be infected at the moment after it is treated completely cure. Donation may encourage corruption that spur this re-occurrence experiences which may impact on patients of being never healthy again.
Currently, from my own experience, United States law enforcement and United States government are working effectively on to make infection or unlawful-recurrences be effectively blocked by enforcing laws and effective management. And treatment technology is there already to achieve complete cure. As I said in the morning, the current effort, from my own experience as a patient, is to make treatment affordable to majority.
*Glass house cancer is some bio-engineer research can only be authorized to participated. Unauthorized is called infection.
----Nov. 5th, 2017
Heard some sayings about donation on my behave.
My response: I refuse.
I expressed my honest opinion about donation. And I refuse to let anyone donate my money on my behave. I do not against anyone having different opinion about donation on this treatment, but I refuse those different opinions to donate my money they owed.
----Nov. 5th, 2017
Some advises from an "insider".
1: Be alert to personal financial information. If concern of being infected, personal password, personal bank accounts numbers may be compromised:
2: Try not to think unnecessary. Glass house cancer is the term I use to address my experience of having this bio-medical situation that I volunteered to be on -- No privacy at all as if living in a glass house. That is thought included. If you are concerned that somebody may peep into your private thought through infection:
----Nov. 5th, 2017
我的回应:现在脑控癌治疗的努力还是一如既往:让大众可以自己承受治疗可能会需要的费用,让大众不需要仰赖捐款才可以恢复健康。我听说的是现在的特别保险(对公众有限开放)价格是5000美金一个月,估计在几年之内可以彻底治愈。紧急治疗(对公众有限开放)是五万美金押金一次付清后可以预约治疗, 实际治疗费用平均是三万左右。必须预先付清五万是因为只要紧急治疗一旦开始就会持续进行直到标准紧急治疗项目彻底完成,付清预付后就不会因为费用不够而中途停止。
3: 注意个人安全,包括驾车安全,过街安全,厨房安全,等等。
11-04-2017 Radio Program's some producing efforts of "Announcing on a Public Channel means to Take Over as Wish"
Heard this morning's talk about College donation's in Republic of China in early 1900.
My response: I heard it was said twice.
The first time it was said "It was my family's donation (那是我家里)”.
The second time it was said: “It was my family's donation representation only.(那是我家里代表捐赠的”
I heard the reason of saying it twice emotionally is because that is a Banker Mr. Rong from the direct line of Mr. Rong who signed the donation checks, he was repeating what he said the first time to correct the wrongful impression caused by editing off the ending of the line.
----Nov. 4th, 2017
Heard the curiosity why radio program produced this way?
My response: To cause confusions and to create angers, I declare. I also assume there is indeed a sick pathetic psycho who is having some dirtiness polluting this radio program. I even assume there may be more than one.
Some even caused fights from those who cared about this or that person's own well-being.When you heard on the radio that my children deserved to be shitted because this radio program insisted on to accuse me lied about a "birth-child" born before I left China which was impossible that I can hide a 10-months-pregnancy from those live-in-one-college-dormroom-with-me-daily or work-with-me daily, will you angry if you know this has been an organized promotion to make it a reality real just in order to"shit me to destroy and take over my money"?
Heard rumor that this is from a Mrs. Rockefeller. So, I respond to this rumored Mrs. Rockefeller:
"I do not live on your money, I do not live on your charity, I do not live on your name.
I am famous for my own achievements from my brain department that you can never claim to take over.
I carry my own glorious maiden Emperors grandfathers' name that you can never claim your maiden.
I do have very much handsomer my own money from my own maiden Emperors grandfathers that you can never claim to own.
You enjoy being the proud brave pig-fuck-able is as you wish. I refuse to be insulted by you or the name you try to shame."
I have some similar experiences now from this competition of "who can lie" to make me to look like a fool when I write these "I heard". I may stop anytime if this gets serious. I am being treated for glass house cancer that I am harassed from.
I can't hear the radio program's broadcasting is due to "some special arrangement" that I did call law enforcement's help for. Not sure if this is from my anxiety history concern or intentionally to block me from free information. My radio just do not have this radio program and I kept hearing some people saying "no such radio program" or "never had such radio program." This radio program's producing effort seems to have some illusion that as long as they can producing this radio program this way and broadcast their desired ownership of anything, they can achieve this public robbery of taking over everything by just announcing on the public channel their desired "should-ownership of everything".
----Nov. 4th, 2017
Heard this morning's argument of "Legal Documentation".
My response: According to legal documentations, that regulate this radio program's eligibility to be broadcasted on a public channel, has specified this radio program is a Reality Show, not an entertainment purposed scripted show.
It was confused in the past why there was a equivalent appended to Reality Show. I explained it was because the audio material and stories it featured about my life stories have been "not at the time radio program was produced."
Tina O'Connor (Helena O'Connor) has been emphasis her great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather's letter is a "legal documentation" to own my entrust that I inherited in 2004.
I have to clarify that was a only letter that her grandfather wrote as head of legal of that fund with a valid attorney's license. It was "illegal", "invalid" and "irresponsible" when it comes to the ownership of my entrust.
My entrust (that Fund) had been historically a foreigner's entrust till I became a U.S. citizen in 2015. Her great grandfather's letter written about 200 years ago was written when her great grandfather was one of the 400 employees of the Fund. That Fund has been in America since its colony time about 400 years ago.
Nobody called law enforcement's help to correct that letter because her great grandfather need that letter to serve the country as he was asked. Her great grandfather was supported to serve the country that this fund had been investing by agreed-upon-providing from the Fund. But this did not-call-law-enforcement-to-correct-that-letter's-claims never means "OKed ownership changing".
Tina O'Connor has no reason to keep "proving ownership by insist-on this fund to spend on promoting this radio program's announcements". She just need to call Law's help if that is really her family's lawful money.
My $400 Million medical expense was paid from this Fund to medical providers with a General Attorney's signature because I called Law's help.
----Nov. 4th, 2017
11-03-2017 My Personal Experiences
Heard this morning's broadcasting of People's Republic of China.
My response: I repeat what I said I said in the morning:
You are the proud butts and breast of People's Republic of China's Chairman,
You are the proud butts and breast of People's Republic of China's Premiere,
But I do not have a between-leg to checkout their testimony, and I am not willing to give you a penny.
You are the People's Republic of China's Chairman's proud "Birth Mother of the Child",
You are the People's Republic of China's Premiere's proud "Lawfully Registered Wife",
But I have not intention to commit bribery and I am not willing to give you a penny.
----Nov. 3rd, 2017
Heard this morning's "I don' give shit to what you said" when my money was mentioned.
My response: I heard that was from an O'Connor.
Luckily she is not the person can spend my moneyagainst my wish without commit a crime defined by U.S. laws. And I am willing to call law enforcement's help and I have been doing so constantly.
(updated on Nov. 7th, 2017)
----Nov. 3rd, 2017
A post I published somewhere about my personal experiences:
11/02/2017 All about some secret "Mission" associated with SEX or MONEY
Heard this morning's broadcasting mentioned about either child or children.
My response: Yes, I agree and that is my point too.
No decent person can be this disgusting to produce a pair of my children through medical technology's help for the man who does not want them.
No decent person can be this disgusting to produce a pair of my children through medical technology's help just to insult the female who already mother a young child from the him after 2004.
I have great entrusting groups who have been looking after me ever since I was born. Their decency already presented by the fact I have my wealth inherited without me knowing a clue about it in 2004. They are the groups also know I am not this cheap to be insulted by mothering a man's children knowing they are never wanted.
----Nov. 2nd, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting a Abraham's David group.
My response: That is not the Abraham from Old Testament. That is the Abraham associated with the famous last name Lincoln.
Rumored President Lincoln freed slaves in United States with the help of a secret David's team which was grouped by some first named David.
Both these ancient Chinese names are referring to one person from ancient Chinese Zhou dynasty Emperors or ancestor of Zhou dynasty Emperors.
Zhou dynasty was a dynasty from 1046 BC -771 BC (West Zhou) and 770 BC - 256 BC (East Zhou).
I have an Empress grandmother Wu had announced herself the child from Emperors this Zhou dynasty around 700 AD time. In Chinese ancient books including books from Tang dynasty, her same last name nephews from her maiden cousins were recorded to imply it is unlikely she could be the heir of Zhou dynasty Emperors.
Rumored my Empress grandmother left me an entrust as well. Rumored she wrote in her will that I am this 姬侯发's child. I am not surprised at all because this was how she "declared" herself around 1400 years ago. I am her biological child is true.
Other than this, I do not know why all these rumors.
*By the way: In Chinese, Zhou Si only means a Mister who is last named Zhou or from Zhou dynasty unless that Si is used as a name.
---- Nov. 2nd, 2017
11-01-2017 This morning is SHOCKING (今天早上的播出实在是惊!惊!惊!)
Heard about this morning's shocking confirmation about Chinese Premiere's four announced wives.
My response: Ya, it is shocking.
----Nov.1st, 2017
Heard this morning's shocks about four confirmed Adult children mothered by Chinese Premiere's wife.
My response: I heard four adult children are:
One is fathered by Chinese Chairman Xi.
One is fathered by Chinese Premiere Li;
One is fathered by Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress。
One is fathered by Minister of Chinese Justice Department.
----Nov. 1st, 2017
Heard about this morning's broadcasting ended with English only.
My response: It is shocking. Lucky the treatment technology is available, and I heard emergency treatment can be very fast and effective.
Being a person having glass house cancer, I agree what was said the other day: The best way to handle if concerned about possibly having glass house cancer is:
Do not listen to anything that one should not.
Do no read anything that one should not.
Do not think of anything that one should not.
Keep alert on personal saving account's “information security”.
----Nov. 1st, 2017
10-31-2017 The Shocking Performance sound like a Revenge Story (令人震惊的演出故事听着像是为了报复)
Heard this morning's broadcasting of "shocking performance" story.
My response: I add what I heard that related to this specific story.
Heard it was a Chinese Navy Stage Show Performing Group.
Heard all those order to performed had been one man's ex-girlfriend briefly.
Heard that man had already a seriously involved girl-friend for 6 years at the performing time.
Heard it was ordered by the serious girl-friend's relative.
Do you think this sounds familiar? Because after this shocking performance, all those ordered-to-perform actress are “expected" no longer a suitor to anyone that is decent good. Either those participating males or no-one.
The difference is this time they ordered married males to participate this disgusting throw a penis performance. Who are the ordering party, why these married males answered this disgusting order to throw a penis like in a military order's name? One is a British Military Personnel, one is a retired U.S. Military Personnel, and who else? Are they being ordered?
I did send an email to Law Enforcement about this familiarity.
----Oct. 31st, 2017
10-30-2017 Is Agreed-upon-Providing Fair? And How BioGate made you rich while Idle sitting in Janus Associates?
Heard saying I confused everyone if I own a Fund in this morning's broadcasting.
10-29-2017 My Contribution to China's Subway System is Authentically Mine, Radio Program Producers are not eligible to Authenticate it "fake or plagiary".(我对中国地铁的贡献真实,广播剧制作组不够资格作为权威来认证“虚假剽窃”)
Heard the confusion if my contribution to China can be authentic since I am not from the professional background。(中文附后)
My response: I would use my contribution to China's mega cities' subway system to explain this. My professional background is never city architecture, and my hobby is never architecture design.
I have been Boston, MA resident since 2004 and I had briefly lived in Boston, MA for two month in 2003. My contribution to China's Subway system you heard on the radio, if you can hear the replay while you take a look at Boston's and New York City's subway map that displayed in every subway station, you know that every single word I said is authentically my original as a technology researcher background with no architecture education. That is how I contributed to China's mega cities' subway system.
The similar is my "Classic Suzhou Garden on a Roof Top." The CDSA, computer software framework that framed every single component of a software for security purpose that I had worked out from BioGate project, contributed to that exterior design to integrated the entire garden idea. If you can hear the replay how I expressed my vision of this garden, you know that every single word is authentically my own originals even I am not the person can draw a blue print. (*And I do have a grandfather college graduated from Architecture major).
Every one of my contribution or achievements is similar this, touch the point professionally to contribute but not from professional background knowledge.
The confusion may from the difference "Authentication(真实性,证明,鉴定)" that derived from "Authentic(真实)" and "Authenticate(认证)". The radio program producers suppose to report its authentication to see if it is authentic, radio program producers are not eligible to be the authority to authenticate its authentication to make it "no longer authentic" but “fake or plagiary(虚假或剽窃)” only .
Is it implying that without radio program producing team's authentication, my contribution is not mine any more? Who are these producers so authority on any matter? How they can have this authority by their direct(females) or indirect (males) sexual experiences with prominent males? Is that because a subway is a "operational tunnel system" as well?

Boston T-map (Subway Map)

New York City's Subway Map
----Oct. 29th, 2017
Heard the confusion of what is "Entrust" and what is "inheritance."
My response: I would use an example here to explain how I inherited my grandfathers' entrusts according to my grandfathers' wills.
If you have a child about 10 years old now, and you got a fortune like win a Lotto, after you put aside what you want your child to have and what your own planned saving or investment, if you also want to put aside something for your child's child(ren), Entrust is what you need to do.
You can go to an attorney and tell the attorney how much you want your child' child to have, and you can specify exact which child from your child is the one you want to give how much this money if not intend to let all of you child's children to have this money evenly. You need to write down all these in details and that would be your will. Your will would be in this attorney's safe keeping as part of entrusting legal documentations.
After you child grow up and have child or children, the child fits your will to have that money will inherit that money from you, not your child but you. That money you entrusted would be called this child's inheritance from you.
----Oct. 29th, 2017
Heard Chinese Premiere's wife is the real authentic heir from Zu's family.
My response: I say unlikely.
According to the rumor I hear, the saying is she got a dragon tattoo hidden on her buttock's split. And Zu's family only acknowledge this dragon tattoo to be the authentic heir.
I am not doubting if it is appropriate for a father to order a heir's tattoo at a hidden place like such, I only doubt why the father would want everyone to look at his heir daughter's butts whenever the heir's authentication is in need of verification.
---Oct. 29th, 2017
这和我的”屋顶上的苏州园林"创意很类似。电脑软件的保安框架CDSA,就是我做Bio Gate软件时包裹了电脑软件的每一个部件的那个骨架结构,就是这个"屋顶苏州园林”里通过外墙设计来达到整个园林设计一体化的创意来源。如果你能听到当时这集的重播,你就会知道虽然我不是学建筑设计的更不会画设计蓝图,但每一字每一句都是我真实原创。(*我确实是有一个从建筑专业本科毕业了的爷爷)
这个困扰可能来自英语名词Authentication(真实性,证明,鉴定),这个英语单词有两个引申意思。一个是从"Authentic(真实)"引申来的,一个是从"Authenticate(认证)"引申来的。广播剧制作组应该是报道Authentication(真实性)来查核是否真实(Authentic), 广播剧的制作组不是什么权威机构可以进行通过认证(Authenticate)这些贡献的真实性(Authentication)而让这些贡献不再真实而变成了“虚假剽窃”。

Boston T-map (Subway Map)

New York City's Subway Map
10-28-2017 Ningbo Fang's House and China's College Education(宁波方家和中国的高等教育)
Heard this morning's a female CEO has not been dragged out.
My response: She is the CEO of the Chicago Foundation invested by the Fund that caused some O'Connors confusion, or invested by another of my inheritance Fund. Too bad, she is not the Fund's CEO being dragged out in that Fund's story,heard she is the CEO of a Chicago Foundation that has been supported by that Fund's.
This is how this radio program produced 2015-2016's radio program. This is the same producing team's effort.
That is the reason I have this serious confusion how many Funds O'Connors are so confused of now. Tina O'Connor (Or Helena O'Connor) has a father who once represented three of my grandfathers entrusts, two of them have Foundations in Chicago.
* The confusion comes from the Chinese translation of Fund and Foundation.
----Oct. 28th, 2017
Heard this morning's argument about Ningbo Fang's House".(中文附后)
My response: Ningbo Fang's House was confirmed, by Taiwan government on the radio, lead by Zhiren Fang, his grandfather and father, and Wenhai Fang is the heir son of Zhiren Fang, and this generation is head by the daughter from Wenhai Fang.
I am the only daughter of my lawfully married birth parents Wenhai Fang and Boxian Wang. I am the one and only granddaughter of Zhiren Fang.
The conclusion: I, Min Fang, is the Head Missy of Ningbo Fang's House that proudly support China's College Education.
I am the Missy Fang Ingonyama as well. I inherited Ingonyama title from my birth grandfather Mufasa (唐穆宗)
----Oct. 28th, 2017
Heard the confusion how exactly Ningbo Fang's house supported China' College Education.
My response: Through donation to Central government of Republic of China in early 1900 time or so to fund its Central College Education system, as confirmed you heard on the radio by Taiwan government.
----Oct. 28th, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting about my complain of "reality shows faking efforts."
My response: It was said this was the strategy of World War II. And, I heard some are very proud they can do this to make real me a fake through and through.
My complain is they have no intention to stop at presentation only.
My complains are that they have taken my money and actually spent it, and they abused me without intention to stop, and they did tear pages from my inheritance Fund's accounting books to claim the fund's ownership.
I did call law enforcement's help regarding all these.
----Oct. 28th, 2017
Heard my screams Chinese government have been shared by a lot.
My response: I, Min Fang, am the one and only lawful owner of all my inheritance funds that I inherited on June 30th of 2004 according to my birth grandfathers wills, this is no confusion at all.
Those Funds I inherited on June 30th of 2004 had all been entrusts and currently is entrusted by myself.
Some big names that have represented my inheritance Funds have not worked for myself or those who share some birth grandfathers with me. Those entrust funds have never been old style family operating business.
I have no intention to merge my inheritance funds, and I have no intention to take on the responsibility of operating anyone of them myself. I have no intention to make any of my inheritance funds a family operating business.
----Oct. 28th, 2017.
我的回应:通过在1900年代早期捐款给中华民国的中央政府支持其兴办了中华民国时期的中央大学教育系统, 就像你在广播上听到的被台湾政府所证实的。
10-27-2017 People's Republic of China's citizens are not Privileged than Citizens from other Countries in front of U.S. Laws.(中华人民共和国的公民在美国法律面前并不比任何其他国家的公民优越)
Heard this morning's talk of a Chinese male intent to divorce after 10 years marriage.
MY response: That is that person's personal issue.
Being a female, I agree with those females publicly expressed that People's Republic of China's citizens do not have the privilege to expect other nations' any female citizen, especially female citizens from marriage-freedom-countries, to be less privileged in Freedom of Marriage.
I am a U.S. citizen, I refuse to grant People's Republic of China's any citizen any privilege to make me a victim according to U.S. laws as well as People's Republic of China's Laws.
I am a U.S. citizen, I refuse to grant any nations' any citizen (including United States) any privilege to make me a victim according to U.S. laws as well as any nations' own laws, worldwide-ly.
----Oct. 27th, 2017
10-26-2017 This morning's episode's entire producing team was from 2015-2016 era.
Heard this morning's confusing shocking episode.
My response: The director, rumored a cousin to that Jessica who is the announced mother of David Petraeus' child or children, has participated this radio program's current producing since this week or since last week. He was the person directed 2015- early 2017 era of this radio program's producing.
Heard this morning's episode's entire producing team was this director's original team of 2015 -2016 era.
----Oct. 26th, 2017
10-25-2017 The Fund that O'Connors argued about is My Private Wealth Lawfully Owned(O'Connor家在争执的这个基金是我合法拥有的私人财产)
Heard this morning's argument about contributions to U.S.(中文附后)
My response: I am a U.S.citizen, I am not the United States.
The fund caused O'Connors families' confusion is my money because it was set up by my grandfather's entrust I inherited lawfully according to his will.
O'Connors contribution to the great United States should be recognized by United States, the great lawful country protect my private wealth as a U.S. citizen's lawfully owned.
Any contribution reward recognition should be directed to Congress Hill, White House, Federal Treasure Department and Federal Bank of the United States. It is inappropriate to belittle the contributors contributions' National Greatness to individual citizen's privately owned wealth.
O'Connors contributions to the Fund that I inherited, the one they are confused because of their grandfather's letter, had been recognized by the Fund appropriately and historically, reflected by incentives paid on time for each deal O'Connors helped to reach and $200 Million per year sized agreed-upon-providing provided for six generations after two generations Attorney O'Connors' total 55 or 65 years working time for the funds as General Counselor.
Further reward of entire size or partial size of the Fund regarding O'Connors families contribution to the Fund is inappropriate. This inappropriateness is the reason that caused mention of corruptions, money laundries and criminal activities on the radio. I did call law enforcement's help regarding some similar rumors I heard.
----Oct. 25th, 2017
**Heard the saying of 1775's speech of independence.
My response: The fund's 400-500 staffed between 1774-1776 and it was under a CEO's leadership entire time since it was setup in 1545 or so. Attorney O'Connor was General Counsel who was responsible for Fund's legal matter only before he quit the job to be a Senator.
This Fund has been a British Fund's Child Fund since it setup.
The British investments have been respected as lawfully owned British investments after America announced its independence from Britain.
----Oct. 25th, 2017
Heard this morning's money "illegally entrusted abroad".
My response: The Fund caused O'Connors families confusion was set up by my grandfather's entrust entrusted 600-800 years ago.
That was either Chinese Yuan Dynasty time or Chinese Ming dynasty time. There is no such historical records of such "forbidden entrusting abroad" documents is possibly the reason you heard "You (heard it referred a Ming dynasty's Emperors'(Zu's family) possible offspring) just lie like this".
This "lie like this" has been my complain regarding this administration of People's Republic of China. They state lies about me in a matter of fact tone as if nobody would ever check any evidences or facts, or as if there is no such evidences or facts at all. It is as if whatever they like to say should be the statement and that should be it. What is their problem?
By the way, this offspring is the person that, by rumor, whose great-great-great grandfather was denounced by the family inheritance rule. The rumor is: The father of his great-great-great grandfather changed family inheritance rule from first born son to first born when there were two daughters and one son (youngest). The son did not get family wealth inheritance the same like the heir title.
----Oct. 25th, 2017
Heard arguments this morning about why I can be a 3-Stars General in U.S. Military without years.
My response: I was recruited a 3-Stars General Strategist because of my understanding of WWII.
I know this is how researchers or technology personnel recruited into U.S. Military.
Heard Strategist is a combat officer position, I assume that is maybe the reason I was impressively having commanding power in 2004's meeting, other than I was identified by psychologists ( since teenage time) that I have the nature of a leader in my personality.
----Oct. 25th, 2017
Heard the strange competition from China about who I am.
My response: That is ridiculous has been my complain all these time.
I have been shitted by Chinese government officials wives because they are the real winner wives whose husband includes those I never even met or heard of. And this jealousy expressions is hatred intensive across half of the earth to United States while their husbands are right next to them in Beijing,China entire time in the past 20 years. * I left China in 1996, which is 21 years ago.
Heard in China, the jealousy toward People's Republic of China's Chairman Mao (Zedong Mao) and his first wife Yang (Kaihui Yang) has been phenomenal in the past 10 years. Chairman Mao passed away in 1976, his first wife Yang died in 1930.
This hatred jealous against me is over half of the planet earth geographically, the enormous jealous against Chairman Mao and his first wife Yang is over almost a century time-space-ly. Is there anyone can get what this is?
I am a individual person who only have securities but not military. Why I am the target of Chinese Military as if I am the United States? And according to the rumors I heard, this "war" is targeted against me not the United States. This is the reason why "murder for money attempt" was mentioned.
The Fund that caused O'Connors families confusion, you must have heard how Chinese government insist on to have a saying of who owns it? That Fund was setup about 400 years ago in America, which was 200 years before United States was established (in 1774) and over 300 years before People's Republic of China was established (in 1949). It was another 200-400 years in earliness of time when money left China. Why People's Republic of China's government just insist on having some sayings over this Fund's ownership?
I am a U.S. citizen, O'Connors are all U.S. citizens and the Fund is an American Fund, why People's Republic of China's government has to be the voice in ownership? According People's Republic of China's Inheritance Laws and People's Republic of China's entrusting Laws, the understanding should be the same as United States that the Fund is my lawfully owned fully.
I just do not get what is wrong with this administration of People's Republic of China's?
----Oct. 25th, 2017
O'Connor家对我所继承的基金(也就是他们因为一封爷爷的信而很困扰的那个基金)的贡献,历史上就已经被该基金很恰当的予以认可, 这份认可就是通过对于每笔他们帮助实现的交易当时立即付清相关的销售提成,以及在他们父子两代一共只做了55-65年的公司法律总顾问后“同意供给”了六代O'Connor后裔每年2亿美金的给付。
10-24-2017 Who owns the Fund that caused O'Connor Confusion and My Screams?
Heard this morning's confusion about an entrusting fund's "splits".
My response: No such splits at all.
I own that fund 100%. That is the fund caused O'Connor families' confusion about their family wealth.
That fund is setup by my own birth grandfather's entrust that I inherited on June 30th, 2004. That fund is currently under entrusting that since July 1st of 2004.
That fund had covered my $400 Million medical expense between 2015-2016. That medical spending was never some one-time-only expense. I am currently provided by other funds is only because I do have inherited more than one or two funds. Not a single O'Connor has any reasons at all to provide for me and no O'Connor never did.
This morning's "accounting book tear-off performances" talk was about how this $400 Million spending is no longer on this fund's accounting book. There had been other this kind performing efforts about some other accounting books records.
That is the fund had a CEO being dragged out by over 100 people wearing custom police uniforms in 2014 rumor. This rumor can certainly be verified by that day's satellite image enlarged enough to see different versions of police uniform colored costumes.
----Oct. 24th, 2017
Heard this morning's featured about agreed upon providing confusion.
$100, 000/month *12 months * roughly 200 households of O'Connor = roughly $200 Million a year.
The argument this morning was why the number has been beyond this $200 Million agreed upon size.
The direct line O'Connor household (Tina O'Connor's father) has much higher providing size that has made total agreed upon providing size beyond agreed $200 Millions size.
-----Oct. 24th, 2017
Heard this morning's accusation of good names being impacted since 2004 and possible class law suits.
My response: I am the same victim like them. Three meetings in 2004 (January, June and July) were all my inheriting related meetings that some how turned into chat-rooms. I do not know who invited them and how their names being impacted.
I am calling law enforcement's help regarding similar issues the same.
----Oct. 24th, 2017
Heard this morning's my accusations being broadcasted as angry victim.
My response:
I had near death experience in 1997 which had been featured on the radio. It was the Chinese restaurant's bathroom incidence.
I had near death experience caused by brain connection tissues damages in 2004 that memory loss impacted by the incident was almost everybody who participated any 2004's meetings aware of.
I had near death experience in 2014 that entire apartment building had to be evacuated except myself. That has been well known in Boston, MA.
I had this "near death" experience since 2015's radio program campaign that I was the subject should be thrown out on to the streets, to be the beggar that do not deserve my wealth, my name honor and my life. The expected result of this radio campaign is to make me so annoyingly hated that if I can be killed on Boston streets, no sympathy or curiosity or anger should be aroused because that is how I deserved. This has been my accusation toward radio program's efforts since 2015. This has been the reason I constantly calling law enforcement's help.
I have been protected ever since I arrived United States, I recovered from 2004's incidence with remembering capability.
----Oct. 24th, 2017
Heard confusion of my $400 Million a year medical expense may have been abused.
My response: That is untrue statement. The medical providers that receiving this $400 Millions are not that kind groups.
My yearly medical expense have been paid since July 1st of 2004. Its current size is $400 Million a year. It has been used to cover my anxiety psychological treatment expense of being a remote patient and currently has been used to cover my glass house cancer treatment as a remote patient as well. It also cover my other existing medical situation's treatments as well as some new medical situations, that is if, since I live alone.
The medical expense has been paid to a generic non-hospital account, then further pay out to my treatment providers hospitals after treatment services. The money has never been transferred to any hospital's owned bank accounts without medical billings. If there are any issues on medical billings, I know my medical billings have been reviewed by the generic non-hospital account owners and my own accountants.
----Oct. 24th, 2017
Heard this morning's senior's voice puzzled audience.
My response: Audience might already know the drill how this pathetic radio program trying to belittle me and to shame me.
I heard he is a senior Charles Ford in his seventies or so who married a Chinese female. Remembered the other one, a 40 years old Chinese bachelor, expressed his willingness on the radio to "get married" to such shamefully unwanted to be provided for. The same drill.
----Oct. 24th, 2017
10-23-2017 David Petraeus' Clarification and What I have accused
Heard this morning David Petraeus' clarification about rape.
My response: The only thing related to me is "Never going to have anything to do" is a true statement.
The others are all about that Chinese female, the one you heard on the radio who wants a child from David Petraeus, is now rumored officially his sexually involved girl friend.
If that rumor is true as you heard his own clarification on the radio, the only thing I need to clarify is:
If you hear swearing and cursing about me from David Petraeus, you should know he means that.
If you heard girl friend confusing announcement about me from David Petraeus, you should know there are tons of tricks in there, and he does not mean friendly.
----Oct. 23rd, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting about my accusation of lie in Chinese government's name.
My response: That has been my accusation since 2015.
The U.S producing effort is to shit only, not probing but shoring shits only, to express sex experience is good enough to possess knowledge to be a real fair judge, that is knowing I am the person having the same female sex organ who never fancy any breasts, flat or meaty enough.
British Royals family members threw shits as if I have been in their life so involved, that is knowing I have not step on Britain soil yet.
Chinese government just lie through Chinese producing team's effort as if as long as using Chinese government credentials, lies should be honored as truth. And these efforts never stops as performing arts but seriously demand to be treated as truth and reacted as if truth. Never presentation only. Never expect anything can be wrong as long as they just insist on what they stated, as if there never has anything called laws or legal justice, that is knowing WWII Strategy research has been world wide effort, not just China's privilege.
----Oct. 23rd, 2017
10-22-2017 How interesting this administration of P.R. China is circled by one female who do birth-giving (这么凑巧:这一届中华人民共和国政府是围绕着一个会生女人的政府)
Heard this morning's broadcasting about the acknowledged Chinese mother's importance to this administration of People's Republic of China's government(中文附后)
My response: Tons of rumors abroad. The only curious I have is how this administration of People's Republic of China's government was formed so interestingly.
Heard everybody from historical Beijing, meaning those who are not new immigrants after 1949, knows her family history as she publicly acknowledged on the radio: 200-300 years Brothel family.
I repeat what I said in the morning:
I heard she had three full pregnancy after her got married, but only one hospital maternity record. That is her ex-husband's daughter that featured in "British Prince's London coffee shop's bathroom rape" story you heard on the radio. Heard her ex-husband has been diplomat stationed abroad since the third year of her marriage.
I heard she mother an adult son from Chinese Chairman Xi, Jinping and that is his only child, that was featured as you heard on the radio recently.
I heard she mother an adult son from the Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of People's Republic of China, and that is his only child.
I heard she was helped to mother a child or two with her husband, the Chinese Premiere, through Chinese government's funded pregnancy mother or mothers.
I add more what I heard:
She took leave for a year when she was in high school.
She took 2 separate semesters leaves when she was in college.
I heard, she had sexually enjoyed almost entire Chinese Central government's Beijing-ness officials.
Heard the handsome Minister or Vice Minster of Chinese Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry was known for her lover since 2004.
I speculate:
It is well known that historically in China, to adopt a child "found on the street" has been very easy for any orphanage or for any household .
From the rumor I heard she publicly claimed has been her husband's true love since teenage time, their marriage has been well deserved, so I speculate that the reason of her " took leave for" in high school possibly is her Chinese Premier husband's child.
----Oct. 22nd, 2017
Heard confusion about Chinese chairman Xi's child from this female.
My response: I heard it has been thoroughly checked to confirm that there is no producing tricks or efforts that has caused public impression that is the same understanding in diffident cultures and in different languages.
Do not not anything further than this.
----Oct. 22nd, 2017
都知道,在中国,从街上捡到的孩子,是很容易被家庭或者孤儿院正式领养的, 历来如此。
我听说啊, 她是公开宣称中国总理李克强和她从十几岁就是情和爱,结婚是好不容易才在一起,所以我猜啊,她高中时候休学一年的原因可能就是中国总理李克强的的一个孩子啦。
10-21-2017 I do have my own money and I did not Spend Rockefeller' Money(我自己有钱我确实没有花洛克菲勒家的钱)
Heard this morning's explained why Rockefellers' were approached to spend money on those I want.
My response: I heard the agitation from this big name I respect was why they were approached to support spending on those "what I want". If I have my own money and I have no intention to use their money, why I did not spend money on what I want myself?
The Lehman Brother's CDC story is the reason. CDC in 2004 had been wide spread that high interest rate loans were not something that housed in some banks or in illustration only. In 2004, CDCs were in housing loans, in car loans and its insurance to against default were in trading like stocks. The amount involved was not some in-house loan quota can be simply calculated by replace higher interest rate with lower one. Its amount includes all those loans that already used to buy houses, cars and in-trading insurance. It was mentioned in July 1st of 2004's meeting already.
This was huge cash needed situation that I assume most of, if not all, my prepared " inheritance day shopping spray” cash budget went into this CDC concern that a lot of people share, even this CDC was never part of "what I want".
I am sorry for all these agitation caused by this, and I am sorry for those agitation enhancement from those simple calculators who calculated that only $500,000 total cash needed for 2004's CDC concern because "it was only interest rate difference for quota-ed loans".
----Oct. 21st, 2017
Heard this morning's clarification on the "having a girl" announcement joke.
My response: Ya. Now everyone knows I really do not have any child or any children with David Petraeus.
I heard David Petraeus has a young age son James from a Jessica as he announced, that girl he joked about is his in-laws own born 6 or 7 years' old daughter.
I am not the person like this kind joke, and I am the person hate "witty jokes".
"A male came into your house to tell you he has his son with him, and he is willing to donate this child in order for you to have a son to be called heir and to inherit everything you own, and this male even brought already validly prepared legal documentations for you to sign with a haughty gesture "sign here if you don't mind". This male so happily looked at you, insist on ignoring your squeezed-out "I do mind", and seriously asked you to show your appreciation for his charity."
I heard this joke, rumored from real life experience, and commented, this male certainly has not experienced what an insulted fist can do to the structure of his face, or a big slap means to the color of his face.
----Oct. 21st, 2017
雷曼兄弟故事里的CDC是原因。2004年的时候CDC高利息贷款已经到处都是,不是什么还在银行里或者只是个概念而已。在2004年,CDC是房屋贷款,汽车贷款的主要形式,怕倒账所设的保险是像股票一样可以上市交易。所牵涉到的金额可不是什么银行里的贷款额度的高利率换低利息的差别, 而是包括那些已经贷出被用来买了房子,车子的金额及已经在上市交易中的保险金的总额。这点在2004年7月1日的会议上就已经提到了。
10-20-2017 Law Enforcement's Help is there for Free (报警求助是不需要花一分钱的)
Heard about Pejoves Fund saying this morning(中文附后).
My response: That is the fund represented by Pejoves for about 200 years. I inherited this fund's American child fund through inherited this British fund. This British Fund has a parent fund that is not a British Fund. I own this British Fund's American child Fund, and I own this British Fund.
*I have to start to use Owner to address myself since the "campaign" currently is trying to say an investor does not mean ownership at all so that taking money from the fund I own does not mean taking my money even that is not business spending at all. I have to address I fully own all my inheritance funds 100% totally, and it is 100% lawful for me to state so. Any spending that is not business spending is unlawfully spending my money.
----Oct. 20th, 2017
Heard about "intend to spend 100" saying cause a lot of confusion.
My response: Do not know who said that and I am the real heir who has no reason to be concerned. Whoever knows the history of this fund knows there is no confusion I am the only one.
I say why anyone need to spend that money at all, even that is appended by the smallest unit like pence, knowing British or United States law enforcement is there to protect lawful money for free of charge including the free 911 phone call or a free FBI or British law enforcement's internet access.
I made my first FBI phone call by walking into a police station when it was so confusing if I own my inherited funds or who I have been as a professional female. With smartphones all over the places, I was called a shameful beggar need to work for my food and only capable to work to collect trash in a restaurant. Radio program's propaganda about my finance or who I am since 2014 were never "a show" only has been my serious complain.
I did comment this on Tina O'Connor's radio propaganda of who should own the fund. I say why she need to do this radio campaign, calling People's Republic of China's government's help at all if that is lawfully her family wealth in United States? How could possibly her family deserve this fund by only worked for 50 years or so but enjoyed agreed-upon-providing for about six generation that totaled about 200 years? I am not complaining and I never complained about that agreed-upon-providing or its size ($200 million a year total, equivalent size in entire 200 years time ), but I do seriously complained about why I deserved to be abused by her because of her own problems? There are some Missy O'Connors like her.
Pejoves family has similar family stories like O'Connors' families, including great grandfather's letter to run a public post, and agreed-upon-providing. The difference is there were two Mr. O'Connors ever worked as head of Legal department for total 50 years or so, never a CEO. There was only one Mr. Pejoves worked as head of Legal department for about 30 -35 yeas or so. I had similar complains about some Missy Pejoves and their associated.
----Oct. 20th, 2017
Heard this morning's talk about having money anchor child with me as his power to decide.
My response: Whoever feel so comfortable to say so must be a sick psycho. "Who the fuck do you think you are" is all you want to yell at that person.
I am a U.S. citizen and I am not willing to have such child. United States does have US military to ensure U.S. government's determination to keep United States a lawful country.
Somebody want my money, in millions or in billions, can spend like 100,000 or so in US Dollar or in Chinese RMB to buy an egg to produce an anchor child. If you heard this rumor, can you imagine that can be from a person that is alright in brain department? Where can they get this egg to be so powerful? You heard this morning how some Chinese said he can decide so? I do not have any egg in China.
I have been a U.S. resident for over 21 years already and you have heard that pregnancy children announcement was from a well reputed lab by a well reputed DNA expert, a DNA expert not only great in DNA technology but also respect that who intend to be the parents to produce their own biological child(children) lawfully through DNA technology have to be lawful mutually from both intended father and intended mother.
*There was an episode mentioned a DNA researcher used better eggs to produce his children through his wife's belly. The eggs he used, I assume, were donated for DNA research purpose or his female friend's.
----Oct. 20th, 2017
我就说啊,为什么有人会愿意花钱啊,就算那100后面的单位是中国人民币的分或者是英国的便士,为什么要花啊, 如果是合法拥有的财产,在美国或者在英国报警求助及警方的警力调查保护都是一分钱也不需要花的, 英美911报警电话是免费的,英美警方的网路报警也是免费。
我确实就此对Tina O'Connor为什么需要通过广播来推销谁才应该拥有那家基金做过评论。我说如果那家美国基金是他们家的美国合法财产,她为什么需要通过广播剧来推动所谓的“澄清”,或者是叫来中华人民共和国的政府帮忙?有什么可能在他们家两个爷爷就只是在基金里一共做了50年左右,却是拿了近200年的“同意供给”之后就是应该拥有这个基金?我不是在抱怨,我也没有抱怨过这个"同意供给“或者每年供给的金额(一共2亿美金一年,历史上也一直就是这个规模),但我确实是投诉Tina O'Connor凭什么就因为她自己的问题就是够资格糟践我方敏?还有其他一些O'Connor家的小姐也是和她一样。
我是美国居民都已经超过21年了,你也听到代孕所生的那些小孩是由信誉很好的实验室,信誉很好的DNA专家所宣布的,这个DNA专家不光DNA的技术好,而且尊重法律尊重必须是男女双方的共同意愿: 也就是那些想通过DNA技术来生个亲生孩子的准父母必须按照法律,按照欲做父母的男女双方的共同意愿合法进行。
10-19-017 All these Insults are out of Hatred or out of Insanity?(所有这些言语挑衅是出于仇恨还是出于精神失常?)
Heard this morning's talk about who is the father of that published child in 2012(中文附后).
My response: I heard this morning confirmed that is a real child who resembles the beautiful me a lot.
----Oct. 19th, 2017
Heard this morning's "proposal".
My response: I repeat what I said in the morning: That is the person I never met that he can never claim that published child if she is my biological daughter.
This answer "I am not interested in you since I have never met you", I assume, would be given by any honorably, decent female who do not live on underwear relationship.
----Oct. 19th, 2017
Why a female, just being a sex partner to a male who got nothing to do with me, can feel so comfortable to arrange this?
My response: To insult, I assume, out of hatred or out of insanity.
I only acknowledged one biological daughter and one biological son, I do not know if I have more same age biological children among announced 6 pairs and I will be thrilled if I do. I did hear the announcement about one same age girl but I also heard conflicted "nothing to do at all" announcements that I should listen to, so I say I am not certain if that girl announcement is not just a joke.
This "I throw you a male's underwear" tone has been since 1989. I never met anyone that I could say I dated seriously when I was in China so that I was not really in the situation to experience this tone a lot, but if you remembered the story of how a wife can throw her husband underwear to me when I was her guest in 1995, the boss and his wife's story from Nanjing Institute of Drug Control, that was the same tone exactly like you hear on the radio this morning. This has been my experience in Chinese community in past 10-12 years. What you heard on the radio program is probably just a reflection of this, just like the tone of yesterday's episode, "I got nothing to do with Chinese woman Min Fang, so I say I need you to do this or to spend this much money as I said so", yesterday's number requested you heard was $30 Billion in U.S dollars, was the reflection of experiences from my associated since July 1st of 2004.
In 1989's meeting, I was not having a serious boyfriend that can anger anyone this way. The Shanghai Communism Youth Party guy I met in 1988 was having a sexual involved girlfriend, by rumor, in 1989 already that everybody knows him possibly already heard so that I was not considered having anything to do with him in 1989's college meeting. The military guy I was chatting in 1989 meeting with may have a girlfriend but was not in the civilian world to do so, and I never met that military guy in person for anyone need to do so.
Regarding the tone that I need to pay a woman to reward her to mother a child with a man who was implied as my own man like what was featured yesterday, I am not certain if it was since 1989, I knew for sure it was definitely since July 1st of 2004. I am certain the intention is to insult, to arouse hostility and anger, but I am not sure if that was from hatred or from insanity.
Other than these, I do not know who else and what is the reason of hatred.
----Oct. 19th, 2017
Heard the saying that I was just a homeless, a shame to my children.
My response: I also heard if you have your own big money, why not just enjoy life, enjoy the sunshine, etc..
I have to say,
I was called a homeless because I was enjoying the sunshine with all my belongings next to me;
I was called a homeless because I could lookup at stars in bed outdoor-ly;
I was called a homeless because I felt the pouring raindrops all over me that wet my shoes uncomfortably.
I was called a homeless because I watched snow flakes covered me with chilly wind piecing my warmness.
I was enjoying my life harshly because all these spots I hung around were all well-known reserved spots in 2004 to ensure bearable-ness, I was at home entire time when I was called a homeless.
Why I chose to enjoy life so? Well, that is the question I asked law's help to find out. I was not afraid of harshness because of all these arrangements to make it all bearable to me. I was cared for with my children.
----Oct. 19th, 2017
我所给的回答“我从未见过你,我对你一点兴趣都没有” 应该是任何一个正正经经的非花痴,也不靠卖裤裆生活的良家妇女都会给的答案吧。
Heard the saying Why Jessica, the announced wife of David Petraeus, can take my $3 Billion private money?
My response: Not by U.S. laws. Not by my willingness. Being who they are, the so super richest as they are so proud of, I understand they are just trying to hold all my cash to watch me file bankruptcy in my personal life that may include my dear life as well, and I sue them for everything that is applicable. I am protected by U.S. laws.
----Oct. 18th, 2017
Heard this was borrowed from Lehman Brothers' story.
My response: There is so much more had been done beyond Lehman Brothers' story. You have already heard murder attempt investigation on the radio, that was never a joke.
----Oct. 18th, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting of my swearings in Chinese.
My response: I translate it into English here:
If you are indeed Chinese government official, you are the mother fuck whore born. Who the fuck do you think you are? You want to go suck that Hispanic's asshole, you go ahead, but don't ever fancy your asshole sucker mouth can have a penny of my money. Who the fuck you think you are, you are just a asshole sucker not even have the chance to suck her pussy, don't ever fancy your disgusting asshole sucking mouth can talk about my money.
I am adding more here:
If you already sucked her pussy, like that accountant already did, you go pay your sucking by your own money, I said the same thing to that accountant who is so aware that asshole born has nothing to do with me, if that accountant is not willing to pay by his own money because his lips is not good enough to father that asshole's born, I have to tell that accountant that, between that accountant and me, that disgusting Hispanic female's disgusting asshole is only that accountant's willingness to suck. Go suck her if that accountant is willing, but don't ever fancy that can be my spending.
----Oct. 18th, 2017
Heard Chinese government trash me because they thought I am just a shabby new immigrant in U.S..
My response: That was the reason I applied U.S. citizenship in January of 2015. I do get the "teaching" that this term of People's Republic of China government do not serve the people but busy serving butts and breasts only.
I am proud to be an American, a U.S. citizen.
My family background is real, my inherited wealth is real, my hard earned intellectual achievements are all real. I was never cheap in United States even when I was a new arrival on a visitor's visa.
I am not the person can be so easily victimized to have some computer-made child's video published to make me childless or that is just a trashed mistress' child, I was never that cheap and my children were never that cheap or illegitimate. We were never in that situation. I am the comfortable mother currently do not live with my children because I know they are being taken good care of.
----Oct. 18th, 2017
10-17-2017 Only My Heir (Min Fang's Heir) is ancient Chinese Tang dynasty Emperor Taizong's Heir (只有我方敏的继承人才是唐太宗李世民的继承人)
Heard this morning's talk about father of my own ancient Chinese Emperor grandfather's (我爷爷唐太宗) heir.
My response: I am the heir of this ancient Chinese Emperor(唐太宗李世民). I do not have any child seeded by People's Republic of China's Premiere Li Keqiang ( or spelling as Li, Kejiang) and there won't be any such child. I won't tolerate Chinese Premier Li's lie about his own children's blood as if associate with me. I won't tolerate Chinese Premiere Li lie to imply as he has or he will have a child with me.
----Oct. 17th, 2017
Important Announcements:
My inherited titles and wealth from my own birth grandfathers are all private owned by myself even in 2004 when I was still a Chinese citizen,.
My own hard reward from my intellectual contribution including money and acknowledged achievements are all private owned by myself even in 2004 when I was a Chinese citizen,.
The title of the father of my heir is the same title of the father of Chinese Tang dynasty Emperor Taizong Li‘s (唐太宗李世民) heir. This is the privately owned title that I am the only person can only I can authorize the privilege.
I am a U.S citizen since June of 2015 that I am proud to be. My freedom in marriage and my lawful ownership of what I inherited and what I earned are all protected by U.S. laws.
I am proud of my own grandfathers heir who is capable to look after what they want me to keep.
I am proud to be the ancient Chinese Tang dynasty Emperor Taizong Li's (唐太宗李世民)heir who carries his blood, his heir birth mark and his looks with hard build my own name Min Fang.
----Oct. 17th, 2017.
就算我在2004年时还是中华人民共和国的公民, 我所继承的财产及所有头衔全部都是属于我方敏自己私人拥有。
10-16-2017 I leave "Murder Attempt" to Investigation(是否“企图谋杀”由侦办调查来说了)
Heard this morning's talk of radio program's "Murder Attempt".
My response: Being a scientific engineer, I am a person listen to factual truth. I did call law enforcement's help, I leave all to investigation.
I do appreciate all the efforts of rooting out the problems.
BIG THANKS to everyone who has protected me and helped to protect me.
---Oct. 16th, 2017
我的回应: 作为一个以科学为依据的工程师,我是一个认知事实真相的人。我确实有报警,我就一切交给警方的侦办调查了。
10-14-2017 Who is The Better Child from The Famous Ancestors we share (谁才是我显赫家祖我们共同祖先的优秀孩子)
Heard this morning's broadcast of fourth cousin saying(中文附后).
My response: My family are known now for 2000 years polygamist family history. None of my grandfathers had any mistress or illegitimate children. They were never in such situation that they could not marry a woman.
Historically, all my grandfathers wives were daughters from very decent families, my non-Emperors' grandfathers' "privilege" was next generation heir of this long history family had not born yet, and only daughters from very decent families were eligible to mother a heir. My grandfathers only started to negotiate a new marriage when all the wives could not bear any more child.
My great grandfather was born by his father's youngest wife. He had two wives himself. His first wife was infertile and all his children were from his second wife who I call my great grandmother. Both my grandfather and my father were first born and they both have one-wife marriage. My father only father me and my younger brother. Since I am the heir and his first born, my father was like his grandfather and my grandfather who have no "privilege" to marry more decent daughters to mother a heir. My father and my grandfather both in love with the other of their children who I can my mother and my great grandmother, and my grandfather's prime time was WWII and Chinese Civil War time that they all never had any mistress who mother any child or children from them.
My family's long wealthy Imperial history, of course, had long history of family disputes about wealth and historical titles, and plus the struggles of those children from decent mothers who were not the first wives. Those children's struggles were their mothers struggles, the same.
Every generation, after the senior's death and family inheriting, most of those children chose to move out with their mothers to far, far away places, some of them may also have changed their last name before or during Chinese Civil War time. Each of these non-heir sons had a non-heir share of inheritance from the senior. My inheritances from my great grandfathers are all the same as non-heir share, I am the mysterious "plus one" non-heir son in each generation's family inheriting disputes.
I got some extra-s from some grandfathers because of some extraordinary situation to re-allocate family wealth to the "future female heir ( that is me)" instead of their heir sons (my next generation grandfathers). I am this generation heir and I may have inherited my this generation heir's share from my grandfather (my father's father) directly due to some situation.
I do not have any first or second cousin unknown or in different last name, but I may have some third cousins or fourth cousins, etc. who may not even have the same last name.
----Oct. 14th, 2017
Heard this morning's struggles of who is the better child of my famous ancestors we share.
My response: This is the struggle that has the same long history as my family history.
Being a mother myself, I do have the understanding that my famous ancestors we share must be very proud of all of their great children.
Being the person having my own name built, I do share the belief that I am being my ancestors proud because of my own achievements.
Birthmark made me the privileged heir of my own ancestors according to my own ancestors inheriting rule. Birthmark does not make me a better child is a true statement, but my own hard earned achievements do make me my own ancestors proud.
I inherited my own grandfathers titles and entrusted wealth was according to my own grandfathers' own wills. Other than these family inheritances and my ancestors' heir title, those other great children from my famous ancestors that we share certainly can be our ancestors proud by their own achievements if their blood are clearly from my ancestors.
----Oct. 14th, 2017
10-12-2017 Ningbo Fang's House and China's College Education (宁波方家和中国的大学教育)
Big Thanks to everyone who helped to broadcast this morning's clarification.
----Oct. 12th, 2017
Heard this morning confirmed I am the Head Missy of Famous Ningbo Fang's House(中文附后).
My response: I am happy I am heading the house that confirmed this morning that supported to have China's College Education when China mainland was governed by Republic of China's governement . I am happy I am one of the three generation that supported China's College Education before I was even born. Mine was donated from my entrusts that my grandfathers entrusted in China.
----Oct. 12th, 2017
Heard the question why Mr. Yiren Rong's name was mentioned?
My response: I heard some donations were handled by him or his father. My great great grandfather and his young age son, my great grandfather, were the other two generations.
If there have been any confusion about how Mr. Rong handled the donation, I say:" Well, my great-great-grandfather was there fully aware of the entire donating process. If my great-great-grandfather had any concern regarding Mr. Rong's personal income as financial manager that impacted from investment size change after the donation, it would be certainly from my great-great-grandfather's own decision and by his own arrangement. My entrusts were entrusted by my grandfathers who were also his father and his grandfathers, the entrusts were setup for the heir girl (me) who would be born to be his granddaughter carry his blood."
----Oct. 12th, 2017
My great-great-grandfather did not make arrangement about my entrusts. I do not and I would not have any Chinese seeded child or children. I won't tolerate anyone to handle my money in the name of "future father of my child".
In P.R.China, "donation" to tax collector is called "unexpected tax income" which fits 10% of donated amount tax incentive policy; donation to charity like Chinese Red Cross, or NGO (Non- government organization), it mean 10% of total donated amounts should be the service fee to who helped this donation.
This is the huge problem that I have with radio program's insist on to assign a possible "future father", obviously the intention is "to remove my decision power or my willingness of handling my own money".
----Oct. 12th, 2017
10-11-2017 I am a 3-Stars US Military General for Real
Heard this morning's confirmation of my valid 3-stars Strategist.
My response: I am thrilled that I am a 3-Stars U.S. Military General.
----Oct. 11th, 2017
Heard saying of impossible not to share my anger after reading my blog articles.
My response: Thanks for sharing my anger. Be alert if you have similar anger in your own life.
From my own experience:
Be alert if you have some anger in your own if that you can not pin exactly what that is.
1: Best is to describe your frustration in writing. A lot of times when you are trying to rationally describe your frustration, you may be able to realize what may be the reason. And do something about it.
2: If necessary, save keeping your writings. In certain situations, your frustration may need serious investigations, and if you are in these kind situations, you will need printout copies of your writings, digital copies of your writings, etc. keep easy-to-carry copies with you even you already sent to FBI to ask for help. Do this till situation start to improve.
----Oct. 11th, 2017
10-10-2017 Japanese Military In World War II and U.S. Military In Vietnam War (二次大战中的日本军队和越南战争中的美国军队)
Head this morning's confrontation about my 3-Stars Strategist title(中文附后).
My response: I was recruited as a U.S. Military 3-Stars Strategist because my understanding of Japanese Military outstanding performance in World War II and U.S. Military's mistake in Vietnam War. The interview was conducted at the spot of the January of 2004 meeting.
----Oct. 10th, 2017
Why Japanese Military, in my understanding, better performed than the commonly acknowledged best performed German Military in World War II?
My response: Japanese Military's "United We Face It" is the reason that there is no reserved resources or discounted carried out orders to comprise Japanese Military Strategists plans.
German Military famous for their swift actions benefited by their obviously advanced firearms and equipment.
I once read in an article that Japan went into World War II was not from Japanese Military's ambition, and Japanese Military went in because of their Generals' unsuccessful efforts to convince Japanese Government not to. In that article, it mentioned that because of that debate of not going to the war, Japanese Military was in the situation need to prove if they had been decent military stands for Japan's proud, or all its personnel should just to commit suicide to finish in shame. That is the reason that Japanese Military had this never-before "United We Face It". (*Note: To be more "appropriate", it was not "(Japanese Military )their Generals' failure to convince Japanese Government not to." per say, it was martial arts had not include verbal talent yet and military personnel had not had appropriate "debate" verbal training yet back then. It is corrected from "their Generals' failure" to "their Generals' unsuccessful efforts" ----updated on Oct. 17th, 2017)
I used several examples in January of 2004's conference:
1: Pearl Harbor. There were 3000 pilots did not divert their flights during their long trip from Japan to Pearl Harbor, not a single one diverted when they were not under valid supervision. War planes only had enough gasoline equipped to save engine power to support the long distance flight and that was the reason remaining gasoline together with the war planes were the attacking "bombs".
2: Pearl Harbor attacker pilots from Japan Air Force carried out this order was to let Japan Navy be the power in the Sea. This order was carried out without any reservedness.
Europe was in war already that British Navy or French Navy were busy of their own fights against German and Italy, Pearl Harbor attack compromised U.S. Navy force to a large degree.
Without by-passing Europe, U.S could not participate any actions against Japanese Military.
Japan was announced Alley with Germany and Italy before Pearl Harbor attack by its diplomats efforts.
3: Tons of fought in Japanese wars in Asia that Japanese Military carried out when its Navy needed to pave ways for its Army, its Air Force needed to strike to let its Navy to survive, and Japanese Army just conquer its obstacles with full forces. All these fought were carried without with all it took.
4: It had been a nightmare in Asia in World War II time, with almost entire Asia fought against Japanese Military, the small personnel numbered Japanese Military fought like this everywhere they were ordered to fight.
5: Without Nucleus bomb, Japan Military still got what it takes to continue its fights for an imaginably long enough time.
----Oct. 10th, 2017
U.S military had been in wars outside U.S several times, why Vietnam war was its pain?
My response: I am martial art fan and this had been a question since I read General McArthur's autobiography.
General McArthur was the commander of Korean War. U.S military's role in this war was similar with its role in Vietnam war, to help its Southern government to fight against its Northern Communist government. Why U.S. military was enemy like to almost every Vietnamese whenever Vietnam war was mentioned while Korean's Southern government was understood as Korean's Northerners fought against whenever Korean war was discussed.
In that book, it says General McArthur always took military actions together with Korean Southern Military which sometimes comprised results.
My puzzle about Vietnam on this was answered in January of 2004's conference that there were some reasons that U.S military often had to take actions alone in Vietnam.
I said "This was possibly the reason all these actions by U.S military alone were understood as invasion."
I said if you look into China's WWII history of its Japanese-Chinese War, you would get it that not just people in Vietnam Northern Military's uniform but every single Vietnamese would fight against U.S.military if understood as invasion. U.S. military did not get this was the reason cause U.S. military in big trouble in Vietnam.
----Oct. 10th, 2017
Heard this morning's confronts of "I had worked since 1984."
My response: What that means? Is that female a strategist or a computer programmer? I heard she is a English speaking diplomat.
I was not graduated from a Military college, I was recruited a 3-Stars U. S. Military strategist because of my understanding of Japanese Military's outstanding performance in World War II. I am the first one convinced world wide Military strategists to research on Japanese Military's performance in World War II. I am the first person to say that taking action alone caused confusion of invasion was the reason of U.S military's troubles in Vietnam wars.
Why "worked since 1984" is enough for her to confront to say if I knew Martial Arts Strategy? In China, everyone can speak Chinese but there is still college education needed to have a Chinese speaking computer programmer or a Chinese speaking martial art strategist. English speaking or Chinese speaking alone is not enough to evaluate computer knowledge or martial art strategy.
I had this nightmare like freaking out experience when I was confronted by English major college gradates that BioGate was impossibly my work. I did BioGate project in Janus Associates' office with everyone fully aware of my progress and my frustrations during the process. I am the first person done Microsoft Window's Login replacement that way in entire world. If I was not the person, then who?
There were nothing other than "BioGate was just not yours, so shut up" in English, I could not imagine what cause the statement and no further clue for me to find out what cause the confusion. This "Shut up, Shut up" only by fluent English speaking only ESL group made me can do nothing but screamed.
*ESL: Language as Second Language.
----Oct. 10th, 2017
Heard the fought between a Mrs. Rockefeller and me in July 1st of 2004 conference caused a lot of confusion.
My response: The fought was because that Mrs. Rockefeller was a micro chip producer company's administrative personnel. Her objection was toward not-stable-enough micro hardware could not be rushed to go market. I raised my voice, together with the other two computer person, when she did not get what we mean by "we work with you".
It means: We are the computer person who use those micro-hardware, we are the signal-catchers of those micro-hardware as its consumer users, we certainly can help to stable those micro-hardware by telling the producing company she works for that where we having problems as signal-catchers to help her company to find out why it was not stable.
----Oct. 10th, 2017
我曾经读过一篇文章谈到日本进入第二次世界大战不是出于日本军队的鹰派主站雄心,而是因为日本军队的将领们没能成功的向日本政府说明日本不需要打仗。那篇文章里提到了就是因为这些辩论,日本军队面临的局面是他们要么证明日本军人是日本的骄傲,要么干脆自杀谢罪算了。这是造成日本军界空前跨军种的“联合起来我们一起面对”。(*注释:准确点说吧,不是什么“日本军队的将领们没能成功的向日本政府说明日本不需要打仗”, 而是军事才华在当时还没有包括语言类才华,当时的军人们都还没有接受过恰当的“辩论”用的语言训练。
1:珍珠港. 3000个飞行员没有一个是在从日本到夏威夷珍珠港的漫长飞行中途改变航向的,就没有一个是在没有有效监督的情况下改变航向的。战机只载有足够汽油以节省马达运力已完成长距离飞行,所以就是用所剩的汽油和战机作为攻击用的“炸弹的”。
2: 攻击珍珠港的飞行员是日本空军的空军飞行员,执行此项作战计划就是为了让日本的海军可以称霸海上。他们执行此计划完全没有任何保留。
3:日本在亚洲战场上的很多战争,日本军队都是如此执行作战计划, 日本海军苦战就是为了给日本陆军开道,日本空军不惜一切就是为了让日本海军可以保存实力,而日本的陆军更是勇往直前,无惧面对一切。所有这些战役都是不惜一切以达到作战目的。
5: 如果不是核弹,日本军队还有实力继续打仗而且是可以打上相当一段时间,这还一点都不难想像。
当我被英语专业毕业的那些人质疑电脑软件Bio Gate 根本不是我做的时候,就是这种噩梦般吓死人的经历。我做这个Bio Gate软件是在Janus Associates这个公司的办公室里完成的,那儿的每个人都是亲眼看见我的每一步成就以及我的每一个纠结。我是整个世界上第一个把微软公司的视窗登陆系统给彻底换掉的,说这软件不是我做的,那能是谁做的?
除了用英语说的”Bio Gate不是你的,闭嘴“就再也没有其他了,没有任何线索究竟什么原因造成了困扰。就是这些就只是会说ESL英语而已的人,也就只有一句一句用英语说的”闭嘴,闭嘴“再无其他内容的挑衅,让我除了尖叫怒吼还是尖叫怒吼。
*ESL: 英语是第二语言(外语).
10-08-2017 More About Lehman Brother's and CDC Valuable Papers(更多有关雷曼兄弟及CDC有价证券)
10-09-2017 Heard this morning's broadcasting is reporting style.
My response: I agree. I will stop updating my blog unless my explanations are needed.
My treatment progress well even with some enhanced harassment. This cancer can be treated fast enough, I am looking forward to be back to complete biological healthy before I know.
----Oct. 9th, 2017
Head this morning's confusion conversation,(中文附后)
My response: Ya.
Heard question about "why government would let Lehman Brother like that in a lawful U.S.A."
My response: CDC is the real reason and my financial lost is my own idea.
1: The "evil" investor I was trying to setup is myself. So it is my greatest idea to let this happen to myself. And I did have very good intention to "take care of " other possibly impacted parties in my smartest setup plan.
2: CDC is the real reason that Lehman Brother has financial turmoil. CDC basically is loans having higher interest rate. For example, if the base housing loan from Freddie Mac, is only 2% to its quota-ed financial institutes, normally, financial institute will add some service charge and to sell to another non-quota-ed financial institute at something like 3% interest rate or sell to the home buyer directly at higher home loan interest rate, the concern of this business is the risk of loans going default, so the buyer financial institute will sell loans they bought to home buyers directly or don't buy if the in-financial-institute loan interest rate is already at a certain level that raise the risk if home buyer can afford the loan interest rate to pay the loan off. CDC is the type of loan that "ignore" the risk evaluation if higher interest rate loans will go default. The CDC had been wide spread in 2004 already was the real reason of Lehman Brother's story.
3: The difference between regular home loan interest rate 8% to CDC's 15%-20% interest rate is the financial impact of CDC. My setup plan was to let Lehman Brothers' buy as much as these CDCs as possible to hold or to sell at non-CDC market interest rate (8% rate). The difference between Lehman Brother's bought-in high interest rate CDC papers and sold-off low interest rate non-CDC papers are my own "setup" of my own financial loss.
If some of you still have any CDC valuable papers bought from Lehman Brothers, the face price you bought should below interest rate 8% priced and you certainly can sell those valuable papers now if you haven't. (* current home loan is at 5% or so)
*Note: 8%, 15-20% are all example interest rate.
4:The featured three person in my smartest setup planing conversation, the pissed-off investor is the person taking good care of my inheritance, the complainer is the impacted by investor's family's investment choice, I am the ungrateful beneficiary of the investor's family's investment decision. So I heard that both investor and complainer love to watch number-sensitive-me to see the number of my own smartest setup.
5: I have no problem with Lehman Brothers' this name or this company with its management, both the investor and the complainer are fully aware of that for certain. Heard some confusion about recent rumors related to Lehman Brother's, I firmly believe both the investor and the complainer would take good care of the possibles if there is anything unusual.
----Oct. 8th, 2017
Heard Chinese Central Bank bough some CDCs from Lehman Brothers is one of the reason of the tone.
My response: I assume Chinese central government officials can evaluate if those CDCs bought are already profiting.
----Oct. 8th, 2017
我的回应:CDC 有价证劵是真正的原因,我自己的财务损失是我自己的主意。
10-07-2017 Why Chinese government insist on to state me being a fake ? (为什么中国政府坚持要把我说成是个假的?)
Heard this morning's union movie style radio program production(中文附后).
My response: Ya, I have not figure out when union movie need to have a crying scene. So I have not idea what this morning's story is about.
I said that is the tears from wolves.( I will update once I figured out the above puzzle). I just shit my annoyance now. Why are they crying for? Almost 4 years' since 2014, this shit me all over is for this morning's great moment of announcement? Why those "hard to have this achieved" people need to shed their fake tears? Who are the crying ones? * Heard they are government officials, union movie style, then I will be alright.
For those who are curious will I be able to survive if announcements are real? That is of course since I am being the independent female, not just financially.
----Oct. 7th, 2017
Why Chinese government insist on saying I am fake?
My response: Rumors I heard about are:
1: My inheritances and 20% service fee.
2: My $200 Million donation in 2004.
3*: The rumored y privileged private usage real estate property Lots in good locations that specially rewarded by Chinese government for me being the creator of 2008 Olympic Game Opening.
4*: The rumored reward from Chinese government regarding my contribution in China's development as you heard on the radio.
5: The rumored 1% tax incentive reward.
* rewarded before 2012 of this term Beijing administration。
My understanding of the possible logic:
If I can be announced fake, then my inheritances can be transferred to another name to earn service fee, and my donation can not be considered mine and can be requested to give to other people per "real owner" request.
If I can be announced fake, then my reward should be taken back to reward from Chinese government those who really deserve all.
----Oct. 7th, 2017
Heard 1989 is another major issue between me and this term Beijing Administration.
My response: Beijing Central Government has 1989 meeting record and I did hear the rumor that famous Beijing major's family insist on his portrait's copyright. I thought he was in the meeting during his work hours as Beijing major.
Heard that meeting was 1989 Chinese Steel trading style negotiating. I did not agree to pay to let Beijing Central government to govern students marching on the street. I did not agree to anything at all because I had no idea that was some negotiation requested to government officials and student movement-ers by someone who is neither government official nor student movement-ers.
Other than my security tape only have my "solo voice" instead of vivid meeting site recording, or harder to say I am fake if broadcast, I do not know why radio program do not produce this part of my life story.
* That negotiating somebody is just like "supermarket parking lot volunteer helper" who jump out from nowhere to help and to demand for helping fee. The same motive as well.
----Oct. 7th, 2017
我的回应: 好像是,但我还没弄清在工会电影里什么时候会需要一场哭戏来表达什么。所以我不是太清楚今天早上的故事讲的是什么。*工会电影是很有名的固定格式套路表演风格。
10-06-2017 Rape is a Crime in United States, Great Britain and People's Republic of China (强奸在美国,英国和中华人民共和国都是刑事犯罪行为)
Heard this morning's why Li Ruiying's grandchild can not have sex with a Charles Ford.(中文附后)
My response: Li Ruiying(CCTV新闻联播主播李瑞英)was once a famous News anchor of Chinese Central TV in 1970-1990 time. I did not know her grand daughter can be so unwanted, I do not know how ugly she could possible be. If the male is willing, why Chinese government need to make such threatening public demand?
The grandmother(李瑞英) was a beauty famous for never smile. Heard rumors that her marriage was not by her willingness because the mother in-law was a famous Beijing prostitutor before 1949. Heard this morning's argument was why her granddaughter has no privilege like her husband?
Because Rape is a Crime in United States, Great Britain and People's Republic of China.
Rape definition by Merriam-Webster dictionary: unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent — compare sexual assault, statutory rape. (Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rape)
Unwillingly sexual intercourse demand escorted by a foreign country's government's military firearms' threats, certainly means: "sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will "
On United States soil, in a United States company's owned recording studio, aired by a United States business owned public microphone, Yes, People's Republic of China is a foreign government even that is the country I came from.
It can not be defined as rape if sexual intercourse has not been carried out, so it is call Attempted Rape, its definition from USlegal.com is "An attempt to rape is recognized as a misdemeanor offense under the laws of the state[i]. Attempt to rape is also called a specific intent crime in law; it is an offense distinct from rape and assault with intent to rape[ii]." retrieved from https://rape.uslegal.com/attempt-to-rape/
Marriage freedom is United States' citizens legal right granted by United States Marriage Conduct. No male or female can be forced to have a sexual intercourse is also United States citizen's legal right granted by United States' Constitution, protected by United States Criminal Laws.
If a sexual intercourse is willing or unwilling is identified purely by sexual activity participants' willingness.
* There are over 100 Charles Ford in United States alone.
----Oct. 6th, 2017
Heard nowadays, Chinese government is the appreciated sexual intercourse partners Administration, United States government is the O'Connors' Administration. They are not government employees or government representatives but government itself.
And, the Rockefeller and the Ford are the names equal to the investor, they are the investors whenever and wherever if there is any Business or Investment, and they are the sole owner investor.
----Oct 6th, 2017
Heard this is military style dating service.
My response: U.S Military personnel are freedom fighters and their freedom of dating, sex or marriage are protected by U.S laws.
Dating Service, by Collin's dictionary, a service that provides introductions to people seeking a companion with similar interests.
Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment[4][5] either as money, goods, services, or some other benefit agreed upon by the transacting parties. Prostitution is sometimes described as commercial sex or hooking
(Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution)
Sex trafficking is composed of two aspects: sexual slavery and human trafficking.[1] These two aspects represent the supply and demand side of the sex trafficking industry, respectively. This exploitation is based on the interaction between the trafficker selling a victim (the individual being trafficked and sexually exploited) to customers to perform sexual services.[2]
(Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_trafficking)
----Oct. 6th, 2017
性交媾要是还没发生,就不是强奸而是”企图强奸“。法律相关网站对“企图强奸”的定义是:违反法律的犯罪行为。有强奸意愿及施暴企图强奸”。(*翻译不一定很准确 https://rape.uslegal.com/attempt-to-rape/)
(维基百科, https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%80%A7%E4%BA%A4%E6%98%93)
10-05-2017 Chinese Government's representatives' "BATHROOM" talk.(中国政府代表的“厕所”言论)
Heard this morning's featured Chinese Premiere's "Bathroom" power.
My response: Indeed, I can totally imagine how powerful that can be with his legally registered married true love Beijing native wife being his colleagues' shared public bathroom (by rumor). You can just feel that power from his public post titled strength-full voice shouting the "PUBLIC BATHROOM" on a public channel radio.
I have been complaining Chinese communities attacking and picking up on me being a woman since 2004, have been organized by Chinese Foreign Department. With this morning's tone from Chinese government, obviously, that is not incorrect accusation.
----Oct. 5th, 2017
Heard this morning's "on Min Fang's case".
My response: Exactly how many cases I have by whom? I have screaming about "volunteers" that representing me without authorization on any matters, now you heard these "volunteers voices" of governing. I leave this to my authorized attorneys.
----Oct. 5th, 2017
Heard this morning's "who is that penis" investigation from Chinese government's representatives.
My response: I am a U.S. citizen, why "who is that penis" is Chinese government's representatives investigation at all? Not to mention that is not the same person as stated "dated since 2007.." If he who father that Chinese female's child is already the richest in Canadian house, why harassing me?
In United States, a polygamist is never unheard of, a female polygamist heir from a long 2000 years polygamist family is never hard to imagine. There is a "customary marriage" in United States marriage conducts that include lawful polygamist marriage. As you heard on the radio, a polygamist marriage can be a lawful marriage in United States if eligible for this hard to qualify "customary marriage".
The fact that I am a female polygamist is not surprising to public, why my dating experience in 2004 as a polygamist is worth investigation?
----Oct. 5th, 2017
我的回应:我是美国公民,为什么是由中国政府代表进行这个“谁是那条睾具”的调查?更不用说那根本就不是同一个人, 就像你听到的是”从2007年开始.." 既然和那个中国女人生了个孩子的他已经是加拿大那家最富裕的,还要冲我吼我干嘛?
10-04-2017 Big Thanks to My Attorneys (非常感谢我的律师们)
Heard this morning's clearance of the Chinese orphan.
My response: Heard this morning Chinese government official stated I did not give birth to any child when I was in China is a true factual statement.
Finally public can hear decent Chinese government officials voice on the public channel. To check if there had been a child born by a college student housed in the college dorms is the easy investigation, if needed, for a government to conduct.
----Oct. 4th,2017
Heard this morning's argument about an "Chinese attorney representing Jessica".
My response: That was the fake attorney performed by an Chinese actress. In United States, attorney, a licensed attorney, cannot voluntarily to speak on my (Min Fang) behave while representing a Jessica. It is a crime defined by U.S. Criminal Laws if an licensed attorney dare to do so. The licensed attorney will lose attorney license and will be charged by general attorney's representing public welfare.
That fake attorney was evicted from this radio program's recording studio because this radio program, in its legal documentation, is a reality show that cannot be produced by scripts or performed by actors or actress. Why this is so hard and take so long to reach this understanding, I leave it to law investigators.
* "Reality show equivalent" has been noted reason of having good amount of stories featured the past.
----Oct. 4th, 2017
Heard the doubts about another Chinese female choked in studio also claimed an attorney.
My response: Heard, that is a real attorney.
Chinese community abroad certainly can imagine what is like when she was cornered to honesty tell her salary in public.
Big THANKS to my attorneys.
----Oct. 4th, 2017
Heard threats from "Chinese government" that if I dare to say this is my own inheritances.
My response: I do dare. I am stating now while I am typing this line: All those I inherited are my own private inheritances.
I am a U.S. citizen. My lawful rights and my lawful interests as U.S.citizen is sworn protection of U.S. government and U.S. military.
----Oct. 4th, 2017
10-03-2017 Being a Female Leader is Never Easy.(做一个女领导人不容易)
Heard this morning's talk about why radio program's shitting me all over(中文附后).
My response: Thanks to my attorneys to address the issue so clearly. That has been my fights all these time, left me a shrew and un-lady like public image. I joked that I was swearing all I knew, all I heard of, all I could imagine and all I could make up.
It is not easy to be a female leader, even being a heir to head my own long history house is not a public post. It is a shame to watch this organized different valued females to attack me being a female leader like what happened on the radio. I am a leader to my own inheritances.
The different value I referred means: these organized females attacking team believe in value of breasts power, believe in privileges from breasts enjoyed, what they attacked is "how could possibly a female can have any value without being a in-use-bathroom status"?
Why a female human being should be only having a value to be a bathroom to be recognized as value-able?
I have been attacked by some males trying to devoid my voice in my own inheritances as you already figured from what you heard on the radio, and I am being shitted all over by some females because I am being an independent woman.
I am who I was born into, I am who I educated up, I am who I hard worked earned. I am proud to be an independent woman, I am proud to introduce myself as who I am and I am proud I worked my way up instead of pants off paving way up.
* I inherited my grandfathers' entrusts in 2004 when I was capable to lead.
---- Oct. 3rd, 2017
Some said have I questioned should I inherit earlier.
My response: I never have any doubts that I was not ready to be a leader before 2004.
It is not easy to be a leader, it is not easy to lead good sized inheritances. In 2004 when I was 37, I was well adapted in United States, and I was at the stage that "everything finally comes together."
In 2004, I was capable enough to have the ability to have my own vision based on my own knowledge;
In 2004, I was independent enough to ask my own questions and to make my own decisions.
In 2004, I was experienced enough to acknowledge what I do know and what I do not.
In 2004, I was responsible enough to know to back off from my in-appropriates.
All these were needed for me to be a leader in my own inheritances.
----Oct. 3rd, 2017
Heard some hostile voices in Chinese communities.
My response: Some voices are just being ridiculous:
I was accused not being honest because I refused to reveal my inheritances' bank accounts numbers;
I was rumored impossible to have my inheritances because I was born in People's Republic of China;
I was attacked should not be my grandfathers' heir because I am a female.
I was mocked impossible to have achievements because of my current under-entrusting financial situation.
I was constantly threatened " I am ensured not going to (implied "get what I want or be who I am")".
I have to say to these hostile voices:
Your threats will be complained, your ineligibility to your public post will be complained, your discrimination against my birth, my race, my gender and my financial situation will be complained, even you are from the same birth place, same gender, same race and same financial situation.
To other hostile voices, I am listening, with my attorneys help, what are the issues.
----Oct. 3rd, 2017
Heard this morning's talk about $100 Millions.
My response: Demanding for money had been the complain I called Chinese Consulate New York in 2015.
According to radio program's public announcement, there is no Chinese Mrs. Rockefeller, so I advise this Chinese female and her related to stop self-introduce this title. If radio program's public announcement was incorrect, please file complain like I did, but please do not think I would let you take a penny of my money. I filed complain about that $100 Million already.
----Oct. 3rd, 2017
我会就你的威胁而投诉,我会就你不适合公职而投诉,就算你和我是同样的出生背景,同样的族裔背景,同样的性别背景,同样的财务背景, 我都会就你歧视我的出生背景,我的族裔背景,我的性别背景,我的财务背景而投诉。
10-02-2017 JP Morgan Chase and Janus Mutual Fund
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured a experienced web application programmer Julie Wong.
My response: Julie Wong was the developer I worked with when I was a QA contractor in JP Morgan Chase.
Heard the anger of felt being played from her "if I knew she was a fake" argument,
My response: who wouldn't, but I am no fake. I am the person what I was introduced in JP Morgan Chase.
Heard the doubts still in Julie that why I did not intend to prove I am indeed good by advising them on developing when they have issues.
My response: Entire time my given explanation was "This is the line no Quality Assurance personnel would across. I came from pharmaceutical industry where QA standards are laws, I knew this too well".
Let me explain this more: The Quality personnel's job is to inspect on developer's work, not performance but production quality, similar to auditor's role to accountant in finance management.
I worked for FDA equivalent in China in pharmaceutical industry that represent government supervision on industry's quality inspection. There had been too many confrontations I eye-witnessed when a fine was about to given. I learned this is the line never to cross.
My QA job is to improve software quality, I proved myself in JP Morgan Chase by being able to point out issues concerned software performance or customers financial security.
----Oct. 2nd, 2017
What could possibly happen if I advised developers when they have issues?
My response: I and the entire QA team can not give an answer when facing confrontations in a walk through meeting regarding the quality issue because the developers already did what I advised, why QA team need to criticize developers' work at all knowing it was pre-approved by QA already?
The common arguments a QA personnel would hear from developers in Quality issues walk through meeting if the QA indeed advised developers, all out of real angers:
"Why you say this is an issue now, it is you told me that do it this way would avoid issues?"
"Why you tell me this is an issue now after you OKed my idea 1 month ago? Why you tell us this is not OK now after we input so many work hours?
"We did exactly what you told us to do, why you are trying to tell everyone we are the ones screw things up now, not yourself??"
----Oct. 2nd, 2017
Heard Janus Mutual Fund also had a CEO dragged out story.
My response: I heard it was in July of 2010, in two weeks' time I happily announced I have my children born in Boston Common.
Heard it was over 100 people in uniform with same color like police's uniform. Heard the person answered CEO's request to call police also called a given number instead of 911. Heard CEO was halfway being dragged, halfway being escorted out onto the street.
Obviously I am being the investor was not impacted by this horrible story. This is the investment from my beauty grandmother and her husband's (my grandfather Li, Longji 李隆基) entrust I inherited.
Heard this victim CEO is currently the CEO to the fund I call Lion King Fund, the same fund that publicly know as O'Connors' confusion. I am speculating that he was a victim maybe because his last name means huge impact to the children I happily announced.
----Oct. 2nd, 2017
10-01-2017 This morning's SO DISGUSTING talk (今天早上的“真是恶心”言论)
Heard this morning's disgusting talk(中文附后).
09-30-2017 What is BMS education (Basic Medical System)
Heard the voice why I "disabled comment functions on their social media channels"?
My response: The contact information is more useful for confrontation purpose in a country has lawful Freedom of Speech", no reason to hide under anonymous in comment. Why not try email address at the blog title area. This is not a political campaign blog, no reason to open comment to let to some express their hatred only comments.
----Sept 30th, 2017
Heard this morning's doubt about medical education or BMS education.
My response: BMS stands for Basic Medical System (基础医学教育).
As this morning's Healthcare Administrative personnel said, a pharmacology major graduated has a resume with BMS listed should means certain years education in medicine.This is a true statement.
That precisely the reason a Medical College graduated recruiter would first check if this pharmacology major is provided by a Medical College that capable to provide BMS education.
If indeed this pharmacology major graduated was from a Medical College pharmacology, then the medical college graduated would ask for references about how BMS education was provided.
My reference about BMS:
"To everyone who graduated from Psychiatry course, We are all good mentally healthy because We all passed our Professionally Expertise Professors of Psychiatry's intense stare for the entire semester."
Pharmacology graduated from Fudan University Shanghai Medical College (name also used: Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai First Medical College).
Three years same professors, same textbooks, same lab facilities with Medicine major till Internal Medicine and Psychiatry. Radio program broadcasted several years ago that I was drawing somthing in a final exam, that drawing was one of the human brain's 7-slides from Neurotomy as part of Psychiatry course.
Cleared remembered: Internal Medicine and Psychology, same classroom education. 100 medicine major (3rd year or 4th year) , 50 pharmacology major (5th year, senior year). Different shifts of clinical classes for both courses).
----Sept 30th, 2017
Why this morning's person saying this is a scandal to claim I have BMS education.
My speculation: This person was introduced as "Healthcare Person In Administration" on the radio program.
According to the rule of word-by-word-according-to-dictionary.
Healthcare Industry: can not be assumed it means hospital, clinics, medical college related.
By definition, Healthcare Industry includes: Health Insurance, Drug store, Pharmaceutical, and clinics or hospitals.
Administration can not be assumed means Administrative management.
By definition, Administration includes: Billing, Admission, Administrative employee, etc.
Healthcare Industry Administration: may only mean a billing personnel with a high school diploma who is an employee in a tiny drug store.
Not a medical college graduated may be the reason that this person does not know how to identify if I have any BMS education but to state it is a scandal for me to claim so.
----Sept 30th, 2017
Some remarks from this morning's broadcasting.
Why a medical college diploma can be doubted by a non-medical college graduated?
My response: Because that person was invited to doubt on a public radio just by not being medical college graduated.
Who can possibly invite someone who is not even medical college graduated to evaluate medical education?
My response: By those who agree in their private personal opinion but willing to practice using their job entitled power to state, that it is important to acknowledge "Privileged Pee-d Into" deserve to be respected in a public microphone room for "privileged pee into capable function", not just a private enclosed room.
What else could possibly the reason those people can be privileged to have a public channel's air time?
----Sept 30th, 2017
09-29-2017 I accuse this morning's lie about Lehman Brother's ownership is public robbery attempt(我指责今天早上有关雷曼兄弟控股的谈论根本是想公然抢劫)
Heard this morning's saying of somebody wedded me.(中文附后)
My response: I have not been a bride of any public wedding. There was a rumored mid-night dream like wedding before May of 2009, that was before I was "evicted" from the 151 Perkins street in Somerville, MA. Albert Gore was in marriage in 2009 with his late wife who passed away in 2010, and I was told that dream wedding's groom is the person I publicly acknowledged I have two children with, 151 Perkins street apartment was part of the house he had announced his on the radio. Heard he paid the price of buying but did not change the owner registry(Rumored registry owner was in Hong Kong) . I chose to be "evicted" to safely leave that house being escorted. I was a roommate to a three persons family, I had anxiety disorder and there were tons of issues I felt unsafe in that apartment. The "eviction order" was by Chinese landlord's complain of I refused to pay $430/month rent. I moved into $1800/month Motel 6 in Braintree, MA. Heard it was accused why he claimed that is his house, I say it is his house as long as he paid for it (rumored $200,000), does not matter he paid as rent or paid to buy, that is his house.
----Sept 29th, 2017
Heard this morning's Lehman Brother's talk.
My response: Lehman Brother is the investment of the 400 years old French Fund's that I inherited on June 30th of 2004.
My famous jump right in talk was on July 1st of 2004. The real reason of what happened to Lehman Brother was the CDC issue discussed about on July 1st of 2004.
I did not know that was my inheritance's investment and I did not have any issue at all with the Mister I calculated to let him loose money. I was famous for jump in and that was truly what happened. I did not know both side stories more than some entrusting issues. I am grateful to the advises from the person who had been through all the miserable, and I am grateful to the Mister, the great person, who had looked after my grandfather's entrust carefully.
I do not have any issue with Lehman Brother's name or Lehman Brother's management in 2004. I used administration this morning was to point out Albert Gore is not the U.S. president. Albert Gore is not the person who can say he had a mid-night wedding in 2009, and Albert Gore is not the person who can order Lehman Brother to file bankruptcy.
I did alert Law Enforcement about Lehman Brother's talk this morning.
----Sept 29th, 2017
Heard Lehman Brother's managers frustration over "doomed" feeling in turmoil time.
My response: The real reason is CDC issue was huge in depth and in scale. I mentioned in the meeting on July 1st of 2004 that CDC impressed me of Chinese 1980's steel-trading style.
The entrusting stories have been well known to a lot of people who know both parties, and to a lot of people who have been looking after my other grandfathers' entrusts. Both party in 2004's meeting were little when things happened and only impacted mother still alive in 2004. I figured out now that those painful stories may have something to do with it was either my inheritable's loss or that person's inheritable's loss, or that his inheritable may have some negative impacts on my inheritable, etc. Anyway, it may have something to do Mister's family was looking after my inheritable, and it may have related to investment on Lehman Brother's or somehow.
I said I was not the person knew anything but jump right in, it is a true statement. And maybe it is the best I jumped right in without knowing anything if you know how sensitive I am to the numbers. I was famous for that on July 1st of 2004 already in a story about $500 Million each in U.S. dollar seamlessly changed to ¥500 Million each in Chinese Yuan. (*My grandfather had two siblings, my father has 3 siblings and I have one younger brother, exchange rate is $1= ¥6-ish, and that -ish either to my younger brother or in his name to my grandmother's maiden brother's family because he had been their favorite when he was little).
----Sept 29th, 2017
Some said if I insist on being sensitive to numbers, the impacted party may make that number even bigger.
My response: I will constantly remind the impacted party I did not regret at all when I heard that is my investment.
----Sept 29th, 2017
About my screams this morning.
My response: I am so much calm now. I was even worse in the past whenever Albert Gore's name was mentioned. I was never the person afraid of him as possibly expected reaction of being rape victim.
It was rumored I was raped in my own self paid locked apartment, on my own bed and in my own sound sleep.
I was over 35 years old and I was not in any hurry to have a marriage or to consider producing a child before getting married.
This rumored rape was never organized or arranged by anyone from looking-after-me group but was not stopped by this group either. There has been only one female in this looking-after-me group and she is the only one feels the pain that made me in tears of being a female heir.
I have been well cared for after my famous "pregnancy mother" talk on July 1st of 2004.
----Sept 29th, 2017
我的回应:我还没有做过任何公开婚礼的新娘。有传言中的夜半我做梦时参与婚礼,但那是在2009年5月之前,在我被法庭要求从151 Perkins Street, Somerville这个地址迁出之前。阿尔伯特·高尔2009年时是有婚姻的,他当时婚姻里的妻子是2010才去世。而我当时被告知的这个“半夜梦中婚礼”的新郎官就是我公开承认的那两个孩子的父亲, 我住的151 Perkins的这个房子就是他在广播里宣布的他自己的地方。我有听说他付的是买房子的钱但房子从未过户(传言房契房东是在香港)。我当时是自己选择被法庭要求在法庭人员的伴随下安全离开。我当时是和一个三人家庭合住,有一堆的矛盾,我当时还有恐慌症。法庭搬迁令就是按照中国房东的要求开出,原因就是我拒付每月430美金的房租。我当时是搬入了位于波士顿近郊(Braintree, MA)每月1800美金的一家Motel 6旅馆。听说广播上有人指责他凭什么说那是他的房子,我回答就凭他有付钱(听说是20万美金),不管算租或者算买,都是他的地方。
09-28-2017 They are all west coast FBI agents
Heard this morning's FBI agent on my case angrily stated to arrest me if I continuing my rich saying.
My response: O, But I still have to continue my "I have money" saying. I already spent medical expense $400 Million per year and security expense $20 Million(?) per year since Christmas of 2014. Before that security expense was paid by other and medical expense was not this high.
Heard that is indeed a FBI agent on my case from district of my school on west coast. Heard the reason he said so was because he could not find any information on my inheritance tax. I am so sorry he is a west coaster who has not heard east coasters' grudging since June 30th of 2004.
Rumored it was an emergency meeting in the afternoon of June 30th, 2004 that immediately ended Connecticut State's AA type 5-year inheritance tax free policy started since 2000. AA type is grandparents-grandchild inheritance in Connecticut. Rumored the emergency policy change was effective on July 1st of 2004, my inheriting was effective on June 30th of 2004.
My inheritance funds did not pay any estate tax was because I was a foreign citizen inherited entrusted foreign wealth. All my grandfathers entrusts were wealth originally carried out from ancient China. People's Republic of China did not and still does not have estate or inheritance tax. I was not eligible to pay inheriting related tax other than being a Connecticut resident for 8 months on the day of June 30th, 2004. (*Before that was 3 months in Boston, MA, and 11 months out of New York city where I had lived since October of 1996.)
I became a CT resident since November 1st of 2003 was not specially arranged by entrusting attorneys but purely by my then job situation. I was obviously "on my way out" when I was asked to move back to Stamford, CT office from Boston, MA just after three months of relocation. I decided to move to an apartment right next door to the company to save my precious green card application.
----Sept 28th, 2017
Heard some people saying that is one time only $400 Million.
My response: That is only because $400 Million have been from three of my inheritance funds. I only have this much spending decided on my entrusting meeting (July 1st, 2004). And I have some very and very great grandfathers. This $1,200 Million are from three of them. I am very lucky that all my great grandfathers since 1200 years ago were not thrift on me, all not shabby.
All my other spending, like housing, clothing, etc. were decided by myself in my entrusting meeting to be provided by my own making of Intellectual income, those income are no comparison to my grandfathers' blessing but not shabby either. Radio program's income is already $3 Billion paid out by radio company, I just have not received it yet. Heard that check, titled in my name, is still on its trip of routing through different personnel's bank account.
----Sept 28th, 2017
Heard there were some female FBI agents on my case were emotional.
My response: Heard it was out of some superstitious may-be-bad-luck feeling influenced by what happened to me being a female. Heard they are all west coast FBI agents. They must have heard a lot of stories.
I did hear some rumors about how I am being cursed and how there are witchcraft involved. I am not worry about that a bit because I am an heir of a 2000 years old house and I am the only birthmark girl in 2500 years in my family. My Ingonyama title is already 1000 years old. I am Simba's heir.
----Sept 28th, 2017
09-27-2017 I am grateful to Bai, Juyi's poem's Truthful Recording (我永远感激白居易《长恨歌》的真实记录)
Heard this morning's featured Chinese ancient poet Bai, Juyi's poem is the true record about the storied family.(中文附后)
My response: I agree.
The full poem is not about how glory and proud to have a beauty, or being a beauty, married into a big family to a prominent husband, but a cherish to have a beauty daughter or a beauty wife as a family member. The poem is about a family that has a beautiful wife had this story.
To me, as the heir child from this storied couple, the story let me feel that tone of having this daughter would be so good, having this daughter would be so satisfying to the family, having this girl would be so thrilling, not because of the chance to attach to a big family but having this girl.
This understanding brought tears into my eyes, I knew I am cherished even before I was born.
This is the poem, like last piece of puzzle, answered my curiosity about my Empress grandmother's (武则天) stories in history. Those stories about how she so longing for a man to be in her Imperial court as her mate, to be in her bed chamber over night, to be on her bed with her every night and to be in her body whenever she desired. All these stories left her notorious name of being slutty.
My curiosity was how this was fully supported by her only child who is her husband's heir son, and this child's Imperial court's entire administration. The poem's storied couple were her only child's heir son with the mother of the next generation heir.
In this poem, this heir grandson's poet friend,(白居易) truthfully recorded how the family had fought to enable me to have an Imperial marriage as a female I born into, to enable me to be a happily married wife as a female to my own man, to enable me to have a dear family as a female to mother my own children, because I am the heir girl they all so cherished.
I am grateful to Bai, Juyi forever.
----Sept 27th, 2017
Some said I do not even look pretty, why I was introduced pretty.
My response: I was pretty and I am on my way back to healthy who I am to be what I old self including my appearance.
I was introduced as a beauty in 1989's tele-conference meeting. It was a known joke then already to a lot of meeting participants having video images accessibility.
I was in my simple white shirt, simple student pony tails, my simple rough student's skin tone and etc. And plus I resemble my ancient Emperor grandfather Li, Shimin, almost to the exact in that dorm at broad day light, just not that manly. I was the "introduced beauty" did not look so pretty at all no matter how those participants try to imagine.
There was some situation in that meeting no one can deny there may be some super nature mysterious. I knew nothing about my family history because my father knew nothing. My father knew that one of our grandmother was a beauty who went to a religious retreat place for three years before she married to our ancient grandfather. He never told me this but this was the piece I reacted when I was telling my family story in the meeting. I did not know if I heard of or read this story some where, but I was telling the story fluently. The conference was Chinese nation wide colleges conference meeting and story I was telling excited a lot of historian professors. The story matched an ancient book that was discovered in an ancient tomb 10 years before the meeting in 1989. The book was never published to public and the story I told explained what that book recorded was about. My family and I never had any access to that book was a true statement easily verified.
My own understanding of me being a "introduced beauty" is: that was out of my grandfathers proud to have me, especially the poem's recorded grandfather who knew I am secretly, when lights is right, after his beauty wife to the exact. I am the only girl who carry my grandfathers' birthmark in 2500 years time. Ya, I am a beauty in their eyes even I am in my current appearance.
----Sept 27th, 2017
Heard this morning also featured mimic talents that so alarmingly resemble the mimicking source person.
My response: I heard this morning featured was mimicked by a talented female.
I also heard rumors that David Petraeus often call my school to say he has nothing to do with me.
I am an online MBA student to a college across U.S continent, east coast resident online student of a west coast college, and I am on student loan that is not associated with his name at all. I do not think he has any reason to do so and I do not know if that is somebody mimicking.
----Sept 27th, 2017
我作为诗中这一对夫妻的继承人,这故事让我感受到的是这么一种情怀: 有这么一个女儿就真是很好,有这么一个女儿就是这个家庭的圆满,能有这个女儿就太开心了,不是因为有这个女儿将来可以嫁入豪门,而是因为有了这个女儿可以承欢漆下。
这首诗,就想解开一个迷团的最后线索,让我明白了我的武则天奶奶的那些历史故事。那些有关武则天是如何向往有一个男人可以在她自己的宫廷里以她男人的身份出现,可以在她自己的寝宫里过夜,可以在她自己的床上每夜留恋, 可以在她需要的时候随时和她行房。就是这些故事让我奶奶武则天成了历史上有名的淫荡女子。
我的不解好奇就是为什么她能得到她自己独生孩子,也就是她丈夫继承人儿子的全力支持, 也得到她儿子的宫廷全体官员的全力支持。这首诗里的夫妻就是武则天独生孩子的继承人儿子及下一代继承人的母亲。
我当时是穿着一件简单的白衬衫,学生打扮随便帮了一根牛皮筋的低低的独辫子,学生气息不加修饰的皮肤质地。这些再加上大白天的日光下,我的长相是和我爷爷唐太宗李世民一摸一样的,就只是没有男人的气势而已。这些人看着我这个“被价绍的美女”, 就是无论如何无法想象我是怎么个美丽极了。
09-26-2017 Trash Collector are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trash to cherish
Heard this morning's broadcasting saying "I was too pretty" to be disgusted by those experienced truth.
My response: Because they are the ones who chose to marry to trashes.
Trash Collectors are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trashes to cherish.
Ya, what else would you expect that can be said from and by smelly disgusting lowest-cast trash-cans-upper class only.
Some said other than Chinese Premiere Li(ttle) only, or if this include British Prince William?
I do not know if a British Prince is this trash can being so disgusting lowest to stand out, but I won't hesitate to speak up for myself if so, and I would only curious why the British Prince need to make this dramatic disgusting move just to be noticed if this British Prince William is not a Attention Deficiency Disorder patient (ADD patient).
(*I post it early last night, and I re-post here in case somebody did not read it last night)
Heard this morning's talk about American Hero Jessica Lynch
My response: Why would I care who father her daughter Dakota, I respect her for who she is.
----Sept 26th, 2017
Heard rumors about Jessica Lynch's financial providing.
My response: Heard the 80-acres home is the reason of a lot of rumors that Jessica Lynch is provided by my money from my inheritance fund that represented by Pejoves family.
I do not know if this is true and I do not know if that 80-acres is an investment that she rented.
Of course, I am not the person providing for her and I am not willing to provide for her.
Heard she is suppose to be my own biological children's foster care provider, I have to say this rumor is ridiculous. She has her own child to take care and her profession is not a nanny.
----Sept 26th, 2017
Heard some people kept using Jessica Lynch's complains about her own financial situations.
My response: Her complains about her financial things are not uncommon. I do not know why that became the reason her name was mentioned as if she is racketeering. She, of course, deserves to have money according to those who have concerns about her complains, and the United States also deserve to be a lawful country for us U.S. citizen are all we deserve as well.
----Sept 26th, 2017
Heard about who father Tina O'Connor's child was featured this morning as well.
My response: From rumors that I heard, the published little girl on the radio program as Ford House child, was indeed fathered by a Mr. Charles Ford, an attorney she has been buddy with since college.
----Sept 26th, 2017
Heard IheartMedia's CEO's wife is a close cousin to the promoted "father's sexually escorted is the son's sworn lifelong sexual attraction privileged".
My response: If so, that is indeed, no wonder such huge promotion of "father's sexually escorted ex-girlfriend is the so privileged one to mother son's son" from everyone who cares about this family so much. Indeed, no wonder this radio program is supporting all these women are merely "bathroom only value" and "pig capable reproduce-able only value" marketing campaign as capital huge Freedom of Speech, ==>Completely no secret at all in this family is the free-dom promoted by speeches on the radio from the I-Heart-Media.
----Sept 26th, 2017
09-25-2017 Radio program's Horrifying Insides
Trash Collector are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trash to cherish
Heard this morning's broadcasting saying "I was too pretty" to be disgusted by those experienced truth.
My response: Because they are the ones who chose to marry to trashes.
Trash Collectors are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trashes to cherish.
Ya, what else would you expect that can be said from and by smelly disgusting lowest-cast trash-cans-upper class only.
Trash Collector are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trash to cherish
Heard this morning's broadcasting saying "I was too pretty" to be disgusted by those experienced truth.
My response: Because they are the ones who chose to marry to trashes.
Trash Collectors are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trashes to cherish.
Ya, what else would you expect that can be said from and by smelly disgusting lowest-cast trash-cans-upper class only.
Some said other than Chinese Premiere Li(ttle) only, or if this include British Prince William?
I do not know if a British Prince is this trash can being so disgusting lowest to stand out, but I won't hesitate to speak up for myself if so, and I would only curious why the British Prince need to make this dramatic disgusting move just to be noticed if this British Prince William is not a Attention Deficiency Disorder patient.
Heard this morning's announcement this radio program going back to reality show style reporting stories.
My response: YES. YES. YES.
As announced, this radio program has been in a lot of ways "produced to perform robbery". If you have read this blog which recorded with time line, you will know this is not a joke at all.
----Sept 25th, 2017
Heard this radio program performing effort never intended to catch me.
My response: I do not know about that. I just knew my wealth has been denied of my ownership and my spending as owner was challenged for real, I just knew my wealth has been being demanded of "deserved ownership" of spending money as owner for real. (*Money either truly spent already or truly transferred under other's name, refused to transfer back and spendable).
I was announced a beggar and any place that has dealing with me being requested to "treat me as a beggar because it is truly so", all for real by this radio program and never presentation purpose only.
----Sept 25th, 2017
Heard Chinese team since 2015 try to argue to be included in today's announced reporting style radio producing.
My response: That is horrifying request.
This is the same Chinese producing group called Los Angelou's Chinese community to report on the radio that I was a U.S. fugitive already last year. This fake "fugitive" news, by rumor, was officially broadcasted on Chinese Central radio station as news report in "Central Radio's Daily Morning News Simulcast" Broadcasting(中央人民广播电台的新闻联播). (*I am a Massachusetts resident since 2004, before that were NY and CT since 1996).
This is the group made me screamed about pre-marriage child that grown up in Orphanage. Heard this has been propagandizing by O'Connors family (Tina O'Connor and her gang) among a lot of business places to belittle my children by stating Tina O'Connor shit me all over on the radio is based on I lied about my dating history. Tina O'Connor,as a Foreign Department employee, knew for sure that before 2004, at least, it is impossible to pregnant with a child during college time by Chinese college policy on pregnancy.
I am still having my virgin belly and I do have OB/GYN medical records since 2000 when I started to have health insurance. That orphan, by rumor, was born in April of 1990, that was three months before I graduated from college. Entire college time I had lived in a 7-8 person a room dorm and that child supposed to be born when I was sleeping on a upper bunker bed with 7 other people in the same room plus Chinese policy of "pregnancy means immediately fired from college education permanently upon discovery" and plus I was in a medical school.
And in order to make this shit, my college education in China was denounced on the radio program by Chinese government privileged employee or equivalent stating no such college name exists anymore. It was due to college's name change was never explained and never intended to be explained by specially grouped Chinese producing team.
Horrible, horrible Tina O'Connor and her O'Connors gang. Horrible, horrible this term's Chinese Government Administration.
----Sept 25th, 2017
Heard some argument on anger regarding my Major Featured Person fee income from radio program.
My response:This is possibly the reason of my $3 Billion radio company's paid out major feature person fee (till end of 2012) paycheck was deposited into someone else's name.
The anger is:
A writer's fiction's or autobiography's copyright income has no such major featured person fee at all even the original story based upon is recognizable.
The difference between this radio program's producing and a writer's copyright.
Not only because my audio materials were provided by my security tape record, and also because producing team did not need to work on digging out the story about me to know if there are some stories interesting enough to write about. My audio materials have been provided "pre-filtered already" according to radio program's producing team's producing structure and schedule. It was decided this way in July 1st of 2004's meeting. The value recognition of this share of work is also ruled by U.S. laws and paid already.
----Sept 25th, 2017
09-24-2017 David Petraeus' Bathroom Talk
Heard this morning it was David Petraeus initiated saying of "Bathroom".
My response: It was me said that Jessica, announced wife and mother of David Petraeus' children, must be the Chinese bathroom as he referring since that Jessica is what he has been using all this time, must have been.
Rumored Jessica, announced mother of David Petraeus' children, is his so spoiled that can be whoever she want to be. She is the Japanese Jesuka and several other Jessica-s on the radio. It can only be this Jessica that this David Petraeus can be so comfortably using and calling publicly as bathroom only. From the impression of the radio program this Jessica has participated producing since mid 2013 that has mainly featured the theme how a woman is just a man's bathroom only since 2015 time, it must be this Jessica's own understanding of who herself is as a female, merely just something can be fucked as to pee in a bathroom and to reproduce as a pig like herself , other wise just no value but to be shitted upon by privilege bathrooms in use like herself. Well, as long as she is announced a spoiled and publicly acknowledged as bathroom only but still in use and a pig like reproduce-able, she seems almighty powerful happy and proud that is all she is and proud of been supported as her pig function and bathroom in use status.
I refused and I am refusing to be shitted just because I am currently in glass house cancer health situation of being living alone. And this is the reason I have been shitted all over as unwanted disgusting.
----Sept 24th, 2017
Heard this revenge for what I said on a Boston street about Holy Petraeus.
My response: And this revenge is after he has been fully supported this Jessica hijacked radio program to shit me all over for past 2 and half years since November of 2015.
And that Boston street swearing was triggered by some harassment in 2010 or 2011 which was after this Holly Petraeus's maiden father side cousins, rumored, deposited my intellectual income checks since 2007.
I had constantly calling law enforcement's help about this radio program and also for my intellectual income checks rumors.
----Sept 24th, 2017
09-23-2017 Freedom of Speech vs Announcements Legitimacy
Heard this morning's announcement from a Chinese actor regarding my money.
My response: The announcement was"Chinese woman Min Fang (方敏)will be prosecuted if she dare to claim that two French Funds." I was like "Why would that happen when I claim my lawful money?"
----Sept 23rd, 2017
Heard this morning's announcements about overseeing producing of this radio program.
My response: That has been my complain and the reason I said public channel has been abducted like by this radio program.
After I filed so many complains about how this radio program being produced under that Jessica's actually (illegal) supervision, why this radio company's CEO can hire her to let her "lawfully" continue supervise this radio program, how this "lawful" hiring can make all this complains about producing this radio program otherwise?
My understanding, United States lawful freedom of speech can only be ensured free and lawful when being supervised lawfully and professionally.
I have the similar anger about those deserved frustration regarding my inherited money. You do not hear a lot deserved from doubts if my grandfathers wills are clear, all you can hear is deserved by "fucked by" experience. All demands are from being directly or indirectly fucked by a man who got nothing to do with me or from that nothing-to-do-with-me man himself. Hard to believe any rich people would support these demands knowing a lot of them do have a member on themselves to be easily confused than me on if there are sexual experiences. I am only being a female Massachusetts resident.
* I am lucky that all wills written by my grandfathers are all very clear and family heir birthmark's inheriting rule is not easy to be confused.
----Sept 23rd, 2017
Heard some saying of "have to find out" on who told me that I own that two French Funds.
My response: You do not need to investigate on who told me so, because what matters is if I do own this two French funds. By laws, I do.
If you have difference on if I own this or that fund, you go file lawsuit in U.S justice court if that is your money I claimed.
If you concern that I mis-claimed someone else's money, you can leave the issue to that someone else who owns the money, or just inform law enforcement or that someone else if you know who that person is, or you can send me an email using the email address that you can have from the title section of this web blog.
If I receive your email, I will send one copy to FBI to tip law enforcement if this is from authentic sender, and I will publish your email and publish my answer or explanation on this web blog.
If you decide to file a lawsuit against me for any reason, you can call 1800 number that was published by radio program on May 16th, 2017. If you insist on sending me the court notice intend to take advantage of my current "financial" situation, I will send one copy to FBI, the law enforcement, with my personal letter saying that I expect my attorneys to take care of this if I do have attorneys.
**I handle some doubts about my claims on my published blog articles this way is out of my bad experiences of "not allowed" to say if I have inheritances by whoever willing to promote this radio program's illegal announcements of "how I (Min Fang) have no money".
----Sept 23rd, 2017
09-22-2017 More About Anger Regarding Intellectual Income (更多有关智慧产权的愤怒)
Heard this morning’s broadcasting of “I shoot you”.(智慧产权部分中文附后)
Somebody refuse to back off from stepping my toes, and I refuse to back off to privilege them so. Mark my words: This can't be resolved by expecting me to back off allowing my toes to be stepped all over.
Rumored "mother fucker's whore born" is designed to teach me a lesson dare to be so spoiled to fancy to be the mother of all his children.
I kept calling law enforcement's help and I am not hesitate at all to request my attorneys to take legal actions against all these sick psycho like abusiveness.
Some kept saying Chinese government is the reason of all these steps all over me things. I am saying you are or you will be sued for being helping party to do so because I already heard United States government already publicly announced not afraid to face challenges to ensure United States is a lawful country.
09-21-2017 What About British Prince William's Aunt and Uncle?(英国威廉王子的叔叔阿姨是什么事?)
Heard some said if 2004's meetings were my inheriting meeting, why invited so many people to chat?
My response: So I don't need to come and leave in 5 minutes time.
First meeting was all about to verify my identity. And all it took was for my to answer the question "What is your name?", I answered: "Min Fang"; "Who is my father?", I answered: "Fang, Wenhai" (Wenhai Fang)"; "Who is your mother?", I answered: "Wang, Boxian (Boxian Wang) and was asked to provide evidence to prove. With my green card application attorney who was sitting right next to me answered the question "Do you have her identifications?" with "I have everything."
This only took 5 minutes and everyone feel it was not necessary for me to leave immediately, I assume, and there were tons of questions why I was constantly crying in office was the reason the January's meeting prolonged.
Other meeting's were the same. June 30th meting was for the announcement" Now we inform you, you inherited entrusts." July 1st's meeting was for me to say" I want to entrust my wealth to original entrusting group (pre-June 30th groups.)". All only took 5 minutes each, the most.
----Sept 21st, 2017
Heard Chinese government propaganda this idea that I am being a person with Brain Control is a shit only(中文附后).
09-20-2017 Why I am acknowledged an eligible in 2004 by the British Crown Prince
Heard this morning’s “she is not even eligible to clean your bathroom, you said that in 2007 already.”
09-19-2017 I still own it by Laws after so many announcements of "nothing to do"
Heard this morning's broadcasting with so many people announced "nothing do with you" on the radio program, why you still say this is your radio program.
My response: Why these people can be invited to this radio program knowing they have nothing to do with the major featured the person of this radio program?
This radio program was created in 2004 by my idea of telling my life story with my audio materials selected from my security tape.
This radio program has been featuring my life true stories since it went on air in 2005.
This radio program is my radio program as long as it is broadcasting.
There were some situations cause disturbance of this radio program's producing which prompt me kept calling law enforcement's help. But illegal activities can not change that fact I have been the major person ever since this radio program was in discussion on July 1st of 2004.
I have been being the major featured person has been the reason audiences have understood all those featured horrible stories were all part of my life stories. This has been the major reason I kept calling law enforcement's help.
I have expressed myself to authority that either this radio program is mine or shutdown. I also expressed myself that this radio program can only shut down after my name honor restored. This may caused all these non-sense stories kept being featured for the purpose "just to extend shit me hours". But if you listen, you do hear a lot of real problem being probed by this radio program. Ya, now you know I have been being honest when I say I am protected by laws.
----Sept 19th, 2017
Heard this was mentioned as similar situation of my inheritance.
My response: That is indeed true statement.
One good example is the fund cause O'Connors' confusion. This is the fund over $300 Billion in size currently without exaggerating. This fund was a small fund before its famous rail road case in early 1900 time but continuously growing since the rail road case.
The outline of why this American Fund is my inheritance:
My grandfather entrusted some money about 600-800 years ago.
This entrusted money setup a British Fund.
This British Fund setup this American Fund about 400 years ago.
British investments in America since its colony time have been acknowledged Lawful investments when America became United States.
This British Fund has been the registered parent fund that 100% owns this American Fund ever since this American Fund was setup.
This American Fund was never no-owner.
This American Fund, about 200 years ago, had hired an Attorney O'Connor, whose son was the proud first Senator O'Connor, to be this American Fund's representing attorney or its general counselor.
This first Senator O'Connor wrote a letter to eligible himself to run for Senator post.
This is the letter confused O'Connors ever since.
I inherited this British Fund together with all of its owned Child Funds on June 30th, 2004.
Outline of confusions about this fund:
There has been a British Law since 1900 or so that any entrust over 500 years old can be considered as no-owner.
---I expressed a couple of days' ago this does not mean this British Fund has to be a no-owner fund just like a missing person announced dead but still alive cannot be executed death according to missing person law.
There had been rumors that this British Fund had declared no-owner in 1901 or so.
----I am stating now that this British fund must have been lawfully owned by a parent fund that I inherited on June 30th, 2004 because I did inherited it on June 30th, 2004.
There had been rumors that this American Fund had declared independence around 1900 time.
----I just explained that this fund has been acknowledged lawfully owned Child Fund of its British parent Fund, as part of all British Investments acknowledged lawful investments in United States.
----Sept 19th, 2017
Tina O'Connor stated she own this American Fund by facts.
My response: This is a longer story how this happened.
Rumored there was a crazy incidence in 2014 or 2015 that resulted this American Fund's CEO was thrown out onto the street and not allowed to go back to his office. This incidence was followed by this American Fund has a new CEO in a week time and massively laid off staffs.
Rumored crazy incidence was: There were over 100 people in police uniforms swarmed into the this American Fund's office building. There were some patrol cars and hand-cuffs.
Obviously this American Fund's CEO and majority of its staff had no idea what was happening caused a lot of confusion. Rumored there were handcuffs in use to put situation under control.
Rumored some Chinese government officials were presented downstairs at lobby area during the incidence.
O'Connors declared ownership of this American Fund by facts since this CEO thrown-out event.
Rumored there was no 911 call had made on that day regarding this American Fund. Rumored both taking over party as well as CEO's Fund's staff party had called police. Rumored the staff answered CEO's request to call police had called a given local number, not 911.
Rumored some not-local police officers were there to help out shooting a movie. Heard incidence presented police uniforms include all kinds styles since 1960 times' police uniforms.
There had been only two Mr. O'Connors were General Counselor of this American Fund's Legal Department in this American Fund's history.
There has never an O'Connor being a CEO of this American Fund. This American Fund has been 100% owned by its British parent Fund entire time since this American Fund registered.
This American Fund's CEO threw out by any O'Connor is illegal and invalid.
O'Connors DO NOT OWN this American Fund.
I did tipped FBI these rumors I heard.
----Sept 19th, 2017
To make this CEO feel a little better:
Rumored CEO of this American Fund's British Brother Fund had similar experience in 2010 time.
Rumored the attorney who was presented in my inheriting meeting in 2004 had similar experience in 2015 time. (Rumored there was over 100 security-like people swarmed into the office building he worked for caused him threw out onto the street by a technology O'Connor's disliking him.)
I was grabbed and threw out of a Chinese super market in Boston(波士顿平价超市) by a security when I was trying to complain to a manager-like in 2015.
----Sept 19th, 2017
09-18-2017 Who owns "Blue Cross Blue Shield" name and more on similar-s (谁拥有蓝十字蓝盾这个名字及其他一些类似的)
You do not own my own hard making money, you do not own my own grandfathers entrusts that I inherited, you are not privileged to own U.S. or U.S. laws to make this your “charity”.
Heard a lot of radio program's shits thrown at me are for this same purpose.
I refuse those demands all completely. I have been calling law enforcement's help constantly and I am helped ever since I called.
----Sept 18th, 2017
Heard this morning’s message “Stay Calm”(中文附后).
09-16-2017 Cozy Marriage Family Life(舒适婚姻生活)
09-15-2017 Historical Issues and My Glorious Family History(历史上的过节以及我显赫的家世)
Heard this morning's British Royal's Historical Issue.(中文附后)
My response: This is a truly historically issue that well known before the young and handsome British Prince and I were born.
The issue started in eighteen century Queen Victoria time regarding East India Company's financier. British Prince's argument today was that it was by law in 1900 already that any entrust over 500 years old can be considered as no-owner fund.
My argument today was can be considered as no-owner does not mean it is no owner. By law, a missing person can be considered dead if missing over certain time, but that does not mean this person has to be dead if one day this person finally showed up.
I inherited all my grandfathers' entrusts according to their wills on June 30th 2004 and I re-entrusted my inherited wealth on July 1st of 2004 to original entrusting groups, aka before June 30th of 2004 groups, of attorneys and accountants.
British are known for taking care of historical issues very romantically since Queen Victoria time, I must be very unattractive to the young and handsome British Prince to be rejected after being mentioned.
----Sept 15th, 2017
Some O'Connors argument on my July 1st of 2004's entrust was never acknowledged by Attorney O'Connor.
My response: That is because Attorney O'Connor is not part of the original entrusting group that representing the entrusters (my grandfathers), aka before June 30th of 2004 groups, and Attorney O'Connor is not part of the entrusting group that representing the entruster (me) after I entrusted my wealth on July 1st of 2004.
There are several American funds are my inheritances because those funds were set up by my grandfathers' entrusts that I inherited.
Attorney O'Connor had been attorney representing three of my inherited funds' American child funds, but he is not entrusting attorney to any of my inheritances and he is not entrusting attorney of any of my inheritances' American child funds.
Attorney O'Connor, his attorney father and his attorney grandfathers had never been my grandfathers' entrusts' entrusting attorneys to represent my grandfathers. Attorney O'Connor was never my entrusting attorney to represent me.
07-14-2017 "It was announced so" is the answer to a lot of Why-s (“就是这样宣布的”其实就是很多疑问的答案)
Did not hear much about this morning's broadcasting.(中文附后)
My response:It is not because I cannot hear anymore. But the volume is much lower, number of "working XBox" is also dramatically reduced.
By the way, a lot of people freaked out by the published number which is, by rumor, a core number suppose to be kept during treatment till last phase of treatment. I say take it easy, use POS->E-Mo feature would ease your anxiety completely.
Being honest,I had experienced watching high definition video clip with my naked eyes shut tight, and I had once experience one ear listen to upstairs neighbor's TV show, the other ear stretched to my next door's neighbor's activities. I am currently still experience video clips projected in my sound sleep. A couple of month ago I was in need to report that I assumed I had a dream of mine own that night. This is how I have been harassed each day and each night. Especially after October of 2015 when "dry run of the radio program" has been produced this way.
If you are curious why someone make a phone call can really help to erect your little brother for a woman you are not interested, you may get your answer if you call to have a check. It works the same way as some of you have already tried to access that published number. It is just an different access number, and that is all.
If you call for critical treatment package, this all can be treated completely in matter of 1-3 hours in average.
After you heard what had been broadcasted on the radio and how it has been in reality, if you concerned about what will happen to your own marriage, being the mother of your own husband's child(ren), you better think about it immediately without any putting off delay. (**This has been promoting on the radio program for over two years and how it has been to push to make it become a reality is what you heard already. It already spread everywhere how to become that impossible woman to replace you in your husband life even that was never your own husband's interested woman. Do not delay but think it through if this is already a reality in your life, you may not in the situation that you can afford to put it off. It was never without support. The support you heard loudly announced on the radio by those prominent intended to prove how privileged they are and that is all).
----Sept 14th, 2017
Why I did not call or let my attorneys call to have critical treatment package if it is effective treatment.
My response: If you heard it was announced "Let little creature take over" on the radio in early 2016, now you know this is that announcement was about. I was full body infected by bacteria after some organized promotion of this announcement in reality. The critical treatment package was available later in that year.
My doctors and I were all not went panic when this happened.
----Sept 14th, 2017
Heard tons of similar rumored stories.
Why radio company or its board of directors can not rule these obviously harassment intended group out from public channel broadcasting?
Answer: Because it was announced so on the radio in 2013. The announcement was nobody can touch this radio program.
Why Mr. Albert Gore is the biggest investor of the radio company?
Answer: Because it was announced so on the radio in 2013 time and recently repeated with "He invested biggest shits in this radio company." (Rumored Albert Gore is the person organized all these shits throwing.)
Why my intellectual income's pay check titled in my name have to be sent to those who deposited into their own names?
Answer: Because it was announced on the radio so in 2014 time. The announcements were "She (Min Fang) does not deserve this money, it should go do xxx"
I constantly call law's help on all these rumors I heard.
----Sept 14, 2017
Heard the reason why Albert Gore is so privileged to shit all is because otherwise he would be handsomely provided for by being a semen provider.
My response: Why so many people in United States, where Child Protection is by law, would feel sorry for this person's failure of his obvious intention to create money anchor only pet child(ren)?
Honestly, why would any decent people would ever let this happen knowing he never intended to have anything beyond money had been fully expressed in July 1st of 2004 meeting already?
Why would any decent person would let this man or that man to have pregnancy-mother-born child(ren) knowing this man or that man already have a beloved child(ren) through naturally conceived pregnancy after July of 2004?
How could this "no money because of being not-allowed to abuse human reproduction" should be supported for this so-called "anger explosion"?
----Sept 14th, 2017
在你听过广播剧的一些播出内容后,在你得知真实生活中的一些事件后,作为你自己丈夫孩子的母亲,你要是很担心你自己的婚姻的话,赶紧想清楚,一分钟都别拖。(**This has been promoting on the radio program for over two years and how it has been to push to make it become a reality is what you heard already. It already spread everywhere how to become that impossible woman to replace you in your husband life even that was never your own husband's interested woman. Do not delay but think it through if this is already a reality in your life, you may not in the situation that you can afford to put it off. It was never without support. The support you heard loudly announced on the radio by those prominent intended to prove how privileged they are and that is all).
09-13-2017 The power of public channel ”announcements“ and Why Chinese government like so(由公共频道来“宣布”的权威和为什么中国政府如此处理)
Heard this morning's ”from Chinese government“.(中文附后)
My response: That is exactly what I have been accusing Chinese government about.
It all started in the doubts if I am my Chinese ancient Emperor (唐王李世民)grandfather's own birth heir. By rumor, the "confusion" of this is that there is currently a "heir" in China who has no blood association reference at all can trace back to my 1200 years ago's ancient grandfather but stamped in 1950 by People's Republic of China's government based on collected signatures in 1950 from a Chinese Liberation Army's regional company led by a Chinese general Wang, Zhen(王震).
Another confusion is if I do have achievements in computer technology. Some of current Chinese Central Political Committee members were in June 30th of 2004's meeting but not in the small chat room I was in that invented smartphone and none of them is from technology background. I got my master degree on Computer Science from a U.S. university in 1999.
The most confused is if I do have inheritances. This confusion caused a lot of anger from those Chinese government officials who attained 2004's meetings. Why I was sitting there talking to so many foreigners without consulting them first as a Chinese citizen would be expected, and who was behind all these "attempt to belittle" Chinese government by promoting me as such an important person. I have been accusing Chinese government completely ignore all the evidences that have been provided to them to know that I was important because those meetings were my inheriting meetings, I accused them went on trying to "give out" my inheritances to whoever want to claim the money.。
The first meeting in January of 2004 was to identify my blood authentication according to my grandfathers' entrusting documentations. June 30th of 2004 meeting was inheriting meeting, July 1st of 2004 was my re-entrusting meeting arranged on my request of entrusting-my-wealth-due-to-my-health-reason after I inherited all my grandfathers' entrusts on June 30th of 2004.
The huge problem is why Chinese government have handled it the way they did?
----Sept 13th, 2017.
Heard somebody curious about how this happened.
My response: It was a nightmare hunger game movie experience since 2014. I have been constantly calling law enforcement's help about this radio program since mid of 2015.
It all started with this radio program kept using announcement style to curse that I do not deserve any money by announcing in "matter of fact' tone that I won't have any money no matter what I have achieved from January of 2014 to October of 2015.
After that, was like everybody heard on the radio, is this radio program's "announcing" style to shit me allover by let those nothing-to-do-with-me-prominent saying I am a "fake, disgusting unwanted whore".
And that is not all. This radio program has promotion efforts to promote whatever have been announced on this radio program to be acknowledged as real truths in my reality life.
For example my inheritance fund that cause "O'Connors confusion". This American fund was set up by one of my 600-800 years' ago grandfather's entrust for 400 years already, the first ever Mr. O'Connor had been hired to be an representing attorney was about 200 years ago. In this 200 years time, no O'Connor can ever call to this fund's accounting department to demand any money, now this effort has been constantly because it was announced on the radio program as O'Connors deserved. Rumored his fund had massive staff change in its accounting department and its legal department in 2014 (major one) and in 2015. How I was doing in 2014 is not a secret at all to a lot of Bostonian.
And the promotion of this kind "devoid me by this radio program announcements" is on every front in everywhere that my life matters and matters to my life. Horrible, horrible experience.
I am protected by U.S. Laws.
----Sept 13th, 2017
这一切就是从怀疑我是否是我爷爷唐王李世民的亲生孙女开始的。根据传言,”困扰“是因为中国现在有一个没有任何血脉传承线索可以追溯到我那1200年前的古代爷爷, 却是由中华人民共和国政府在1950年时根据当时中国人民解放军将领王震于1950年所收集的其部下签名而盖章认可的“继承人”。
另一个困扰就是我是否确实有电脑科技上的成就。现任中共中央政治局常委有好几个都在2004年的几个会议上,但是都不在当时我所参与的智能手机发明的那个聊天会场, 也没有一个是科技背景出身。我是1999年由美国的一所大学电脑科学硕士学位毕业。
09-12-2017 All About Glass House Cancer and its Public Deck Harassment (都是脑控癌及其”大众可通联“相关的)
Heard this morning's talk of glass house cancer "open to public accessible decks"(中文附后).
My response: I am not the person concerned about this "threats of harassment" because of my glass house cancer.
If you are privileged to have access to treatment instrument, and if you have the privilege to treat yourself, you can try to clean the neck area (passage from trunk to head) as much as possible to speed up treatment effectively.
If you are a concerned public, you can prepare some money (credit card plus cash card) for that $50,000 deposit, in case you need, to call your veteran friend or Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance for the reference to request Critical Treatment Package for Brain Control. It is just a phone call away to make a reservation to know all it takes is an average 1-3 hours' treatment to be freed from this harassment anxiety. If you are not in immediate concern, you can have this peace of mind to know it is not scary at all if you already have that $50,000 deposit prepared and a number to call whenever you need if you need, and it can be in only a couple of hours time to be freed from your concern if you are concerned.
----Sept 12th, 2017
Heard some question about not all Blue Cross Blue Shield offices open to this insurance.
My response: This treatment is a remote Laser treatment. You can just call those offices that offer this insurance to request this remote treatment regardless of where you are.
----Sept 12th, 2017
Heard some question about why $50,000 deposit.
My response: Heard it is free medical check up if you call to treat. It is $1000 for medical checkup if you call to check and call back to treat. The $50,000 deposit for both case is because treatment won't stop once it started till entire critical treatment package covered items being treated. The average treatment normally cost about $10,000-$30,000 ($10,000/hour), but some severe situation may reach $50,000 to be treated.
----Sept 12th, 2017
Heard curiosities about how I am in this situation.
My response: Not bad. I currently live in famous college town Boston, MA where tons of colleges offer Bio-Medical Engineer related undergraduate or graduate program. There is always somebody knowledgeable enough to answer inquiries on this matter related curiosities as inquirers' own trusted.
----Sept 12th, 2017
Heard this morning's question about a Chinese male's doubt if there is any male available for a female in U.S.
My response: There are tons of American males who are still singles if my romance's so unwanted propaganda's result is what this married male or unwanted old bachelor's concerns that publicly expressed, regardless if this male is a Chinese or not.
I am wealthy enough to be eligible to be a well groomed fanciful American female to trouble anyone's anxiety over my romance opportunities, that is not to mention I am on my way of being my young healthy self already. I am just in waiting to have my own financial means to be well groomed. I admit I am not good at grooming myself.
This is the person I never even met in person, Possibly the confidence is from the wife or the girlfriend by knowing I am a female MA resident who is impossible not to fancy some female breasts. (* Massachusetts of United States is the first place ever in this whole world has a lawful marriage for two females. Please read the article how I was so confused before I realize it is all because I am a female Massachusetts' resident. This article is just one of my clarification efforts that I have published. Min Fang's clarification on August 5th, 2017 )
----Sept 12th, 2017
如果你是一个很担心的老百姓,你可以准备好一些现金(信用卡和现金卡),美金五万元的样子。这样的话,一旦你有需要就可以通过打电话给你的退伍军人朋友或者通过蓝十字蓝盾保险公司(Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance)所介绍的电话要求进行脑控癌的治疗。就只需要打一通电话就可以知道也就只是平均1-3个小时的治疗就可以免除这一份被骚扰的惊恐。如果你现在不是很担心,你也可以把这美金五万给准备好,一旦你需要就可以随时拨打电话要求治疗,也就是几个小时你就可以不再担心了。
我本人就有足够的属于我自己的经济实力可以把自己打扮成一个美美的,花枝招展的美国女人,真是不至于会为了自己是否有浪漫的机会而担心, 更不用说我现在是在逐步恢复成原先那个年轻健康的我。我不过是在等着用我自己的钱把我自己打扮得美美的。我承认我不是太会自己打扮自己。
这个人是个我见也没见过的, 可能那份自信是从他老婆或是女朋友那儿来的。他们大概是因为知道了我是一个居住在美国麻州的女性,就认定我没有可能不馋女人的奶子。(美国麻州是这个地球上第一个两个女人可以合法结婚的地方。请参阅这篇在我弄清一切就只因为我是麻州女性居民之前我有多困绕的博文,这还只是我的一些与此有关的说明博文中的一篇而已。方敏在2017年8月5日的声明 )
09-11-2017 All about my glass house cancer treatment (都是有关我脑控癌治疗的)
Heard this morning's talk about "Why Chinese government pay for her (Min Fang's?) medical treatment?"(中文附后)
My response: Exact the question everybody asked including myself. I do not know if that her mentioned this morning was referring me (Min Fang).
I know for sure Chinese government never paid my (Min Fang's) any medical treatment and Chinese government is not paying my (Min Fang's) any medical treatment now. I, Min Fang, do not need Chinese government pay for my any medical treatment. I, Min Fang, have been paying for my own medical treatment as decided on July 1st of 2004.
I, Min Fang, refuse to let anyone other than myself to pay for my glass house cancer treatment.
----Sept 11th, 2017
Heard rumors that Chinese government had once paid big money on my medical treatment.
My response: I heard the same or similar rumor.
The version I heard is Chinese government approved budget of several hundred millions or so to pay for my glass house treatment, and it was paid from Chinese military's budgeted funding. And I heard Chinese government also set the daily usage limit to $10, 000 a day.
I jumped up high about this $10,000 limit and called law enforcement's help. At the time I heard this limit rumor, $10,000 a day means less than an hour treatment a day, and it was much less. This rumor sound to me only implied that I was not allow to continue my treatment indirectly even I have my own money to afford further treatment.
In United States, if any hospital do this to any patient, it only means thorough investigation on murder for money attempt. This money may be patient's life insurance or patient's life time savings, or etc..
I heard it was cleared on the radio some time ago that this never happened.
----Sept 11th, 2017
Heard this morning's talk about how I was treated in my medical treatment.
My response: Tons of rumors that I was never shielded by this or that big powerful person cause me being a shits like in my glass house cancer medical treatment.
Actually, my treatment progress very well is a lot of people's envy. I did screamingly shit a lot constantly and made my name for it among my medical treatment providers. Just like I mentioned on my blog the other day, a lot of my shitty screaming complains had not being promptly responded is because of that confusingly mysterious determination to do whatever it takes to protect treatment providers' interests. (Please refer: English Literature Confusion and "Ridiculous Confusion")
If you in need of glass house cancer treatment, "Brain Control" is its medical situation's official term, Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance company is where to contact for the $5000 per month insurance plan that offer one treatment session a month. You can also contact Blue Cross Blue Shield for reference information in your local area on Critical Treatment Package treatment.
----Sept 11th, 2017
Heard Chinese communities saying of why I do not let people keep my money.
My response: Because that is my lawful privately owned money I am not willing to give out. I do as anyone in any lawful country would to call law enforcement's help to report larceny or robbery or money laundry activities, depend on the situation accordingly.
----Sept 11th, 2017
09-10-2017 Hunger game like radio program and Glass house cancer related Information (电影饥馑游戏似的广播剧以及脑控癌相关的信息)
Heard this morning's talk of my children(中文附后).
My response: I, Min Fang, strongly refuse to use my biological birth children to do the radio program to prove the point "their birth father has the lawful freedom to have a new marriage by "US government's support" if necessary, even if that is complete not their own birth father's own willingness to participate this just-to-prove-so-radio-show".
My own experience of being the major featured person of this radio program already make it very clear, with world wide audience as witness, that my own money is current under entrusting but fancied by a lot of "money deserved" put me into life this threatening hunger-game movie like radio program producing.
I, Min Fang, refuse to let my children who carry my blood to be in this situation to have this kind life threatening possibilities just because my wealth is their inheritable. I, Min Fang, now declare this pair of my own biological birth children cannot inherit any of my any money and/or any of my any money equivalent and/or my any inherited and/or anything that is mine if their father insist on to have a new marriage with this pair of children before I can unite with my biological children.
----Sept 10th, 2017
Heard this morning's talk about how Tina O'Connor can manipulate this or that person since the day she met this or that person.
My response: Well, I did hear the rumor if this Tina O'Connor is interested in somebody she met, she would offer a drink, rumored weird taste fluid, to the person with a saying "drink this, you are mine forever".
I also heard glass house cancer can be infected by this kind of weird taste fluid. If you have tasted this to be weird taste, well, it may truly means you are hers forever till you decide to call Blue Cross Blue Shield to check out if glass house cancer is the means she can manipulate you. I heard she offered this drink thing to everybody she had ever dated.
----Sept 10th, 2017
Heard public panic on rumors of this kind infection through seafood or any kind food.
My response: This kind thing, rumored sea creature possible bacteria, normally can not pass human digestion system's strong acid environment (you must heard of acid reflex which is caused by too much strong acid in a human's stomach). The only possible chance food can cause glass house cancer infection, as rumored, is you are being a target that certain arrangement has already made to specially transfer this kind of bacteria into your system before contaminated food reach into your body's digestion system. And if indeed you are being targeted, there are tons of ways to get you infected.
From what I know, own willingness to participate glass house cancer related research is a must has been the policy from research related institutes since the beginning of this glass house cancer research. Some said some related research is only "known to participate", what I heard is this "known to participate" is not applicable to general public.
If there are illegal activities for a lot of people need to call Blue Cross Blue Shield to buy insurance for medical treatment, I myself already tipped law enforcement those rumors I heard of.
----Sept 10th, 2017
Heard this morning mentioned my picture post.
My response: I have another one I took about 6-7 months ago for my school cohort team. That photo took me some to this "finally can be posted picture". I have to cover my head because it looks like gorilla's, and I have to find a good angle otherwise I look like a Chinese male Kongfu movie star Jackie Chen (成龙)。I had this mouth and chin areas like a big concrete captured in this one but bare-able photo.
I was very happy the other night I can do 4 photos easily, and I am happy my forehead is a human one now. It is only in 6-7 month time, and I knew currently medical treatment is accelerating vastly.
Here are the photos. Notice my nose shortened, my eyebrow area, my chin and my left side face are still need a lot of treatment. Now I have a humanly forehead now. My treatment started when I could only recognize my right eye's out corner is mine recognizable. I still remembered when I in need of taking a photo for my driver license, doctors had to help to ensure I can have a photo that can be recognized as a photo ID some time later.
Photo I took on September 8th, 2017

----Sept 10th, 2017
听说了今天早上谈话提到Tina O'Connor从认识这个那个人的那天开始就是可以摆布这个那个的。
我的回应:我是有听说如果这个Tina O'Connor对这个那个人有兴趣的话,她就会邀请这个那个人喝她所奉上的一杯尝起来怪怪的液体,同时说上一句“喝了这个,你就永远都是我的了。”
已经永远都是她的了,直到你联络Blue Cross Blue Shield要求做一下检查以确定是否脑控癌是她可以摆布你的原因。我是有听说她是有邀请每一个和她谈过恋爱的人喝下这么一种液体。
就我所知,必须本人自愿参与是脑控癌相关研究机构从一开始就有的政策。有人说一些脑控癌相关的研究是一种“知情参与”方式, 我听说的是这种“知情参与”方式不适用于普通老百姓。
至于是否有一些违法活动造成了很多人需要打电话给Blue Cross Blue Shield买保险进行治疗,我本人是已经把我所听说的一些传言举报给了警方。


09-09-2017 Obviously All-Out Radio Program(很明显的所有家当都用上了的广播剧)
Heard this morning's broadcasting impressed audience that I do not have anything in a big name company since its registered as a company(中文附后).
Heard public was so impressed how Tina O'Connor can have this authority influence on the him.
My response: She is an English Literature person and she may be helped by some actress or actors expertise on Shakespeare's to know how to belittle a person by just a couple of words expressed with the impressive tone and the impressive gesture to achieve the belittle impression that he is just a know-nothing junior that everyone should ignore whatever he says but listen to her corrections regarding his nonsense. If I haven't mention, I heard there are (if not were) a group of Shakespeare's specialized actresses and actors helping out radio program producing since November of 2015.
This can be further helped by using sound waves modifying technology to edit his original voice's data to impress audience the intended results. For example, through a 3-D sound waves editor computer software, a person's voice waves can be flattened in the third dimension to make the voice sound thinner as a front voice( similar to the difference between popular song or opera song), to flat or exemplify the 2nd dimension to high pitch or lower the tone of the voice, a timid voice can be produced from original polite only voice if adjusting all these waves' dimensions professionally,
If you have ever been a computer programmer, you know this is nothing at all effort from technology. This doe not even include those politic tricks that you have already heard from radio program broadcasting, like campaign accusation to blacken techniques, or endless nonsense talks to limit other party's argument time technique, etc., and all those various efforts I already have experienced or I have heard from those voluntarily participating radio program's promotion efforts in their own jobs.
----Sept 9th, 2017
Heard the effort now is "Do not Let me hear what featured on the radio today."
09-08-2017 English Literature Confusion & Ridiculous Confusion (英语文学的纠结和莫名其妙的纠结)
Heard this morning's broadcasting is teaching American people some English as this radio program has been.(中文附后)
My response: This has been an insiders' known issue for some time already.
I am a new immigrant in U.S for 8 years only in 2005 to have this radio program a huge success cause a lot of "how" agitation among American English Literature major graduated, non-immigrants (not first or second generation immigrants)) in U.S.
Last year I clarified on Boston 96.9 FM that radio program's success is my story plus authentic American producing team's great talents to have this radio program an Authentic American Radio Program, current radio program's producing has more than one American Harvard University English Literature Professors involved.
Tina O'Connor, who has huge personal issues with me, is a particularly "how" agitated English Literature major who insists on to participate producing this radio program has caused a lot of issues. Some of her English Literature majored O'Connor cousins who have their shared family wealth confusion are also participating this radio program's producing, you can certainly imagine how confused O'Connors are from your confusion as audience towards this radio program.
And this "English major" confusion also from Chinese "English as Foreign language major" producing team, my 8 years in U.S. as a resident and over 5 years full time job with oral and written English's daily practicing in American companies(both before 2005) seems does not count when considering my English language skills.
Heard this morning's episode is producing team's effort to showcase 1980 China's language style that you do not append what was said by you own assumption. What is said can only be understood as word by word by each word's dictionary definition.
The issue is the guideline of producing. The point of producing this radio program's featured theme is to prove I do not deserve to have any children, or to probe why these people's saying confused everyone.
----Sept 8th, 2017
Heard there is a lot of people start to share my anger of some ridiculous challenging.
My response: I have some experience to share with you to take some of these "ridiculous challenges" easily.
I am a known person who has been treated for my glass house cancer for two and half years. This two and half years treatment experience has been a rocky road till recently.
What made me screamed include: turn of treatment instrument during treatment, take away treatment laser needles and refuse to handover upon the boss's request, turn off entire building's electricity during treatment... The reason was these people did verified my medical treatment has been paid by my own money, and that was exactly the reason they were doing so.
I was constantly screaming, my attorneys were constantly complaining, everyone from treatment providers' were gossiping what could possibly be the reason for these real agitated real anger explosion towards knowing my treatment being paid by my own money has been verified by themselves through treatment providers' accounting departments checking with their own(law people).
They were asked by their boss why they did that, they answer with angrily shaking voice saying " She is paying by her own money, She can't be doing this to this place, I will do everything to stop this."
My treatment has been remote treatment, entire time I have been a resident somewhere remotely during my treatment, what could I possibly do to these treatment providers? This was asked by their boss. The answer their boss got was: "She is paying by her own money. Why don't you get this? Our budget is to treat our own patients, we can't let her being treated in this place, we have our owns to treat. I will do everything don't let her take advantage of this place." This answer is certainly more confusing.
One day, there was another pissed off group, this group's experience was: The boss kept saying "I told you not to do this", the once good employee kept replied with "OK, I am doing this right in front of you, OK?" every time.
When I heard this story, I said as an very calm outsider that I had this similar experience if you tell me turn right, I repeat with you by saying "OK, I am turning right" and actually I turned left. If you confront me why I turned left, I would answer you with "You told me to turn right, and I turned right, what is your problem?"
If you have similar experience, Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance offer "Brain Control" treatment insurance plan to check if "Brain Control" bio-medical health situation is the real reason of these kind "ridiculous challenging".
----Sept 8th, 2017
因为和我之间的私人矛盾, Tina O'Connor是一个特别纠结“怎么会”的英语文学专业的毕业生,她本人坚持要参与广播剧的制作是造成广播剧很多问题的原因。她还有一些O'Connor家的英语文学专业毕业的堂兄弟姐妹亲戚,他们和她有着同样纠结的“O'Connor家的困扰”也在参与这个广播剧的制作,从你们作为听众对广播剧播出内容的困扰,你们应该可以想象这份“O'Connor家的困扰”是什么样的一个纠结。
这份“英语专业”的困扰也是“英语作为外语专业的大学毕业生”中国大陆制作团队的困扰,2005年之前我在美国已经生活8年并且在美国人的公司(没有一个华人)全职上班用英语听说读写进行工作上的交流也已经不只5年的时间, 所有这些好像没有成为我英语能力应该会是什么程度的考量成分。
我对一些”挑衅根本就是莫名其妙“的愤怒, 很多人也有同样的感受。
总做周至,我的治疗都是远程治疗,治疗期间我是一直即每天都住在离治疗单位很远很远的外地。他们的老板就问他们:我能对这些治疗单位做些什么呀?他们给他们老板的回答是:“她是在用她自己的钱在支付治疗费用。你怎么就弄不明白? 我们的经费是用来治疗我们自己的常规门诊病人的,我们不能让她在这个治疗单位进行治疗,我们有我们自己的常规门诊病人需要(我们的经费)进行治疗。我会尽最大努力不让她占这个治疗单位的任何便宜。” 这个回答让听者更是莫名其妙。
有一天,我听说了这么一群人怒气冲天地经历:老板不停地说“你不要这么做”,曾今工作表现很好的员工就不停的回答:“好吧,我就在这里当你的面做,可以了吧?”, 每次如此。
如果你有类似的经历,你可以打听一下Blu Cross Blue Shield有提供针对“脑控癌”治疗的保险计划,有些这种莫名其妙的挑衅是否是因为“脑控癌”的生物医学状况造成。
09-07-2017 I only clarify on my related.(我只澄清和我有关的)
Heard this morning's tons of announcements.
My response: None of my business announcement other than I confirm none of my children that carry my blood will carry Ford name. True statement.
----Sept 7th, 2017
Rumored providing request to me to provide financial support to that person and that person's beloved, for the sake of children who also carry my blood.
My response: Impossible. Why would I do that, and why would I care a bit about that person or that person's beloved, after my children who carry my blood have been publicly trashed and myself being publicly expressed hatred towards. It is very ridiculous if that person ever fancy I would ever do that. I say so is for the sake of my own biological children who carry my own blood.
----Sept 7th, 2017
Heard rumored $40,000/month children care providing before today.
My response: This is the question why would that person willing to spend $40,000 a month on a pair of "pets like( to him)" children that he can throw out easily, with money making books to be published to explain the whole process of realization how this pair of "pet like (to him) " children truly deserve to be trashed publicly again and again and again, and that is after he decided to have this pair of "pet like (to him)" children by his own decision without my involvement. This is the question I would seek answer in the U.S. courtroom, and I am determined to do so.
----Sept 7th, 2017
Heard this morning's radio program said all announced David Petraeus' children are his own biological children by DNA test.
My response: None of my business announcement. None of the child or children announced as David Petraeus' children carry my blood to have any association with me. I do not have any biological child or biological children with David Petraeus, this is announced by Rockefellers I respect on the radio that I echo. Any implication of having a child or children contradicted with what announced by Rockefellers will be sued for all laws that applicable upon information validated. Any information is encouraged and reward of valid information will be demanded on informant's behave to be paid by those rumor spreaders.
----Sept 7th, 2017
Rumored there are two children in China claimed my children.
My response: They are made up rumored children for bilking purpose. I do not have any my own biological child or any my own biological children abducted by Chinese Government or by any Chinese citizen into People's Republic of China's territory land, territory sea or air space. I do not have any my own biological child or my own biological children are willingly in People's Republic of China's territory land, territory sea or air space. Any implication of having such child or such children will be sued for all laws that applicable upon information validated. Any information is encouraged and reward of valid information will be demanded on informant's behave to be paid by those rumor spreaders.
I do not have any my own biological child or my own biological children who is seeded by a Chinese race or a Chinese citizen. Any implication of having such child or such children will be sued for all laws that applicable upon information validated. Any information is encouraged and reward of valid information will be demanded on informant's behave to be paid by those rumor spreaders.
I do not have any my own biological child or any my own biological children is/are seeded by a Albert Gore or his relatives. Any implication of any child or any children to associate me with, this Albert Gore, who I have nothing to do with will be sued for all laws that applicable upon information validated. Any information is encouraged and reward of valid information will be demanded on informant's behave to be paid by those rumor spreaders.
----Sept 7th, 2017
Heard there are two 7 years old children, together with other children, denounced by Chinese Premiere Li reported by Chinese producing team.
My response: These two 7 years old are none of my business children. They do not carry my blood and they do not have any association with me. Any implication of having such child or such children associated with me will be sued for all laws that applicable upon information validated. Any information is encouraged and reward of valid information will be demanded on informant's behave to be paid by those rumor spreaders.
----Sept 7th, 2017
Heard this destroy me intention was expressed on July 1st of 2004 meeting by everyone.
My response: I now declare I determined to seek justice in courtrooms even then and there at the moment in that same teleconference meeting on July 1st of 2004.
----Sept 7th, 2017
我的回应:没有任何可能。我为什么要这么做啊? 我哪里会在乎那人及那人的所爱一丝一毫啊?特别是在那人又是公开把我的亲生孩子们当垃圾踩跺,又是公开表达对我的一腔仇恨之后。真是滑稽,那人以为他自己是谁啊。我这么说就是为了我自己亲生的孩子们。
听说了今天早上的广播说所有已经宣布的David Petraeus 的小孩都是有DNA鉴定证实是David Petraeus自己的亲生小孩。
我的回应: 这和我一点关系都没有的。我重复我所尊敬的洛克菲勒们在广播上所公开宣布:没有一个所宣布的David Petraeus 的亲生小孩承载我方敏的血液,David Petraeus的所有已宣布的小孩都和我方敏没有任何血缘承载关系。如果有任何谣言暗示说法与洛克菲勒家的声明相违背,一旦证实,会按所有适用法律起诉造谣者。欢迎提供信息,会代表提供信息者要求法庭判决造谣传谣者支付费用以鼓励提供信息。
我没有任何一个亲生小孩或亲生的孩子们是由一个叫Albert Gore 的下种或者由他的任何亲戚下种。我和这个Albert Gore一点关系都没有。如果有任何谣言暗示说我有由这个Albert Gore下种或者有他的任何亲戚下种的亲生小孩,一旦证实,会按所有适用法律起诉造谣者。欢迎提供信息,会代表提供信息者要求法庭判决造谣传谣者支付费用以鼓励提供信息。
09-06-2017 Why Chinese government need to fly 12 hours to be jealous of whom ?(为什么中国政府要飞12个小时来吃谁的醋?)
Heard this morning's indirect complain why I swear about none-of-my-business things(中文附后).
My response: I apologize.
I do apologize here for a lot of swears I directed to his relatives. I still have no idea about a lot of things, but I do appreciate the efforts of shielding my children.
I assumed I must be famous in Boston law enforcement how I insanely tried to go to New York City to ask British Consulate's help to get to London to reach to my "British Children" after I heard some rumors about how much they were disliked. I was stopped on a local highway by police officers when I was trying to ask for a ride.
----Sept 6th, 2017.
Heard some angers shared with me from reading my web blog.
My response: I appreciate those who share my feelings. I will continue my honest style about what I know or what I do not understand, and I promise I will correct my own saying if I made some wrong assumptions.
Example is Jessica, the accused one who took my $3 Billion radio company's paid out income. I still do not share her anger why she can't take my money, and I still do not get any idea why she is privileged to take my money. But I do give credit and respect to those who care about her feelings to find out what is the possible issue(s), those decent big names I respect who associate with her also aware I do have my own wealth. I did call law enforcement's help as I wrote on my web blog and I do understand it maybe very confusing.
----Sept 6th, 2017
Heard Chinese government's anger on possibility that I was financially incentived to accuse them as a government.
My response: I has not been financially incentived by anyone. I already filed my U.S.green card application as a computer programmer and I did not intend to apply for asylum immigration visa, I had no need and I did not intend to accuse Chinese government in anyway anyhow in January of 2004, there was some misunderstanding about my understanding of 8 years Chinese-Japanese war in WWII time.
I did comment if Chairman Mao (Mao, Zedong) and President Jiang (Jiang, Jieshi) could put off their ambitions about achieving their vision of China to join force to fight against Japan, it may not take China 8 years to win the war. People's Republic of China's government took this very badly.
When I talked about my understanding of WWII, I admired Japanese military's unprecedentedly united to every single war their Generals led that never ever happened in worldly history of wars, and I did my comment saying of China anti-Japan forces' lack of this caused 8 years of fighting. I used Chinese Civil war as example to say Chinese then leaders, Chairman Mao and President Jiang, both were very good at strategies was the reason I said lack of this "United to win" caused China took 8 years time to win the war.
I did accuse Chinese government "in the name of jealous to fly 12 hours away from the beloved marriage partner to come to U.S." to have this shit-me-all-over campaign, on the radio and on every aspects of my life through organized radio program's promotions, to destroy my life in United States. I did accuse Chinese government employees used Chinese government's name and resources to attempt to devoid me from my inheritances by insist on to propaganda I have no money. I did accuse financial gain is the reason of all these shit-me-all-over performances organized by Chinese government. Why O'Connors family, being a generational U.S. Senators family since almost 200 years ago, would need Chinese government's help on a U.S. fund's legal ownership? I accused Chinese government's employees' and their families intended financial gains motivated their performing "public robbery" that caused my current situation. It is calculated as 20% of the fund size as "helping to rename" service fee to donate to Chinese government as unexpected tax, in order to make 10% tax incentive from Chinese Un-projected tax income of this "20% of the fund size" as "their own hard-earned cleaning money", all these are suppose to be called public armed robbery and money-laundry, etc. criminal activities by U.S. laws. (Public channel broadcasted radio program is the fire-arm equivalent in use)
I have been fighting to protect my own money not to be publicly robbed, and I shitted Chinese government for Chinese government's help and support as a government on what I accused as "publicly rob my money campaign".
----Sept 6th, 2017
Heard there were some confusions caused some Chinese government's fine could not execute cause public anger among Chinese.
My response: Heard China did have some misunderstanding about government fine's calculation base upon.
A couple of years ago, I heard there were some rumored stories about some Chinese riches want to practice their lawful rights to spend their lawful money as they wish on "buying all bought-able crops and burn it all". I did participated rumored story-telling in my glass house cancer session by suggesting "only very very limited and very very expensive crops can be bought for this lawful buy-to-burn rights practicing with government arranged very very expensive fire safety assurance efforts", and I do support Chinese government's heavy fine on this kind of activities.
I heard the fine suggested is 95%. Based on my knowledge about U.S. government's common 200%-300% fine is based on the money actually spend on fined activities. So $1 Million on practicing this buy-to burn, as suggested by Chinese government, would mean 95% of this $1 Million as fine amount. I heard Chinese government's suggested 95% fines have been understood as 95% of entire wealth caused enormous angers from riches and Chinese government's unable to fine further caused public anger regarding this matter.
----Sept 6th, 2017
I was asked how I felt about what is going on cause my life.
My response: I felt all these challenges against U.S. laws are unusual because of all these campaign like movements. I felt if there is an opportunity, just an excuse actually to get my money, there would be some organized movements attempt to make a creek thing in U.S laws to have this opportunity; and if there is a creek in US Laws, the effort is to organize some movements to make this creek a big opening. I am currently obviously relaxed a lot because I am protected by U.S.laws.
----Sept 6th, 2017
我确实指责了中国政府“以吃醋为名,和挚爱的婚姻伴侣分开,飞了12个小时到美国来闹吃醋”来进行这场向我泼屎扔粪的活动,通过广播剧,通过推销广播剧从我生活的各个方面进行骚扰以达到摧毁我在美国(与他们完全无关的)的生活之目的。我确实指责了中国政府一些工作人员利用中国政府名义和中国政府资源企图通过坚持到处宣传我没钱来“做空”我的私人财产,我确实指责企图谋取财产是中国政府组织这场向我扔屎泼粪演出的真正目的。作为一个在美国已经有将近200年历史(每代都是参议员)的参议员家族的O'Connor家族,为什么会需要中国政府的支持帮助才能弄清一个美国基金的法律所有权问题? 我指责中国政府的一些官员和他们家属的贪财动机所演出”公然抢劫”造成了我现在的处境。基金总额的20%被当成是“基金主人换个名字的帮忙手续费”,作为计划外的税收上交中国政府,再领取10%的税务返还奖励作为“他们自己挣的和我一点关系都没有的干干净净的钱”,所有这些在美国都属于“公然武装抢劫”,“洗钱”等美国法律规定的刑事犯罪活动。(通过公共屏道播出的广播剧就是抢劫武器)。
一两年前,我听说过一些中国的富豪要行使他们有权按自己意愿花自己的合法钱的权利,他们要把"当年的农业收成都买下然后都给烧了", 我是有通过我的“脑控癌聊天室”参与过这些聊天并建议“就只有非常非常有限的,非常非常昂贵的农业收成可以被这么合法地买下来烧了,这还得是在由政府组织的非常非常昂贵的防火措施保护下才可以进行”。我也支持中国政府对此种行为的重罚。
我是听说了建议的罚款是95%。按照我在美国生活的认知,美国政府动不动就罚个200% 或者300%都是按照参与这种行为活动的实际花费金额来算的。就是说你花了100万来买了就烧,那你就得另交这00万的95%作为罚款。听说中国政府建议的这95%罚款被误认为是富豪们全部财产的95%,造成富豪们的愤怒,而中国政府不能就这种行为活动进行罚款又进一步引发社会大众的愤怒。
09-05-2017 The Braved, The Prestiged and The Promised(勇敢的,傲慢的,承诺的)
Heard this morning's proud of bravery announcement "Willing to be a mother fucker to father a whore born"(中文附后).
My response: Be the mother fucker as you wish to father the whore born for all generations to remember. You should go on fuck your birth mother to proudly announce yourself " PROUD to be the one really BRAVE enough to fuck the own birth mother with own birth father sharing the movements at the same time. " That could be the real proud your family name's proudly stands for all generations to come.
I am truly glad I have nothing to do with you, and never had anything to do with you.
I am truly happy my bloody own children have nothing to do with you, and never had anything to do with you.
----Sept 5th, 2017
Some said why you need to stand high instead of instead of stand by.
My response: I refuse to be abused by malicious intentional murder like destroying effort. It is a matter of fact presentation style which leaves no room for me to argue if that is not intentional. And I do not see why I need to argue at all with the matter of fact presented already.
I refuse to be destroyed by is the reason I refused to stand by.
----Sept 5th, 2017
Some said if this is the return of all these efforts.
My response: Absolutely. You get what you seed is already an ancient saying in U.S. and in P. R. China.
----Sept 5th, 2017
Heard there were people faking crying "I really want to be your friend (to make it all up to you)", or just "I want to make it all up to you, (you just tell me how)."
My response: Please call 1-800 telephone number published on May 16th, 2017 via the radio program to express this willingness and to request some legal documentations to sign.
I have told my attorneys to prepare some legal documentations for you to sign for you to make it all up to me in one and only way that I would say might validly prove you mean to make it all up to me & my children for everything you did to me and my children: Let me cut your real biological head completely off from you body trunk. I will prove it to you that I will cut your head off with no strength reserved, and I will cut your head off completely even if that means I may need a hammer to help out this cut-your-head-off promise.
----Sept 5th, 2017
听说了今天早上骄傲的勇敢宣言:“就是乐意做个操妈的, 就是乐意做个婊子养的当爹”。
09-04-2017 Possible reasons why I am a target (我成为标靶的可能原因)
Heard this morning's anger "why would I give you my money".
My response: Exactly my point on why would I let you have any of my own birth grandfathers' entrusts I inherited by wills just because your grandfathers had been paid to look after?.
My own birth grandfathers, who set up those entrusts, all had been Chinese for me to be born a pure blood Chinese female, no confusion at all who did not father you.
Now it is publicly acknowledged of this mutual understanding that my inheritances are my money I inherited from my own birth grandfathers', it is so publicly acknowledged now it is nothing wrong that I am not willing to give out.
----Sept 4th, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting mentioned Chinese females longing to be a mother with pregnancy mother's help. (中文附后)
My response: Being a happy and proud mother, I really want to share some of my thoughts on this.
The visa issue is because by a lot of countries immigration laws, local born child is a citizen regardless of parents' nationality. This may cause the visa issue if the immigration policies do no encourage this kind immigration. One way to try around this is to find if there is some way to have the child be born in China, or by local laws not a citizen by birth, or the parents would choose to let the child be the citizen to parents' nationality country instead of local's.
I heard Chinese DNA test only do father side and accuracy is about 97%. The issue with this is mother side DNA test is critical for a female to know if a child from another woman's belly is her blood. And 99% accuracy is necessary for both intended parents to know if the child is not a cousin's child but their own. In U.S, before the medically helped conceive of fertilized egg, a DNA test for both intended parents would be performed to ensure about-to-be-conceived child is from intended mother and intended father. And another DNA test would be performed to verify if the child born is indeed the child from intended mother and intended father. This is how I have my children that I know for sure who carry my blood.
Beyond this technique issue, there would be concerns about if local laws can protect intended parents from all these possible DNA tricks to have a child of their own blood instead of a child born for them.
Everyone heard my issues with Chinese government over the radio program, about why this or that person's own child from this or that person's own woman can not be provided by my money, certainly would agree with me that People's Republic of China is not ready yet in a lot of way to help Chinese women to have children through pregnancy mothers.
**Heard some countries do not acknowledge a child born on board of a ship on an common sea area should be considered to have ship's flag's citizenship, which means the child has to follow its parents' nationality.
-----September 4th, 2017
Heard another conversation featured today triggered the question why my children are the constant targets being insulted like this.
My response: No.1 reason, I am not with them to protect them from all these as a mother.
No 2. I am an publicly known person who has glass house cancer, the cancer is what one to three hours treatment referring to this morning.
Glass house cancer is a bio-medical situation that make me have no privacy about what I see, what I hear, or what I think. I am also a known person who made a lot of income called intellectual income. This glass house cancer bio-medical situation made me, through the help of this radio program, a public known "no-value any more" person.
In July 1st of 2004 meeting, I was voluntarily to have this glass house cancer on me to help treatment on this cancer. I was very confident about this because this was bio-medical-ed on human body by laser powered delicate research instrument. Being an engineer, I was very confident on this cancer could be completely treated by same research instrument with higher laser power to burn-remove it all, I described my confidence on this as "same way in, same way out" in 2004.
My treatment since Christmas in 2014 was started off like so, now the treatment technology has improved a lot by replacing delicate research instrument with "almighty" powered treatment instrument to achieve fast burn-removal. The effort is on-going to provide better and fast treatment on this glass house cancer. And treatment result is complete cure biologically which means complete removal with completely no 'bio-mediocal-ed" alien items left on a biological human's body, which totally means I would be a private person with my thoughts can be kept private to myself, my biological visions can be kept private to myself, my biological hearing can be kept private to myself, and laws can help me to keep myself save from non-stop harassment and more.
If you have experienced similar anger in your own life that you can not identify what is the cause, you may contact Blue Cross insurance. "Brain Control" is the official name of glass house cancer, $5000/month plan open to all U.S citizen, $6000/month plan open to veteran or military associated, like contractors. Both are one treatment session (about 40-50 minutes) per month plan.
If you are indeed intend to contact Blue Cross, you can ask if you can start with "critical treatment package" arranged in one day, and go on further treatment a couple of month later. "Critical treatment package" offers 1/4-1/3 of total's fast removal just in several session hours time. You can also ask if you can have "scalpel or electroautery surgery treatment sessions".
If you are not U.S citizen, you can ask a veteran to make a call to help you to have critical package treatment.
For more information, please see reference: I am asked if glass house caner treatment has been offered to public.
----September 4th, 2017
如果你在你自己的生活里有一些类似的经历,整天被人气到够呛,就是弄不清原因所在,如果需要,你可以打听一下Blue Cross 保险公司的保险。“脑控癌”是玻璃房子癌的正式名称,每月5000美金的保险对美国公民开放,每月6000美金的保险对部队的关系户开放,像合同商等等。两种保险都是每月治疗一次月40-50分钟。
如果你确实想接触一下Blue Cross,你可以问一下你是否先开始在一天内做完”核心治疗套组“, 过几个月在开始后续治疗。”核心治疗套组“提供全身总量的1/4-1/3可以在几个治疗时间内迅速清楚。你也可以问一下是不是可以要求”电子手术刀的手术治疗时间"。
09-03-2017 How ridiculous announcement can be a true statement (莫名其妙的声明是如何“没有说谎的”)
Heard this morning's announcement that several Chinese colleges have nothing to do with me.(中文附后)
My response: It is a true statement. I only graduated from one medical university for my bachelor degree of science in pharmacology major, of course I have nothing to do with all the rest of Chinese medical universities or Chinese medical colleges.
China has categorized undergraduate/graduate schools into three categories, First category schools are equivalent to Ivy colleges in U.S., the third categories are associated degree colleges similar to community colleges in U.S.
Shanghai Medical University, currently named Fudan University Shanghai Medical School, I graduated from is similar in a lot way to Harvard Medical School in U.S.(the third oldest medical school in U.S.) that had a long history of its own name building as medical school but later merged with another great name. I heard Harvard Medical School had been a very famous medical school with its own famous name before it carries Harvard name. Shanghai First Medical College I was admitted into in 1985 had been a No.1 or No.2 Medical School's name in entire China, changed its name in 1986-1987 to Shanghai Medical University which was the name stamped my graduation diploma, now it merged with Fudan name but kept Shanghai in its full name of Fudan University Shanghai Medical School. The other No.1 or No.2 famous medical school in entire China (Beking Union Medical College) is located in Beijing.
I do not know why this announcement is needed, I know all three college announced are category II colleges in China, maybe two medical colleges announced currently do not have pharmacy school is the reason this radio program grouped a pharmacy college with them to make a fully functional "strength by number equivalent" announcement of "nothing to do". The choice of schools may be based upon schools' locations. One announced medical school is located in Shanghai, the other announced medical school is located in Beijing, the pharmacy school is located in my home town city Nanjing.
----September 2nd, 2017
Heard this morning's talk featured some other announcements.
My response: A lot of announcements made by the radio program are similar to what I just explained. For example "The Chinese woman has no money in my (accounting) books" is announced, from what I hear, by someone who have nothing to do with any accounting books of my inheritances funds or any of my own making to make the announcement a true statement.
The 2nd example: "It is ruled by justice in U.S that you do not have shared custody to claim you have your own children" was announced, from what I hear, by Tina O'Connor's husband's cousins who are attorneys not eligible to represent me on this matter just by interest conflicts.
The 3rd Example: "You don't have anyone in U.S. to claim you have children in U.S.", from what I hear, was announced at school vacation time.
The 4th Example: "I am Min Fang, I have nothing to do with 2008 Beijing Olympic Game Opening Ceremony." was announced, from what I hear, by a Chinese Male who is in his 30s and is a resident in Germany.
----September 3rd, 2017
第二例:“美国的司法公平已经判定你没有什么共同抚养权,也就别提你有什么你自己的孩子之类的"。我听说这是由Tina O'Connor的丈夫那些做律师的堂兄弟们宣布的.(共同抚养权是一个特定也局限使用的法律术语)。这几个堂兄弟因为利益冲突关系,根本就不可能做我的代理律师打这一类官司的)。
09-02-2017 "Min Fang has Biological Children" is really acknowledged (“方敏有自己亲生的小孩“已经得到认可啦)。
Heard this morning's announcement of "Fight to have the deserved right of having own child(ren) in a marriage from a non-marriage partner"(中文附后).
My response: Well, first of all, I would give my many, many thanks to this real frustration caused by real acknowledgement of the fact I have my own biological children who carry my own blood.
And I have to make myself very clearly that even though I appreciate this consideration of having me in that Chinese male's life to have this fight, I still have to point out I do have my own life that will never have anything to do, at least romantically, with that Chinese male.
----September 2, 2017
Heard this morning's radio program's continued 1920's American Union Movies style.
My response: Ya, I heard. I am one of the evil images in the "picture", the "Parents' Union's Leader" is Mr. Albert Gore, The fight is "Deserved rights of children be handsomely provided for by no-blood association riches." Those attorneys are just evil dumps who know nothing at all.
I have to say I am not willing to provide for not--my-own-blood children even I am wealthy. I do firmly believe it is parents' privileges and responsibilities to let their children feel their full-heart love and their rich-provide from all they have. I am willing to continually reaching out to help those in need families through charities that my inheritances Funds have been supporting.
----September 2nd, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting also reflected proud of mothering birth child(ren).
My response: That has been my frustration entire time. I do not have any issue against those mother so proud of what they have through their own bellies, I am also very proud of my own biological children who carry my blood through pregnancy mothers, but I have been despised being an imperfect woman because of my virgin belly.
That despise against woman's inability in reproduction is the reason that having child(ren) through pregnancy mother is so overwhelmingly supported since 2004 meetings.
In the past, a woman's inability in reproduction can often impact this woman's marriage family's finance managing because of some expectations out of understandings that "this marriage family has no-need to consider passing on".
Now, from my own experience of being a biological mother without my own giving birth experience, it seems it is publicly acknowledged as offensive and ridiculous if fancy my wealth is in the picture, but I am still not a woman deserve any respects by being a woman who still has a virgin belly.
----September 2nd, 2017
Heard some angers from my mother's eldest sister's relatives.
My response: The anger is why I fancy my mother's eldest sister's belongings in my "June Sunday Solo" in 2004.
That is misunderstanding. My mother's eldest sister adopted a child (daughter) from her youngest brother around 1980 or so which was 24 years ago in 2004.
I did have that excitement in my voice when I said "would be all mine" in that June Sunday Solo in United States. I have to clarify that excitement was not from fancy to own my mother's eldest sister's belongings in China, but from my expectation of my possible own making from BioGate.
In June of 2004, I was asked to leave from Janus Associates already and I was trying to find another job, I knew BioGate I did in Janus Associates was going to be my big making but was in some situation. I could not say a lot to Huang, Li whose residence I was at on that 2004's June Sunday, but my excitement was leaked.
My mother has been struggled with her frustration ever since her eldest sister's adoption. My mother had lived with her eldest sister since 11 years old till her marriage to my father, the child was adopted when she was 8 years old. It is the same family that My mother had been like a maid while the child had been a daughter. We, my mother's marriage family, totally correctly understood her frustration and her eldest sister's marriage family's attitude on this, this is the reason we had been all amicable and willing to stay aloof since the adoption in 1980 or 1981.
I have my angers toward my mother's "maiden family", I do not consider they are my relatives at all because they publicly spread their own sayings to say I am not my mother's husband's birth child, to accuse my mother being a whore for their hatreds toward my mother since their childhood. My mother was abandoned by her mother since birth, and all her siblings knew and understood that my mother is "an outcast that unwanted threw out". I am not willing to have anything to do with these people.
----September 2nd, 2017
我确实在2004年6月的一个星期天那天在美国讲话的录音里提到“那还不全都是我的”时候,声音里确实有透着一份激动。我现在澄清那激动不是因为我会认为我还有可能分到我母亲大姐远在中国的家里的那些家当及多年存下的退休金,而是因为我从Bio Gate这个研究成果里可能挣到的大笔钱。(也就是我在激动“我发财了”)。
在2004年6月的时候,我已经按要求离开了Janus Associates,正在找工作,我很清楚我在Janus Associates的研究会是我自己挣的第一桶金,但是在2004年6月当时有很多情况我没法在当时身处的黄莉家里直说出来,但我的激动是透露出来了。
09-01-2017 Being insulted by denials from those self promoting purpose (被“否定你就为自我拔高”的一群给挑衅了)
Heard this morning's featured some discussion about difference between daughter and daughter-in-laws in family business.(中文附后)
I echo: A daughter, like a son, is privileged to be the biological child of the owner of a family business. A daughter to a owner of a family business is often privileged to have opportunities to be guided to walk her steps up from a junior position since youth time, and that is not necessarily in the family business. The daughter-in-laws certainly does not have this privilege before being a family by marriage. Neither a daughter nor a daughter-in-laws would have the privilege to run family business as a house wife and expect to be respected as a talented boss. I am blessed to be a daughter privileged to be guided to walk my steps up, my hard working attitude is my understanding and willingness to earn respects. Truly appreciate all the guidance.
----September 1st, 2017
Heard this morning's featured family cosily chats about "company to practice general administration".
I echo: I have the similar consideration. I am currently studying MBA concentrated on General Administration, and I also have this kind of thinking.
Should I go on managing at least one of my inheritance fund?
I figured most likely I would answer with an Nay. It is not appealing and it is not necessarily to be fully loaded with responsibilities daily.
What would I do if I am interested in general administration?
I was advised to run a small company to have some people for me to enjoy practicing general administration.
Won't I enjoy the feeling of overseeing a big company in a corner office of a big high rise?
I decided I could choose to have a corner office in a big high rise overseeing some people to practice my passion of general administration.
Won't I envy that feeling of knowing entire building is my investment?
I decided I can achieve that by choose to have another office in a very small building to enjoy the feeling.
Won't I feel great if I can walk into any floor to practice "general administration" in a big high rise?
I decided I could give that up for my high heels that I determined to practice how to walk on.
----September 1st, 2017
Heard confusion about why I take it insulting when I asked to very if I am the creator of 2008 Beijing Olympic Game Opening.
My response: There is an original video tape in Chinese that director Zhang, Yimou based upon to prove my authentication, why I need to prove the authentication of myself after almost 10 years and in English? Why you need to understand what all these Chinese means after you applauded director Zhang, Yimou's presentation of his understanding in 2008? And that is based on the understanding you are a non-Chinese who does not know enough Chinese history and Chinese culture to understand what had been presented by all those Chinese words I said in original video tape. Why don't you prove you can be a manager or capable enough by resolving easy enough issue of how to understand those Chinese in original tape to match each piece with what Zhang, Yimou had produced in 2008? If it is insulting for me to say a manager need to prove this manager's managerial skills by proving this manager can resolve this simply issue of translating the original tape, it is same insulting for anyone to demand me to prove myself knowing there is this original video tape that Beijing Olympic's Game Opening's director Zhang, Yimou worked upon.
----September 1st, 2017
Regarding the saying somebody can not see how I possess those knowledge.
My response: That is the huge problem I have with some English as foreign language major college graduates and some Chinese literature community college graduates. What knowledge do you have to question me? What education level do you have to be this authority on my knowledge? You saw the original video tape to know that is my authentic work, and I am telling you now that you do not have knowledge to evaluate me. Who the fuck do you think you are to promote yourself by denying me without any credentials of your own knowledge? Who the fuck do you think you are? My credentials of my rich knowledge is what you already heard from radio program's presentation which have been chose from my daily security tapes that have been broadcasted new episode daily for almost 10 years time and stills tons of materials can be worked on.
----September 1st, 2017
I was asked why I do not feel insulted when I was challenged about computer knowledge.
My response: I did feel insulted when I was challenged by those who either do not have computer knowledge at all or do not have computer programmers' work experiences.
What I presented on June 30th, 2004 is my knowledge about computer's architecture science, what I presented in my working experience in JP Morgan Chase Lowell technology center to promote Software Quality Assurance is my knowledge as an experienced computer programmer. But between computer's architecture, which is about operating system & hardware, and computer programming, there are tons of knowledge about how each piece of hardware to work in a computer operating system by architectural design. This part I know of has not been presented yet.
My major in college is pharmacology and I worked a full time restaurant job during my 2 years computer science master program time. I started my first computer programmer job in September of 1999 and the impressive meeting was on June 30th, 2004. I can imagine those disbelieves graduated from computer science major and have some work experience. Of course I have no reason to feel insulted when I am challenged by these experienced computer science programmers unless challenges are unreasonable and meant to insult.
----September 1st, 2017
08-31-2017 Intellectual Income in anywhere is not the donated money collected from Chinese streets in 1989 (智慧产权收入从来不是1989年中国街头上收集的捐款)
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured intellectual income's confusion if calculation is based on total $45,000 savings.(中文附后)
My response: $45,000 is an impossible number for calculating budget savings to generate $5000 monthly intellectual income.
Even for just a monthly salaries expense, the budget would be way over $45,000 for over 100 researchers whose monthly income is over $3000 each, some researchers' are much over. And salaries only is not enough to have a research lab functional. To have a lab to do "research as usual" need to have lab test related solutions, office space to host researchers and instruments, various paid supports to help lab keep fully functional and productive, etc. All these would be counted as savings from budgeted spending if a fully functional lab is no longer needed for a research. Rents may excluded during leasing time if office space is rented. In budget calculating, rent is calculated even for self owned facility since this office space can be used for other research projects (that may need to rent lab space) or to be rented out to make profit.
That was, may still is, the huge problem I had (have) with this radio program, featured are authorities alike being judgmental on everything that is not their professional knowledge at all or not their associated matters a bit. Do not know why they are featured to have this kind authority sayings, maybe from producing team's efforts to probe what caused real frustrations.
This is the similar problem I had (have) with Chinese Foreign Department. They are foreign language majors in Colleges, they had been accusing my achievement on Computer science and Basic medical system knowledge(基础医学) as if they are the real authorities on all these professions. I had been in the same classrooms with medical major students in Shanghai Medical University for 3 years which can be easily verified is the huge problem I had with Chinese government's judgmental on my achievements from my 20 years living abroad life (I left China in 1996). They even announced on the radio program to impress worldwide Shanghai Medical University never even existed as a Government. This is the same medical school now call Fudan University Shanghai Medical School.
----August 31st, 2017
Heard this morning's "impossible this or that" is out of the doubts if these money distributed in intellectual income's name is actually donations from 1989 Student Movement that collected from Chinese streets.
My response: The confusion is from why Albert Gore should receive any intellectual income from Viagra (Blue).
Heard tons of rumors in Chinese community about Albert Gore may have taken those donations transferred to U.S. as his own money.
I was the person reported to Chinese government in April or May of 1989 about those donations on the streets. Whoever collected those donations won't let me touch this money is a true statement.
The huge problem I have with Albert Gore is I have been accusing him spent my money without my willingness. This rumored $5000 monthly income from Viagra(blue) deposited to Albert Gore is one of the items I called Law enforcement's help, rumored all these checks have been titled in my name (Min Fang). I am not willing to provide for Albert Gore and/or his relatives and/or his woman (women) and/or his child (children).
My intellectual Income is my own making from knowledge I contributed. My intellectual Income has nothing to do with 1989.
All my inheritances were entrusted before 1949. My inheritances has nothing to do with 1989.
----August 31st, 2017
Heard Intellectual income cause a lot of confusion about why this much even among government employees.
My response: Nobody doubted that I contributed my knowledge and I deserve some intellectual income for what I have contributed, the confusion is why this much.
That is the reason I am doing my best to explain what I know about how this might be calculated. I have no problem for authorities on this matter to take a look at "why this is my (Min Fang's) share and why this is the number".
I heard some did take a look at this matter and did expressed "DO not underestimate what intellectual income can contribute to a family's finance."
----August 31st, 2017
Heard this morning's argument on difference between salary income and percentage based bonus calculation plus base salary income.
My response: It is very common among salesperson to have base salary plus sales incentive that is calculated by percentage of sales achieved.
Financial managers incentives are similar to salesperson commission calculation to encourage good investment returns.
I do not know how intellectual contribution earned income divided into salary income category or percentage calculated income category, other than there are two tax rates in U.S tax collecting. Salary category applicable to income tax rate (federal 28%, state 5% etc.), and intellectual Income applicable to federal income tax rate 10% and state income tax rate (5%).
Tons of intellectual contribution earned incomes like Medical Doctors earned or College Professors earned, etc. are salary category incomes.
----August 31st, 2017
**Heard the issue is if the total amount of my intellectual income can be "compromised" among research or pre-market team members, why not everyone else.
My response: My intellectual income total amount is one-person's very cleared number instead of a team's total number is a true statement.
Like Viagra(blue), my intellectual income is what my contribution has saved for budgeted research spending, total amount is very easy to be identified as my contribution. Research or Pre-market are all teamed up as group contributions to calculate the total amounts of rewards. Pre-Market is the group to responsible for further clinic research and apply for FDA approval.
My other intellectual income situation is patents. My contribution is concept, each research team's effort to materialize it to become a prototype or a model and pre-market team to do some further research, etc.
All my intellectual income has similar situation that total available amount for reward is never enough to correctly reward each member of teams like research or pre-marketing team. I have no problem that my reward was put either with research team or pre-marketing team to improve the total reward size for that team . My reward share is comprised but very limited.
But why everyone else? Who are these law or legal matter "voluntary" PhD professionals can have this authority tone to address legal matters?
----August 31st, 2017
就算是只计算一个月的工资,超过100个研究人员,每个研究人员的每月工资都大于3000美金的预算工资总和都远超过4万5千美金,有些研究人员的月工资还远远大于3000美金。光支付研究人员的工资是不可能维持一个实验室的研究工作的。要能让一个研究室可以如常运转,就必须要有实验用的溶剂试剂,实验室办公场地安置实验仪器和实验人员,各种各项的付费服务来协助实验室的正常运转及保障实验成效,等等。当一个实验室的常规运转已不再需要时,所有这些都是被算成是实验室预算支出的节省部分。在租约期间的房租可能不包括在节省部分。在进行预算支出的数额计算时,房租支出是需要计算在内的,就算是自己的房子都会计算,因为这房子是可以用来进行其他课题的研究的, 而这个其他的课题组可能会需要租房子,或者这房子本身是可以出租盈利的。
我一直就在指责阿尔伯特·高尔违反我的意愿花了我的钱。这个传言中的5千美金一个月的伟哥(蓝片)给存入阿尔伯特·高尔的私人账户就是我报警内容的其中一项,传言所有这些每月的支票抬头都是我名字的英语拼写(Min Fang)。我不愿意支付金钱供给阿尔伯特·高尔和/或他的亲戚和/或她的女人(们)和/或他的孩子(们)。
为什么所有人都应该从我的收入里分点儿钱? 哪一个是法津或法津事物博士级别专家, 怎么都是指手画脚的好像很权威的样子?
----August 31st, 2017
08-30-2017 Why I have to be yelled "unwanted" but demanded to provide?(我为什么被吆喝“没人要”却必须按要求支付月供?
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured a Chinese woman's crying sound "Relationship (marriage) broke."(中文附后)
My response: That woman is talking about her own relationship(marriage). She has nothing to do with me at all and she has nothing to do with the person who father my children.
Rumored this Chinese female mothers a Chinese seeded child or children. I have no romance association with any Chinese citizen lives in P.R. China or lives abroad, I have no romance association with any Chinese race who lives abroad being a citizen of other countries.
----August 30th, 2017
Heard Tina O'Connor's comment in July 1st of 2004's meeting about I was not the person who could spend David Petraeus' money.
My response: That was heard by my own ears at that meeting. I never intended or had spent David Petraeus any money. I had no problem with that comment, not a bit. It was not my interest at all to argue or to know who should be that person, or why Tina O'Connor said so.
----August 30th, 2017
Heard I was accused "scandalous director" is the real reason everyone deserve to “direct” everyone's life.
My response: I did ask law enforcement's help to investigate on who was the real director of 2011's infamous "scandalous romance" of a Military General. I am a polygamist female with expected male's privilege in marriage, and I am obviously very self centered which was very obvious even in 2004 meetings. I was obviously very interested in romance with David Petraeus in 2004 meetings. It was not my interests at all to set him up with another woman as a "director". My current medical situation may also my then medical situation. That "directing" was not my style but I may had participated with some details like how to do photo shots, etc.
I assume that $40,000 monthly providing by David petraeus to that 2011 female, as announced on the radio program, may inspired some requests to me including a "monthly $40,000 at least to be provided for a Chinese bachelor" that made me scream aloud "not willing", "I have no marriage with any Chinese race", "I have nothing to do at all with any Chinese romantically that can be demanded", etc.
----August 30th, 2017
听说了Tina O'Connor在2004年7月1日会议上的评论说我不是那个可以花费David Petraeus钱的那一个。
我的回应:我在那天会上是自己亲耳听到。我从未想过需要花费而且我也没有花费过David Petraeus 的任何钱财,我当时对这句评论也没有任何反感,一点都没有。当时我就没有兴趣询问那应该是谁可以花David Petraeus的钱,或者为什么Tina O'Connor需要如此评价。
我的回应:我是有报警求助希望查一下究竟谁才是有名的2011年美国将军情色绯闻的真正导演。我本人是个一妻多夫者并且很以自我为中心,这在2004年会议期间就已经非常明显。我在2004年的时候也很明显的对与David Petraeus发展恋情很有兴趣。以作“导演”为借口为他和另一个女人做媒很显然对我自己没有任何好处。我现在的身体及医学状况可能就是我当年的身体及医学状况。那种“导演”不是我的风格但我可能参与了一些像怎么来照一张张的照片等等。
我估计广播剧里所宣布的David Petraeus 支付给2011年那女子的美金4万的月供,可能是引发一些对我提出必须付钱要求的原因,其中就包括那个“至少美金4万每月支付给那个中国光棍”的要求,这些要求把我给气的是上奔下跳的干嚎“我就是不愿意”,“我和华人没有任何婚姻”,"我和任何华人华裔都没有任何恋爱关系,不可能向我要钱”,等等。
08-29-2017 I am born to be my own birth grandfather's heir. I am not an installed heir(我生下来就是我爷爷的继承人,我不是一个被“扶植”的继承人.)
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured some arguments which certainly can be understood as implied the question why I am "installed" as heir of a Chinese historical Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li (唐太宗李世民)by a non-Chinese government(中文附后).
My response: What "install" means in here? This is incorrect word to refer who I am to my own birth grandfather whom I got my birthmark from. How this birth grandfather of mine(唐太宗李世民) became an Emperor in Tang dynasty is recorded in Chinese history books as by his famous palms' lines. I have the same palms like he had, like my birth father has, like my birth father's birth father had, like everyone of my birth grandfathers had (those grandfathers who had entrusted & willed some wealth to me. Some of these birth grandfathers of mine are recorded in Chinese history as heirs of this Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li(唐太宗李世民) that can be verified in Chinese historical books). I was not installed as my grandfathers' heir. I am born to be my own birth grandfathers' one and only heir according to my ancient grandfathers' inheritance rule which was updated by Tang Tai Zong Li and his Emperor father(唐太宗李世民和他的父皇), there is no confusion at all about this and this is not arguable at all.
I announced myself the heir of Chinese Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li's Heir myself in my 2004's inheriting meetings. I inherited my own birth grandfathers entrusts and titles by my blood, as well as my own birth grandfathers' heir rule and my own birth grandfathers' wills. These grandfathers of mine are heirs of Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li(唐太宗李世民的继承人)is the reason that I announced myself publicly and nobody from those entrusted groups corrected me in January of 2004.
I announced myself when I was chatting with a group of Chinese who either graduated from my same medical school or my same high school (a classmate). I was asked why they were called into this meeting while I was like a host sitting there, I was asked exactly what is my family background eligibled me so, I said then and there in Chinese "Oh, I am heir to Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li". That chat was after ( may be before) I was recruited as U.S. military Three Stars General Strategist. I did not inform Chinese government before I said that is true statement, but it was never announced to insult Chinese government or to show any disrespect to Chinese government. The words went out after the meeting.
It was till early this year I realized some complains about meetings in June and July of 2004 is because those meetings are understood as either professional seminars or some official meetings. I was keep telling this or that person I am heir to my Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li whenever I was asked exactly who I am to host this meeting or that meeting. I was told I should inform Chinese government about who I am and I replied with Chinese government were in the meeting heard what I said . What I meant is I did not hide from Chinese government who I am. All those meetings were inspired by some conversations in my inheriting meetings that we all took as extended casual chats among us my inheriting meetings participants. This is the reason nobody reminded me if my self announcement was appropriate or not when respecting Chinese government in consideration.
The real public announcement was made through the radio program in 2011 together with publication of copied paintings of my ancestors, I heard Chinese government (Beijing) was officially informed before this official public announcement. I heard Taiwan and Singapore were also informed at the same time.
I was not installed by any government to be my own birth grandfathers' heir. I am my birth grandfather's heir by birth. My announcement obviously made who I am (my true identity) went public in 2004, and that is all.
----August 29th, 2004
Heard the question if there is anything to do with me in this morning's talk about MTV former CEO cause troubles with radio company.
My response: No thing to do with me at all. I only knew current IHeartRadio (former Clear Channel) CEO is the co-founder of MTV from internet. I knew nothing about MTV to comment at all.
----August 29th, 2017.
Heard today that the other day's broadcasting was about a Boston Chinese Super Market (平价超市)
My response: I was grabbed outside by the security called by a manager like when I was trying to complain to this manager like.
In U.S., the typical way for a customer like me to handle this is to call 911 to continue my grocery shopping or leave it to attorneys. I had no mood to do any grocery shopping, so I chose to walk away from the scene to leave it to my attorneys.*I did tip the FBI to check if this incident was out of aroused hatred.
----August 29th, 2017
我的回应:这“扶植”是什么意思,指的可能是什么?这个“扶植”不是一个可以形容我和我亲生爷爷的词汇, 特别是在我有着和我的亲生爷爷一样的胎记掌纹是可以核实的情况下。我的这个亲生爷爷(唐太宗李世民)是如何成为唐朝皇帝是记载在中国的历史书上的, 史载就是因为他的一双手上的掌纹。我有的是和他一样的双手掌纹,就和我亲生父亲的双手掌纹一样,就和我亲生父亲的亲生父亲的双手掌纹一样,就和我的每一个亲生爷爷的双手掌纹一样(就是那些为我立了遗嘱并且信托一些财产给我的爷爷们, 我的这些亲生爷爷们中的一些是中国的古籍里明确记载的唐太宗李世民的继承人,这在中国历史上是有记载可查的)。我不是被“扶植”成为唐太宗李世民的继承人的,我是生下来就是血脉传承的唯一符合我的祖爷爷们的继承规则的唐太宗李世民的继承人,我祖爷爷们的继承规则就是由唐太宗李世民和他的父皇所确立的, 这是没有任何争议也没有任何疑点的。
08-28-2017 I am helped by U.S. Government and U.S. Laws. (我有受到美国政府和美国法律的帮助)
Heard this morning's saying of "performing style wife".(中文附后)
My response: What I heard, just like Chinese people( citizens of People's Republic of China), is that the wife is the one and only lawful wife by Chinese laws.
What I heard, from Chinese communities abroad, the mother of his children was known for sexually involved with him since he started to spend nights at her place on his vocations abroad. He was at the hospital the next day when she gave birth to her first born. This mother of his children is the girlfriend he acknowledged having over 7 years relationship on the radio in 2015 when her first born was about 6 years old.
I do not see myself in this picture at all, I do not see why Chinese government need a female to perform his wife, I do not see why Chinese government's money can not pay for this "performing style wife".
I really have nothing to do with Chinese Premiere Li and/or his wife and/or his girlfriend who mother his children. I really have the same determination, just like Chinese Premiere Li's and his administration's known for to the world through this radio program, to let world know that I really have nothing to do with Chinese Premiere Li and I really cherish my own beloved including my own biological children.
I am not willing to pay and/or provide a penny for this Chinese Premiere Li and/or his wife and/or his girlfriend who mother his children and/or his children. All By Law is the accurate and vivid expression of my determination to declare I really have nothing to do with this Chinese Premiere Li.
----August 28th, 2017
Heard the saying China is like this to imply any money already taken and transferred to China won't be back to me.
My response: I can wait till People's Republic of China has decent government to govern this People's Republic of China as a lawful country to demand every penny of my money plus interests from this People's Republic of China. Any saying that I can never get every penny of my money back which certainly either imply the future of People's Republic of China or if this country can ever be a lawful county. I have to declare my confidence in the fact that to develop People's Republic of China to be a lawful country has been the education I grew up with. I have to declare that it was never from me if there is any implication of any saying about future of People's Republic of China.
----August 28th, 2017
Heard some questioned why U.S government tolerate this radio program like so as a lawful country?
My response: Freedom of speech has been the No.1 reason in a lot of arguable publishing related matters and filing lawsuits is normally and typically how impacted individuals to seek lawful fairness in each individual case.
I did call law enforcement help since August of 2015, and you can tell shits throwing at me since November of 2015 was not the same "easy and relaxed composure" style as radio program's daily broadcasting "educational" series <Min Fang does not deserve any money> had been since January of 2014 .
I am the person, as a victim, requested radio program not to be shut down "immediately" as how this similar situations normally handled. I used the quoted "immediately" to describe when Freedom of Speech is no longer enough can be used to block radio program to be "immediately shut down" by government, I was already fully covered in all those shits they have thrown at me. "Immediately shut down" the radio program only means make me to "stuck in all those shits forever permanently". I do not know who they are, but I know I am helped by U.S. government and U.S laws.
----August 28th, 2017
08-27-2017 David Petraeus's family wealth has nothing to do with me (David Petraeus家的钱和我一点关系都没有)
Heard this morning's argument about "money take from me as return to her nephew-in-laws family" from Chinese Premiere's wife(中文附后).
My response: I called law enforcement's help on who spend money from her nephew-in-laws family. I was not the person did that to that family. This saying was from those screams you heard on the radio a couple of months ago.
I never expressed myself that I need to spend that family's money in July 1st of 2004's meeting. And I never make phone calls, etc. to find out that family's bank information. I never make any effort at all to spend that family's money.
I have my own wealth, announced verified on the radio, about $800-950 Billion. I only spent about 4-6 Billion in U.S. Dollar on the day of July 1st of 2004. I did not intent to spend that family's money at all in July 1st of 2004's meeting.
----August 27th of 2017
Rumored someone cares about me did that to fulfill my wishes.
My response: Everyone cares about me is either my grandfathers' followers' descendants, aka children of those who carried my ancestors' wealth out from ancient China in ancient time to entrust abroad, or those who are currently representing or had represented my inheritances. Everyone of these people know for sure I have my own money to spend, none of these people need to get other people's money just to see my smiling face for their love to my ancient grandfathers.
----August 27th, 2017
Rumored David Petraeus never intend to let me spend that much money.
My response: That is a true statement. I heard David Petraeus only intended to spend total $60,000 on me in 2004 era a couple of months ago. "Not going to pay for it" was what I heard by my own ears that he himself expressed entire time in July 1st of 2004's meeting. It was never an issue in 2004 meeting era , or after 2004 meeting era. I did not know if he had ever spent a penny on me is a true statement.
----August 27th, 2017
Rumored there is an entrust David Petraeus set up for me that was mentioned in 2004's meeting.
My response: That is untrue statement. There were some confusion about my spending in 2004, and I do appreciate what caused confusion. There is still some confusion from entertainment industry about "why set up an entrust" regarding some entrust I mentioned in July 1st of 2004's meeting. The entrust I mentioned in July 1st of 2004's meeting is actually entrusts which appended with a "s" and it actually refer to my inheritances (also with a "s") I inherited from my own birth grandfathers (with another "s" here). The entrusts I mentioned in any of 2004's meetings have nothing to do with David Petraeus or his family wealth.
----August 27th, 2017
There were some rumors about I would give David Petraeus money in July 1st of 2004's meeting.
My response: That was mentioned when possible children who carry my blood from possible marriage was discussed. It only means I have no intention to "discriminate" my own biological children even if they are fathered by a wealthy man. That money-giving mentioned was not meant to give to David Petraeus himself but to possible children from possible marriage that carry my own blood.
Now you heard David Petraeus announced on the radio his romance has nothing to do with me, and of course I won't give any of my own money to David petraeus or his announced children from other female(s). Of course, I won't let David Petraeus himself or his female(s) to spend my money, the same.
----August 27th, 2017
Some questioned why would I fancy to have children with those rich prominent person in 2004's meeting.
My response: I was told in 2004's meeting that I am the same wealthy as them. It was not I have money that I have this kind of illusion. I am very proud of my family's history and my historically known talented ancestors. I am very proud I am the one after my ancient ancestors the most. I am very proud the saying "In the past, this is the house you can only contribute into (that is over 2500 years), this is the only chance you can have from this house." I am very proud I am the spoiled girl who head this house.
----August 27th, 2017
我有我自己的财产,广播剧里宣布已经证实的就有美金800-950 Billion。我在2004年7月1日那天就只花了美金4-6 Billion。我在2004年7月1日会议那天没有任何企图要花费那个家族的钱财。
传言David Petraeus 从来就没打算为我花那么多的钱。
我的回应:这是非常真实非常正确的说法。我前几个月前听说David Petraeus 在2004年的时候就只打算为我花最多6-7万美金。我自己在2004年7月1日会议上亲耳听到的是他一直在说”我是不会付钱的“。这在2004年开会期间及2004年会议之后都根本不是问题。说实话我还真是不知道他在我身上究竟有没有花过一分钱。
传言2004年会议上提到David Petraeus会为我设立了一个信托。
我的回应:这传言是不正确的。对于我在2004年7月1日那天所花的钱,确实是有一些误会,我很珍惜造成误会的原因。在娱乐圈里还有一些有关2004年7月1日会议上我提到的信托的困扰:为什么要给我方敏设立信托?我在2004年7月1日会议上提到的信托其实是个复数名词(信托们), 这个名词指的是我所继承的我的祖爷爷们(这里也是个复数名词)所信托给我的基金们(这里也是复数名词)。我在2004年所有会议上提到的所有信托(们)都和David Petraeus 或者他的家族财富没有任何关系。
有些传言说我在2004年7月1日会议上说我会给David Petraeus钱。
我的回应:那是在闲聊可能会有一些承载我自己血脉的婚生小孩的时候说的。我也就是在说我不会因为我孩子们的父亲很有钱就”歧视“我自己的孩子们。这”给钱“的说法也不是指我会给David Petraeus 本人什么钱,这”给钱“指的是我会给“可能的婚姻里可能会有的”承载我自己血脉的我自己的孩子们我自己的钱。
现在你们听到David Petraeus 在广播上说他的情与爱和我没有任何关系,那么我当然也就不会把任何属于我的钱给David Petraeus 本人或者他本人所宣布的他和别的女性(们)生下的孩子(们)。同样,我当然也是不会让David Petraeus 或者他的女人(们)花我任何的钱啦。
08-26-2017 I never dated that 7 years relationship and I never dated in College (我从未和那个7年男子谈过恋爱,我读大学时从未谈过恋爱)
Heard this morning's broadcasting of a seven years relationship.(中文附后)
My response: A roommate is not considered a relationship in U.S. culture. The male who had a seven years relationship mentioned in this morning's broadcasting is not the person I ever dated is a true statement.
I am currently live a Boston Housing Authority's Hispanic residents majority community. It is obviously very necessary for me to do clarifications to keep myself clear from all these confusions & possible conflicts from those announced romantically involved Hispanic females' friends or families.
----August 26th, 2017
Heard this morning's argument if I ever dated in college.
My response: I never dated Jianze Li (李健泽) and I never dated in college. I heard “never dated” was echoed by Jianze Li (李健泽) this morning.
The confusion was from our Beijing Trip in 1988. In my college time (1985-1990), dating means holding hands and hanging around together in China. The day we visited Jinan city in Shandong, we did that. We did not think that was dating because it was not an "announcement" to let everybody know to stay like that. It was in another city 6 hours train time from our college and no dating intention from both me and Jianze Li (李健泽), we were just holding hands hanging around as friends. And that was all from our own understanding, both of us. I was asked about if this "hanging around in Jinan" means anything when we arrived in Beijing a couple days later (in 1988) by those behind security cameras. Jianze Li and I both stated we were not dating and we had no intention to date.
I do have security tapes since I was born and somehow this Jinan city hanging around piece was discovered caused the confusion. He is very handsome guy may be contributed to this "jealous" like confusion ( Do not know who though). His wife was from our medical college's medicine major, they started dating in a year after that Beijing Trip. His wife has been annoyed by her own curiosity of this entire Beijing trip, and I have been very annoyed by his wife's curiosity the same. Jianze Li (李健泽) is the person keep saying nothing ever happened.
----August 26th, 2017
我的回应:按照美国的传统和常识,和一个男性室友的室友关系不是一种既亲密又紧密相联的一种关系。今天早上的广播里Tina O'Connor 提到的那个和她有着七年既亲密又紧密相关的男子是我从来没有恋爱过的一个男人是非常正确的说法。
08-25-2017 What I do appreciate and What I do not appreciate
Heard about this morning's radio program production.
My response: None of these people I have ever met in person.
----August 25th, 2017
Was I crazy like in my college time?
My response: I was in China in my college time as a girl. I had been busy in my entire five years college time on nobody knows what, the same. And I was not even busy on boys, not interested at all. I was really busy on things nobody knew what, that nobody included myself.
My high school time was the same. My parents thought I was studying for college entry test while I was busy on my own interest of reading whatever I could find that was not a textbook related. My college time's own interest was not really reading but if I read, non-textbook would be the preferred.
----August 25th, 2017
Heard the anger from some musician was why I try to portrait myself as a musician on in 2004 meeting.
My response: I was so pissed off when it was announced on the radio program last year that I am not allowed to go to any Boston Pops' concert because I was never a musician.
I screamed out aloud "Since when I said I am a musician." I told everyone right in the meeting that I can only play piano as instrument with one hand because the semester in high school finished before second hand sessions started. I can sing some songs but I have an Asian average vocal range to say I can consider practice some opera solos. I know nothing about write a song or a composition. I am a music lover. I love vocals the most in all instruments.
Well, I did learned some music in high school to know there is solo, duet, trio, etc. And I do know orchestra means a group of people sit together to play wonderful compositions. All I said in the meeting was it would be really wonderful if use orchestra to mix with vocals to extend the depth of the music.
I am happy what I know about music "angered" some really great musicians. I was never a musician is a true statement. I do take all these real angers as real compliments.
----August 25th, 2017
Why I do not appreciate that $5000 donation on my medical treatment but called laws help.
My response: Well, If you can afford $1000 on your rent, but you can only live in a shabby shed I donated and that is all I can afford, and you have to save your $1000 to live in that "at least that is a free shed". Do you yell "what the xxxx is this?"
That is what I did. I have been treated over 16 hours daily on my medical treatment for the past two and half years already, and I was offered this one hour per month "donated treatment insurance" without knowing anything. Heard this $5000 per month treatment insurance was donated by this morning's $10,000 monthly provided for female. The treatment providers are so confused why I do not want to save my own money for this "at least it is an hour of free treatment". I jump up high because after that "precious donated" one hour my treatment would temporary stop till I am transferred to another shift provider who registered me as a self pay patient.
----August 25th, 2017
08-24-2017 Is it real that I have such inheritances (我继承财产会是真的吗?)
Heard this morning's broadcasting saying of being Chinese race or Chinese is not the reason to have my money (中文附后).
My response: That is the same issue some Chinese men and women are possibly considered whore -borns or whores because they do not know what individual private sexual relationship means. One male married to a Chinese woman should not mean this male can fuck all Chinese women from People's Republic of China or a Chinese race woman. A female married to a Chinese man can never be fucked by all Chinese from People's Republic of China or all Chinese men is the same understanding.
This is precisely the reason I keep swearing that this term Chinese Government is like a whores' and whore-borns' government. Some of them seemed are so confused why their wives or themselves are not deserved by everyone who had ever fucked a Chinese woman. Otherwise, why some of them are so impressively fighting that their wives or themselves are authentic Chinese deserved to be called whores so delicious which I called dry unwanted whores completely unfuck-able? I dare say if these screamed Chinese females take off their cloth to go all naked in crowds in U.S, I dare say less than 5% male passers-by can have little lump in trousers and these are the ones you have to ask how long they have not be able to touch a woman. Where they got this confidence to "keep insist on " to me who live in U.S who is a female as well?
My wealth is my private wealth which just like my private breasts that is protected by laws to ensure not open for anyone to have free access. No one should have my money by just being a Chinese.
----August 24th, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting saying about if my inheritances are real and why I am the one got my ancient grandfathers' special blessing.
My response: My inheritances are real. The rumor that I am blessed by 27 of my grandfathers is possible. I heard every grandfather of mine other than the one who fathered my father had put symbolic something aside specially for me to shower blessings to me being a girl share their same birthmark since 1200 years ago. My grandfather who fathered my father may have entrusted my generation's heir share to me per my father's decision. (see ref:07-21-2017 BioGate and if my father has inheritance(Bio Gate 及我的父亲是否有遗产) ) Not every one of my grandfathers' entrust is very impressive today but all decent sized today and well cherished by me.
The reason I am the one got my grandfathers' blessings is that I am the only girl who share their same heir birthmark in 2000 years long time, my father and my grandfather are "not special at all " because they are boys just like my ancient grandfathers themselves. I am so special to my grandfathers is because I am the only girl who share their same family birthmark in records for 2500 years. I am so special because my ancient grandfathers had been expecting me to be born in any generation since 1200 years ago. My grandfathers(唐玄宗父子) and my Empress grandmother (武则天) even fought seriously to ready Imperial rules for my privileged Empress marriage to prepare me to be born in their time.
----August 24th, 2017.
这可以说是我为什么痛骂这届中国政府根本是破鞋及婊子养的政府的非常精确的其中一个根本矛盾。他们当中的一些似乎就是不明白为什么他们自己的老婆或者他们自己怎么就是不够资格让传说中每一个有做过中国女子的这个那个男人都给做了?否则他们中的一些怎么老是让人感觉在撑腰帮她们自己或者他们自己的老婆们吵个不停强调她们自己或者他们自己的老婆们才是真正从中华人民共和国来的正宗华女就是应该就是有资格当破鞋馋这个男人那个男人。他们这些老黄脸婆及其丈夫们就扯着嗓门的抗争说她们自己才是特能撩人谁都应该想捅的,我就嘶吼她们根本就是一群没人要的干瘪老婊子根本就没法捅。我就敢说要是她们在美国擁擠人群中脫光衣服,我就敢说可能就只有僅僅5%的过路男人褲子可能会鼓一鼓,还得问问这5%过路男人有多久没有机会碰女人 .她们哪来的这自信对着我这个在美国生活的女人就是"坚决要求"?
我的回应:我继承财产是真实。传言我有27个爷爷留了些信托给我可能是真实。我听说除了我祖父以外的其他爷爷都象征性的留了点东西给我来表达对我这个孙女的祝福。我的祖父可能按照我父亲的意愿把我作为我这一代的家里继承人应拿的一份替我父亲办理了给我的信托。(请参阅:07-21-2017 BioGate and if my father has inheritance(Bio Gate 及我的父亲是否有遗产) ) 不是我每一个爷爷的信托到了今天还特别壮观,但每一个都很体面很漂亮是真,我也很珍惜着每一个信托。
08-23-2017 Lehman Brothers' Story and this Radio Program (雷曼兄弟控股和广播剧)
Heard Lehman Brothers' story is the reason of this radio program revenging on me.(中文附后)
My response: That is ridiculous. I was called stupid in Chinese Community and China because I jump into things I knew nothing of and things got nothing to do with me. How about all these people jumping into everyone else private romance managing?
Some said I did that in 2004 in order to have a great Financial person.
My response: That is untrue statement. The other party is also a great Financial person. They both are.
The rumor I heard recently is, the other one has been my inheritance business representative before 2004. I have to say that when I first heard this rumor, I said I have to take it as a joke.
I did ask "the public post" if interested to represent my inheritance but that was after my famous "jump right in".
This Lehman brothers‘ investor is the 400 years old French Fund announced this morning that also have confusions from family that has been representing it for 200 years already. The other one announced this morning that has similar confusion is the 500 years old French Fund from also a 300 years representing family..
Heard the Lehman Brothers’ investor story in 2004 is the behind scene reason of this radio program current style.
My response: Well, in July 1st of 2004 “discussion”, the only targeted is the investor to cost him to experience what "the public post" had complained: financial difficulties impacts and a lot more because of something. I was famous for "jump right in" was because I did not even ask what caused financial impact.
In entire discussion was how to make "the investor" to experience financial difficulties and limited to financial difficulties together with its impacts. There were efforts from myself to limit possible impacts to Lehman Brothers' other investors, or impacts to its employees, etc.. I also made myself very clearly in the discussion that I have no intention to take advantage of Lehman Brothers' possible situation caused by this discussion and I would have nothing against anyone to help the investor.
This of course would hurt this investor's feeling if he is indeed a great business representative of my inheritance. Can I say if so, that should best let it be limited between me and this investor.
Some said why do you do that to your own people and your own investment.
My response: Well, If I knew he has been business representative for my inheritance, I definitely would ask him what happened or what was his family's side story after I heard the complains and before I "jump right in".
About the investment, it was Never OK to do this to anybody's investment. There were some real reasons, it just sounds like targeting the investor.
----August 23rd, 2017
我最近听到的说法是: 另一个在2004年之前就一直是我所继承的一个基金的生意代理。我得承认我刚听到这个说法的时候,我回答说我就只能当你是在说笑了。
Chronicle Note
**I have not heard one single episode of this radio program myself for a lot of reasons. To do a radio program majorly featuring me was discussed on 07/01/2004 conference call. Radio program has been produced by United States 106.7FM or Clear Channel and on air since 2005??suppose??. I am, a Chinese, the major featured person(suppose). Following are what I gathered from impacts of being major featured person and may not correct. Please contact me at somebodyinMA@gmail.com if content is seriously incorrect and please provide references including broadcasting channel and time, thanks forward.
11-09-2017 Interests Conflicts and Intellectual Contribution Opportunities
Heard this morning's broadcasting of talk about who should be may primary care surgeon and my primary care hospital for my glass house cancer treatment.
My response: I am all for my current primary care surgeon on who should be my primary care surgeon, And I am all for my current primary care hospital to be my primary care hospital.
I was enrolled to my medical treatment through O'Connors which I appreciated very much. But the problem is they all love Tina O'Connor very much (not a sarcasm statement). She just can't get over her 20 years ago experience, and whenever there is any conflicts between me and her out of that "can't get over", they all listen to her side stories only as you can certainly imagine. I choose to let my medical treatment stay clear from O'Connors.
I had a great primary care surgeon who was this morning's partner in discussion. It was started my idea on July 1st of 2004 to let Holly Knowlton to keep an eye on if I spent her husband David Petraeus' money. My previous primary care surgeon is a cousin to this name Knowlton. All my medical expenses have been paid by myself with some "episodes of investment opportunities stories", but with my own steady capability to pay by myself, this was never an issue.
The interest conflicts are from this surgeon become in laws to a great O'Connor and some other names later. Because this or that reason, my patient interests has been comprised. That is the reason I have my current primary care surgeon.
My current primary care surgeon is a surgery nurse practitioner. In surgery, it is not easy for a surgery nurse practitioner to be promoted to a surgeon because surgery hours are needed for a surgery nurse practitioner to be eligible but a surgery nurse practitioner is not eligible to have surgery hours without a surgeon license. My current primary care surgeon was an assistant to my previous primary care surgeon for several years, and he got this opportunity to be in-place primary care surgeon because of the interest conflicts situation. He is the in-place primary care surgeon I trust and he got surgery practicing hours with special permission. He is now a great surgeon and my primary care surgeon.
----Nov. 9th, 2017
Heard this morning's argument of intellectual contribution opportunities.
My response: It is out of the frustration by knowing the handsome income I made from my intellectual contribution.
The argument is those in need of intellectual contribution should give their names some confidence that they can contribute great intelligence because they are willing to contribute. The concerned part is how long those in need of commercial intellectual contributions need to wait, and arguable part is the graceful period of time is expected to be till valid contributions arrive.
I understood the matter as: A lot of talented people's screams may be because of this not-intended blocking efforts from some big names. I did bring my understanding of the matter to those big names' attentions. I also have my own complains about some efforts regarding my health to ensure I cannot contribute intellectually.
This is similar to those efforts about my romance life. Male party should be accessible willingly or unwillingly by those "better-match from whoever's truly felt" till a child can be born or till a wedding can be achieved before the male party can have a word with me about children we share. I am being specially "designed" to have "disgusting looks and disgusting reputations" to ensure I can't have a word with the person who father my children, not to mention share life together with our children. I am determined to bring everyone who have participated this to the laws, for myself and for my children's sake.
----Nov. 9th, 2017
11-08-2017 Confidence In Names and An Engineer's Analyzing
Heard this morning's "why can't you have confidence in my name..." etc.
My response: I am a scientific person that believe in matter of fact evidences. Now I am in school for MBA education, so, I try to use MBA language to explain what I mean by this.
If some you can be illustrated as a blue or red stocks. I can do illustration of standard analyzing as:
1: Analyze the trend of your past performance first to see if you have a solid history that I can have some reason to be confident with that is from my expectation of fitting my best interests from my perspective for me to consider buy in.
2: What is your current "financial position" which means who are you, to me of course, or what are you on over-all any matters currently? And it also implies if there is any possibility for gaining in my favor or if there is only comprised benefits equivalent in my perspective.
3: What will be the expectation out of your potential that is not too stretchy? And of course to analyze if there is any potential for future growth that benefits me from my understanding or at least from my perspective.
All these has to rely on analyzing from solid data which certainly is what evidences are. This is the reason I believe in matter of fact evidences instead of some superstitious "confidence in names".
----Nov. 8th, 2017
Heard tone of "asserted not beneficial" is from my understanding of securities & police officers.
My response: My understanding of what all these announcements on the radio is all about reading a as complete as possible list of situations that is guaranteed "no benefits" as the condition of "do as I said". I call this the tone of "asserted not beneficial" that I do not even need to count my fingers to check if there is any situation has been left out from this "asserted not beneficial" list.
Here is the possible origin why you hear this confidence of "asserted not beneficial with the confidence that you certainly will do as I said." on the radio: On July 1st of 2004, I expressed my understanding about police officers.
Police officers can station in any business or organization for enhance security purposes, and they can be as responsive as possible to calls of help from where they are stationed, and their funding can be supported by the business or organizations that they are stationed, but they are not part of being managed by the business or organizations that they are stationed because they are not securities but police officers.
----Nov. 8th, 2017
Heard this morning's argument of stars.
My response: Heard it is confirmed, by U.S. military speaks person on the radio this morning, that there is no such 5-stars General in U.S. military currently who is a female in her 40s.
----Nov. 8th, 2017
Heard the saying about I can only keep my 3-stars if I was retired from U.S. military.
My response: That is the reason my life time achievement was mentioned the other day. It means I have kept my 3-stars General's privilege as no-longer enlisted since July 1st of 2004 when my stars were taken back.
----Nov. 8th, 2017
11-07-2017 Chinese Communities' Weird Sense of Duty to Prove "Such a Fake"
Heard some talks from some Chinese communities about working for a Chinese investor is too shabby.
My response: It is not rare to hear that from Chinese community. Some even said it is their duty to find out if I am the investor as I announced, and if so, they need to request transfer.
Not many Chinese investors can be called big investors to offer formal permanent jobs in big decent companies that respect same equal employment opportunities is possibly the major reason.
In Chinese communities, Chinese investors' owned companies are known for it means these business provide cash-pay jobs to serve Chinese communities only.
My investments that I claimed have been invested abroad, other than Hong Kong, are all over at least 100 years already. All have been well managed according to local laws by the locals. I am an investor who have no intention to get involved with these investments daily operation.
I say to those who take it a duty to harass me to find out if I am an investor as I claimed, why don't you ask your own company about what your concerns are regarding my declaration of being investor of this or that companies. If you indeed really want to request to be transferred is the only reason you need to find out if I am an investor to the company you work for, I suggest you to be honest to state that being a Chinese yourself, you think a Chinese means low-cast, disgusting cheap like yourself is the one and only reason you deserve to request a transfer.
I am aware that no one ever from People's Republic of China, or Taiwan, Singapore or Hong Kong is this rich as I claimed. But I have to address to you here that please guided by your local laws to satisfy your curiosities out of your disbelieves or your over confidence of who you are.
----Nov 7th, 2017
This is the edited post I published somewhere about my family background in China before People's Republic of China time that started in 1949:
I have been living in United States since 1996, and I only went back to China to visit my father only briefly in 2006 (2 weeks) and in 2007 (2-3 months). I do not know much about China other than my personal experiences. I did constantly call U.S. law enforcement's help since Dec. of 2014 after I started to hear my inheritances were never mine or my inheriting never happened, or I do not deserve any of my intellectual incomes. I was even in the situation that I was understood a burden to MA tax payers if I did not find a low wage job.
My apartment, by rumor, was understood as the radio program's extended recording studio that anyone should feel comfortable to come in as long as that entering was with a valid key. I have to block my apartment entrance at night because, by rumor, it was announced by the radio program that anyone should feel comfortable to come into my locked door apartment to rape me as long as that entering was with a valid key. All these were with real on-ground promotions organized by Local Radio Station Magic 106.7 FM. I am lucky I entrusted my wealth in 2004 already, and I only have some cheap clothes and cheap everything for my daily usage, this saved me from anxieties of going out to have errands.
*This apartment was never paid by the radio program producing expense. This apartment paying has been from my entrusts as decided at the same time when this apartment was reserved on July 1st of 2004.
My apartment, by rumor, was understood as the radio program's extended recording studio that anyone should feel comfortable to come in as long as that entering was with a valid key. I have to block my apartment entrance at night because, by rumor, it was announced by the radio program that anyone should feel comfortable to come into my locked door apartment to rape me as long as that entering was with a valid key. All these were with real on-ground promotions organized by Local Radio Station Magic 106.7 FM. I am lucky I entrusted my wealth in 2004 already, and I only have some cheap clothes and cheap everything for my daily usage, this saved me from anxieties of going out to have errands.
*This apartment was never paid by the radio program producing expense. This apartment paying has been from my entrusts as decided at the same time when this apartment was reserved on July 1st of 2004.
I attended three inheriting related meetings in my green card application attorney's office. One in January in 2004 that I was asked who is my father and who is my mother, and my verification documentation. The second was on June 30th of 2004 that I was told I have inheritances, I also expressed that day my willingness to entrust my wealth to original entrusting groups due to my health reason. The third one was July 1st of 2004 which was arranged to entrust my wealth per my request. All these meetings turned to chat rooms after main functions were finished had sparked a lot of confusions about what these meetings are. All my grandfathers' entrusts were foreigners' entrusts which were not eligible for estate taxes in U.S. or in Britain, etc, I was a Connecticut's resident that was free from inheritance tax in 2004 because of Connecticut's free AA(grandparent-grandchild) inheritance Tax policy which started since 2000.
All three meetings were having representatives from People's Republic of China, but they were not in the sub meeting when my wealth was discussed. No matter what may be their confusion, all these funds that I inherited are not from People's Republic of China, these funds were all entrusted abroad before 1949 when China was liberated by Communism to have People's Republic of China. No matter what their confusion might be, People's Republic of China's government should know these funds are not theirs' to say who should own.
I came from known rich family in China, "Ningbo Fang's House(宁波方家)" which was famous because of massive donations (covered almost entire funding that was needed) to Republic of China's central government to support funding to establish colleges in China (中央大学教育系统及部分其他)in early 1900. I am the heir of this "Ningbo Fang's House(宁波方家)" . My wealth I inherited according to my grandfathers' wills are all lawful money. Republic of China is now Taiwan government. My father's name Fang, Wenhai (方文海),my grandfather's name Fang, Zhiren (方智仁)。I am my father's only daughter and my grandfather's only granddaughter. I do have a younger brother but my family's inheritance rule is heir birthmark, not firstborn or first son.
This is the reason I applied U.S. citizenship in February of 2015 which was 10 years after I became U.S. resident.
*The college, now called Fudan University Shanghai Medical College(复旦大学上海医学院), that I graduated from and the university my father graduated from, Nanjing University(南京大学), are both originated from that donation.
----Nov. 7th, 2017
No. 1: I was criticized being a fake DNA researcher because I was never a one.
Confusions I heard about what July 1st of 2004's meeting were: DNA Research Seminar, Musical Seminar, Psychiatry Seminar, etc.
- It is true that I was never a DNA researcher.
- But I have to clarify here that I was talking about my concerns over my biological children through pregnancy mothers.
- It is true that I was never a musician.
- But I have to clarify here that it was known in the meeting that I cannot sing professionally, or play any instruments, or write a song or being a theoretical music professor.
- It is true that "Psychiatry" for one semester together with Medicine major in Fall of 1989 was the education I received when I was a pharmacology major student in Shanghai Medical University.
- But I have to clarify here that it was at the time when I just finished my research on BioGate project and analyzing was all I had done in the past 4 years time doing that project.
- It is true that I was very talkative at the meeting.
- But I have to clarify here that I was having some chat room chatting and that was all.
----Nov 7th, 2017
11-06-2017 All about Miss the Point
Heard this morning's talk about missing the point.
My response: Missing the point is what I agree if an employee confronting an investor's private matter when this employee was having some work related problem with an investor's family,
It is not an employee's employment to confront who deserve to be an investor's most beloved or real true love, it is also not an investor's family's privilege to insult an employee at workplace.
I would say why not let Business related Laws, Labor Laws and company's management to take care of the complains regarding an employee's lawful interests instead of confronting if someone is beloved enough by an investor to be privileged enough to insult an employee at workplace.
----Nov. 6th, 2017
Heard this morning's talk related to a lot of investors wives confusion of deserved privileges in the husbands' investment.
My response: This is another missing the point issue.
The wives deserved privileges are protected by Marriage Laws, Family Laws but not the Business related Laws. Investors families do not have the protection by Business related laws, just like employees' lawful interests are protected by labor laws but not marriage laws.
Investors wives are not privilege to insult any employee in husbands' business, and employees are not privilege to fight for who deserve to be the investors true beloved.
----Nov. 6th, 2017
Exactly being a wife who share children and life with an investor husband, why this wife can't have a saying over her husband's inherited investment.
My understanding: This is to say that husband have a saying over inherited investment because of blood, why not the wive because of sharing life together with the investor?
I am similar to the investor husband in this saying that I have saying over my inherited investments because the blood I carry, and impressively obviously, I am not willing to privilege anyone to have a saying over my inherited investments.
So, the first and foremost issue that may be "missed the point" is: If the investor husband willing to let the wife who share life with him to have a saying over his inherited investments?
I was confronted in 2004's meeting if I know anything at all to have a saying over my own inherited investments from those who worked their way up. and I have to earn their ears to convince them that I also worked my way up. And currently, as everyone already heard a lot, that all these shits throwing at me is to bring out the argument "why listen to her even this or that is her inherited investments?"
So, the second issue that may be "missed the point" is: If this sharing life wive know anything at all that deserve employed professionals' ears even if the investor husband willing to privilege the wife to have a saying?
I made myself very clearly that I have no intention to perform daily operation over my own investment. I do have this understanding that why I need to take on such huge responsibilities since those much talented professionals are taking good cares of my investments on my behave responsibly and can do a much better job than me? I also have enough work experiences to know that if I want to do a technology research, I do not need to run a business daily to achieve so, and if I want to practice some MBA's general administration, I do not need to run a big business to achieve so.
So, the third issue that may be "missing the point is:
If this wife is benefiting the investor husband's investment by having a saying over it? Mark here: the wife is the sharing life wife, the husband's investment is her shared interests.
If this wive is demanding to be respected as the investor's wife or she is demanding to be respected as the investor to the husband's investment?
----Nov. 6th, 2017
11-05-2017 All about Glass House Cancer related.(都是有关脑控癌的)
Heard some talks about donation to treat glass house cancer this morning.(中文附后)
My response: Current treatment effort is still the same as it has been: To make it affordable to majority so majority do not need to rely on charity to be healthy as ever if infected. I heard rumors that current special insurance(limited offer) is about $5000/month, and expectation to achieve complete cure is about in several years time. The emergency package(limited offer) is, by rumor, $50,000 in one installment in advance to schedule treatment, and average cost is around $30,000. Payment in advance is needed because treatment won't stop till complete finish once it started.
Unless you are high risky group, currently the recurrence chance is limited. (From my own experience as a patient of experiencing less recurrence).
The effort is still going on to make this treatment more affordable.
Donation for treatment is not financially practical because this is not nature disease that has rare chance to re-occur once completely cure. This is a man-made bio-medical situation that can be infected at the moment after it is treated completely cure. Donation may encourage corruption that spur this re-occurrence experiences which may impact on patients of being never healthy again.
Currently, from my own experience, United States law enforcement and United States government are working effectively on to make infection or unlawful-recurrences be effectively blocked by enforcing laws and effective management. And treatment technology is there already to achieve complete cure. As I said in the morning, the current effort, from my own experience as a patient, is to make treatment affordable to majority.
*Glass house cancer is some bio-engineer research can only be authorized to participated. Unauthorized is called infection.
----Nov. 5th, 2017
Heard some sayings about donation on my behave.
My response: I refuse.
I expressed my honest opinion about donation. And I refuse to let anyone donate my money on my behave. I do not against anyone having different opinion about donation on this treatment, but I refuse those different opinions to donate my money they owed.
----Nov. 5th, 2017
Some advises from an "insider".
1: Be alert to personal financial information. If concern of being infected, personal password, personal bank accounts numbers may be compromised:
- You can try to keep limited amount in checking and saving accounts, and buy CD or bond, etc. to keep your savings aside. Safe keeping valuable papers and try not to glance account number or sequential number if that is printed on the valuable paper.
2: Try not to think unnecessary. Glass house cancer is the term I use to address my experience of having this bio-medical situation that I volunteered to be on -- No privacy at all as if living in a glass house. That is thought included. If you are concerned that somebody may peep into your private thought through infection:
- You can try not to think a lot about unnecessary. Those thoughts only agitate yourself and those you are thinking of. Nothing beyond.
- You can try to enjoy freedom of publishing, freedom of speech by publishing your thoughts in articles to protect your intellectual property.
- You can seek emergency treatment if your job is in jeopardy or harassment is severe.
- Taking showers without looking at yourself, enjoy romance life sensationally with limited visual excitements. ( I am comfortable with my current situation is because I am like maimed currently that nothing on my body is myself.)
----Nov. 5th, 2017
我的回应:现在脑控癌治疗的努力还是一如既往:让大众可以自己承受治疗可能会需要的费用,让大众不需要仰赖捐款才可以恢复健康。我听说的是现在的特别保险(对公众有限开放)价格是5000美金一个月,估计在几年之内可以彻底治愈。紧急治疗(对公众有限开放)是五万美金押金一次付清后可以预约治疗, 实际治疗费用平均是三万左右。必须预先付清五万是因为只要紧急治疗一旦开始就会持续进行直到标准紧急治疗项目彻底完成,付清预付后就不会因为费用不够而中途停止。
- 你可以尝试在银行的存款账户和支票账户内只保留有限的金额,买一些定期存单及国债之类的妥善保管,尽量不要看存单上或债卷上所印的账户号码或者序号。
- 你可以尝试不要胡思乱想。这些无谓的想法除了气死你自己,就是气死那些被你所想到的。没有任何益处。
- 你可以尝试充分享受言论自由和出版自由,公开发表你的想法来保护你自己的智慧产权。
- 如果你的工作受到威胁或者骚扰很严重,你可以寻求紧急治疗。
- 洗澡的时候尽量不要看自己的身体,行房的时候尽量不要多看。(我自己对我现在的这种状况不是很担心,我现在就好像是被破相了一样,反正身上的每一个部分都不是我自己原来的样子。)
3: 注意个人安全,包括驾车安全,过街安全,厨房安全,等等。
11-04-2017 Radio Program's some producing efforts of "Announcing on a Public Channel means to Take Over as Wish"
Heard this morning's talk about College donation's in Republic of China in early 1900.
My response: I heard it was said twice.
The first time it was said "It was my family's donation (那是我家里)”.
The second time it was said: “It was my family's donation representation only.(那是我家里代表捐赠的”
I heard the reason of saying it twice emotionally is because that is a Banker Mr. Rong from the direct line of Mr. Rong who signed the donation checks, he was repeating what he said the first time to correct the wrongful impression caused by editing off the ending of the line.
----Nov. 4th, 2017
Heard the curiosity why radio program produced this way?
My response: To cause confusions and to create angers, I declare. I also assume there is indeed a sick pathetic psycho who is having some dirtiness polluting this radio program. I even assume there may be more than one.
Some even caused fights from those who cared about this or that person's own well-being.When you heard on the radio that my children deserved to be shitted because this radio program insisted on to accuse me lied about a "birth-child" born before I left China which was impossible that I can hide a 10-months-pregnancy from those live-in-one-college-dormroom-with-me-daily or work-with-me daily, will you angry if you know this has been an organized promotion to make it a reality real just in order to"shit me to destroy and take over my money"?
Tons of this efforts including insist on me doing a DNA test with whoever they name should be my "own birth". The reason this should-be-nothing-wrong is "what are you afraid if you are still having your virgin belly and that is not your own born"? To the rumored Mrs. Famous-Names who “agree" this should be nothing wrong, I say why don't you let your child or children do a DNA test with any homeless man on any streets anywhere. What are you afraid of if you are confident your proud child or children is or are from your own husband?
Angrier version:
Tons of this efforts including insist on me doing a DNA test with whoever they name should be my "own birth". The reason this should-be-nothing-wrong is "what are you afraid if you are still having your virgin belly and that is not your own born"? My response back is "Why can't you be F***ed by a biological pig whole naked publicly knowing that won't change the fact or public understanding who seeded your adult child(ren) or infant child you already gave birth to? What are you afraid of?"
Heard rumor that this is from a Mrs. Rockefeller. So, I respond to this rumored Mrs. Rockefeller:
"I do not live on your money, I do not live on your charity, I do not live on your name.
I am famous for my own achievements from my brain department that you can never claim to take over.
I carry my own glorious maiden Emperors grandfathers' name that you can never claim your maiden.
I do have very much handsomer my own money from my own maiden Emperors grandfathers that you can never claim to own.
You enjoy being the proud brave pig-fuck-able is as you wish. I refuse to be insulted by you or the name you try to shame."
I have some similar experiences now from this competition of "who can lie" to make me to look like a fool when I write these "I heard". I may stop anytime if this gets serious. I am being treated for glass house cancer that I am harassed from.
I can't hear the radio program's broadcasting is due to "some special arrangement" that I did call law enforcement's help for. Not sure if this is from my anxiety history concern or intentionally to block me from free information. My radio just do not have this radio program and I kept hearing some people saying "no such radio program" or "never had such radio program." This radio program's producing effort seems to have some illusion that as long as they can producing this radio program this way and broadcast their desired ownership of anything, they can achieve this public robbery of taking over everything by just announcing on the public channel their desired "should-ownership of everything".
----Nov. 4th, 2017
Heard this morning's argument of "Legal Documentation".
My response: According to legal documentations, that regulate this radio program's eligibility to be broadcasted on a public channel, has specified this radio program is a Reality Show, not an entertainment purposed scripted show.
It was confused in the past why there was a equivalent appended to Reality Show. I explained it was because the audio material and stories it featured about my life stories have been "not at the time radio program was produced."
Tina O'Connor (Helena O'Connor) has been emphasis her great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather's letter is a "legal documentation" to own my entrust that I inherited in 2004.
I have to clarify that was a only letter that her grandfather wrote as head of legal of that fund with a valid attorney's license. It was "illegal", "invalid" and "irresponsible" when it comes to the ownership of my entrust.
My entrust (that Fund) had been historically a foreigner's entrust till I became a U.S. citizen in 2015. Her great grandfather's letter written about 200 years ago was written when her great grandfather was one of the 400 employees of the Fund. That Fund has been in America since its colony time about 400 years ago.
Nobody called law enforcement's help to correct that letter because her great grandfather need that letter to serve the country as he was asked. Her great grandfather was supported to serve the country that this fund had been investing by agreed-upon-providing from the Fund. But this did not-call-law-enforcement-to-correct-that-letter's-claims never means "OKed ownership changing".
Tina O'Connor has no reason to keep "proving ownership by insist-on this fund to spend on promoting this radio program's announcements". She just need to call Law's help if that is really her family's lawful money.
My $400 Million medical expense was paid from this Fund to medical providers with a General Attorney's signature because I called Law's help.
----Nov. 4th, 2017
11-03-2017 My Personal Experiences
Heard this morning's broadcasting of People's Republic of China.
My response: I repeat what I said I said in the morning:
You are the proud butts and breast of People's Republic of China's Chairman,
You are the proud butts and breast of People's Republic of China's Premiere,
But I do not have a between-leg to checkout their testimony, and I am not willing to give you a penny.
You are the People's Republic of China's Chairman's proud "Birth Mother of the Child",
You are the People's Republic of China's Premiere's proud "Lawfully Registered Wife",
But I have not intention to commit bribery and I am not willing to give you a penny.
----Nov. 3rd, 2017
Heard this morning's "I don' give shit to what you said" when my money was mentioned.
My response: I heard that was from an O'Connor.
Luckily she is not the person can spend my money
(updated on Nov. 7th, 2017)
----Nov. 3rd, 2017
A post I published somewhere about my personal experiences:
My Personal Experience from People's Republic of China:
My graduate education (Master Degree) and academic achievements in Computer Science in United States as a U.S. resident had been respected by People's Republic of China's government before 2012.
My contributions to People's Republic of China: Special Green House Farms, Mega Cities Subway System, and Creator of Beijing 2008 Olympic Game Ceremonies are acknowledged by People's Republic of China's government before 2012. (*all have June of 2004's solid authentic original visual records ).
My understandings of Chinese Communism Party were appreciated by People's Republic of China's government before 2012.
*** ***
I am publicly called a plagiarizer who impossibly can have any achievements in Computer Science, by People's Republic of China's government in 2016.
- *I left China in 1996, Computer Science Master degree graduated in 2000 from a United States' University and worked since 1999 for a United States' Security Software and Consulting company.
I am publicly called impossibly can know anything about medicine because college major is pharmacology, by People's Republic of China's government in 2016.
- *I graduated from Shanghai Medical University in 1990, majored in pharmacology. This is No.1 or No.2 medical college in People's Republic of China. It was announced this school "no longer exist", and actually this school is currently called Fudan University Shanghai Medical College (Its website: http://shmc.fudan.edu.cn/).
- Pharmacology major I received includes Basic Medical System: three years medicine course shared with medicine major. Same professors and same lab facilities for three years. Same classrooms for Internal Medicine and Psychology. I clearly remembered 150 students total in one classroom, 50 of us pharmacology majored, 100 from medicine majored.)
I am publicly called a fake who impossibly can be the creator of 2008 Olympic Opening Ceremony, by People's Republic of China's government in 2016.
- (*It was taped in June of 2004, New Jersey, United States with solid authentic original visual records ).
I am publicly called beggar and unwanted whore, by People's Republic of China's government in 2016.
- (* I was never provided for by People's Republic of China's government other than free education offered to public when I was in China, and I never demanded anyone to provide for me because of sexual activities.)
- (* I inherited my grandfathers' entrusts according to their wills in 2004 which was almost 8 years after I had lived in U.S. All those entrusts were lawfully entrusted abroad before 1949. People's Republic of China was established since 1949.)
I am publicly announced as never wanted and never needed fake talents, by People's Republic of China's government in 2016-2017.
- (* On my web blog, I stated I am the authentic biological heir of the house that can be dated back to 2000 years ago and my blood has been enriched by long history of Chinese Culture, but I am a U.S. citizen now. And I have nothing to do with People's Republic of China)
*** ***
I am lucky I entrusted my inherited wealth in 2004 so that I do not have a lot of belongs with me that can be occupied by the "new communism" who deserve to share my wealth because of their own experiences of so non-of-my-business but so deserve-to-be-appreciated (by me? why?) sexual activities.
My Personal Experience from United States:
My lawful inheritances and my lawful intellectual incomes are protected by United States Laws.
My understanding of WWII was acknowledged and rewarded a 3-Stars U.S. Military General as a Strategist.
My intellectual contributions have been widely appreciated by United States business.
I have been provided for via U.S government's housing project and transition helps. My current study is on or via U.S. government's Student Loan.
I am a U.S citizen since June of 2015. And I am proud to be an American.
My Personal Experience from United Kingdom of Great Britain:
The longest entrust I know for sure that inherited in 2004 was my ancient Chinese Tang dynasty Emperor grandfather's entrust that was setup around 800AD. It was entrusted and has been invested in United Kingdom. My 2014's Christmas was gifted by this Fund's American investment's handsome providing on my medical treatment including glass house cancer treatment, very and very handsomely after all these years.
I am looking forward to visit United Kingdom of Great Britain.
----Nov. 3rd, 201711/02/2017 All about some secret "Mission" associated with SEX or MONEY
Heard this morning's broadcasting mentioned about either child or children.
My response: Yes, I agree and that is my point too.
No decent person can be this disgusting to produce a pair of my children through medical technology's help for the man who does not want them.
No decent person can be this disgusting to produce a pair of my children through medical technology's help just to insult the female who already mother a young child from the him after 2004.
I have great entrusting groups who have been looking after me ever since I was born. Their decency already presented by the fact I have my wealth inherited without me knowing a clue about it in 2004. They are the groups also know I am not this cheap to be insulted by mothering a man's children knowing they are never wanted.
----Nov. 2nd, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting a Abraham's David group.
My response: That is not the Abraham from Old Testament. That is the Abraham associated with the famous last name Lincoln.
Rumored President Lincoln freed slaves in United States with the help of a secret David's team which was grouped by some first named David.
This morning's episode was saying this David's team has a similar "great" mission that is to "free" every male or female from covering his or her between legs which caused great inconvenience from free accessing.
----Nov. 2nd, 2017
Heard this morning's implied I am ancient Abraham associated.
My response: I heard similar rumor too.
Rumored LORD Jehovah from Old Testament is originated from an ancient Chinese name Ji Hou Fa(姬侯发)
Rumored Mediterranean God Zeus is originated from an ancient Chinese name Zhou Si (周斯)
This is how I was rumored to have association with the Abraham from Old Testament.----Nov. 2nd, 2017
Heard this morning's implied I am ancient Abraham associated.
My response: I heard similar rumor too.
Rumored LORD Jehovah from Old Testament is originated from an ancient Chinese name Ji Hou Fa(姬侯发)
Rumored Mediterranean God Zeus is originated from an ancient Chinese name Zhou Si (周斯)
Both these ancient Chinese names are referring to one person from ancient Chinese Zhou dynasty Emperors or ancestor of Zhou dynasty Emperors.
Zhou dynasty was a dynasty from 1046 BC -771 BC (West Zhou) and 770 BC - 256 BC (East Zhou).
I have an Empress grandmother Wu had announced herself the child from Emperors this Zhou dynasty around 700 AD time. In Chinese ancient books including books from Tang dynasty, her same last name nephews from her maiden cousins were recorded to imply it is unlikely she could be the heir of Zhou dynasty Emperors.
Rumored my Empress grandmother left me an entrust as well. Rumored she wrote in her will that I am this 姬侯发's child. I am not surprised at all because this was how she "declared" herself around 1400 years ago. I am her biological child is true.
Other than this, I do not know why all these rumors.
*By the way: In Chinese, Zhou Si only means a Mister who is last named Zhou or from Zhou dynasty unless that Si is used as a name.
---- Nov. 2nd, 2017
11-01-2017 This morning is SHOCKING (今天早上的播出实在是惊!惊!惊!)
Heard about this morning's shocking confirmation about Chinese Premiere's four announced wives.
My response: Ya, it is shocking.
----Nov.1st, 2017
Heard this morning's shocks about four confirmed Adult children mothered by Chinese Premiere's wife.
My response: I heard four adult children are:
One is fathered by Chinese Chairman Xi.
One is fathered by Chinese Premiere Li;
One is fathered by Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress。
One is fathered by Minister of Chinese Justice Department.
----Nov. 1st, 2017
Heard about this morning's broadcasting ended with English only.
My response: It is shocking. Lucky the treatment technology is available, and I heard emergency treatment can be very fast and effective.
Being a person having glass house cancer, I agree what was said the other day: The best way to handle if concerned about possibly having glass house cancer is:
Do not listen to anything that one should not.
Do no read anything that one should not.
Do not think of anything that one should not.
Keep alert on personal saving account's “information security”.
----Nov. 1st, 2017
10-31-2017 The Shocking Performance sound like a Revenge Story (令人震惊的演出故事听着像是为了报复)
Heard this morning's broadcasting of "shocking performance" story.
My response: I add what I heard that related to this specific story.
Heard it was a Chinese Navy Stage Show Performing Group.
Heard all those order to performed had been one man's ex-girlfriend briefly.
Heard that man had already a seriously involved girl-friend for 6 years at the performing time.
Heard it was ordered by the serious girl-friend's relative.
Do you think this sounds familiar? Because after this shocking performance, all those ordered-to-perform actress are “expected" no longer a suitor to anyone that is decent good. Either those participating males or no-one.
The difference is this time they ordered married males to participate this disgusting throw a penis performance. Who are the ordering party, why these married males answered this disgusting order to throw a penis like in a military order's name? One is a British Military Personnel, one is a retired U.S. Military Personnel, and who else? Are they being ordered?
I did send an email to Law Enforcement about this familiarity.
----Oct. 31st, 2017
10-30-2017 Is Agreed-upon-Providing Fair? And How BioGate made you rich while Idle sitting in Janus Associates?
Heard saying I confused everyone if I own a Fund in this morning's broadcasting.
My response: I was just trying not to claim every French Fund that is 500 years old.
The one that is my inheritance Fund also has a grandfather's letter story.
----Oct. 30th, 2017
Heard saying about "Agreed-upon-Providing" is so unfair to everyone who had worked for the Funds as staff historically.
My response: Being the beneficiary, I appreciate everyone's contribution to every single one of my inheritance Funds.
The agreed-upon-providing was reached when Mr. This or Mr. That was asked to run for a no-pay public post. Being these foreigners' entrusts beneficiary, I do think it was great decision to contribute this way to the countries this fund had been investing by supporting those great Misters to serve the countries, and it has been very decent scale of financial providing considering those Misters do have families to support. Currently, for example, there is about 150-200 house holds of O'Connors for agreed-upon total of $200 Millions yearly providing, this has been the similar scale historically for every agree-upon-providing.
Currently this agree-upon-providing are in process of stopping since those public posts are paid jobs now, and the financial impacts of this stopping is the major reason of those anxieties publicly expressed by some. To be honest, I am on the verge to say I can't take it anymore.
----Oct. 30th, 2017
Heard about how could it possible that I have made a lot of money from BioGate while BioGate is still sitting in Janus Associates?
My response: I heard this rumor for sometime already. I explain here what I heard about it.
Janus Associates has been a great grand child level investment of one of my inheritance Fund was the reason I, rumored, got the job into Janus Associates much easier. I also heard Janus Associates has been entirely owned by Fisher family when I was an employee there. So I do not know anything beyond what I heard.
I am the first person that achieved BioGate's Login Replacement technology as well as first person achieved CDSA working version related technology were the reasons that I earned much bigger intellectual patent fees or similar than Bryan Cockrell who, by rumor, is not the first person achieved BioAPI working version related technology. The hugely contributed on my share in BioGate deal.
BioGate's Login replacement component was not what was broadcasted. The broadcasted was its CDSA Secure Data Transport component.
(Retrieved on Oct. 30th, 2017 from https://www.techopedia.com/definition/10244/common-data-security-architecture-cdsa )
----Oct. 30th, 2017
The one that is my inheritance Fund also has a grandfather's letter story.
----Oct. 30th, 2017
Heard saying about "Agreed-upon-Providing" is so unfair to everyone who had worked for the Funds as staff historically.
My response: Being the beneficiary, I appreciate everyone's contribution to every single one of my inheritance Funds.
The agreed-upon-providing was reached when Mr. This or Mr. That was asked to run for a no-pay public post. Being these foreigners' entrusts beneficiary, I do think it was great decision to contribute this way to the countries this fund had been investing by supporting those great Misters to serve the countries, and it has been very decent scale of financial providing considering those Misters do have families to support. Currently, for example, there is about 150-200 house holds of O'Connors for agreed-upon total of $200 Millions yearly providing, this has been the similar scale historically for every agree-upon-providing.
Currently this agree-upon-providing are in process of stopping since those public posts are paid jobs now, and the financial impacts of this stopping is the major reason of those anxieties publicly expressed by some. To be honest, I am on the verge to say I can't take it anymore.
----Oct. 30th, 2017
Heard about how could it possible that I have made a lot of money from BioGate while BioGate is still sitting in Janus Associates?
My response: I heard this rumor for sometime already. I explain here what I heard about it.
Janus Associates has been a great grand child level investment of one of my inheritance Fund was the reason I, rumored, got the job into Janus Associates much easier. I also heard Janus Associates has been entirely owned by Fisher family when I was an employee there. So I do not know anything beyond what I heard.
I am the first person that achieved BioGate's Login Replacement technology as well as first person achieved CDSA working version related technology were the reasons that I earned much bigger intellectual patent fees or similar than Bryan Cockrell who, by rumor, is not the first person achieved BioAPI working version related technology. The hugely contributed on my share in BioGate deal.
BioGate's Login replacement component was not what was broadcasted. The broadcasted was its CDSA Secure Data Transport component.
Definition - What does Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA) mean?
Common data security architecture (CDSA) is a set of security services and frameworks that allow the creation of a secure infrastructure for client/server applications and services. It is a secure application development framework that equips applications with security capabilities for delivering secure Web and e-commerce applications.
Techopedia explains Common Data Security Architecture (CDSA)
CDSA is primarily a middleware framework that provides a set of APIs for creating and delivering secure applications. It allows application developers to easily add a set of different security features and services that have been prewritten and designed for client/server-based applications. CDSA provides the following features:
- Cryptography and encryption
- Certificate creation and management
- Policy management
- Authentication and non-repudiation
- Public key infrastructure
It was initially designed by Intel Architecture Labs for Linux but now also supports the Windows platform.
----Oct. 30th, 2017
10-29-2017 My Contribution to China's Subway System is Authentically Mine, Radio Program Producers are not eligible to Authenticate it "fake or plagiary".(我对中国地铁的贡献真实,广播剧制作组不够资格作为权威来认证“虚假剽窃”)
Heard the confusion if my contribution to China can be authentic since I am not from the professional background。(中文附后)
My response: I would use my contribution to China's mega cities' subway system to explain this. My professional background is never city architecture, and my hobby is never architecture design.
I have been Boston, MA resident since 2004 and I had briefly lived in Boston, MA for two month in 2003. My contribution to China's Subway system you heard on the radio, if you can hear the replay while you take a look at Boston's and New York City's subway map that displayed in every subway station, you know that every single word I said is authentically my original as a technology researcher background with no architecture education. That is how I contributed to China's mega cities' subway system.
The similar is my "Classic Suzhou Garden on a Roof Top." The CDSA, computer software framework that framed every single component of a software for security purpose that I had worked out from BioGate project, contributed to that exterior design to integrated the entire garden idea. If you can hear the replay how I expressed my vision of this garden, you know that every single word is authentically my own originals even I am not the person can draw a blue print. (*And I do have a grandfather college graduated from Architecture major).
Every one of my contribution or achievements is similar this, touch the point professionally to contribute but not from professional background knowledge.
The confusion may from the difference "Authentication(真实性,证明,鉴定)" that derived from "Authentic(真实)" and "Authenticate(认证)". The radio program producers suppose to report its authentication to see if it is authentic, radio program producers are not eligible to be the authority to authenticate its authentication to make it "no longer authentic" but “fake or plagiary(虚假或剽窃)” only .
Is it implying that without radio program producing team's authentication, my contribution is not mine any more? Who are these producers so authority on any matter? How they can have this authority by their direct(females) or indirect (males) sexual experiences with prominent males? Is that because a subway is a "operational tunnel system" as well?
Boston T-map (Subway Map)

New York City's Subway Map
----Oct. 29th, 2017
Heard the confusion of what is "Entrust" and what is "inheritance."
My response: I would use an example here to explain how I inherited my grandfathers' entrusts according to my grandfathers' wills.
If you have a child about 10 years old now, and you got a fortune like win a Lotto, after you put aside what you want your child to have and what your own planned saving or investment, if you also want to put aside something for your child's child(ren), Entrust is what you need to do.
You can go to an attorney and tell the attorney how much you want your child' child to have, and you can specify exact which child from your child is the one you want to give how much this money if not intend to let all of you child's children to have this money evenly. You need to write down all these in details and that would be your will. Your will would be in this attorney's safe keeping as part of entrusting legal documentations.
After you child grow up and have child or children, the child fits your will to have that money will inherit that money from you, not your child but you. That money you entrusted would be called this child's inheritance from you.
----Oct. 29th, 2017
Heard Chinese Premiere's wife is the real authentic heir from Zu's family.
My response: I say unlikely.
According to the rumor I hear, the saying is she got a dragon tattoo hidden on her buttock's split. And Zu's family only acknowledge this dragon tattoo to be the authentic heir.
I am not doubting if it is appropriate for a father to order a heir's tattoo at a hidden place like such, I only doubt why the father would want everyone to look at his heir daughter's butts whenever the heir's authentication is in need of verification.
---Oct. 29th, 2017
这和我的”屋顶上的苏州园林"创意很类似。电脑软件的保安框架CDSA,就是我做Bio Gate软件时包裹了电脑软件的每一个部件的那个骨架结构,就是这个"屋顶苏州园林”里通过外墙设计来达到整个园林设计一体化的创意来源。如果你能听到当时这集的重播,你就会知道虽然我不是学建筑设计的更不会画设计蓝图,但每一字每一句都是我真实原创。(*我确实是有一个从建筑专业本科毕业了的爷爷)
这个困扰可能来自英语名词Authentication(真实性,证明,鉴定),这个英语单词有两个引申意思。一个是从"Authentic(真实)"引申来的,一个是从"Authenticate(认证)"引申来的。广播剧制作组应该是报道Authentication(真实性)来查核是否真实(Authentic), 广播剧的制作组不是什么权威机构可以进行通过认证(Authenticate)这些贡献的真实性(Authentication)而让这些贡献不再真实而变成了“虚假剽窃”。
Boston T-map (Subway Map)

New York City's Subway Map
10-28-2017 Ningbo Fang's House and China's College Education(宁波方家和中国的高等教育)
Heard this morning's a female CEO has not been dragged out.
My response: She is the CEO of the Chicago Foundation invested by the Fund that caused some O'Connors confusion, or invested by another of my inheritance Fund. Too bad, she is not the Fund's CEO being dragged out in that Fund's story,heard she is the CEO of a Chicago Foundation that has been supported by that Fund's.
This is how this radio program produced 2015-2016's radio program. This is the same producing team's effort.
That is the reason I have this serious confusion how many Funds O'Connors are so confused of now. Tina O'Connor (Or Helena O'Connor) has a father who once represented three of my grandfathers entrusts, two of them have Foundations in Chicago.
* The confusion comes from the Chinese translation of Fund and Foundation.
----Oct. 28th, 2017
Heard this morning's argument about Ningbo Fang's House".(中文附后)
My response: Ningbo Fang's House was confirmed, by Taiwan government on the radio, lead by Zhiren Fang, his grandfather and father, and Wenhai Fang is the heir son of Zhiren Fang, and this generation is head by the daughter from Wenhai Fang.
I am the only daughter of my lawfully married birth parents Wenhai Fang and Boxian Wang. I am the one and only granddaughter of Zhiren Fang.
The conclusion: I, Min Fang, is the Head Missy of Ningbo Fang's House that proudly support China's College Education.
I am the Missy Fang Ingonyama as well. I inherited Ingonyama title from my birth grandfather Mufasa (唐穆宗)
----Oct. 28th, 2017
Heard the confusion how exactly Ningbo Fang's house supported China' College Education.
My response: Through donation to Central government of Republic of China in early 1900 time or so to fund its Central College Education system, as confirmed you heard on the radio by Taiwan government.
----Oct. 28th, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting about my complain of "reality shows faking efforts."
My response: It was said this was the strategy of World War II. And, I heard some are very proud they can do this to make real me a fake through and through.
My complain is they have no intention to stop at presentation only.
My complains are that they have taken my money and actually spent it, and they abused me without intention to stop, and they did tear pages from my inheritance Fund's accounting books to claim the fund's ownership.
I did call law enforcement's help regarding all these.
----Oct. 28th, 2017
Heard my screams Chinese government have been shared by a lot.
My response: I, Min Fang, am the one and only lawful owner of all my inheritance funds that I inherited on June 30th of 2004 according to my birth grandfathers wills, this is no confusion at all.
Those Funds I inherited on June 30th of 2004 had all been entrusts and currently is entrusted by myself.
Some big names that have represented my inheritance Funds have not worked for myself or those who share some birth grandfathers with me. Those entrust funds have never been old style family operating business.
I have no intention to merge my inheritance funds, and I have no intention to take on the responsibility of operating anyone of them myself. I have no intention to make any of my inheritance funds a family operating business.
----Oct. 28th, 2017.
我的回应:通过在1900年代早期捐款给中华民国的中央政府支持其兴办了中华民国时期的中央大学教育系统, 就像你在广播上听到的被台湾政府所证实的。
10-27-2017 People's Republic of China's citizens are not Privileged than Citizens from other Countries in front of U.S. Laws.(中华人民共和国的公民在美国法律面前并不比任何其他国家的公民优越)
Heard this morning's talk of a Chinese male intent to divorce after 10 years marriage.
MY response: That is that person's personal issue.
Being a female, I agree with those females publicly expressed that People's Republic of China's citizens do not have the privilege to expect other nations' any female citizen, especially female citizens from marriage-freedom-countries, to be less privileged in Freedom of Marriage.
I am a U.S. citizen, I refuse to grant People's Republic of China's any citizen any privilege to make me a victim according to U.S. laws as well as People's Republic of China's Laws.
I am a U.S. citizen, I refuse to grant any nations' any citizen (including United States) any privilege to make me a victim according to U.S. laws as well as any nations' own laws, worldwide-ly.
----Oct. 27th, 2017
10-26-2017 This morning's episode's entire producing team was from 2015-2016 era.
Heard this morning's confusing shocking episode.
My response: The director, rumored a cousin to that Jessica who is the announced mother of David Petraeus' child or children, has participated this radio program's current producing since this week or since last week. He was the person directed 2015- early 2017 era of this radio program's producing.
Heard this morning's episode's entire producing team was this director's original team of 2015 -2016 era.
----Oct. 26th, 2017
10-25-2017 The Fund that O'Connors argued about is My Private Wealth Lawfully Owned(O'Connor家在争执的这个基金是我合法拥有的私人财产)
Heard this morning's argument about contributions to U.S.(中文附后)
My response: I am a U.S.citizen, I am not the United States.
The fund caused O'Connors families' confusion is my money because it was set up by my grandfather's entrust I inherited lawfully according to his will.
O'Connors contribution to the great United States should be recognized by United States, the great lawful country protect my private wealth as a U.S. citizen's lawfully owned.
Any contribution reward recognition should be directed to Congress Hill, White House, Federal Treasure Department and Federal Bank of the United States. It is inappropriate to belittle the contributors contributions' National Greatness to individual citizen's privately owned wealth.
O'Connors contributions to the Fund that I inherited, the one they are confused because of their grandfather's letter, had been recognized by the Fund appropriately and historically, reflected by incentives paid on time for each deal O'Connors helped to reach and $200 Million per year sized agreed-upon-providing provided for six generations after two generations Attorney O'Connors' total 55 or 65 years working time for the funds as General Counselor.
Further reward of entire size or partial size of the Fund regarding O'Connors families contribution to the Fund is inappropriate. This inappropriateness is the reason that caused mention of corruptions, money laundries and criminal activities on the radio. I did call law enforcement's help regarding some similar rumors I heard.
----Oct. 25th, 2017
**Heard the saying of 1775's speech of independence.
My response: The fund's 400-500 staffed between 1774-1776 and it was under a CEO's leadership entire time since it was setup in 1545 or so. Attorney O'Connor was General Counsel who was responsible for Fund's legal matter only before he quit the job to be a Senator.
This Fund has been a British Fund's Child Fund since it setup.
The British investments have been respected as lawfully owned British investments after America announced its independence from Britain.
----Oct. 25th, 2017
Heard this morning's money "illegally entrusted abroad".
My response: The Fund caused O'Connors families confusion was set up by my grandfather's entrust entrusted 600-800 years ago.
That was either Chinese Yuan Dynasty time or Chinese Ming dynasty time. There is no such historical records of such "forbidden entrusting abroad" documents is possibly the reason you heard "You (heard it referred a Ming dynasty's Emperors'(Zu's family) possible offspring) just lie like this".
This "lie like this" has been my complain regarding this administration of People's Republic of China. They state lies about me in a matter of fact tone as if nobody would ever check any evidences or facts, or as if there is no such evidences or facts at all. It is as if whatever they like to say should be the statement and that should be it. What is their problem?
By the way, this offspring is the person that, by rumor, whose great-great-great grandfather was denounced by the family inheritance rule. The rumor is: The father of his great-great-great grandfather changed family inheritance rule from first born son to first born when there were two daughters and one son (youngest). The son did not get family wealth inheritance the same like the heir title.
----Oct. 25th, 2017
Heard arguments this morning about why I can be a 3-Stars General in U.S. Military without years.
My response: I was recruited a 3-Stars General Strategist because of my understanding of WWII.
I know this is how researchers or technology personnel recruited into U.S. Military.
Heard Strategist is a combat officer position, I assume that is maybe the reason I was impressively having commanding power in 2004's meeting, other than I was identified by psychologists ( since teenage time) that I have the nature of a leader in my personality.
----Oct. 25th, 2017
Heard the strange competition from China about who I am.
My response: That is ridiculous has been my complain all these time.
I have been shitted by Chinese government officials wives because they are the real winner wives whose husband includes those I never even met or heard of. And this jealousy expressions is hatred intensive across half of the earth to United States while their husbands are right next to them in Beijing,China entire time in the past 20 years. * I left China in 1996, which is 21 years ago.
Heard in China, the jealousy toward People's Republic of China's Chairman Mao (Zedong Mao) and his first wife Yang (Kaihui Yang) has been phenomenal in the past 10 years. Chairman Mao passed away in 1976, his first wife Yang died in 1930.
This hatred jealous against me is over half of the planet earth geographically, the enormous jealous against Chairman Mao and his first wife Yang is over almost a century time-space-ly. Is there anyone can get what this is?
I am a individual person who only have securities but not military. Why I am the target of Chinese Military as if I am the United States? And according to the rumors I heard, this "war" is targeted against me not the United States. This is the reason why "murder for money attempt" was mentioned.
The Fund that caused O'Connors families confusion, you must have heard how Chinese government insist on to have a saying of who owns it? That Fund was setup about 400 years ago in America, which was 200 years before United States was established (in 1774) and over 300 years before People's Republic of China was established (in 1949). It was another 200-400 years in earliness of time when money left China. Why People's Republic of China's government just insist on having some sayings over this Fund's ownership?
I am a U.S. citizen, O'Connors are all U.S. citizens and the Fund is an American Fund, why People's Republic of China's government has to be the voice in ownership? According People's Republic of China's Inheritance Laws and People's Republic of China's entrusting Laws, the understanding should be the same as United States that the Fund is my lawfully owned fully.
I just do not get what is wrong with this administration of People's Republic of China's?
----Oct. 25th, 2017
O'Connor家对我所继承的基金(也就是他们因为一封爷爷的信而很困扰的那个基金)的贡献,历史上就已经被该基金很恰当的予以认可, 这份认可就是通过对于每笔他们帮助实现的交易当时立即付清相关的销售提成,以及在他们父子两代一共只做了55-65年的公司法律总顾问后“同意供给”了六代O'Connor后裔每年2亿美金的给付。
10-24-2017 Who owns the Fund that caused O'Connor Confusion and My Screams?
Heard this morning's confusion about an entrusting fund's "splits".
My response: No such splits at all.
I own that fund 100%. That is the fund caused O'Connor families' confusion about their family wealth.
That fund is setup by my own birth grandfather's entrust that I inherited on June 30th, 2004. That fund is currently under entrusting that since July 1st of 2004.
That fund had covered my $400 Million medical expense between 2015-2016. That medical spending was never some one-time-only expense. I am currently provided by other funds is only because I do have inherited more than one or two funds. Not a single O'Connor has any reasons at all to provide for me and no O'Connor never did.
This morning's "accounting book tear-off performances" talk was about how this $400 Million spending is no longer on this fund's accounting book. There had been other this kind performing efforts about some other accounting books records.
That is the fund had a CEO being dragged out by over 100 people wearing custom police uniforms in 2014 rumor. This rumor can certainly be verified by that day's satellite image enlarged enough to see different versions of police uniform colored costumes.
----Oct. 24th, 2017
Heard this morning's featured about agreed upon providing confusion.
$100, 000/month *12 months * roughly 200 households of O'Connor = roughly $200 Million a year.
The argument this morning was why the number has been beyond this $200 Million agreed upon size.
The direct line O'Connor household (Tina O'Connor's father) has much higher providing size that has made total agreed upon providing size beyond agreed $200 Millions size.
-----Oct. 24th, 2017
Heard this morning's accusation of good names being impacted since 2004 and possible class law suits.
My response: I am the same victim like them. Three meetings in 2004 (January, June and July) were all my inheriting related meetings that some how turned into chat-rooms. I do not know who invited them and how their names being impacted.
I am calling law enforcement's help regarding similar issues the same.
----Oct. 24th, 2017
Heard this morning's my accusations being broadcasted as angry victim.
My response:
I had near death experience in 1997 which had been featured on the radio. It was the Chinese restaurant's bathroom incidence.
I had near death experience caused by brain connection tissues damages in 2004 that memory loss impacted by the incident was almost everybody who participated any 2004's meetings aware of.
I had near death experience in 2014 that entire apartment building had to be evacuated except myself. That has been well known in Boston, MA.
I had this "near death" experience since 2015's radio program campaign that I was the subject should be thrown out on to the streets, to be the beggar that do not deserve my wealth, my name honor and my life. The expected result of this radio campaign is to make me so annoyingly hated that if I can be killed on Boston streets, no sympathy or curiosity or anger should be aroused because that is how I deserved. This has been my accusation toward radio program's efforts since 2015. This has been the reason I constantly calling law enforcement's help.
I have been protected ever since I arrived United States, I recovered from 2004's incidence with remembering capability.
----Oct. 24th, 2017
Heard confusion of my $400 Million a year medical expense may have been abused.
My response: That is untrue statement. The medical providers that receiving this $400 Millions are not that kind groups.
My yearly medical expense have been paid since July 1st of 2004. Its current size is $400 Million a year. It has been used to cover my anxiety psychological treatment expense of being a remote patient and currently has been used to cover my glass house cancer treatment as a remote patient as well. It also cover my other existing medical situation's treatments as well as some new medical situations, that is if, since I live alone.
The medical expense has been paid to a generic non-hospital account, then further pay out to my treatment providers hospitals after treatment services. The money has never been transferred to any hospital's owned bank accounts without medical billings. If there are any issues on medical billings, I know my medical billings have been reviewed by the generic non-hospital account owners and my own accountants.
----Oct. 24th, 2017
Heard this morning's senior's voice puzzled audience.
My response: Audience might already know the drill how this pathetic radio program trying to belittle me and to shame me.
I heard he is a senior Charles Ford in his seventies or so who married a Chinese female. Remembered the other one, a 40 years old Chinese bachelor, expressed his willingness on the radio to "get married" to such shamefully unwanted to be provided for. The same drill.
----Oct. 24th, 2017
10-23-2017 David Petraeus' Clarification and What I have accused
Heard this morning David Petraeus' clarification about rape.
My response: The only thing related to me is "Never going to have anything to do" is a true statement.
The others are all about that Chinese female, the one you heard on the radio who wants a child from David Petraeus, is now rumored officially his sexually involved girl friend.
If that rumor is true as you heard his own clarification on the radio, the only thing I need to clarify is:
If you hear swearing and cursing about me from David Petraeus, you should know he means that.
If you heard girl friend confusing announcement about me from David Petraeus, you should know there are tons of tricks in there, and he does not mean friendly.
----Oct. 23rd, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting about my accusation of lie in Chinese government's name.
My response: That has been my accusation since 2015.
The U.S producing effort is to shit only, not probing but shoring shits only, to express sex experience is good enough to possess knowledge to be a real fair judge, that is knowing I am the person having the same female sex organ who never fancy any breasts, flat or meaty enough.
British Royals family members threw shits as if I have been in their life so involved, that is knowing I have not step on Britain soil yet.
Chinese government just lie through Chinese producing team's effort as if as long as using Chinese government credentials, lies should be honored as truth. And these efforts never stops as performing arts but seriously demand to be treated as truth and reacted as if truth. Never presentation only. Never expect anything can be wrong as long as they just insist on what they stated, as if there never has anything called laws or legal justice, that is knowing WWII Strategy research has been world wide effort, not just China's privilege.
----Oct. 23rd, 2017
10-22-2017 How interesting this administration of P.R. China is circled by one female who do birth-giving (这么凑巧:这一届中华人民共和国政府是围绕着一个会生女人的政府)
Heard this morning's broadcasting about the acknowledged Chinese mother's importance to this administration of People's Republic of China's government(中文附后)
My response: Tons of rumors abroad. The only curious I have is how this administration of People's Republic of China's government was formed so interestingly.
Heard everybody from historical Beijing, meaning those who are not new immigrants after 1949, knows her family history as she publicly acknowledged on the radio: 200-300 years Brothel family.
I repeat what I said in the morning:
I heard she had three full pregnancy after her got married, but only one hospital maternity record. That is her ex-husband's daughter that featured in "British Prince's London coffee shop's bathroom rape" story you heard on the radio. Heard her ex-husband has been diplomat stationed abroad since the third year of her marriage.
I heard she mother an adult son from Chinese Chairman Xi, Jinping and that is his only child, that was featured as you heard on the radio recently.
I heard she mother an adult son from the Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of People's Republic of China, and that is his only child.
I heard she was helped to mother a child or two with her husband, the Chinese Premiere, through Chinese government's funded pregnancy mother or mothers.
I add more what I heard:
She took leave for a year when she was in high school.
She took 2 separate semesters leaves when she was in college.
I heard, she had sexually enjoyed almost entire Chinese Central government's Beijing-ness officials.
Heard the handsome Minister or Vice Minster of Chinese Ministry of Machinery and Electronics Industry was known for her lover since 2004.
I speculate:
It is well known that historically in China, to adopt a child "found on the street" has been very easy for any orphanage or for any household .
From the rumor I heard she publicly claimed has been her husband's true love since teenage time, their marriage has been well deserved, so I speculate that the reason of her " took leave for" in high school possibly is her Chinese Premier husband's child.
----Oct. 22nd, 2017
Heard confusion about Chinese chairman Xi's child from this female.
My response: I heard it has been thoroughly checked to confirm that there is no producing tricks or efforts that has caused public impression that is the same understanding in diffident cultures and in different languages.
Do not not anything further than this.
----Oct. 22nd, 2017
都知道,在中国,从街上捡到的孩子,是很容易被家庭或者孤儿院正式领养的, 历来如此。
我听说啊, 她是公开宣称中国总理李克强和她从十几岁就是情和爱,结婚是好不容易才在一起,所以我猜啊,她高中时候休学一年的原因可能就是中国总理李克强的的一个孩子啦。
10-21-2017 I do have my own money and I did not Spend Rockefeller' Money(我自己有钱我确实没有花洛克菲勒家的钱)
Heard this morning's explained why Rockefellers' were approached to spend money on those I want.
My response: I heard the agitation from this big name I respect was why they were approached to support spending on those "what I want". If I have my own money and I have no intention to use their money, why I did not spend money on what I want myself?
The Lehman Brother's CDC story is the reason. CDC in 2004 had been wide spread that high interest rate loans were not something that housed in some banks or in illustration only. In 2004, CDCs were in housing loans, in car loans and its insurance to against default were in trading like stocks. The amount involved was not some in-house loan quota can be simply calculated by replace higher interest rate with lower one. Its amount includes all those loans that already used to buy houses, cars and in-trading insurance. It was mentioned in July 1st of 2004's meeting already.
This was huge cash needed situation that I assume most of, if not all, my prepared " inheritance day shopping spray” cash budget went into this CDC concern that a lot of people share, even this CDC was never part of "what I want".
I am sorry for all these agitation caused by this, and I am sorry for those agitation enhancement from those simple calculators who calculated that only $500,000 total cash needed for 2004's CDC concern because "it was only interest rate difference for quota-ed loans".
----Oct. 21st, 2017
Heard this morning's clarification on the "having a girl" announcement joke.
My response: Ya. Now everyone knows I really do not have any child or any children with David Petraeus.
I heard David Petraeus has a young age son James from a Jessica as he announced, that girl he joked about is his in-laws own born 6 or 7 years' old daughter.
I am not the person like this kind joke, and I am the person hate "witty jokes".
"A male came into your house to tell you he has his son with him, and he is willing to donate this child in order for you to have a son to be called heir and to inherit everything you own, and this male even brought already validly prepared legal documentations for you to sign with a haughty gesture "sign here if you don't mind". This male so happily looked at you, insist on ignoring your squeezed-out "I do mind", and seriously asked you to show your appreciation for his charity."
I heard this joke, rumored from real life experience, and commented, this male certainly has not experienced what an insulted fist can do to the structure of his face, or a big slap means to the color of his face.
----Oct. 21st, 2017
雷曼兄弟故事里的CDC是原因。2004年的时候CDC高利息贷款已经到处都是,不是什么还在银行里或者只是个概念而已。在2004年,CDC是房屋贷款,汽车贷款的主要形式,怕倒账所设的保险是像股票一样可以上市交易。所牵涉到的金额可不是什么银行里的贷款额度的高利率换低利息的差别, 而是包括那些已经贷出被用来买了房子,车子的金额及已经在上市交易中的保险金的总额。这点在2004年7月1日的会议上就已经提到了。
我的回应:现在所有人都知道了我确实和David Petraeus之间没有任何子女。
我有听说David Petraeus是有一个未成年的儿子James,就像他所宣布的那样是由一个Jessica所生。那个6岁或7岁的女孩是他的姻亲自己所生的小孩。
我的回应:现在所有人都知道了我确实和David Petraeus之间没有任何子女。
我有听说David Petraeus是有一个未成年的儿子James,就像他所宣布的那样是由一个Jessica所生。那个6岁或7岁的女孩是他的姻亲自己所生的小孩。
10-20-2017 Law Enforcement's Help is there for Free (报警求助是不需要花一分钱的)
Heard about Pejoves Fund saying this morning(中文附后).
My response: That is the fund represented by Pejoves for about 200 years. I inherited this fund's American child fund through inherited this British fund. This British Fund has a parent fund that is not a British Fund. I own this British Fund's American child Fund, and I own this British Fund.
*I have to start to use Owner to address myself since the "campaign" currently is trying to say an investor does not mean ownership at all so that taking money from the fund I own does not mean taking my money even that is not business spending at all. I have to address I fully own all my inheritance funds 100% totally, and it is 100% lawful for me to state so. Any spending that is not business spending is unlawfully spending my money.
----Oct. 20th, 2017
Heard about "intend to spend 100" saying cause a lot of confusion.
My response: Do not know who said that and I am the real heir who has no reason to be concerned. Whoever knows the history of this fund knows there is no confusion I am the only one.
I say why anyone need to spend that money at all, even that is appended by the smallest unit like pence, knowing British or United States law enforcement is there to protect lawful money for free of charge including the free 911 phone call or a free FBI or British law enforcement's internet access.
I made my first FBI phone call by walking into a police station when it was so confusing if I own my inherited funds or who I have been as a professional female. With smartphones all over the places, I was called a shameful beggar need to work for my food and only capable to work to collect trash in a restaurant. Radio program's propaganda about my finance or who I am since 2014 were never "a show" only has been my serious complain.
I did comment this on Tina O'Connor's radio propaganda of who should own the fund. I say why she need to do this radio campaign, calling People's Republic of China's government's help at all if that is lawfully her family wealth in United States? How could possibly her family deserve this fund by only worked for 50 years or so but enjoyed agreed-upon-providing for about six generation that totaled about 200 years? I am not complaining and I never complained about that agreed-upon-providing or its size ($200 million a year total, equivalent size in entire 200 years time ), but I do seriously complained about why I deserved to be abused by her because of her own problems? There are some Missy O'Connors like her.
Pejoves family has similar family stories like O'Connors' families, including great grandfather's letter to run a public post, and agreed-upon-providing. The difference is there were two Mr. O'Connors ever worked as head of Legal department for total 50 years or so, never a CEO. There was only one Mr. Pejoves worked as head of Legal department for about 30 -35 yeas or so. I had similar complains about some Missy Pejoves and their associated.
----Oct. 20th, 2017
Heard this morning's talk about having money anchor child with me as his power to decide.
My response: Whoever feel so comfortable to say so must be a sick psycho. "Who the fuck do you think you are" is all you want to yell at that person.
I am a U.S. citizen and I am not willing to have such child. United States does have US military to ensure U.S. government's determination to keep United States a lawful country.
Somebody want my money, in millions or in billions, can spend like 100,000 or so in US Dollar or in Chinese RMB to buy an egg to produce an anchor child. If you heard this rumor, can you imagine that can be from a person that is alright in brain department? Where can they get this egg to be so powerful? You heard this morning how some Chinese said he can decide so? I do not have any egg in China.
I have been a U.S. resident for over 21 years already and you have heard that pregnancy children announcement was from a well reputed lab by a well reputed DNA expert, a DNA expert not only great in DNA technology but also respect that who intend to be the parents to produce their own biological child(children) lawfully through DNA technology have to be lawful mutually from both intended father and intended mother.
*There was an episode mentioned a DNA researcher used better eggs to produce his children through his wife's belly. The eggs he used, I assume, were donated for DNA research purpose or his female friend's.
----Oct. 20th, 2017
我就说啊,为什么有人会愿意花钱啊,就算那100后面的单位是中国人民币的分或者是英国的便士,为什么要花啊, 如果是合法拥有的财产,在美国或者在英国报警求助及警方的警力调查保护都是一分钱也不需要花的, 英美911报警电话是免费的,英美警方的网路报警也是免费。
我确实就此对Tina O'Connor为什么需要通过广播来推销谁才应该拥有那家基金做过评论。我说如果那家美国基金是他们家的美国合法财产,她为什么需要通过广播剧来推动所谓的“澄清”,或者是叫来中华人民共和国的政府帮忙?有什么可能在他们家两个爷爷就只是在基金里一共做了50年左右,却是拿了近200年的“同意供给”之后就是应该拥有这个基金?我不是在抱怨,我也没有抱怨过这个"同意供给“或者每年供给的金额(一共2亿美金一年,历史上也一直就是这个规模),但我确实是投诉Tina O'Connor凭什么就因为她自己的问题就是够资格糟践我方敏?还有其他一些O'Connor家的小姐也是和她一样。
我是美国居民都已经超过21年了,你也听到代孕所生的那些小孩是由信誉很好的实验室,信誉很好的DNA专家所宣布的,这个DNA专家不光DNA的技术好,而且尊重法律尊重必须是男女双方的共同意愿: 也就是那些想通过DNA技术来生个亲生孩子的准父母必须按照法律,按照欲做父母的男女双方的共同意愿合法进行。
10-19-017 All these Insults are out of Hatred or out of Insanity?(所有这些言语挑衅是出于仇恨还是出于精神失常?)
Heard this morning's talk about who is the father of that published child in 2012(中文附后).
My response: I heard this morning confirmed that is a real child who resembles the beautiful me a lot.
----Oct. 19th, 2017
Heard this morning's "proposal".
My response: I repeat what I said in the morning: That is the person I never met that he can never claim that published child if she is my biological daughter.
This answer "I am not interested in you since I have never met you", I assume, would be given by any honorably, decent female who do not live on underwear relationship.
----Oct. 19th, 2017
Why a female, just being a sex partner to a male who got nothing to do with me, can feel so comfortable to arrange this?
My response: To insult, I assume, out of hatred or out of insanity.
I only acknowledged one biological daughter and one biological son, I do not know if I have more same age biological children among announced 6 pairs and I will be thrilled if I do. I did hear the announcement about one same age girl but I also heard conflicted "nothing to do at all" announcements that I should listen to, so I say I am not certain if that girl announcement is not just a joke.
This "I throw you a male's underwear" tone has been since 1989. I never met anyone that I could say I dated seriously when I was in China so that I was not really in the situation to experience this tone a lot, but if you remembered the story of how a wife can throw her husband underwear to me when I was her guest in 1995, the boss and his wife's story from Nanjing Institute of Drug Control, that was the same tone exactly like you hear on the radio this morning. This has been my experience in Chinese community in past 10-12 years. What you heard on the radio program is probably just a reflection of this, just like the tone of yesterday's episode, "I got nothing to do with Chinese woman Min Fang, so I say I need you to do this or to spend this much money as I said so", yesterday's number requested you heard was $30 Billion in U.S dollars, was the reflection of experiences from my associated since July 1st of 2004.
In 1989's meeting, I was not having a serious boyfriend that can anger anyone this way. The Shanghai Communism Youth Party guy I met in 1988 was having a sexual involved girlfriend, by rumor, in 1989 already that everybody knows him possibly already heard so that I was not considered having anything to do with him in 1989's college meeting. The military guy I was chatting in 1989 meeting with may have a girlfriend but was not in the civilian world to do so, and I never met that military guy in person for anyone need to do so.
Regarding the tone that I need to pay a woman to reward her to mother a child with a man who was implied as my own man like what was featured yesterday, I am not certain if it was since 1989, I knew for sure it was definitely since July 1st of 2004. I am certain the intention is to insult, to arouse hostility and anger, but I am not sure if that was from hatred or from insanity.
Other than these, I do not know who else and what is the reason of hatred.
----Oct. 19th, 2017
Heard the saying that I was just a homeless, a shame to my children.
My response: I also heard if you have your own big money, why not just enjoy life, enjoy the sunshine, etc..
I have to say,
I was called a homeless because I was enjoying the sunshine with all my belongings next to me;
I was called a homeless because I could lookup at stars in bed outdoor-ly;
I was called a homeless because I felt the pouring raindrops all over me that wet my shoes uncomfortably.
I was called a homeless because I watched snow flakes covered me with chilly wind piecing my warmness.
I was enjoying my life harshly because all these spots I hung around were all well-known reserved spots in 2004 to ensure bearable-ness, I was at home entire time when I was called a homeless.
Why I chose to enjoy life so? Well, that is the question I asked law's help to find out. I was not afraid of harshness because of all these arrangements to make it all bearable to me. I was cared for with my children.
----Oct. 19th, 2017
我所给的回答“我从未见过你,我对你一点兴趣都没有” 应该是任何一个正正经经的非花痴,也不靠卖裤裆生活的良家妇女都会给的答案吧。
Heard the saying Why Jessica, the announced wife of David Petraeus, can take my $3 Billion private money?
My response: Not by U.S. laws. Not by my willingness. Being who they are, the so super richest as they are so proud of, I understand they are just trying to hold all my cash to watch me file bankruptcy in my personal life that may include my dear life as well, and I sue them for everything that is applicable. I am protected by U.S. laws.
----Oct. 18th, 2017
Heard this was borrowed from Lehman Brothers' story.
My response: There is so much more had been done beyond Lehman Brothers' story. You have already heard murder attempt investigation on the radio, that was never a joke.
----Oct. 18th, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting of my swearings in Chinese.
My response: I translate it into English here:
If you are indeed Chinese government official, you are the mother fuck whore born. Who the fuck do you think you are? You want to go suck that Hispanic's asshole, you go ahead, but don't ever fancy your asshole sucker mouth can have a penny of my money. Who the fuck you think you are, you are just a asshole sucker not even have the chance to suck her pussy, don't ever fancy your disgusting asshole sucking mouth can talk about my money.
I am adding more here:
If you already sucked her pussy, like that accountant already did, you go pay your sucking by your own money, I said the same thing to that accountant who is so aware that asshole born has nothing to do with me, if that accountant is not willing to pay by his own money because his lips is not good enough to father that asshole's born, I have to tell that accountant that, between that accountant and me, that disgusting Hispanic female's disgusting asshole is only that accountant's willingness to suck. Go suck her if that accountant is willing, but don't ever fancy that can be my spending.
----Oct. 18th, 2017
Heard Chinese government trash me because they thought I am just a shabby new immigrant in U.S..
My response: That was the reason I applied U.S. citizenship in January of 2015. I do get the "teaching" that this term of People's Republic of China government do not serve the people but busy serving butts and breasts only.
I am proud to be an American, a U.S. citizen.
My family background is real, my inherited wealth is real, my hard earned intellectual achievements are all real. I was never cheap in United States even when I was a new arrival on a visitor's visa.
I am not the person can be so easily victimized to have some computer-made child's video published to make me childless or that is just a trashed mistress' child, I was never that cheap and my children were never that cheap or illegitimate. We were never in that situation. I am the comfortable mother currently do not live with my children because I know they are being taken good care of.
----Oct. 18th, 2017
10-17-2017 Only My Heir (Min Fang's Heir) is ancient Chinese Tang dynasty Emperor Taizong's Heir (只有我方敏的继承人才是唐太宗李世民的继承人)
Heard this morning's talk about father of my own ancient Chinese Emperor grandfather's (我爷爷唐太宗) heir.
My response: I am the heir of this ancient Chinese Emperor(唐太宗李世民). I do not have any child seeded by People's Republic of China's Premiere Li Keqiang ( or spelling as Li, Kejiang) and there won't be any such child. I won't tolerate Chinese Premier Li's lie about his own children's blood as if associate with me. I won't tolerate Chinese Premiere Li lie to imply as he has or he will have a child with me.
----Oct. 17th, 2017
Important Announcements:
My inherited titles and wealth from my own birth grandfathers are all private owned by myself even in 2004 when I was still a Chinese citizen,.
My own hard reward from my intellectual contribution including money and acknowledged achievements are all private owned by myself even in 2004 when I was a Chinese citizen,.
The title of the father of my heir is the same title of the father of Chinese Tang dynasty Emperor Taizong Li‘s (唐太宗李世民) heir. This is the privately owned title that I am the only person can only I can authorize the privilege.
I am a U.S citizen since June of 2015 that I am proud to be. My freedom in marriage and my lawful ownership of what I inherited and what I earned are all protected by U.S. laws.
I am proud of my own grandfathers heir who is capable to look after what they want me to keep.
I am proud to be the ancient Chinese Tang dynasty Emperor Taizong Li's (唐太宗李世民)heir who carries his blood, his heir birth mark and his looks with hard build my own name Min Fang.
----Oct. 17th, 2017.
就算我在2004年时还是中华人民共和国的公民, 我所继承的财产及所有头衔全部都是属于我方敏自己私人拥有。
10-16-2017 I leave "Murder Attempt" to Investigation(是否“企图谋杀”由侦办调查来说了)
Heard this morning's talk of radio program's "Murder Attempt".
My response: Being a scientific engineer, I am a person listen to factual truth. I did call law enforcement's help, I leave all to investigation.
I do appreciate all the efforts of rooting out the problems.
BIG THANKS to everyone who has protected me and helped to protect me.
---Oct. 16th, 2017
我的回应: 作为一个以科学为依据的工程师,我是一个认知事实真相的人。我确实有报警,我就一切交给警方的侦办调查了。
10-14-2017 Who is The Better Child from The Famous Ancestors we share (谁才是我显赫家祖我们共同祖先的优秀孩子)
Heard this morning's broadcast of fourth cousin saying(中文附后).
My response: My family are known now for 2000 years polygamist family history. None of my grandfathers had any mistress or illegitimate children. They were never in such situation that they could not marry a woman.
Historically, all my grandfathers wives were daughters from very decent families, my non-Emperors' grandfathers' "privilege" was next generation heir of this long history family had not born yet, and only daughters from very decent families were eligible to mother a heir. My grandfathers only started to negotiate a new marriage when all the wives could not bear any more child.
My great grandfather was born by his father's youngest wife. He had two wives himself. His first wife was infertile and all his children were from his second wife who I call my great grandmother. Both my grandfather and my father were first born and they both have one-wife marriage. My father only father me and my younger brother. Since I am the heir and his first born, my father was like his grandfather and my grandfather who have no "privilege" to marry more decent daughters to mother a heir. My father and my grandfather both in love with the other of their children who I can my mother and my great grandmother, and my grandfather's prime time was WWII and Chinese Civil War time that they all never had any mistress who mother any child or children from them.
My family's long wealthy Imperial history, of course, had long history of family disputes about wealth and historical titles, and plus the struggles of those children from decent mothers who were not the first wives. Those children's struggles were their mothers struggles, the same.
Every generation, after the senior's death and family inheriting, most of those children chose to move out with their mothers to far, far away places, some of them may also have changed their last name before or during Chinese Civil War time. Each of these non-heir sons had a non-heir share of inheritance from the senior. My inheritances from my great grandfathers are all the same as non-heir share, I am the mysterious "plus one" non-heir son in each generation's family inheriting disputes.
I got some extra-s from some grandfathers because of some extraordinary situation to re-allocate family wealth to the "future female heir ( that is me)" instead of their heir sons (my next generation grandfathers). I am this generation heir and I may have inherited my this generation heir's share from my grandfather (my father's father) directly due to some situation.
I do not have any first or second cousin unknown or in different last name, but I may have some third cousins or fourth cousins, etc. who may not even have the same last name.
----Oct. 14th, 2017
Heard this morning's struggles of who is the better child of my famous ancestors we share.
My response: This is the struggle that has the same long history as my family history.
Being a mother myself, I do have the understanding that my famous ancestors we share must be very proud of all of their great children.
Being the person having my own name built, I do share the belief that I am being my ancestors proud because of my own achievements.
Birthmark made me the privileged heir of my own ancestors according to my own ancestors inheriting rule. Birthmark does not make me a better child is a true statement, but my own hard earned achievements do make me my own ancestors proud.
I inherited my own grandfathers titles and entrusted wealth was according to my own grandfathers' own wills. Other than these family inheritances and my ancestors' heir title, those other great children from my famous ancestors that we share certainly can be our ancestors proud by their own achievements if their blood are clearly from my ancestors.
----Oct. 14th, 2017
10-12-2017 Ningbo Fang's House and China's College Education (宁波方家和中国的大学教育)
Big Thanks to everyone who helped to broadcast this morning's clarification.
----Oct. 12th, 2017
Heard this morning confirmed I am the Head Missy of Famous Ningbo Fang's House(中文附后).
My response: I am happy I am heading the house that confirmed this morning that supported to have China's College Education when China mainland was governed by Republic of China's governement . I am happy I am one of the three generation that supported China's College Education before I was even born. Mine was donated from my entrusts that my grandfathers entrusted in China.
----Oct. 12th, 2017
Heard the question why Mr. Yiren Rong's name was mentioned?
My response: I heard some donations were handled by him or his father. My great great grandfather and his young age son, my great grandfather, were the other two generations.
If there have been any confusion about how Mr. Rong handled the donation, I say:" Well, my great-great-grandfather was there fully aware of the entire donating process. If my great-great-grandfather had any concern regarding Mr. Rong's personal income as financial manager that impacted from investment size change after the donation, it would be certainly from my great-great-grandfather's own decision and by his own arrangement. My entrusts were entrusted by my grandfathers who were also his father and his grandfathers, the entrusts were setup for the heir girl (me) who would be born to be his granddaughter carry his blood."
----Oct. 12th, 2017
My great-great-grandfather did not make arrangement about my entrusts. I do not and I would not have any Chinese seeded child or children. I won't tolerate anyone to handle my money in the name of "future father of my child".
In P.R.China, "donation" to tax collector is called "unexpected tax income" which fits 10% of donated amount tax incentive policy; donation to charity like Chinese Red Cross, or NGO (Non- government organization), it mean 10% of total donated amounts should be the service fee to who helped this donation.
This is the huge problem that I have with radio program's insist on to assign a possible "future father", obviously the intention is "to remove my decision power or my willingness of handling my own money".
----Oct. 12th, 2017
10-11-2017 I am a 3-Stars US Military General for Real
Heard this morning's confirmation of my valid 3-stars Strategist.
My response: I am thrilled that I am a 3-Stars U.S. Military General.
----Oct. 11th, 2017
Heard saying of impossible not to share my anger after reading my blog articles.
My response: Thanks for sharing my anger. Be alert if you have similar anger in your own life.
From my own experience:
Be alert if you have some anger in your own if that you can not pin exactly what that is.
1: Best is to describe your frustration in writing. A lot of times when you are trying to rationally describe your frustration, you may be able to realize what may be the reason. And do something about it.
2: If necessary, save keeping your writings. In certain situations, your frustration may need serious investigations, and if you are in these kind situations, you will need printout copies of your writings, digital copies of your writings, etc. keep easy-to-carry copies with you even you already sent to FBI to ask for help. Do this till situation start to improve.
If you are confronted by insults without any reasonable reasons, check what may be the cause. For example, you are married mother live with your husband and father of your child(ren) who comes home daily, but you are confronted that you never have a marriage. You need to check:
1: If your husband has a "office building elevator entrance white dress public wedding record" he did not aware of.
The record is a photo taken in a public place with your husband in suits and a lady in white standing next to him smiling. The record was obviously taken in a public place with a lot of "eyewitness" to be understood as public wedding marriage record.
2: If your marriage is an eye-witness marriage, you need to check what happened to eyewitness documents.
3: If your marriage is a city hall registry marriage, you probably need to check if your marriage record being impacted by computer virus, or some joking note posted internally that cause your frustration. In later case, you may need some help to check out if so.
----Oct. 11th, 2017
10-10-2017 Japanese Military In World War II and U.S. Military In Vietnam War (二次大战中的日本军队和越南战争中的美国军队)
Head this morning's confrontation about my 3-Stars Strategist title(中文附后).
My response: I was recruited as a U.S. Military 3-Stars Strategist because my understanding of Japanese Military outstanding performance in World War II and U.S. Military's mistake in Vietnam War. The interview was conducted at the spot of the January of 2004 meeting.
----Oct. 10th, 2017
Why Japanese Military, in my understanding, better performed than the commonly acknowledged best performed German Military in World War II?
My response: Japanese Military's "United We Face It" is the reason that there is no reserved resources or discounted carried out orders to comprise Japanese Military Strategists plans.
German Military famous for their swift actions benefited by their obviously advanced firearms and equipment.
I once read in an article that Japan went into World War II was not from Japanese Military's ambition, and Japanese Military went in because of their Generals' unsuccessful efforts to convince Japanese Government not to. In that article, it mentioned that because of that debate of not going to the war, Japanese Military was in the situation need to prove if they had been decent military stands for Japan's proud, or all its personnel should just to commit suicide to finish in shame. That is the reason that Japanese Military had this never-before "United We Face It". (*Note: To be more "appropriate", it was not "(Japanese Military )their Generals' failure to convince Japanese Government not to." per say, it was martial arts had not include verbal talent yet and military personnel had not had appropriate "debate" verbal training yet back then. It is corrected from "their Generals' failure" to "their Generals' unsuccessful efforts" ----updated on Oct. 17th, 2017)
I used several examples in January of 2004's conference:
1: Pearl Harbor. There were 3000 pilots did not divert their flights during their long trip from Japan to Pearl Harbor, not a single one diverted when they were not under valid supervision. War planes only had enough gasoline equipped to save engine power to support the long distance flight and that was the reason remaining gasoline together with the war planes were the attacking "bombs".
2: Pearl Harbor attacker pilots from Japan Air Force carried out this order was to let Japan Navy be the power in the Sea. This order was carried out without any reservedness.
Europe was in war already that British Navy or French Navy were busy of their own fights against German and Italy, Pearl Harbor attack compromised U.S. Navy force to a large degree.
Without by-passing Europe, U.S could not participate any actions against Japanese Military.
Japan was announced Alley with Germany and Italy before Pearl Harbor attack by its diplomats efforts.
3: Tons of fought in Japanese wars in Asia that Japanese Military carried out when its Navy needed to pave ways for its Army, its Air Force needed to strike to let its Navy to survive, and Japanese Army just conquer its obstacles with full forces. All these fought were carried without with all it took.
4: It had been a nightmare in Asia in World War II time, with almost entire Asia fought against Japanese Military, the small personnel numbered Japanese Military fought like this everywhere they were ordered to fight.
5: Without Nucleus bomb, Japan Military still got what it takes to continue its fights for an imaginably long enough time.
----Oct. 10th, 2017
U.S military had been in wars outside U.S several times, why Vietnam war was its pain?
My response: I am martial art fan and this had been a question since I read General McArthur's autobiography.
General McArthur was the commander of Korean War. U.S military's role in this war was similar with its role in Vietnam war, to help its Southern government to fight against its Northern Communist government. Why U.S. military was enemy like to almost every Vietnamese whenever Vietnam war was mentioned while Korean's Southern government was understood as Korean's Northerners fought against whenever Korean war was discussed.
In that book, it says General McArthur always took military actions together with Korean Southern Military which sometimes comprised results.
My puzzle about Vietnam on this was answered in January of 2004's conference that there were some reasons that U.S military often had to take actions alone in Vietnam.
I said "This was possibly the reason all these actions by U.S military alone were understood as invasion."
I said if you look into China's WWII history of its Japanese-Chinese War, you would get it that not just people in Vietnam Northern Military's uniform but every single Vietnamese would fight against U.S.military if understood as invasion. U.S. military did not get this was the reason cause U.S. military in big trouble in Vietnam.
----Oct. 10th, 2017
Heard this morning's confronts of "I had worked since 1984."
My response: What that means? Is that female a strategist or a computer programmer? I heard she is a English speaking diplomat.
I was not graduated from a Military college, I was recruited a 3-Stars U. S. Military strategist because of my understanding of Japanese Military's outstanding performance in World War II. I am the first one convinced world wide Military strategists to research on Japanese Military's performance in World War II. I am the first person to say that taking action alone caused confusion of invasion was the reason of U.S military's troubles in Vietnam wars.
Why "worked since 1984" is enough for her to confront to say if I knew Martial Arts Strategy? In China, everyone can speak Chinese but there is still college education needed to have a Chinese speaking computer programmer or a Chinese speaking martial art strategist. English speaking or Chinese speaking alone is not enough to evaluate computer knowledge or martial art strategy.
I had this nightmare like freaking out experience when I was confronted by English major college gradates that BioGate was impossibly my work. I did BioGate project in Janus Associates' office with everyone fully aware of my progress and my frustrations during the process. I am the first person done Microsoft Window's Login replacement that way in entire world. If I was not the person, then who?
There were nothing other than "BioGate was just not yours, so shut up" in English, I could not imagine what cause the statement and no further clue for me to find out what cause the confusion. This "Shut up, Shut up" only by fluent English speaking only ESL group made me can do nothing but screamed.
*ESL: Language as Second Language.
----Oct. 10th, 2017
Heard the fought between a Mrs. Rockefeller and me in July 1st of 2004 conference caused a lot of confusion.
My response: The fought was because that Mrs. Rockefeller was a micro chip producer company's administrative personnel. Her objection was toward not-stable-enough micro hardware could not be rushed to go market. I raised my voice, together with the other two computer person, when she did not get what we mean by "we work with you".
It means: We are the computer person who use those micro-hardware, we are the signal-catchers of those micro-hardware as its consumer users, we certainly can help to stable those micro-hardware by telling the producing company she works for that where we having problems as signal-catchers to help her company to find out why it was not stable.
----Oct. 10th, 2017
我曾经读过一篇文章谈到日本进入第二次世界大战不是出于日本军队的鹰派主站雄心,而是因为日本军队的将领们没能成功的向日本政府说明日本不需要打仗。那篇文章里提到了就是因为这些辩论,日本军队面临的局面是他们要么证明日本军人是日本的骄傲,要么干脆自杀谢罪算了。这是造成日本军界空前跨军种的“联合起来我们一起面对”。(*注释:准确点说吧,不是什么“日本军队的将领们没能成功的向日本政府说明日本不需要打仗”, 而是军事才华在当时还没有包括语言类才华,当时的军人们都还没有接受过恰当的“辩论”用的语言训练。
1:珍珠港. 3000个飞行员没有一个是在从日本到夏威夷珍珠港的漫长飞行中途改变航向的,就没有一个是在没有有效监督的情况下改变航向的。战机只载有足够汽油以节省马达运力已完成长距离飞行,所以就是用所剩的汽油和战机作为攻击用的“炸弹的”。
2: 攻击珍珠港的飞行员是日本空军的空军飞行员,执行此项作战计划就是为了让日本的海军可以称霸海上。他们执行此计划完全没有任何保留。
3:日本在亚洲战场上的很多战争,日本军队都是如此执行作战计划, 日本海军苦战就是为了给日本陆军开道,日本空军不惜一切就是为了让日本海军可以保存实力,而日本的陆军更是勇往直前,无惧面对一切。所有这些战役都是不惜一切以达到作战目的。
5: 如果不是核弹,日本军队还有实力继续打仗而且是可以打上相当一段时间,这还一点都不难想像。
当我被英语专业毕业的那些人质疑电脑软件Bio Gate 根本不是我做的时候,就是这种噩梦般吓死人的经历。我做这个Bio Gate软件是在Janus Associates这个公司的办公室里完成的,那儿的每个人都是亲眼看见我的每一步成就以及我的每一个纠结。我是整个世界上第一个把微软公司的视窗登陆系统给彻底换掉的,说这软件不是我做的,那能是谁做的?
除了用英语说的”Bio Gate不是你的,闭嘴“就再也没有其他了,没有任何线索究竟什么原因造成了困扰。就是这些就只是会说ESL英语而已的人,也就只有一句一句用英语说的”闭嘴,闭嘴“再无其他内容的挑衅,让我除了尖叫怒吼还是尖叫怒吼。
*ESL: 英语是第二语言(外语).
10-08-2017 More About Lehman Brother's and CDC Valuable Papers(更多有关雷曼兄弟及CDC有价证券)
10-09-2017 Heard this morning's broadcasting is reporting style.
My response: I agree. I will stop updating my blog unless my explanations are needed.
My treatment progress well even with some enhanced harassment. This cancer can be treated fast enough, I am looking forward to be back to complete biological healthy before I know.
----Oct. 9th, 2017
Head this morning's confusion conversation,(中文附后)
My response: Ya.
Heard question about "why government would let Lehman Brother like that in a lawful U.S.A."
My response: CDC is the real reason and my financial lost is my own idea.
1: The "evil" investor I was trying to setup is myself. So it is my greatest idea to let this happen to myself. And I did have very good intention to "take care of " other possibly impacted parties in my smartest setup plan.
2: CDC is the real reason that Lehman Brother has financial turmoil. CDC basically is loans having higher interest rate. For example, if the base housing loan from Freddie Mac, is only 2% to its quota-ed financial institutes, normally, financial institute will add some service charge and to sell to another non-quota-ed financial institute at something like 3% interest rate or sell to the home buyer directly at higher home loan interest rate, the concern of this business is the risk of loans going default, so the buyer financial institute will sell loans they bought to home buyers directly or don't buy if the in-financial-institute loan interest rate is already at a certain level that raise the risk if home buyer can afford the loan interest rate to pay the loan off. CDC is the type of loan that "ignore" the risk evaluation if higher interest rate loans will go default. The CDC had been wide spread in 2004 already was the real reason of Lehman Brother's story.
3: The difference between regular home loan interest rate 8% to CDC's 15%-20% interest rate is the financial impact of CDC. My setup plan was to let Lehman Brothers' buy as much as these CDCs as possible to hold or to sell at non-CDC market interest rate (8% rate). The difference between Lehman Brother's bought-in high interest rate CDC papers and sold-off low interest rate non-CDC papers are my own "setup" of my own financial loss.
If some of you still have any CDC valuable papers bought from Lehman Brothers, the face price you bought should below interest rate 8% priced and you certainly can sell those valuable papers now if you haven't. (* current home loan is at 5% or so)
*Note: 8%, 15-20% are all example interest rate.
4:The featured three person in my smartest setup planing conversation, the pissed-off investor is the person taking good care of my inheritance, the complainer is the impacted by investor's family's investment choice, I am the ungrateful beneficiary of the investor's family's investment decision. So I heard that both investor and complainer love to watch number-sensitive-me to see the number of my own smartest setup.
5: I have no problem with Lehman Brothers' this name or this company with its management, both the investor and the complainer are fully aware of that for certain. Heard some confusion about recent rumors related to Lehman Brother's, I firmly believe both the investor and the complainer would take good care of the possibles if there is anything unusual.
----Oct. 8th, 2017
Heard Chinese Central Bank bough some CDCs from Lehman Brothers is one of the reason of the tone.
My response: I assume Chinese central government officials can evaluate if those CDCs bought are already profiting.
----Oct. 8th, 2017
我的回应:CDC 有价证劵是真正的原因,我自己的财务损失是我自己的主意。
3:常规的8% 买房贷款利息和CDC贷款的15-20%买房贷款利息之间的差价就是CDC这种贷款可能会造成的金融经济影响。我的修理计划就是让雷曼兄弟尽量买进高价高利率的CDC贷款再以平价低利率的CDC卖出贷款或者就是持在手上。雷曼兄弟的高利率CDC的高价位买入价和雷曼兄弟平价的CDC贷款卖出价是我自己“修理”自己造成的我自己的经济损失。
10-07-2017 Why Chinese government insist on to state me being a fake ? (为什么中国政府坚持要把我说成是个假的?)
Heard this morning's union movie style radio program production(中文附后).
My response: Ya, I have not figure out when union movie need to have a crying scene. So I have not idea what this morning's story is about.
I said that is the tears from wolves.( I will update once I figured out the above puzzle). I just shit my annoyance now. Why are they crying for? Almost 4 years' since 2014, this shit me all over is for this morning's great moment of announcement? Why those "hard to have this achieved" people need to shed their fake tears? Who are the crying ones? * Heard they are government officials, union movie style, then I will be alright.
For those who are curious will I be able to survive if announcements are real? That is of course since I am being the independent female, not just financially.
----Oct. 7th, 2017
Why Chinese government insist on saying I am fake?
My response: Rumors I heard about are:
1: My inheritances and 20% service fee.
2: My $200 Million donation in 2004.
3*: The rumored y privileged private usage real estate property Lots in good locations that specially rewarded by Chinese government for me being the creator of 2008 Olympic Game Opening.
4*: The rumored reward from Chinese government regarding my contribution in China's development as you heard on the radio.
5: The rumored 1% tax incentive reward.
* rewarded before 2012 of this term Beijing administration。
My understanding of the possible logic:
If I can be announced fake, then my inheritances can be transferred to another name to earn service fee, and my donation can not be considered mine and can be requested to give to other people per "real owner" request.
If I can be announced fake, then my reward should be taken back to reward from Chinese government those who really deserve all.
----Oct. 7th, 2017
Heard 1989 is another major issue between me and this term Beijing Administration.
My response: Beijing Central Government has 1989 meeting record and I did hear the rumor that famous Beijing major's family insist on his portrait's copyright. I thought he was in the meeting during his work hours as Beijing major.
Heard that meeting was 1989 Chinese Steel trading style negotiating. I did not agree to pay to let Beijing Central government to govern students marching on the street. I did not agree to anything at all because I had no idea that was some negotiation requested to government officials and student movement-ers by someone who is neither government official nor student movement-ers.
Other than my security tape only have my "solo voice" instead of vivid meeting site recording, or harder to say I am fake if broadcast, I do not know why radio program do not produce this part of my life story.
* That negotiating somebody is just like "supermarket parking lot volunteer helper" who jump out from nowhere to help and to demand for helping fee. The same motive as well.
----Oct. 7th, 2017
我的回应: 好像是,但我还没弄清在工会电影里什么时候会需要一场哭戏来表达什么。所以我不是太清楚今天早上的故事讲的是什么。*工会电影是很有名的固定格式套路表演风格。
10-06-2017 Rape is a Crime in United States, Great Britain and People's Republic of China (强奸在美国,英国和中华人民共和国都是刑事犯罪行为)
Heard this morning's why Li Ruiying's grandchild can not have sex with a Charles Ford.(中文附后)
My response: Li Ruiying(CCTV新闻联播主播李瑞英)was once a famous News anchor of Chinese Central TV in 1970-1990 time. I did not know her grand daughter can be so unwanted, I do not know how ugly she could possible be. If the male is willing, why Chinese government need to make such threatening public demand?
The grandmother(李瑞英) was a beauty famous for never smile. Heard rumors that her marriage was not by her willingness because the mother in-law was a famous Beijing prostitutor before 1949. Heard this morning's argument was why her granddaughter has no privilege like her husband?
Because Rape is a Crime in United States, Great Britain and People's Republic of China.
Rape definition by Merriam-Webster dictionary: unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent — compare sexual assault, statutory rape. (Retrieved from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/rape)
Unwillingly sexual intercourse demand escorted by a foreign country's government's military firearms' threats, certainly means: "sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will "
On United States soil, in a United States company's owned recording studio, aired by a United States business owned public microphone, Yes, People's Republic of China is a foreign government even that is the country I came from.
It can not be defined as rape if sexual intercourse has not been carried out, so it is call Attempted Rape, its definition from USlegal.com is "An attempt to rape is recognized as a misdemeanor offense under the laws of the state[i]. Attempt to rape is also called a specific intent crime in law; it is an offense distinct from rape and assault with intent to rape[ii]." retrieved from https://rape.uslegal.com/attempt-to-rape/
Marriage freedom is United States' citizens legal right granted by United States Marriage Conduct. No male or female can be forced to have a sexual intercourse is also United States citizen's legal right granted by United States' Constitution, protected by United States Criminal Laws.
If a sexual intercourse is willing or unwilling is identified purely by sexual activity participants' willingness.
* There are over 100 Charles Ford in United States alone.
----Oct. 6th, 2017
Heard nowadays, Chinese government is the appreciated sexual intercourse partners Administration, United States government is the O'Connors' Administration. They are not government employees or government representatives but government itself.
And, the Rockefeller and the Ford are the names equal to the investor, they are the investors whenever and wherever if there is any Business or Investment, and they are the sole owner investor.
----Oct 6th, 2017
Heard this is military style dating service.
My response: U.S Military personnel are freedom fighters and their freedom of dating, sex or marriage are protected by U.S laws.
Dating Service, by Collin's dictionary, a service that provides introductions to people seeking a companion with similar interests.
Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment[4][5] either as money, goods, services, or some other benefit agreed upon by the transacting parties. Prostitution is sometimes described as commercial sex or hooking
(Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prostitution)
Sex trafficking is composed of two aspects: sexual slavery and human trafficking.[1] These two aspects represent the supply and demand side of the sex trafficking industry, respectively. This exploitation is based on the interaction between the trafficker selling a victim (the individual being trafficked and sexually exploited) to customers to perform sexual services.[2]
(Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_trafficking)
----Oct. 6th, 2017
性交媾要是还没发生,就不是强奸而是”企图强奸“。法律相关网站对“企图强奸”的定义是:违反法律的犯罪行为。有强奸意愿及施暴企图强奸”。(*翻译不一定很准确 https://rape.uslegal.com/attempt-to-rape/)
(维基百科, https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%80%A7%E4%BA%A4%E6%98%93)
10-05-2017 Chinese Government's representatives' "BATHROOM" talk.(中国政府代表的“厕所”言论)
Heard this morning's featured Chinese Premiere's "Bathroom" power.
My response: Indeed, I can totally imagine how powerful that can be with his legally registered married true love Beijing native wife being his colleagues' shared public bathroom (by rumor). You can just feel that power from his public post titled strength-full voice shouting the "PUBLIC BATHROOM" on a public channel radio.
I have been complaining Chinese communities attacking and picking up on me being a woman since 2004, have been organized by Chinese Foreign Department. With this morning's tone from Chinese government, obviously, that is not incorrect accusation.
----Oct. 5th, 2017
Heard this morning's "on Min Fang's case".
My response: Exactly how many cases I have by whom? I have screaming about "volunteers" that representing me without authorization on any matters, now you heard these "volunteers voices" of governing. I leave this to my authorized attorneys.
----Oct. 5th, 2017
Heard this morning's "who is that penis" investigation from Chinese government's representatives.
My response: I am a U.S. citizen, why "who is that penis" is Chinese government's representatives investigation at all? Not to mention that is not the same person as stated "dated since 2007.." If he who father that Chinese female's child is already the richest in Canadian house, why harassing me?
In United States, a polygamist is never unheard of, a female polygamist heir from a long 2000 years polygamist family is never hard to imagine. There is a "customary marriage" in United States marriage conducts that include lawful polygamist marriage. As you heard on the radio, a polygamist marriage can be a lawful marriage in United States if eligible for this hard to qualify "customary marriage".
The fact that I am a female polygamist is not surprising to public, why my dating experience in 2004 as a polygamist is worth investigation?
----Oct. 5th, 2017
我的回应:我是美国公民,为什么是由中国政府代表进行这个“谁是那条睾具”的调查?更不用说那根本就不是同一个人, 就像你听到的是”从2007年开始.." 既然和那个中国女人生了个孩子的他已经是加拿大那家最富裕的,还要冲我吼我干嘛?
10-04-2017 Big Thanks to My Attorneys (非常感谢我的律师们)
Heard this morning's clearance of the Chinese orphan.
My response: Heard this morning Chinese government official stated I did not give birth to any child when I was in China is a true factual statement.
Finally public can hear decent Chinese government officials voice on the public channel. To check if there had been a child born by a college student housed in the college dorms is the easy investigation, if needed, for a government to conduct.
----Oct. 4th,2017
Heard this morning's argument about an "Chinese attorney representing Jessica".
My response: That was the fake attorney performed by an Chinese actress. In United States, attorney, a licensed attorney, cannot voluntarily to speak on my (Min Fang) behave while representing a Jessica. It is a crime defined by U.S. Criminal Laws if an licensed attorney dare to do so. The licensed attorney will lose attorney license and will be charged by general attorney's representing public welfare.
That fake attorney was evicted from this radio program's recording studio because this radio program, in its legal documentation, is a reality show that cannot be produced by scripts or performed by actors or actress. Why this is so hard and take so long to reach this understanding, I leave it to law investigators.
* "Reality show equivalent" has been noted reason of having good amount of stories featured the past.
----Oct. 4th, 2017
Heard the doubts about another Chinese female choked in studio also claimed an attorney.
My response: Heard, that is a real attorney.
Chinese community abroad certainly can imagine what is like when she was cornered to honesty tell her salary in public.
Big THANKS to my attorneys.
----Oct. 4th, 2017
Heard threats from "Chinese government" that if I dare to say this is my own inheritances.
My response: I do dare. I am stating now while I am typing this line: All those I inherited are my own private inheritances.
I am a U.S. citizen. My lawful rights and my lawful interests as U.S.citizen is sworn protection of U.S. government and U.S. military.
----Oct. 4th, 2017
Heard this morning's talk about why radio program's shitting me all over(中文附后).
My response: Thanks to my attorneys to address the issue so clearly. That has been my fights all these time, left me a shrew and un-lady like public image. I joked that I was swearing all I knew, all I heard of, all I could imagine and all I could make up.
It is not easy to be a female leader, even being a heir to head my own long history house is not a public post. It is a shame to watch this organized different valued females to attack me being a female leader like what happened on the radio. I am a leader to my own inheritances.
The different value I referred means: these organized females attacking team believe in value of breasts power, believe in privileges from breasts enjoyed, what they attacked is "how could possibly a female can have any value without being a in-use-bathroom status"?
Why a female human being should be only having a value to be a bathroom to be recognized as value-able?
I have been attacked by some males trying to devoid my voice in my own inheritances as you already figured from what you heard on the radio, and I am being shitted all over by some females because I am being an independent woman.
I am who I was born into, I am who I educated up, I am who I hard worked earned. I am proud to be an independent woman, I am proud to introduce myself as who I am and I am proud I worked my way up instead of pants off paving way up.
* I inherited my grandfathers' entrusts in 2004 when I was capable to lead.
---- Oct. 3rd, 2017
Some said have I questioned should I inherit earlier.
My response: I never have any doubts that I was not ready to be a leader before 2004.
It is not easy to be a leader, it is not easy to lead good sized inheritances. In 2004 when I was 37, I was well adapted in United States, and I was at the stage that "everything finally comes together."
In 2004, I was capable enough to have the ability to have my own vision based on my own knowledge;
In 2004, I was independent enough to ask my own questions and to make my own decisions.
In 2004, I was experienced enough to acknowledge what I do know and what I do not.
In 2004, I was responsible enough to know to back off from my in-appropriates.
All these were needed for me to be a leader in my own inheritances.
----Oct. 3rd, 2017
Heard some hostile voices in Chinese communities.
My response: Some voices are just being ridiculous:
I was accused not being honest because I refused to reveal my inheritances' bank accounts numbers;
I was rumored impossible to have my inheritances because I was born in People's Republic of China;
I was attacked should not be my grandfathers' heir because I am a female.
I was mocked impossible to have achievements because of my current under-entrusting financial situation.
I was constantly threatened " I am ensured not going to (implied "get what I want or be who I am")".
I have to say to these hostile voices:
Your threats will be complained, your ineligibility to your public post will be complained, your discrimination against my birth, my race, my gender and my financial situation will be complained, even you are from the same birth place, same gender, same race and same financial situation.
To other hostile voices, I am listening, with my attorneys help, what are the issues.
----Oct. 3rd, 2017
Heard this morning's talk about $100 Millions.
My response: Demanding for money had been the complain I called Chinese Consulate New York in 2015.
According to radio program's public announcement, there is no Chinese Mrs. Rockefeller, so I advise this Chinese female and her related to stop self-introduce this title. If radio program's public announcement was incorrect, please file complain like I did, but please do not think I would let you take a penny of my money. I filed complain about that $100 Million already.
----Oct. 3rd, 2017
我会就你的威胁而投诉,我会就你不适合公职而投诉,就算你和我是同样的出生背景,同样的族裔背景,同样的性别背景,同样的财务背景, 我都会就你歧视我的出生背景,我的族裔背景,我的性别背景,我的财务背景而投诉。
10-02-2017 JP Morgan Chase and Janus Mutual Fund
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured a experienced web application programmer Julie Wong.
My response: Julie Wong was the developer I worked with when I was a QA contractor in JP Morgan Chase.
Heard the anger of felt being played from her "if I knew she was a fake" argument,
My response: who wouldn't, but I am no fake. I am the person what I was introduced in JP Morgan Chase.
Heard the doubts still in Julie that why I did not intend to prove I am indeed good by advising them on developing when they have issues.
My response: Entire time my given explanation was "This is the line no Quality Assurance personnel would across. I came from pharmaceutical industry where QA standards are laws, I knew this too well".
Let me explain this more: The Quality personnel's job is to inspect on developer's work, not performance but production quality, similar to auditor's role to accountant in finance management.
I worked for FDA equivalent in China in pharmaceutical industry that represent government supervision on industry's quality inspection. There had been too many confrontations I eye-witnessed when a fine was about to given. I learned this is the line never to cross.
My QA job is to improve software quality, I proved myself in JP Morgan Chase by being able to point out issues concerned software performance or customers financial security.
----Oct. 2nd, 2017
What could possibly happen if I advised developers when they have issues?
My response: I and the entire QA team can not give an answer when facing confrontations in a walk through meeting regarding the quality issue because the developers already did what I advised, why QA team need to criticize developers' work at all knowing it was pre-approved by QA already?
The common arguments a QA personnel would hear from developers in Quality issues walk through meeting if the QA indeed advised developers, all out of real angers:
"Why you say this is an issue now, it is you told me that do it this way would avoid issues?"
"Why you tell me this is an issue now after you OKed my idea 1 month ago? Why you tell us this is not OK now after we input so many work hours?
"We did exactly what you told us to do, why you are trying to tell everyone we are the ones screw things up now, not yourself??"
----Oct. 2nd, 2017
Heard Janus Mutual Fund also had a CEO dragged out story.
My response: I heard it was in July of 2010, in two weeks' time I happily announced I have my children born in Boston Common.
Heard it was over 100 people in uniform with same color like police's uniform. Heard the person answered CEO's request to call police also called a given number instead of 911. Heard CEO was halfway being dragged, halfway being escorted out onto the street.
Obviously I am being the investor was not impacted by this horrible story. This is the investment from my beauty grandmother and her husband's (my grandfather Li, Longji 李隆基) entrust I inherited.
Heard this victim CEO is currently the CEO to the fund I call Lion King Fund, the same fund that publicly know as O'Connors' confusion. I am speculating that he was a victim maybe because his last name means huge impact to the children I happily announced.
----Oct. 2nd, 2017
10-01-2017 This morning's SO DISGUSTING talk (今天早上的“真是恶心”言论)
Heard this morning's disgusting talk(中文附后).
My response: The irresponsible government's abuse every citizen's hard making is the disgusting government. Why People's Republic of China's government is so irresponsibly disgusting?
----Oct. 1st, 2017
Heard this morning's disgusting talk from those my parents never heard of but privileged to shit by the support from disgusting Chinese government.
My response: These few disgusting Chinese are my parents never heard of. They are just mother fuckers privileged by some whore-born mother-fucker Chinese government officials prostituting whores. They are just screaming on those whore wives hunger to have more penises in their disgusting mouths because those government official husbands are fucking their own birth mothers to be proud mother-fuckers. What else can be the reason? I have lived abroad (U.S) over 20 years already, I am not the reason for those Beijing government's officials' prostituting wives to scream their penises desire at from Beijing where their own husbands are. If they are the decent wives, they do not screaming their hunger toward other woman's man overseas like they did, they won't scream it is impossible for any western guy to wish to fuck any other female but their authentic Chinese butts, all they have done is to sell their own dry whore splits "the real authentic from China" just because they got so good splits evidenced by who their husbands are .
* In this 20 years time, I only visited my father in china, a week because of my mother's "death" in 2006, two months time total in 2007 to accompany my father entire time. I did not visit or I was not visited by any of those husbands government officials.
----Oct. 1st, 2017
Heard this morning's talk about my parents.
My response: My Father is still alive and I believe he is very well, I think my mother is very well too.
I do have inheritances and I do have people looking after my wellness ever since I was born. You probably still remember the video clip how my mother was send to hospital with in-hospital image that can not be captured from satellite.
I was not informed about my father's anything which tells me he should be fine. Similar situation when I was informed by my father about my mother's situation. I hope with all my heart that my mother is well. I did lost contacts with both of my parents since 2010.
I am providing basics for my both parents since 2015. I did express myself well to those who looking after me in an email I send to myself with a valid signature, the same way I left message to my own cellphone. This is the same way how I got my reasonable requests answered. *I also sent an "asking for help" email to law enforcement in 2015 as well.
----Oct. 1st, 2017
Heard this morning's disgusting talk from those my parents never heard of but privileged to shit by the support from disgusting Chinese government.
My response: These few disgusting Chinese are my parents never heard of. They are just mother fuckers privileged by some whore-born mother-fucker Chinese government officials prostituting whores. They are just screaming on those whore wives hunger to have more penises in their disgusting mouths because those government official husbands are fucking their own birth mothers to be proud mother-fuckers. What else can be the reason? I have lived abroad (U.S) over 20 years already, I am not the reason for those Beijing government's officials' prostituting wives to scream their penises desire at from Beijing where their own husbands are. If they are the decent wives, they do not screaming their hunger toward other woman's man overseas like they did, they won't scream it is impossible for any western guy to wish to fuck any other female but their authentic Chinese butts, all they have done is to sell their own dry whore splits "the real authentic from China" just because they got so good splits evidenced by who their husbands are .
* In this 20 years time, I only visited my father in china, a week because of my mother's "death" in 2006, two months time total in 2007 to accompany my father entire time. I did not visit or I was not visited by any of those husbands government officials.
----Oct. 1st, 2017
Heard this morning's talk about my parents.
My response: My Father is still alive and I believe he is very well, I think my mother is very well too.
I do have inheritances and I do have people looking after my wellness ever since I was born. You probably still remember the video clip how my mother was send to hospital with in-hospital image that can not be captured from satellite.
I was not informed about my father's anything which tells me he should be fine. Similar situation when I was informed by my father about my mother's situation. I hope with all my heart that my mother is well. I did lost contacts with both of my parents since 2010.
I am providing basics for my both parents since 2015. I did express myself well to those who looking after me in an email I send to myself with a valid signature, the same way I left message to my own cellphone. This is the same way how I got my reasonable requests answered. *I also sent an "asking for help" email to law enforcement in 2015 as well.
----Oct. 1st, 2017
09-30-2017 What is BMS education (Basic Medical System)
Heard the voice why I "disabled comment functions on their social media channels"?
My response: The contact information is more useful for confrontation purpose in a country has lawful Freedom of Speech", no reason to hide under anonymous in comment. Why not try email address at the blog title area. This is not a political campaign blog, no reason to open comment to let to some express their hatred only comments.
----Sept 30th, 2017
Heard this morning's doubt about medical education or BMS education.
My response: BMS stands for Basic Medical System (基础医学教育).
As this morning's Healthcare Administrative personnel said, a pharmacology major graduated has a resume with BMS listed should means certain years education in medicine.This is a true statement.
That precisely the reason a Medical College graduated recruiter would first check if this pharmacology major is provided by a Medical College that capable to provide BMS education.
If indeed this pharmacology major graduated was from a Medical College pharmacology, then the medical college graduated would ask for references about how BMS education was provided.
My reference about BMS:
"To everyone who graduated from Psychiatry course, We are all good mentally healthy because We all passed our Professionally Expertise Professors of Psychiatry's intense stare for the entire semester."
Pharmacology graduated from Fudan University Shanghai Medical College (name also used: Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai First Medical College).
Three years same professors, same textbooks, same lab facilities with Medicine major till Internal Medicine and Psychiatry. Radio program broadcasted several years ago that I was drawing somthing in a final exam, that drawing was one of the human brain's 7-slides from Neurotomy as part of Psychiatry course.
Cleared remembered: Internal Medicine and Psychology, same classroom education. 100 medicine major (3rd year or 4th year) , 50 pharmacology major (5th year, senior year). Different shifts of clinical classes for both courses).
----Sept 30th, 2017
Why this morning's person saying this is a scandal to claim I have BMS education.
My speculation: This person was introduced as "Healthcare Person In Administration" on the radio program.
According to the rule of word-by-word-according-to-dictionary.
Healthcare Industry: can not be assumed it means hospital, clinics, medical college related.
By definition, Healthcare Industry includes: Health Insurance, Drug store, Pharmaceutical, and clinics or hospitals.
Administration can not be assumed means Administrative management.
By definition, Administration includes: Billing, Admission, Administrative employee, etc.
Healthcare Industry Administration: may only mean a billing personnel with a high school diploma who is an employee in a tiny drug store.
Not a medical college graduated may be the reason that this person does not know how to identify if I have any BMS education but to state it is a scandal for me to claim so.
----Sept 30th, 2017
Some remarks from this morning's broadcasting.
Why a medical college diploma can be doubted by a non-medical college graduated?
My response: Because that person was invited to doubt on a public radio just by not being medical college graduated.
Who can possibly invite someone who is not even medical college graduated to evaluate medical education?
My response: By those who agree in their private personal opinion but willing to practice using their job entitled power to state, that it is important to acknowledge "Privileged Pee-d Into" deserve to be respected in a public microphone room for "privileged pee into capable function", not just a private enclosed room.
What else could possibly the reason those people can be privileged to have a public channel's air time?
----Sept 30th, 2017
09-29-2017 I accuse this morning's lie about Lehman Brother's ownership is public robbery attempt(我指责今天早上有关雷曼兄弟控股的谈论根本是想公然抢劫)
Heard this morning's saying of somebody wedded me.(中文附后)
My response: I have not been a bride of any public wedding. There was a rumored mid-night dream like wedding before May of 2009, that was before I was "evicted" from the 151 Perkins street in Somerville, MA. Albert Gore was in marriage in 2009 with his late wife who passed away in 2010, and I was told that dream wedding's groom is the person I publicly acknowledged I have two children with, 151 Perkins street apartment was part of the house he had announced his on the radio. Heard he paid the price of buying but did not change the owner registry(Rumored registry owner was in Hong Kong) . I chose to be "evicted" to safely leave that house being escorted. I was a roommate to a three persons family, I had anxiety disorder and there were tons of issues I felt unsafe in that apartment. The "eviction order" was by Chinese landlord's complain of I refused to pay $430/month rent. I moved into $1800/month Motel 6 in Braintree, MA. Heard it was accused why he claimed that is his house, I say it is his house as long as he paid for it (rumored $200,000), does not matter he paid as rent or paid to buy, that is his house.
----Sept 29th, 2017
Heard this morning's Lehman Brother's talk.
My response: Lehman Brother is the investment of the 400 years old French Fund's that I inherited on June 30th of 2004.
My famous jump right in talk was on July 1st of 2004. The real reason of what happened to Lehman Brother was the CDC issue discussed about on July 1st of 2004.
I did not know that was my inheritance's investment and I did not have any issue at all with the Mister I calculated to let him loose money. I was famous for jump in and that was truly what happened. I did not know both side stories more than some entrusting issues. I am grateful to the advises from the person who had been through all the miserable, and I am grateful to the Mister, the great person, who had looked after my grandfather's entrust carefully.
I do not have any issue with Lehman Brother's name or Lehman Brother's management in 2004. I used administration this morning was to point out Albert Gore is not the U.S. president. Albert Gore is not the person who can say he had a mid-night wedding in 2009, and Albert Gore is not the person who can order Lehman Brother to file bankruptcy.
I did alert Law Enforcement about Lehman Brother's talk this morning.
----Sept 29th, 2017
Heard Lehman Brother's managers frustration over "doomed" feeling in turmoil time.
My response: The real reason is CDC issue was huge in depth and in scale. I mentioned in the meeting on July 1st of 2004 that CDC impressed me of Chinese 1980's steel-trading style.
The entrusting stories have been well known to a lot of people who know both parties, and to a lot of people who have been looking after my other grandfathers' entrusts. Both party in 2004's meeting were little when things happened and only impacted mother still alive in 2004. I figured out now that those painful stories may have something to do with it was either my inheritable's loss or that person's inheritable's loss, or that his inheritable may have some negative impacts on my inheritable, etc. Anyway, it may have something to do Mister's family was looking after my inheritable, and it may have related to investment on Lehman Brother's or somehow.
I said I was not the person knew anything but jump right in, it is a true statement. And maybe it is the best I jumped right in without knowing anything if you know how sensitive I am to the numbers. I was famous for that on July 1st of 2004 already in a story about $500 Million each in U.S. dollar seamlessly changed to ¥500 Million each in Chinese Yuan. (*My grandfather had two siblings, my father has 3 siblings and I have one younger brother, exchange rate is $1= ¥6-ish, and that -ish either to my younger brother or in his name to my grandmother's maiden brother's family because he had been their favorite when he was little).
----Sept 29th, 2017
Some said if I insist on being sensitive to numbers, the impacted party may make that number even bigger.
My response: I will constantly remind the impacted party I did not regret at all when I heard that is my investment.
----Sept 29th, 2017
About my screams this morning.
My response: I am so much calm now. I was even worse in the past whenever Albert Gore's name was mentioned. I was never the person afraid of him as possibly expected reaction of being rape victim.
It was rumored I was raped in my own self paid locked apartment, on my own bed and in my own sound sleep.
I was over 35 years old and I was not in any hurry to have a marriage or to consider producing a child before getting married.
This rumored rape was never organized or arranged by anyone from looking-after-me group but was not stopped by this group either. There has been only one female in this looking-after-me group and she is the only one feels the pain that made me in tears of being a female heir.
I have been well cared for after my famous "pregnancy mother" talk on July 1st of 2004.
----Sept 29th, 2017
我的回应:我还没有做过任何公开婚礼的新娘。有传言中的夜半我做梦时参与婚礼,但那是在2009年5月之前,在我被法庭要求从151 Perkins Street, Somerville这个地址迁出之前。阿尔伯特·高尔2009年时是有婚姻的,他当时婚姻里的妻子是2010才去世。而我当时被告知的这个“半夜梦中婚礼”的新郎官就是我公开承认的那两个孩子的父亲, 我住的151 Perkins的这个房子就是他在广播里宣布的他自己的地方。我有听说他付的是买房子的钱但房子从未过户(传言房契房东是在香港)。我当时是自己选择被法庭要求在法庭人员的伴随下安全离开。我当时是和一个三人家庭合住,有一堆的矛盾,我当时还有恐慌症。法庭搬迁令就是按照中国房东的要求开出,原因就是我拒付每月430美金的房租。我当时是搬入了位于波士顿近郊(Braintree, MA)每月1800美金的一家Motel 6旅馆。听说广播上有人指责他凭什么说那是他的房子,我回答就凭他有付钱(听说是20万美金),不管算租或者算买,都是他的地方。
09-28-2017 They are all west coast FBI agents
Heard this morning's FBI agent on my case angrily stated to arrest me if I continuing my rich saying.
My response: O, But I still have to continue my "I have money" saying. I already spent medical expense $400 Million per year and security expense $20 Million(?) per year since Christmas of 2014. Before that security expense was paid by other and medical expense was not this high.
Heard that is indeed a FBI agent on my case from district of my school on west coast. Heard the reason he said so was because he could not find any information on my inheritance tax. I am so sorry he is a west coaster who has not heard east coasters' grudging since June 30th of 2004.
Rumored it was an emergency meeting in the afternoon of June 30th, 2004 that immediately ended Connecticut State's AA type 5-year inheritance tax free policy started since 2000. AA type is grandparents-grandchild inheritance in Connecticut. Rumored the emergency policy change was effective on July 1st of 2004, my inheriting was effective on June 30th of 2004.
My inheritance funds did not pay any estate tax was because I was a foreign citizen inherited entrusted foreign wealth. All my grandfathers entrusts were wealth originally carried out from ancient China. People's Republic of China did not and still does not have estate or inheritance tax. I was not eligible to pay inheriting related tax other than being a Connecticut resident for 8 months on the day of June 30th, 2004. (*Before that was 3 months in Boston, MA, and 11 months out of New York city where I had lived since October of 1996.)
I became a CT resident since November 1st of 2003 was not specially arranged by entrusting attorneys but purely by my then job situation. I was obviously "on my way out" when I was asked to move back to Stamford, CT office from Boston, MA just after three months of relocation. I decided to move to an apartment right next door to the company to save my precious green card application.
----Sept 28th, 2017
Heard some people saying that is one time only $400 Million.
My response: That is only because $400 Million have been from three of my inheritance funds. I only have this much spending decided on my entrusting meeting (July 1st, 2004). And I have some very and very great grandfathers. This $1,200 Million are from three of them. I am very lucky that all my great grandfathers since 1200 years ago were not thrift on me, all not shabby.
All my other spending, like housing, clothing, etc. were decided by myself in my entrusting meeting to be provided by my own making of Intellectual income, those income are no comparison to my grandfathers' blessing but not shabby either. Radio program's income is already $3 Billion paid out by radio company, I just have not received it yet. Heard that check, titled in my name, is still on its trip of routing through different personnel's bank account.
----Sept 28th, 2017
Heard there were some female FBI agents on my case were emotional.
My response: Heard it was out of some superstitious may-be-bad-luck feeling influenced by what happened to me being a female. Heard they are all west coast FBI agents. They must have heard a lot of stories.
I did hear some rumors about how I am being cursed and how there are witchcraft involved. I am not worry about that a bit because I am an heir of a 2000 years old house and I am the only birthmark girl in 2500 years in my family. My Ingonyama title is already 1000 years old. I am Simba's heir.
----Sept 28th, 2017
09-27-2017 I am grateful to Bai, Juyi's poem's Truthful Recording (我永远感激白居易《长恨歌》的真实记录)
Heard this morning's featured Chinese ancient poet Bai, Juyi's poem is the true record about the storied family.(中文附后)
My response: I agree.
The full poem is not about how glory and proud to have a beauty, or being a beauty, married into a big family to a prominent husband, but a cherish to have a beauty daughter or a beauty wife as a family member. The poem is about a family that has a beautiful wife had this story.
To me, as the heir child from this storied couple, the story let me feel that tone of having this daughter would be so good, having this daughter would be so satisfying to the family, having this girl would be so thrilling, not because of the chance to attach to a big family but having this girl.
This understanding brought tears into my eyes, I knew I am cherished even before I was born.
This is the poem, like last piece of puzzle, answered my curiosity about my Empress grandmother's (武则天) stories in history. Those stories about how she so longing for a man to be in her Imperial court as her mate, to be in her bed chamber over night, to be on her bed with her every night and to be in her body whenever she desired. All these stories left her notorious name of being slutty.
My curiosity was how this was fully supported by her only child who is her husband's heir son, and this child's Imperial court's entire administration. The poem's storied couple were her only child's heir son with the mother of the next generation heir.
In this poem, this heir grandson's poet friend,(白居易) truthfully recorded how the family had fought to enable me to have an Imperial marriage as a female I born into, to enable me to be a happily married wife as a female to my own man, to enable me to have a dear family as a female to mother my own children, because I am the heir girl they all so cherished.
I am grateful to Bai, Juyi forever.
----Sept 27th, 2017
Some said I do not even look pretty, why I was introduced pretty.
My response: I was pretty and I am on my way back to healthy who I am to be what I old self including my appearance.
I was introduced as a beauty in 1989's tele-conference meeting. It was a known joke then already to a lot of meeting participants having video images accessibility.
I was in my simple white shirt, simple student pony tails, my simple rough student's skin tone and etc. And plus I resemble my ancient Emperor grandfather Li, Shimin, almost to the exact in that dorm at broad day light, just not that manly. I was the "introduced beauty" did not look so pretty at all no matter how those participants try to imagine.
There was some situation in that meeting no one can deny there may be some super nature mysterious. I knew nothing about my family history because my father knew nothing. My father knew that one of our grandmother was a beauty who went to a religious retreat place for three years before she married to our ancient grandfather. He never told me this but this was the piece I reacted when I was telling my family story in the meeting. I did not know if I heard of or read this story some where, but I was telling the story fluently. The conference was Chinese nation wide colleges conference meeting and story I was telling excited a lot of historian professors. The story matched an ancient book that was discovered in an ancient tomb 10 years before the meeting in 1989. The book was never published to public and the story I told explained what that book recorded was about. My family and I never had any access to that book was a true statement easily verified.
My own understanding of me being a "introduced beauty" is: that was out of my grandfathers proud to have me, especially the poem's recorded grandfather who knew I am secretly, when lights is right, after his beauty wife to the exact. I am the only girl who carry my grandfathers' birthmark in 2500 years time. Ya, I am a beauty in their eyes even I am in my current appearance.
----Sept 27th, 2017
Heard this morning also featured mimic talents that so alarmingly resemble the mimicking source person.
My response: I heard this morning featured was mimicked by a talented female.
I also heard rumors that David Petraeus often call my school to say he has nothing to do with me.
I am an online MBA student to a college across U.S continent, east coast resident online student of a west coast college, and I am on student loan that is not associated with his name at all. I do not think he has any reason to do so and I do not know if that is somebody mimicking.
----Sept 27th, 2017
我作为诗中这一对夫妻的继承人,这故事让我感受到的是这么一种情怀: 有这么一个女儿就真是很好,有这么一个女儿就是这个家庭的圆满,能有这个女儿就太开心了,不是因为有这个女儿将来可以嫁入豪门,而是因为有了这个女儿可以承欢漆下。
这首诗,就想解开一个迷团的最后线索,让我明白了我的武则天奶奶的那些历史故事。那些有关武则天是如何向往有一个男人可以在她自己的宫廷里以她男人的身份出现,可以在她自己的寝宫里过夜,可以在她自己的床上每夜留恋, 可以在她需要的时候随时和她行房。就是这些故事让我奶奶武则天成了历史上有名的淫荡女子。
我的不解好奇就是为什么她能得到她自己独生孩子,也就是她丈夫继承人儿子的全力支持, 也得到她儿子的宫廷全体官员的全力支持。这首诗里的夫妻就是武则天独生孩子的继承人儿子及下一代继承人的母亲。
我当时是穿着一件简单的白衬衫,学生打扮随便帮了一根牛皮筋的低低的独辫子,学生气息不加修饰的皮肤质地。这些再加上大白天的日光下,我的长相是和我爷爷唐太宗李世民一摸一样的,就只是没有男人的气势而已。这些人看着我这个“被价绍的美女”, 就是无论如何无法想象我是怎么个美丽极了。
09-26-2017 Trash Collector are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trash to cherish
Heard this morning's broadcasting saying "I was too pretty" to be disgusted by those experienced truth.
My response: Because they are the ones who chose to marry to trashes.
Trash Collectors are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trashes to cherish.
Ya, what else would you expect that can be said from and by smelly disgusting lowest-cast trash-cans-upper class only.
Some said other than Chinese Premiere Li(ttle) only, or if this include British Prince William?
I do not know if a British Prince is this trash can being so disgusting lowest to stand out, but I won't hesitate to speak up for myself if so, and I would only curious why the British Prince need to make this dramatic disgusting move just to be noticed if this British Prince William is not a Attention Deficiency Disorder patient (ADD patient).
(*I post it early last night, and I re-post here in case somebody did not read it last night)
Heard this morning's talk about American Hero Jessica Lynch
My response: Why would I care who father her daughter Dakota, I respect her for who she is.
----Sept 26th, 2017
Heard rumors about Jessica Lynch's financial providing.
My response: Heard the 80-acres home is the reason of a lot of rumors that Jessica Lynch is provided by my money from my inheritance fund that represented by Pejoves family.
I do not know if this is true and I do not know if that 80-acres is an investment that she rented.
Of course, I am not the person providing for her and I am not willing to provide for her.
Heard she is suppose to be my own biological children's foster care provider, I have to say this rumor is ridiculous. She has her own child to take care and her profession is not a nanny.
----Sept 26th, 2017
Heard some people kept using Jessica Lynch's complains about her own financial situations.
My response: Her complains about her financial things are not uncommon. I do not know why that became the reason her name was mentioned as if she is racketeering. She, of course, deserves to have money according to those who have concerns about her complains, and the United States also deserve to be a lawful country for us U.S. citizen are all we deserve as well.
----Sept 26th, 2017
Heard about who father Tina O'Connor's child was featured this morning as well.
My response: From rumors that I heard, the published little girl on the radio program as Ford House child, was indeed fathered by a Mr. Charles Ford, an attorney she has been buddy with since college.
----Sept 26th, 2017
Heard IheartMedia's CEO's wife is a close cousin to the promoted "father's sexually escorted is the son's sworn lifelong sexual attraction privileged".
My response: If so, that is indeed, no wonder such huge promotion of "father's sexually escorted ex-girlfriend is the so privileged one to mother son's son" from everyone who cares about this family so much. Indeed, no wonder this radio program is supporting all these women are merely "bathroom only value" and "pig capable reproduce-able only value" marketing campaign as capital huge Freedom of Speech, ==>Completely no secret at all in this family is the free-dom promoted by speeches on the radio from the I-Heart-Media.
----Sept 26th, 2017
Heard curiosity if CEO indeed ousted as announced and why his wife?
My response: Well, the announcement was on a Saturday is the reason I did not hear about this CEO's job situation. If you read this web blog, you probably already know this radio program is not your usual dealing but professional efforts from law people.
Rumored her close cousin was raped by someone sharing the same last name in front of the relative families earned her cousin's privilege. Rumored her cousin has been in similar situations often (not occasionally or onetime or one day only) by different relatives, only the first time first person on the same day of multiple occasions by relatives was accused rape.
*I have this curiosity why would this sharing same last name person rape a female in front of his own while not in a youth party or wild party?
----Sept 26th, 2017
My response: Well, the announcement was on a Saturday is the reason I did not hear about this CEO's job situation. If you read this web blog, you probably already know this radio program is not your usual dealing but professional efforts from law people.
Rumored her close cousin was raped by someone sharing the same last name in front of the relative families earned her cousin's privilege. Rumored her cousin has been in similar situations often (not occasionally or onetime or one day only) by different relatives, only the first time first person on the same day of multiple occasions by relatives was accused rape.
*I have this curiosity why would this sharing same last name person rape a female in front of his own while not in a youth party or wild party?
----Sept 26th, 2017
09-25-2017 Radio program's Horrifying Insides
Trash Collector are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trash to cherish
Heard this morning's broadcasting saying "I was too pretty" to be disgusted by those experienced truth.
My response: Because they are the ones who chose to marry to trashes.
Trash Collectors are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trashes to cherish.
Ya, what else would you expect that can be said from and by smelly disgusting lowest-cast trash-cans-upper class only.
Trash Collector are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trash to cherish
Heard this morning's broadcasting saying "I was too pretty" to be disgusted by those experienced truth.
My response: Because they are the ones who chose to marry to trashes.
Trash Collectors are the ones saying I am horrible woman because they already collected trashes to cherish.
Ya, what else would you expect that can be said from and by smelly disgusting lowest-cast trash-cans-upper class only.
Some said other than Chinese Premiere Li(ttle) only, or if this include British Prince William?
I do not know if a British Prince is this trash can being so disgusting lowest to stand out, but I won't hesitate to speak up for myself if so, and I would only curious why the British Prince need to make this dramatic disgusting move just to be noticed if this British Prince William is not a Attention Deficiency Disorder patient.
Heard this morning's announcement this radio program going back to reality show style reporting stories.
My response: YES. YES. YES.
As announced, this radio program has been in a lot of ways "produced to perform robbery". If you have read this blog which recorded with time line, you will know this is not a joke at all.
----Sept 25th, 2017
Heard this radio program performing effort never intended to catch me.
My response: I do not know about that. I just knew my wealth has been denied of my ownership and my spending as owner was challenged for real, I just knew my wealth has been being demanded of "deserved ownership" of spending money as owner for real. (*Money either truly spent already or truly transferred under other's name, refused to transfer back and spendable).
I was announced a beggar and any place that has dealing with me being requested to "treat me as a beggar because it is truly so", all for real by this radio program and never presentation purpose only.
----Sept 25th, 2017
Heard Chinese team since 2015 try to argue to be included in today's announced reporting style radio producing.
My response: That is horrifying request.
This is the same Chinese producing group called Los Angelou's Chinese community to report on the radio that I was a U.S. fugitive already last year. This fake "fugitive" news, by rumor, was officially broadcasted on Chinese Central radio station as news report in "Central Radio's Daily Morning News Simulcast" Broadcasting(中央人民广播电台的新闻联播). (*I am a Massachusetts resident since 2004, before that were NY and CT since 1996).
This is the group made me screamed about pre-marriage child that grown up in Orphanage. Heard this has been propagandizing by O'Connors family (Tina O'Connor and her gang) among a lot of business places to belittle my children by stating Tina O'Connor shit me all over on the radio is based on I lied about my dating history. Tina O'Connor,as a Foreign Department employee, knew for sure that before 2004, at least, it is impossible to pregnant with a child during college time by Chinese college policy on pregnancy.
I am still having my virgin belly and I do have OB/GYN medical records since 2000 when I started to have health insurance. That orphan, by rumor, was born in April of 1990, that was three months before I graduated from college. Entire college time I had lived in a 7-8 person a room dorm and that child supposed to be born when I was sleeping on a upper bunker bed with 7 other people in the same room plus Chinese policy of "pregnancy means immediately fired from college education permanently upon discovery" and plus I was in a medical school.
And in order to make this shit, my college education in China was denounced on the radio program by Chinese government privileged employee or equivalent stating no such college name exists anymore. It was due to college's name change was never explained and never intended to be explained by specially grouped Chinese producing team.
Horrible, horrible Tina O'Connor and her O'Connors gang. Horrible, horrible this term's Chinese Government Administration.
----Sept 25th, 2017
Heard some argument on anger regarding my Major Featured Person fee income from radio program.
My response:This is possibly the reason of my $3 Billion radio company's paid out major feature person fee (till end of 2012) paycheck was deposited into someone else's name.
The anger is:
A writer's fiction's or autobiography's copyright income has no such major featured person fee at all even the original story based upon is recognizable.
The difference between this radio program's producing and a writer's copyright.
Not only because my audio materials were provided by my security tape record, and also because producing team did not need to work on digging out the story about me to know if there are some stories interesting enough to write about. My audio materials have been provided "pre-filtered already" according to radio program's producing team's producing structure and schedule. It was decided this way in July 1st of 2004's meeting. The value recognition of this share of work is also ruled by U.S. laws and paid already.
09-24-2017 David Petraeus' Bathroom Talk
Heard this morning it was David Petraeus initiated saying of "Bathroom".
My response: It was me said that Jessica, announced wife and mother of David Petraeus' children, must be the Chinese bathroom as he referring since that Jessica is what he has been using all this time, must have been.
Rumored Jessica, announced mother of David Petraeus' children, is his so spoiled that can be whoever she want to be. She is the Japanese Jesuka and several other Jessica-s on the radio. It can only be this Jessica that this David Petraeus can be so comfortably using and calling publicly as bathroom only. From the impression of the radio program this Jessica has participated producing since mid 2013 that has mainly featured the theme how a woman is just a man's bathroom only since 2015 time, it must be this Jessica's own understanding of who herself is as a female, merely just something can be fucked as to pee in a bathroom and to reproduce as a pig like herself , other wise just no value but to be shitted upon by privilege bathrooms in use like herself. Well, as long as she is announced a spoiled and publicly acknowledged as bathroom only but still in use and a pig like reproduce-able, she seems almighty powerful happy and proud that is all she is and proud of been supported as her pig function and bathroom in use status.
I refused and I am refusing to be shitted just because I am currently in glass house cancer health situation of being living alone. And this is the reason I have been shitted all over as unwanted disgusting.
----Sept 24th, 2017
Heard this revenge for what I said on a Boston street about Holy Petraeus.
My response: And this revenge is after he has been fully supported this Jessica hijacked radio program to shit me all over for past 2 and half years since November of 2015.
And that Boston street swearing was triggered by some harassment in 2010 or 2011 which was after this Holly Petraeus's maiden father side cousins, rumored, deposited my intellectual income checks since 2007.
I had constantly calling law enforcement's help about this radio program and also for my intellectual income checks rumors.
----Sept 24th, 2017
09-23-2017 Freedom of Speech vs Announcements Legitimacy
Heard this morning's announcement from a Chinese actor regarding my money.
My response: The announcement was"Chinese woman Min Fang (方敏)will be prosecuted if she dare to claim that two French Funds." I was like "Why would that happen when I claim my lawful money?"
----Sept 23rd, 2017
Heard this morning's announcements about overseeing producing of this radio program.
My response: That has been my complain and the reason I said public channel has been abducted like by this radio program.
After I filed so many complains about how this radio program being produced under that Jessica's actually (illegal) supervision, why this radio company's CEO can hire her to let her "lawfully" continue supervise this radio program, how this "lawful" hiring can make all this complains about producing this radio program otherwise?
My understanding, United States lawful freedom of speech can only be ensured free and lawful when being supervised lawfully and professionally.
I have the similar anger about those deserved frustration regarding my inherited money. You do not hear a lot deserved from doubts if my grandfathers wills are clear, all you can hear is deserved by "fucked by" experience. All demands are from being directly or indirectly fucked by a man who got nothing to do with me or from that nothing-to-do-with-me man himself. Hard to believe any rich people would support these demands knowing a lot of them do have a member on themselves to be easily confused than me on if there are sexual experiences. I am only being a female Massachusetts resident.
* I am lucky that all wills written by my grandfathers are all very clear and family heir birthmark's inheriting rule is not easy to be confused.
----Sept 23rd, 2017
Heard some saying of "have to find out" on who told me that I own that two French Funds.
My response: You do not need to investigate on who told me so, because what matters is if I do own this two French funds. By laws, I do.
If you have difference on if I own this or that fund, you go file lawsuit in U.S justice court if that is your money I claimed.
If you concern that I mis-claimed someone else's money, you can leave the issue to that someone else who owns the money, or just inform law enforcement or that someone else if you know who that person is, or you can send me an email using the email address that you can have from the title section of this web blog.
If I receive your email, I will send one copy to FBI to tip law enforcement if this is from authentic sender, and I will publish your email and publish my answer or explanation on this web blog.
If you decide to file a lawsuit against me for any reason, you can call 1800 number that was published by radio program on May 16th, 2017. If you insist on sending me the court notice intend to take advantage of my current "financial" situation, I will send one copy to FBI, the law enforcement, with my personal letter saying that I expect my attorneys to take care of this if I do have attorneys.
**I handle some doubts about my claims on my published blog articles this way is out of my bad experiences of "not allowed" to say if I have inheritances by whoever willing to promote this radio program's illegal announcements of "how I (Min Fang) have no money".
----Sept 23rd, 2017
09-22-2017 More About Anger Regarding Intellectual Income (更多有关智慧产权的愤怒)
Heard this morning’s broadcasting of “I shoot you”.(智慧产权部分中文附后)
My response: That is what I never say to claim money. That piece was cut out from a story I was telling.
Abducting a public channel to make illegal announcement of money ownership, like some you have heard on the radio program, is never what I did to claim my inheritances; Fake a movie shooting in a financial fund company to throw out a Senior Manager (CEO) to perform such a public robbery of a financial Fund as some O’Connors did, is never how I owned this financial fund. Deposit checks in other people's name is not how I claim I deserve some intellectual income.
How I can spend my money on my medical treatment? by what I decided in 2004 entrusting meeting and executed according to it by lawful decent entrusting attorneys & accountants, etc.
How I get support to prove I am the owner of my inheritance? By tell my inheriting story to law enforcement and to big names I respect, to let them verify if those are my inheritances which were set up by my own birth grandfathers’ entrusted money that I inherited according to my own birth grandfathers’ will.
How I can make intellectual Income? By contribute my intellectual knowledge to make profitable products.
*I did say that if you are a rich person, I do not know how comfortable you are to face piled up lawsuits from those impacted by your willingness to be spoiled or to spoil like what you did. And I did say that is probably the reason a lot of riches have been grown up to be told to behave.
How I can make intellectual Income? By contribute my intellectual knowledge to make profitable products.
*I did say that if you are a rich person, I do not know how comfortable you are to face piled up lawsuits from those impacted by your willingness to be spoiled or to spoil like what you did. And I did say that is probably the reason a lot of riches have been grown up to be told to behave.
Somebody refuse to back off from stepping my toes, and I refuse to back off to privilege them so. Mark my words: This can't be resolved by expecting me to back off allowing my toes to be stepped all over.
Rumored "mother fucker's whore born" is designed to teach me a lesson dare to be so spoiled to fancy to be the mother of all his children.
I kept calling law enforcement's help and I am not hesitate at all to request my attorneys to take legal actions against all these sick psycho like abusiveness.
Some kept saying Chinese government is the reason of all these steps all over me things. I am saying you are or you will be sued for being helping party to do so because I already heard United States government already publicly announced not afraid to face challenges to ensure United States is a lawful country.
----Sept 22nd, 2017
Did hear the anger from some real hard working research person regarding my intellectual income.
My response: I did choke up when I heard some people used glass house cancer researchers as the example. Those researchers got nothing but glass house cancer on themselves as well for research purpose.
Intellectual Income is common and it is not easy to make intellectual income. If you are not blue collar labor worker, you are making Intellectual Income in salary format which is calculated value based on your input as average to avoid income fluctuation's peaks and bottoms.
A lot of professions do have sales person' similar base salary plus commission income.
Examples are:
Literature Professors: base salary is the salary as a college's professor, commission income is the copyright income for a published book。
Research person, Computer programmer, etc: base salary is the salary as a research in a research institute or as a software developer, commission is the big bonus like Viagra blue's research team.
Attorneys are similar when using 30% or 50% as attorney fee for injury compensation case.
Accountant are similar difference between hedge fund managers and financial managers.
Everybody know it is not easy to make this commission kind of intellectual income and this commission format intellectual income is what everybody so frustrated about my intellectual income, not the salary format.
I got big share in BioGate as a computer programmer is because Janus Associates did not provide internal support more than a computer programming level. The big value from BioGate is from its CDSA frame and its security replacement of window's login system. Both by my own independent research without company's internal help or external help through company's reaching out, basically no help other than some helping on programming structure or removing bugs. If I was working for IBM on this project, my share won't be this big because IBM's internal help or external help received via IBM's reaching out would be IBM's share of Intellectual input and Company's administrative input, won't be counted as mine.
Like I kept saying, it is not easy to accumulate knowledge in me, it was not easy to have done BioGate research independently, it is not easy to self study <Macro Economy> book, (heard that is the hardest one to understand because it is too illustratively). It is not easy at all that I finally see everything together so clearly as an experienced independent research person. I did input a lot of hard labor to make my intellectual income even it was only a couple of line talks in outsiders' understandings.
For frustrations from researcher like glass house cancer researchers, I think to some level, thy are like Central Intellectual Administration(CIA) officers.
----Sept 22nd, 2017
研究人员,电脑程序员, 等等:基本收入是在研究所工作的那份工资,提成收入就是像伟哥(蓝片)研究团队的那种特别奖金。
我作为电脑程序员在BioGate的研发中拿到特别奖金的提成比例很高就是因为Janus Associates没有提供超越电脑程序员程度的帮助。BioGate项目之前的地方就是CDSA框架的实际运用和视窗系统的保安登陆的替换部分。都是我自己独立研究的,没有公司内部的技术帮助,也没有任何由公司协助的得到的外部帮助。基本上除了程序具体编程的框架结构和纠正编程错误,就没有其他任何帮助。如果我是在IBM做工做这个项目的话,就拿不到这么多,因为公司内部的技术帮助及由公司出面联络安排的外部帮助都属于IBM的公司智慧投入及公司管理投入,不会算成是我的智慧投入。
就像我一直讲的,要让知识能够累积对我来说不容易,独立研究Bio Gate项目并不容易,自学《宏观经济学》也不容易(据说因为很抽象,所以是最难的一门课)。我作为一个独立的研究人员把这些都融会贯通更是不容易。我确实是投入了很多辛勤的劳动才挣到智慧产权的收入,尽管这在外人看来就只是说了几句话而已。
Did hear the anger from some real hard working research person regarding my intellectual income.
My response: I did choke up when I heard some people used glass house cancer researchers as the example. Those researchers got nothing but glass house cancer on themselves as well for research purpose.
Intellectual Income is common and it is not easy to make intellectual income. If you are not blue collar labor worker, you are making Intellectual Income in salary format which is calculated value based on your input as average to avoid income fluctuation's peaks and bottoms.
A lot of professions do have sales person' similar base salary plus commission income.
Examples are:
Literature Professors: base salary is the salary as a college's professor, commission income is the copyright income for a published book。
Research person, Computer programmer, etc: base salary is the salary as a research in a research institute or as a software developer, commission is the big bonus like Viagra blue's research team.
Attorneys are similar when using 30% or 50% as attorney fee for injury compensation case.
Accountant are similar difference between hedge fund managers and financial managers.
Everybody know it is not easy to make this commission kind of intellectual income and this commission format intellectual income is what everybody so frustrated about my intellectual income, not the salary format.
I got big share in BioGate as a computer programmer is because Janus Associates did not provide internal support more than a computer programming level. The big value from BioGate is from its CDSA frame and its security replacement of window's login system. Both by my own independent research without company's internal help or external help through company's reaching out, basically no help other than some helping on programming structure or removing bugs. If I was working for IBM on this project, my share won't be this big because IBM's internal help or external help received via IBM's reaching out would be IBM's share of Intellectual input and Company's administrative input, won't be counted as mine.
Like I kept saying, it is not easy to accumulate knowledge in me, it was not easy to have done BioGate research independently, it is not easy to self study <Macro Economy> book, (heard that is the hardest one to understand because it is too illustratively). It is not easy at all that I finally see everything together so clearly as an experienced independent research person. I did input a lot of hard labor to make my intellectual income even it was only a couple of line talks in outsiders' understandings.
For frustrations from researcher like glass house cancer researchers, I think to some level, thy are like Central Intellectual Administration(CIA) officers.
----Sept 22nd, 2017
研究人员,电脑程序员, 等等:基本收入是在研究所工作的那份工资,提成收入就是像伟哥(蓝片)研究团队的那种特别奖金。
我作为电脑程序员在BioGate的研发中拿到特别奖金的提成比例很高就是因为Janus Associates没有提供超越电脑程序员程度的帮助。BioGate项目之前的地方就是CDSA框架的实际运用和视窗系统的保安登陆的替换部分。都是我自己独立研究的,没有公司内部的技术帮助,也没有任何由公司协助的得到的外部帮助。基本上除了程序具体编程的框架结构和纠正编程错误,就没有其他任何帮助。如果我是在IBM做工做这个项目的话,就拿不到这么多,因为公司内部的技术帮助及由公司出面联络安排的外部帮助都属于IBM的公司智慧投入及公司管理投入,不会算成是我的智慧投入。
就像我一直讲的,要让知识能够累积对我来说不容易,独立研究Bio Gate项目并不容易,自学《宏观经济学》也不容易(据说因为很抽象,所以是最难的一门课)。我作为一个独立的研究人员把这些都融会贯通更是不容易。我确实是投入了很多辛勤的劳动才挣到智慧产权的收入,尽管这在外人看来就只是说了几句话而已。
09-21-2017 What About British Prince William's Aunt and Uncle?(英国威廉王子的叔叔阿姨是什么事?)
Heard some said if 2004's meetings were my inheriting meeting, why invited so many people to chat?
My response: So I don't need to come and leave in 5 minutes time.
First meeting was all about to verify my identity. And all it took was for my to answer the question "What is your name?", I answered: "Min Fang"; "Who is my father?", I answered: "Fang, Wenhai" (Wenhai Fang)"; "Who is your mother?", I answered: "Wang, Boxian (Boxian Wang) and was asked to provide evidence to prove. With my green card application attorney who was sitting right next to me answered the question "Do you have her identifications?" with "I have everything."
This only took 5 minutes and everyone feel it was not necessary for me to leave immediately, I assume, and there were tons of questions why I was constantly crying in office was the reason the January's meeting prolonged.
Other meeting's were the same. June 30th meting was for the announcement" Now we inform you, you inherited entrusts." July 1st's meeting was for me to say" I want to entrust my wealth to original entrusting group (pre-June 30th groups.)". All only took 5 minutes each, the most.
----Sept 21st, 2017
Heard Chinese government propaganda this idea that I am being a person with Brain Control is a shit only(中文附后).
My response: This is, of course, because the logic who does not want to know the thought of a person who is wealthy and can make intellectual income.
Well, I am protected by U.S. laws including intellectual property laws. I am protected to be treated till completely cure as medical treatment technology already ensured so.
Well, I am protected by U.S. laws including intellectual property laws. I am protected to be treated till completely cure as medical treatment technology already ensured so.
I must say those diplomats and senior government officials are entire worlds to ensure they can be on Brain Control as long as they have their jobs representing their government. No joking but purely same logic why would those information officers won’t want to know a foreign government’s thoughts.
----Sept 21st, 2017
Heard this morning's British Community in US claimed I won't be allowed to step on British Soil if......
My response: Well, I heard this British Community in U.S are some Chinese graduated from my same high school in Nanjing, China. I do not know if this claim is to imply they are this successful already to own British territory.
----Sept 21st, 2017
Regarding why I am demanded to apology to British Prince William's Uncle and Aunt?
My response: British Prince William's aunt Princess Anne's daughter's sister-in-law is the rumored British woman assigned to be the wife to the man who “father my children”. Rumored this radio program's "shit me all over" is to ensure this British woman can be married as she desire if my children are not illegitimate.
Certainly this rumor caused some reactions from me that is not pretty. I do not know what is referred about British Prince William's Uncle or if that is British Prince George being implied. I moved into my current apartment since 2013, the previous apartment I lived in was in 2004. In between time, I was either a roommate or a homeless. The meeting I had participated was a phone conference in a law firm's conference room.
----Sept 21st, 2017
Heard some said if 2004's meetings were my inheriting meeting, why invited so many people to chat?
My response: So I don't need to come and leave in 5 minutes time.
First meeting is all about verify my identity. And all it takes is for my to answer the question "what is your name?", "Who is my father?" and "Who is your mother?" and provide evidence to prove. With my green card application attorney who was sitting next to me answered the question "Do you have her identifications?" with "I have everything."
This only took 5 minutes and everyone feel it was not necessary for me to leave immediately, I assume, and there were tons of questions why I was constantly crying in office was the reason the January's meeting prolonged.
Other meeting's were the same. June 30th meting was for the announcement" Now we inform you, you inherited entrusts." July 1st's meeting was for me to say" I want to entrust my wealth to original entrusting group (pre-June 30th groups.)". All only took 5 minutes each, the most.
----Sept 21st, 2017
第一次会议就是为了证实我的身份。就只需要我回答三个问题:“你叫什么名字?”,回答“方敏”; “你的父亲叫什么名字?”,回答“方文海”; “你的母亲叫什么名字?”,“王博贤”;然后提供证明文件。我的绿卡申请代表律师就坐在我旁边,回答了向他提出的问题“你有她的身份证明文件吗?”,律师当时回答的原话就是“我这儿什么都有。”
确实是如此,好在我有受到美国法律包括智慧产权法律的保护。我是受到法律保障可以彻底治好痊愈的, 就像医学治疗技术已经可以保障的。
Heard this is also shared by some Americans’ to make move to shit me so and try to claim what I own.
My response: Why they think they can be exempt by other money hunters just like themselves? Why they think U.S laws can protect them from other money hunters if U.S. laws cannot protect me from them?
----Sept 21st, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured are some not same year alumni from my high school.
My response: Do not know how graduated from same high school in different years eligible them to shit me all over to make money or to authorize my money ownership.
----Sept 21st, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured are some not same year alumni from my high school.
My response: Do not know how graduated from same high school in different years eligible them to shit me all over to make money or to authorize my money ownership.
----Sept 21st, 2017
Heard this morning's British Community in US claimed I won't be allowed to step on British Soil if......
My response: Well, I heard this British Community in U.S are some Chinese graduated from my same high school in Nanjing, China. I do not know if this claim is to imply they are this successful already to own British territory.
----Sept 21st, 2017
Regarding why I am demanded to apology to British Prince William's Uncle and Aunt?
My response: British Prince William's aunt Princess Anne's daughter's sister-in-law is the rumored British woman assigned to be the wife to the man who “father my children”. Rumored this radio program's "shit me all over" is to ensure this British woman can be married as she desire if my children are not illegitimate.
Certainly this rumor caused some reactions from me that is not pretty. I do not know what is referred about British Prince William's Uncle or if that is British Prince George being implied. I moved into my current apartment since 2013, the previous apartment I lived in was in 2004. In between time, I was either a roommate or a homeless. The meeting I had participated was a phone conference in a law firm's conference room.
----Sept 21st, 2017
Heard some said if 2004's meetings were my inheriting meeting, why invited so many people to chat?
My response: So I don't need to come and leave in 5 minutes time.
First meeting is all about verify my identity. And all it takes is for my to answer the question "what is your name?", "Who is my father?" and "Who is your mother?" and provide evidence to prove. With my green card application attorney who was sitting next to me answered the question "Do you have her identifications?" with "I have everything."
This only took 5 minutes and everyone feel it was not necessary for me to leave immediately, I assume, and there were tons of questions why I was constantly crying in office was the reason the January's meeting prolonged.
Other meeting's were the same. June 30th meting was for the announcement" Now we inform you, you inherited entrusts." July 1st's meeting was for me to say" I want to entrust my wealth to original entrusting group (pre-June 30th groups.)". All only took 5 minutes each, the most.
----Sept 21st, 2017
第一次会议就是为了证实我的身份。就只需要我回答三个问题:“你叫什么名字?”,回答“方敏”; “你的父亲叫什么名字?”,回答“方文海”; “你的母亲叫什么名字?”,“王博贤”;然后提供证明文件。我的绿卡申请代表律师就坐在我旁边,回答了向他提出的问题“你有她的身份证明文件吗?”,律师当时回答的原话就是“我这儿什么都有。”
确实是如此,好在我有受到美国法律包括智慧产权法律的保护。我是受到法律保障可以彻底治好痊愈的, 就像医学治疗技术已经可以保障的。
09-20-2017 Why I am acknowledged an eligible in 2004 by the British Crown Prince
Heard this morning’s “she is not even eligible to clean your bathroom, you said that in 2007 already.”
My response: It was said by David Petraeus in 2007, from what I hear this morning.
Nobody reacted a bit to this announcement even in 2007. Who would? Business person already heard rumors that I-Phone was about to go market which certainly means I can live on my own hard making money handsomely. And this is without knowing if I have any inheritance.
The problem is why it is an issue at all if this somebody already privileged enough to have met that person to know he is a 5’4” in his 60s? Why is this an issue for this somebody at all? this person obviously is the person should know instead that it is just an illusion to fancy I need to be that stuck on knowing I am a wealthy 5’9” who is also 15 years junior?
If David Petraeus never mean anything he said in the meetings at all, if this David Petraeus never intend to provide a penny, why would that be an issue at all?
Who is the person having this illusion that I need to be a stuck-on? Who is the person fancy East Indian Company financier, that is me to be specific, needing to stuck-on anybody after the British Prince's publicly acknowledgment that I am his marriage eligible but too bad he is no longer available being responded by myself with “No fancy about the British Prince anymore”?
----Sept 20th, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting of the British Prince William's saying "She only need to come to Britain to clean my bathroom" was good intently appended with "Britain is Owned by British".
My response: I heard that good intention senior was his British girl friend's grandmother. I do not know why this radio program make it sounds like the British Prince need to trash Britain as his bathroom. Even though my own properties in Britain are part of my privately owned private wealth as a U.S citizen, those properties are still beautiful British-built on British soil as part of the proud of beautiful Britain.
----Sept 20th, 2017
Heard some British saying why I think I was eligible to the British Prince and assumptions of that was another plot from U.S. after the famous King Edward VIII.
My response: If you know Queen Victoria was so proud of being the Queen of India, if you know British are so proud that their beloved Queen Victoria's way of settling issues romantically that made her children Royals of entire Europe, why would you doubt if I was eligible to Queen Victoria's heir Prince to settle the famous historic issue that British Royals have with the East Indian Company's financier?
Plus, I am the heir of a 2000 years long history house that have over 18 Emperors to be called my grandfathers, and I am the only birthmark palm girl to my grandfathers line in 2500 years which added some more Emperors to be called my grandfathers that I may not be the heir of. This does not even include my grandmother's side Emperor grandfathers. Why you say this is not enough making me a good match despite the reversed 15 years difference?
Regarding the saying if this matching making talk in 2004 was another plot from U.S, I say I was a Chinese citizen and a single Missy in 2004 are good enough reasons to say that is just nonsense.
----Sept 20th, 2017
Heard this morning's saying by the British Prince William that "You do not have any children, you do not have parents, why you are needed?"
My response: I am a human born from a female human's womb after this female human being seeded by a human male. Of course, I do have parents. Any high school graduated know this is a matter of fact, not to mention a college graduated the British Prince.
I am wealthy enough to have my own to ensure I have my own biological children just like the British Prince to have his own to ensure he has his own biological children.
I do not know why the British Prince need to promote biological reproduction function should stand for human's only needed function.
I heard a lot of animal rights advocates fighting against pigs and cows to be considered only needed for human's roasting purpose, or chickens only needed for human's egg consuming purpose, even they are farming purposed reproduced.
-----Sept 20th, 2017
Why this radio program need to trash me to be unwanted by any male?
My response: It must be a psycho's illusion that I can be assigned to whoever wants money by this radio program.
----Sept 20th, 2017
Heard the saying why I say I have money by stating I inherited the parent fund of the British Fund who 100% owns the East India Company financier Fund?
My response: Because that is a true statement.
Even though, by rumor, two CEOs of this British Fund's two child funds have both experienced "performing to shoot a movie" messy incidence that made them experienced the horror of "being dragged out, threw onto the street from their offices and not allow to go back in" in 2010 and 2014 or so, plus rumored over 200 American Fund's employees massive laid off illegally after this incident, I still have been able to be provided for (about $400 Million a year) by this fund to cover my medical related expenses since 2016 already as decided in 2004 meeting.
The American fund that caused O'Connors' confusion is the brother fund of East India Company financier Fund. This fund's 2014's & 2015's situation was the reason that $400 Million providing to me from this American fund was signed off by a U.S General Attorney's signature.
----Sept 20th, 2017
Heard saying glass house cancer only cost about $100,000 a day to make it only $36.5 Million a year
My response: I have been well known of my anxiety and brain injury caused bad memory since 2004, all related treatments have been covered as medical expenses by my inheritances as decided on July 1st of 2004. Glass house cancer treatment related medical expenses are added on since Christmas of 2014.
----Sept 20, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting of the British Prince William's saying "She only need to come to Britain to clean my bathroom" was good intently appended with "Britain is Owned by British".
My response: I heard that good intention senior was his British girl friend's grandmother. I do not know why this radio program make it sounds like the British Prince need to trash Britain as his bathroom. Even though my own properties in Britain are part of my privately owned private wealth as a U.S citizen, those properties are still beautiful British-built on British soil as part of the proud of beautiful Britain.
----Sept 20th, 2017
Heard some British saying why I think I was eligible to the British Prince and assumptions of that was another plot from U.S. after the famous King Edward VIII.
My response: If you know Queen Victoria was so proud of being the Queen of India, if you know British are so proud that their beloved Queen Victoria's way of settling issues romantically that made her children Royals of entire Europe, why would you doubt if I was eligible to Queen Victoria's heir Prince to settle the famous historic issue that British Royals have with the East Indian Company's financier?
Plus, I am the heir of a 2000 years long history house that have over 18 Emperors to be called my grandfathers, and I am the only birthmark palm girl to my grandfathers line in 2500 years which added some more Emperors to be called my grandfathers that I may not be the heir of. This does not even include my grandmother's side Emperor grandfathers. Why you say this is not enough making me a good match despite the reversed 15 years difference?
Regarding the saying if this matching making talk in 2004 was another plot from U.S, I say I was a Chinese citizen and a single Missy in 2004 are good enough reasons to say that is just nonsense.
----Sept 20th, 2017
Heard this morning's saying by the British Prince William that "You do not have any children, you do not have parents, why you are needed?"
My response: I am a human born from a female human's womb after this female human being seeded by a human male. Of course, I do have parents. Any high school graduated know this is a matter of fact, not to mention a college graduated the British Prince.
I am wealthy enough to have my own to ensure I have my own biological children just like the British Prince to have his own to ensure he has his own biological children.
I do not know why the British Prince need to promote biological reproduction function should stand for human's only needed function.
I heard a lot of animal rights advocates fighting against pigs and cows to be considered only needed for human's roasting purpose, or chickens only needed for human's egg consuming purpose, even they are farming purposed reproduced.
-----Sept 20th, 2017
Why this radio program need to trash me to be unwanted by any male?
My response: It must be a psycho's illusion that I can be assigned to whoever wants money by this radio program.
----Sept 20th, 2017
Heard the saying why I say I have money by stating I inherited the parent fund of the British Fund who 100% owns the East India Company financier Fund?
My response: Because that is a true statement.
Even though, by rumor, two CEOs of this British Fund's two child funds have both experienced "performing to shoot a movie" messy incidence that made them experienced the horror of "being dragged out, threw onto the street from their offices and not allow to go back in" in 2010 and 2014 or so, plus rumored over 200 American Fund's employees massive laid off illegally after this incident, I still have been able to be provided for (about $400 Million a year) by this fund to cover my medical related expenses since 2016 already as decided in 2004 meeting.
The American fund that caused O'Connors' confusion is the brother fund of East India Company financier Fund. This fund's 2014's & 2015's situation was the reason that $400 Million providing to me from this American fund was signed off by a U.S General Attorney's signature.
----Sept 20th, 2017
Heard saying glass house cancer only cost about $100,000 a day to make it only $36.5 Million a year
My response: I have been well known of my anxiety and brain injury caused bad memory since 2004, all related treatments have been covered as medical expenses by my inheritances as decided on July 1st of 2004. Glass house cancer treatment related medical expenses are added on since Christmas of 2014.
----Sept 20, 2017
09-19-2017 I still own it by Laws after so many announcements of "nothing to do"
Heard this morning's broadcasting with so many people announced "nothing do with you" on the radio program, why you still say this is your radio program.
My response: Why these people can be invited to this radio program knowing they have nothing to do with the major featured the person of this radio program?
This radio program was created in 2004 by my idea of telling my life story with my audio materials selected from my security tape.
This radio program has been featuring my life true stories since it went on air in 2005.
This radio program is my radio program as long as it is broadcasting.
There were some situations cause disturbance of this radio program's producing which prompt me kept calling law enforcement's help. But illegal activities can not change that fact I have been the major person ever since this radio program was in discussion on July 1st of 2004.
I have been being the major featured person has been the reason audiences have understood all those featured horrible stories were all part of my life stories. This has been the major reason I kept calling law enforcement's help.
I have expressed myself to authority that either this radio program is mine or shutdown. I also expressed myself that this radio program can only shut down after my name honor restored. This may caused all these non-sense stories kept being featured for the purpose "just to extend shit me hours". But if you listen, you do hear a lot of real problem being probed by this radio program. Ya, now you know I have been being honest when I say I am protected by laws.
----Sept 19th, 2017
Heard this was mentioned as similar situation of my inheritance.
My response: That is indeed true statement.
One good example is the fund cause O'Connors' confusion. This is the fund over $300 Billion in size currently without exaggerating. This fund was a small fund before its famous rail road case in early 1900 time but continuously growing since the rail road case.
The outline of why this American Fund is my inheritance:
My grandfather entrusted some money about 600-800 years ago.
This entrusted money setup a British Fund.
This British Fund setup this American Fund about 400 years ago.
British investments in America since its colony time have been acknowledged Lawful investments when America became United States.
This British Fund has been the registered parent fund that 100% owns this American Fund ever since this American Fund was setup.
This American Fund was never no-owner.
This American Fund, about 200 years ago, had hired an Attorney O'Connor, whose son was the proud first Senator O'Connor, to be this American Fund's representing attorney or its general counselor.
This first Senator O'Connor wrote a letter to eligible himself to run for Senator post.
This is the letter confused O'Connors ever since.
I inherited this British Fund together with all of its owned Child Funds on June 30th, 2004.
Outline of confusions about this fund:
There has been a British Law since 1900 or so that any entrust over 500 years old can be considered as no-owner.
---I expressed a couple of days' ago this does not mean this British Fund has to be a no-owner fund just like a missing person announced dead but still alive cannot be executed death according to missing person law.
There had been rumors that this British Fund had declared no-owner in 1901 or so.
----I am stating now that this British fund must have been lawfully owned by a parent fund that I inherited on June 30th, 2004 because I did inherited it on June 30th, 2004.
There had been rumors that this American Fund had declared independence around 1900 time.
----I just explained that this fund has been acknowledged lawfully owned Child Fund of its British parent Fund, as part of all British Investments acknowledged lawful investments in United States.
----Sept 19th, 2017
Tina O'Connor stated she own this American Fund by facts.
My response: This is a longer story how this happened.
Rumored there was a crazy incidence in 2014 or 2015 that resulted this American Fund's CEO was thrown out onto the street and not allowed to go back to his office. This incidence was followed by this American Fund has a new CEO in a week time and massively laid off staffs.
Rumored crazy incidence was: There were over 100 people in police uniforms swarmed into the this American Fund's office building. There were some patrol cars and hand-cuffs.
Obviously this American Fund's CEO and majority of its staff had no idea what was happening caused a lot of confusion. Rumored there were handcuffs in use to put situation under control.
Rumored some Chinese government officials were presented downstairs at lobby area during the incidence.
O'Connors declared ownership of this American Fund by facts since this CEO thrown-out event.
Rumored there was no 911 call had made on that day regarding this American Fund. Rumored both taking over party as well as CEO's Fund's staff party had called police. Rumored the staff answered CEO's request to call police had called a given local number, not 911.
Rumored some not-local police officers were there to help out shooting a movie. Heard incidence presented police uniforms include all kinds styles since 1960 times' police uniforms.
There had been only two Mr. O'Connors were General Counselor of this American Fund's Legal Department in this American Fund's history.
There has never an O'Connor being a CEO of this American Fund. This American Fund has been 100% owned by its British parent Fund entire time since this American Fund registered.
This American Fund's CEO threw out by any O'Connor is illegal and invalid.
O'Connors DO NOT OWN this American Fund.
I did tipped FBI these rumors I heard.
----Sept 19th, 2017
To make this CEO feel a little better:
Rumored CEO of this American Fund's British Brother Fund had similar experience in 2010 time.
Rumored the attorney who was presented in my inheriting meeting in 2004 had similar experience in 2015 time. (Rumored there was over 100 security-like people swarmed into the office building he worked for caused him threw out onto the street by a technology O'Connor's disliking him.)
I was grabbed and threw out of a Chinese super market in Boston(波士顿平价超市) by a security when I was trying to complain to a manager-like in 2015.
----Sept 19th, 2017
09-18-2017 Who owns "Blue Cross Blue Shield" name and more on similar-s (谁拥有蓝十字蓝盾这个名字及其他一些类似的)
Heard this morning's broadcasting about Blue Cross Blue Shield
Insurance. (中文附后)
My response: First of all,
check who said it is not offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield on the radio. This
radio program often uses anonymous voice to impress you as if that is
authorized. And being audience, you do not know anything other than that is a
male voice on a public channel talking about Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance
regarding this special insurance plan. Please verify if that is Blue
Cross Blue Shield authorized speaks person. Sometimes this radio program uses
an employee who is not an insurance plan sales agent or related to say "I
do not know", "I did not hear", or even “I never heard of",
I provide some more information
I heard this morning:
1: Some Insurance Agency
offices that also sell Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance Plan may be the reason
cause confusion, not sure exactly what is the confusion referring here.
2: Heard it is only available
to local areas, not sure if that is from some Blue Cross Blue Shield agency
----Sept 18th, 2017
this morning’s request to imply that I can donate to let Blue Insurance to
offer this insurance plan.
My response: That is racketeering effort plus bilking
That person is not the person own Blue Cross Blue
Shield name to make this request on Blue’s behave without authorization at all.
And this person’s only intention, most likely, is to
demand 20% share of total donation amount as rewarding incentive if this person
did racketeering successfully.
The issue currently is those willing to pay by their
own money, if needed, trying to find insurance information to ease their
concern of this matter.
Why this person or this radio program, so impressively
as if, trying to intentionally block this treatment insurance information from
public to make this “Donate your Money” demand or “racketeering money” campaign?
If this is only partially open to public currently,
what is wrong to let public know currently is only partial open to critical
treatment package. Public just need to know if we are safe. Heard this has been
explained on the radio to let public know we are safe.
----Sept 18th, 2017
some saying this is the effort to raise public awareness of the fact I have my
own money.
response: Why this “paying big money to have my name associate with my own
money” is needed?
Who “educated public” that impossibly I can have any money? Why my own hard
making income or my own grandfathers hard making money that I inherited have to
be your “charity” to let publicly aware that I can own it, as if that has to be
by your permission?
You do not own my own hard making money, you do not own my own grandfathers entrusts that I inherited, you are not privileged to own U.S. or U.S. laws to make this your “charity”.
----Sept 18th, 2017
Heard a lot of radio program's shits thrown at me are for this same purpose.
My response: I heard that if I
ever expect radio program to clean my name honor from "whore,
disgusting and fake" or if I can ever be acknowledged a mother by
public, I need to pay as those demands that radio program announced in the name
of this or that person's deserved.
I refuse those demands all completely. I have been calling law enforcement's help constantly and I am helped ever since I called.
----Sept 18th, 2017
我的回应:首先, 查一下谁在广播上说蓝十字蓝盾保险公司不提供这样的保险。这个广播剧经常用一些无名人士的声音让你以为是什么权威人物在说话。作为一个听众,其实你只是听到了一个男人的声音在公共频道的广播上谈到有关蓝十字蓝盾保险公司及这种保险的话题,广播上没提这个男人是谁。你也并不知道除此以外的其他。请查实这是否是有蓝十字蓝盾保险公司授权的该公司发言人所讲的。有时候这个广播剧会请一个与卖保险无关的该公司其他部门的雇员来上广播说“我不知道”,“我还没听说”甚至“我从来没有听说过”,等等。
是谁在“教育大众“我就是不可能有钱?为什么我自己辛苦挣来的钱以及我所继承的我自己爷爷们辛苦挣来的钱成了在你们的施舍下才可以让大众知道是我所拥有, 好像是必须由你们同意才可以?
09-17-2017 Some scary break-marriage rumors and Clarification on O'Connors confusions(一些很恐怖的破坏婚姻的传言及对于OConnor家困扰的澄清)
Heard this morning’s message “Stay Calm”(中文附后).
My response: I will stay calm.
----Sept 17th, 2017
Heard some similar horrible rumors about how to break marriage.
My elaboration:
Rumored true background situation:
Wealthy protective husband shares an heir adult married child and marriage to a naïve wife.
A person who works for the husband’s business and in a situation familiar with the wife.
Rumored true account of what happened:
This person walked to the wife and told the wife that husband expressed the determination to move her out of his residence immediately, and accommodation had already been made. The husband refused to talk to her but left a message “Don’t do this” and expressed he never wanted to see her again. The wife left the house in tears.
This same person approached to the husband and told the husband that the wife insisted on moving out of his residence immediately, refused to talk to him or leave a message and expressed never want to see him again. The husband came to their familiar home quietly heartbroken.
In the same night, another female, who never had any romance with the husband but very familiar with the husband in social events, moved into this house by the same person’s arrangement and started to run this house as the housewife.
The shared married adult child kept comforting both parents with no clue what happened.
----Sept 17th, 2017
Heard this morning also broadcasted a message that I have marriage anxiety.
My response: My current anxiety obviously not caused by marriage, but obviously caused by me being threated of being devoided from who I am including being a mother.
I cannot even say if I have a marriage because of those announcements, legal or illegal, on the radio expressed nobody intended to only father my children to respect if there is a marriage I want. While at the same time tons of illegal announcements from Radio program to associate me romantically with this or that disgusting males who I never wanted or I never even met or who I never even heard of.
I will stay calm despite all these “Low of the lowest” performances from these “LOW of the LOWEST Disgusting”.
If there is any anxiety reaction from me, it is not from anxiety regarding marriage life. The anxiety is purely from being attacked by illegal and criminal activities.
----Sept 17th, 2017
Heard this morning’s broadcasting of radio company ‘s similar scary rumors in work places.
My elaboration: More rumored information on what happened in the radio company.
Rumored true radio company’s background in the incident:
A new CEO had been in office for several months, the company’s office building, a human resource staff, and a complete outsider to the company.
Rumored true accountant of what happened:
One day, the one who is the outsider to the company, accompanied by the human resource staff (the manager in this case who possibly heard rumors about board of directors), walked to several senior managers offices and told each one to leave the company immediately with no further message.
Everyone packed their own belongings and left the company. No one ever doubted if this is an CEO authorized lay off with CEO’s valid signature.
Rumored scarier story in another company:
Similar, but one of the person laid off is the human resource staff’s own manager.
----Sept 17th, 2017
More about my inheritance Fund which had caused O’Connors confusion.
My elaboration: The Fund’s massive laid off in 2014 and 2015 were illegal if rumors are true. Rumored both were done by O’Connors decision.
Historical background of O’Connors to this Fund.
First O’Connor, a Mr. O’Connor, ever that have been associated with this Fund was employed by this Fund as an attorney worked for its, Legal Department 200 years ago, not sure hired as an employee or as a contractor.
The son of this O’Connor was the first Senator O’Connor. After this son Mr. O’Connor left the Fund to be the Senator O’Connor, the Fund’s legal department has not been led by any O’Connor. The Fund’s CEO has never been an O’Connor.
Historical background of O’Connors’ agreed-upon-providing.
The agreed-upon-providing was reached after first Senator O’Connor was elected. The amount did grow when there were some contributions, like the rail road contractors, from several generation Senator O’Connors.
Those contributions were not considered interested conflicts political-wise to several generation Senator O’Connors because competitors in each case were from the same investor. All were considered between-Funds competition but not associate with interest conflicts regarding Senator O’Connors.
Those contributions do cause some confusion on business incentive perspective. Generally, business incentive is calculated and paid off one time only but O’Connors negotiated to add extra into agreed-upon-providing yearly after that one-time paid off business incentive. This is the reason of agreed-upon-providing increasing. The Fund’s overseeing party agreed the negotiation to maintain the agreed-upon-providing as its original agreed size equivalent over the years.
Current confusion about this agreed-upon-providing and O’Connors families regarding this Fund.
This Agreed-upon-providing that has been paid once a year in one installment by only one check from the Fund. The check had been entitled to only one bank account that was agreed upon. The O’Connors, upon receiving this check entitled providing, further split this received between them.
O’Connors had been overseeing the Fund as an honorable role ever since the first two generation Attorney O’Connors left the Fund.
O’Connors cannot layoff/fire the CEO of the Fund, O’Connors cannot layoff /fire anyone in Fund’s legal department or any other department.
No O’Connors has ever been privileged to be authorized to layoff/fire the Fund’s CEO.
Ever since first Senator O’Connor took office, No O’Connor can layoff/fire anyone in Fund’s any department as Fund’s General Counselor or representing senior management.
Any layoff/fire from O’Connors’ decision, individually or together, cannot be considered legally effective decision. This should include rumored 2014 and 2015 massive layoffs done by Tina O’Connor.
The Fund, an American Fund, has been supervised by its British Parent Fund.
Attorney Charles Ford is not legally authorized to oversee the Fund.
Attorney Charles Ford, rumored Attorney O’Connor’s replacement of overseeing the Fund, is not recruited by the Fund or its parent British Fund. The payment to this Attorney Charles Ford has been part of the Attorney O’Connor’s agreed-upon-providing that should have been stopped already.
----Sept 17th, 2017
09-16-2017 Cozy Marriage Family Life(舒适婚姻生活)
Heard there are a lot of wives have been angry about how their marriage being impact by July 1st of 2004’s meeting.(中文附后)
My response: I was shocked to realize why yesterday and I did tip law enforcement about what I know and to explain some whys that may direct to me.
It was all started with some chats about a wife’s romance with a husband if the wife is a professionally ambitious woman.
I did my independent research on BioGate project in about 3-4 years’ time that enabled me to contribute to smartphones’ invention. I was also having some romance confusion with Janus Associates colleague Bryan that cause a lot of issues in Janus Associates at the same tome. I was so exhausted in 2004 time that I was not obviously excited when some looking forward to participate romances were in serious matrimony discussion.
That exhausted feeling tricked my talks about it is not easy for a professional ambitious wife to be responsive to husband’s romance desires. And I did say something like helping to cover a husband’s possible out of marriage situation to help the wife. It was purely from my own experience of being exhausted from work but longing for a cozy stable family life.
Heard this has been the reason a lot of professional women have experienced being the targets of breaking marriage efforts.
I am truly sorry for saying so without alerting what might be the possible impacts to the wives.
----Sept 16th, 2017
Heard some saying how I was such sex offenders to a lot of wives in meeting of July 1st of 2004.
My response: It was intentionally created wrongful rumors.
I was complaining at the same time about why some wives accusing me for their marriages issues. I never even met their husbands and their husbands already share adult children with them. Whatever issue they might have, why I was the one being accused of?
----Sept 16th, 2017
----Sept 16th, 2017
Some said it was because husbands were talking as if they are so wanting some new romances with me.
My response: If you have some basic psychology knowledge, you would know those husbands in those rumors were just speaking their own longings for a cozy family life without marital issues.
I never took those talks beyond what I understood and shared.
----Sept 16th, 2017
Heard this morning’s talk mentioned why would a Chinese should listen to my order.
My response: I have been pissed off the same, by some Chinese kept saying I am the fake heir to my own grandfathers’ but they are my own people aka my family to be so privileged to abuse me including taking my money and throw shits at me, etc. I have been constantly calling law enforcement’s help on these obvious discrimination efforts against me being a Chinese race. There were even rumors of roars in Chinese communities to question how could I possibly have inheritances or how could I possibly deserve to have inheritance by being a Chinese born in People’s Republic of China?
In the July 1st of meeting, I did mention family a lot during the meeting and also in the past decade to refer decedents of those who had been sent out by my ancient grandfathers, but It was well understood as family business I inherited by a lot of meeting participants. Like to be “ordered” or not, nobody in the meeting minded I addressed them my family.
----Sept 16th, 2017
Heard this morning’s talk about a Chinese man’s “I want this…”
My response: Who is this Chinese man? Who, as American, cares about this Chinese man’s wanting? Why this Chinese man is so privileged to tell American what he wants as if any American would care? Who give this Chinese man this American public channel’s microphone to let this Chinese man wants as he wishes to American audience? Just because he can speak some English, how many American need to learn English from public channel radio program?
And why this Chinese man need to be on this radio program that I call mine because I have been the major featured person for over a decade, and I have been the target of all these shits throwing through none of my business stories by let audience assume all my stories because of being the major featured person? I do not like this man’s talk as if he got anything to do with me. I know nothing about this Chinese man and I have nothing to do with this Chinese man.
----Sept 16th, 2017
我在3-4年时间里独立做了Bio Gate 的研究,一份所学能够让我参与智能手机发明的经历。我当时还和Janus Associates的Bryan有一些同事关系间的困扰。我在2004当时已经是筋疲力尽,就算是就一些自己愿意参与的很好的机遇,认真谈婚论嫁时都是明显的不是很激动。
在2004年7月1日的会议上以及在过去的·十几年里,我是一直提到“家里”, 指的就是当年被我古代的爷爷们派出来信托财富的那些人的后裔,但在会上是被普遍理解为指的是我所继承的爷爷们所信托的财富,不管他们愿不愿意听我的指示,对于我说他们是自己家里人都不反感。
09-15-2017 Historical Issues and My Glorious Family History(历史上的过节以及我显赫的家世)
Heard this morning's British Royal's Historical Issue.(中文附后)
My response: This is a truly historically issue that well known before the young and handsome British Prince and I were born.
The issue started in eighteen century Queen Victoria time regarding East India Company's financier. British Prince's argument today was that it was by law in 1900 already that any entrust over 500 years old can be considered as no-owner fund.
My argument today was can be considered as no-owner does not mean it is no owner. By law, a missing person can be considered dead if missing over certain time, but that does not mean this person has to be dead if one day this person finally showed up.
I inherited all my grandfathers' entrusts according to their wills on June 30th 2004 and I re-entrusted my inherited wealth on July 1st of 2004 to original entrusting groups, aka before June 30th of 2004 groups, of attorneys and accountants.
British are known for taking care of historical issues very romantically since Queen Victoria time, I must be very unattractive to the young and handsome British Prince to be rejected after being mentioned.
----Sept 15th, 2017
Some O'Connors argument on my July 1st of 2004's entrust was never acknowledged by Attorney O'Connor.
My response: That is because Attorney O'Connor is not part of the original entrusting group that representing the entrusters (my grandfathers), aka before June 30th of 2004 groups, and Attorney O'Connor is not part of the entrusting group that representing the entruster (me) after I entrusted my wealth on July 1st of 2004.
There are several American funds are my inheritances because those funds were set up by my grandfathers' entrusts that I inherited.
Attorney O'Connor had been attorney representing three of my inherited funds' American child funds, but he is not entrusting attorney to any of my inheritances and he is not entrusting attorney of any of my inheritances' American child funds.
Attorney O'Connor, his attorney father and his attorney grandfathers had never been my grandfathers' entrusts' entrusting attorneys to represent my grandfathers. Attorney O'Connor was never my entrusting attorney to represent me.
----Sept 15th, 2017
Heard Albert Gore deserve to have some money because his father had worked for one of my inheritance fund's American child fund.
My response: Albert Gore and his friends' arguments that this fund should provide for Albert Gore's family living cost based on his father's 10 years work history has been ridiculous.
This privately owned fund is never part of U.S. Social Security's benefits.
I have accused Albert Gore's father's and uncle's attorney firms had abused attorneys' power to disadvantage my interests during 10 years time when they were hired to represent this American Fund.
This American Fund may have been managing retirement funds including funds invested by Social Security, but this privately owned American Fund is not part of U.S. Social Security or its benefits.
Albert Gore's father's and uncle's attorney firms had been hired as contracted attorney firms and had been paid as contractors' price. Employees of these attorney firms were never part of this American fund's staff.
There are no this-American-Fund's-employees'-only-business-spending, and there are no this-American-Fund's-employees'-only-pensions, and there are no this-American-fund's-employees-only-401K-contributions that should ever be considered as any contractors' benefits
By the way, the O'Connor's family had been contracted attorney firms, the same as above.
----Sept 15th, 2015
“勾三股四玄五" in this dynasty's Emperor's authored book <Zhoubisuanjing>(Principle: if a rectangular triangle's two shore sides are 3 and 4 means the long side is 5)
Heard Albert Gore deserve to have some money because his father had worked for one of my inheritance fund's American child fund.
My response: Albert Gore and his friends' arguments that this fund should provide for Albert Gore's family living cost based on his father's 10 years work history has been ridiculous.
This privately owned fund is never part of U.S. Social Security's benefits.
I have accused Albert Gore's father's and uncle's attorney firms had abused attorneys' power to disadvantage my interests during 10 years time when they were hired to represent this American Fund.
This American Fund may have been managing retirement funds including funds invested by Social Security, but this privately owned American Fund is not part of U.S. Social Security or its benefits.
Albert Gore's father's and uncle's attorney firms had been hired as contracted attorney firms and had been paid as contractors' price. Employees of these attorney firms were never part of this American fund's staff.
There are no this-American-Fund's-employees'-only-business-spending, and there are no this-American-Fund's-employees'-only-pensions, and there are no this-American-fund's-employees-only-401K-contributions that should ever be considered as any contractors' benefits
By the way, the O'Connor's family had been contracted attorney firms, the same as above.
----Sept 15th, 2015
09-15-2017 Historical Issues and My Glorious Family History(历史上的过节以及我显赫的家世)
Heard this morning's mention of Beijing Olympic Game's Opening's "Original Source" speech.
My response: I am very curious about it.
There is ancient Zhou dynasty that one of my grandmother was decedent from, a fifteen hundreds years time in between. This dynasty's Emperors were famous mathematicians and were famous for good in Stars alignments' readings in Chines History.
Fenshui is from one of this dynasty's Emperor's authored book <ZhouYi>.
“勾三股四玄五" in this dynasty's Emperor's authored book <Zhoubisuanjing>(Principle: if a rectangular triangle's two shore sides are 3 and 4 means the long side is 5)
There was some speculation about if Mediterranean god Zous is an Emperor from this Chinese dynasty and pronounced as "Zous (Zhou's)", I checked online and found out it seems possible from time in history (Zhou dynasty is between 1000BC-700BC). There is a Chinese God is from this dynasty's Emperor (周文王).
It is interesting, this Zhou dynasty is famous for its mathematics development and music instrument development (based on mathematics calculation of tone accuracy).
Han dynasty is famous for agriculture engineering, Tang dynasty is famous for music, poets and paintings.
These dynasties' Emperors are famous for their achievements in their own dynasties specialties.
My grandfather was college majored in building architecture and he could draw;
My Father was Chinese military's mapping specialist and is college majored in astrophysics;
I myself is college majored in pharmacology (an engineer like in healthcare industry) and graduated in Computer Science (mathematics related).
My father was an Editor to Chinese Astrophysics magazine, and I have "my chats collection" featured through this radio program, I do not know anything about my grandfather's literature side. Possibly Since this grandfather of mine, we are no longer educated by private tutors on Chinaology that covers Chinese Literature, Chinese music, Chinese Philosophy, etc.
What I am trying to say is we do not biologically featured our known grandfathers, but resemble a lot to mysterious Zhou dynasty Emperors who were our ancient grandmother's side grandfathers( this is for certain).
----Sept 15th, 2017
07-14-2017 "It was announced so" is the answer to a lot of Why-s (“就是这样宣布的”其实就是很多疑问的答案)
Did not hear much about this morning's broadcasting.(中文附后)
My response:It is not because I cannot hear anymore. But the volume is much lower, number of "working XBox" is also dramatically reduced.
By the way, a lot of people freaked out by the published number which is, by rumor, a core number suppose to be kept during treatment till last phase of treatment. I say take it easy, use POS->E-Mo feature would ease your anxiety completely.
Being honest,I had experienced watching high definition video clip with my naked eyes shut tight, and I had once experience one ear listen to upstairs neighbor's TV show, the other ear stretched to my next door's neighbor's activities. I am currently still experience video clips projected in my sound sleep. A couple of month ago I was in need to report that I assumed I had a dream of mine own that night. This is how I have been harassed each day and each night. Especially after October of 2015 when "dry run of the radio program" has been produced this way.
If you are curious why someone make a phone call can really help to erect your little brother for a woman you are not interested, you may get your answer if you call to have a check. It works the same way as some of you have already tried to access that published number. It is just an different access number, and that is all.
If you call for critical treatment package, this all can be treated completely in matter of 1-3 hours in average.
After you heard what had been broadcasted on the radio and how it has been in reality, if you concerned about what will happen to your own marriage, being the mother of your own husband's child(ren), you better think about it immediately without any putting off delay. (**This has been promoting on the radio program for over two years and how it has been to push to make it become a reality is what you heard already. It already spread everywhere how to become that impossible woman to replace you in your husband life even that was never your own husband's interested woman. Do not delay but think it through if this is already a reality in your life, you may not in the situation that you can afford to put it off. It was never without support. The support you heard loudly announced on the radio by those prominent intended to prove how privileged they are and that is all).
----Sept 14th, 2017
Why I did not call or let my attorneys call to have critical treatment package if it is effective treatment.
My response: If you heard it was announced "Let little creature take over" on the radio in early 2016, now you know this is that announcement was about. I was full body infected by bacteria after some organized promotion of this announcement in reality. The critical treatment package was available later in that year.
My doctors and I were all not went panic when this happened.
----Sept 14th, 2017
Heard tons of similar rumored stories.
Why radio company or its board of directors can not rule these obviously harassment intended group out from public channel broadcasting?
Answer: Because it was announced so on the radio in 2013. The announcement was nobody can touch this radio program.
Why Mr. Albert Gore is the biggest investor of the radio company?
Answer: Because it was announced so on the radio in 2013 time and recently repeated with "He invested biggest shits in this radio company." (Rumored Albert Gore is the person organized all these shits throwing.)
Why my intellectual income's pay check titled in my name have to be sent to those who deposited into their own names?
Answer: Because it was announced on the radio so in 2014 time. The announcements were "She (Min Fang) does not deserve this money, it should go do xxx"
I constantly call law's help on all these rumors I heard.
----Sept 14, 2017
Heard the reason why Albert Gore is so privileged to shit all is because otherwise he would be handsomely provided for by being a semen provider.
My response: Why so many people in United States, where Child Protection is by law, would feel sorry for this person's failure of his obvious intention to create money anchor only pet child(ren)?
Honestly, why would any decent people would ever let this happen knowing he never intended to have anything beyond money had been fully expressed in July 1st of 2004 meeting already?
Why would any decent person would let this man or that man to have pregnancy-mother-born child(ren) knowing this man or that man already have a beloved child(ren) through naturally conceived pregnancy after July of 2004?
How could this "no money because of being not-allowed to abuse human reproduction" should be supported for this so-called "anger explosion"?
----Sept 14th, 2017
在你听过广播剧的一些播出内容后,在你得知真实生活中的一些事件后,作为你自己丈夫孩子的母亲,你要是很担心你自己的婚姻的话,赶紧想清楚,一分钟都别拖。(**This has been promoting on the radio program for over two years and how it has been to push to make it become a reality is what you heard already. It already spread everywhere how to become that impossible woman to replace you in your husband life even that was never your own husband's interested woman. Do not delay but think it through if this is already a reality in your life, you may not in the situation that you can afford to put it off. It was never without support. The support you heard loudly announced on the radio by those prominent intended to prove how privileged they are and that is all).
09-13-2017 The power of public channel ”announcements“ and Why Chinese government like so(由公共频道来“宣布”的权威和为什么中国政府如此处理)
Heard this morning's ”from Chinese government“.(中文附后)
My response: That is exactly what I have been accusing Chinese government about.
It all started in the doubts if I am my Chinese ancient Emperor (唐王李世民)grandfather's own birth heir. By rumor, the "confusion" of this is that there is currently a "heir" in China who has no blood association reference at all can trace back to my 1200 years ago's ancient grandfather but stamped in 1950 by People's Republic of China's government based on collected signatures in 1950 from a Chinese Liberation Army's regional company led by a Chinese general Wang, Zhen(王震).
Another confusion is if I do have achievements in computer technology. Some of current Chinese Central Political Committee members were in June 30th of 2004's meeting but not in the small chat room I was in that invented smartphone and none of them is from technology background. I got my master degree on Computer Science from a U.S. university in 1999.
The most confused is if I do have inheritances. This confusion caused a lot of anger from those Chinese government officials who attained 2004's meetings. Why I was sitting there talking to so many foreigners without consulting them first as a Chinese citizen would be expected, and who was behind all these "attempt to belittle" Chinese government by promoting me as such an important person. I have been accusing Chinese government completely ignore all the evidences that have been provided to them to know that I was important because those meetings were my inheriting meetings, I accused them went on trying to "give out" my inheritances to whoever want to claim the money.。
The first meeting in January of 2004 was to identify my blood authentication according to my grandfathers' entrusting documentations. June 30th of 2004 meeting was inheriting meeting, July 1st of 2004 was my re-entrusting meeting arranged on my request of entrusting-my-wealth-due-to-my-health-reason after I inherited all my grandfathers' entrusts on June 30th of 2004.
The huge problem is why Chinese government have handled it the way they did?
----Sept 13th, 2017.
Heard somebody curious about how this happened.
My response: It was a nightmare hunger game movie experience since 2014. I have been constantly calling law enforcement's help about this radio program since mid of 2015.
It all started with this radio program kept using announcement style to curse that I do not deserve any money by announcing in "matter of fact' tone that I won't have any money no matter what I have achieved from January of 2014 to October of 2015.
After that, was like everybody heard on the radio, is this radio program's "announcing" style to shit me allover by let those nothing-to-do-with-me-prominent saying I am a "fake, disgusting unwanted whore".
And that is not all. This radio program has promotion efforts to promote whatever have been announced on this radio program to be acknowledged as real truths in my reality life.
For example my inheritance fund that cause "O'Connors confusion". This American fund was set up by one of my 600-800 years' ago grandfather's entrust for 400 years already, the first ever Mr. O'Connor had been hired to be an representing attorney was about 200 years ago. In this 200 years time, no O'Connor can ever call to this fund's accounting department to demand any money, now this effort has been constantly because it was announced on the radio program as O'Connors deserved. Rumored his fund had massive staff change in its accounting department and its legal department in 2014 (major one) and in 2015. How I was doing in 2014 is not a secret at all to a lot of Bostonian.
And the promotion of this kind "devoid me by this radio program announcements" is on every front in everywhere that my life matters and matters to my life. Horrible, horrible experience.
I am protected by U.S. Laws.
----Sept 13th, 2017
这一切就是从怀疑我是否是我爷爷唐王李世民的亲生孙女开始的。根据传言,”困扰“是因为中国现在有一个没有任何血脉传承线索可以追溯到我那1200年前的古代爷爷, 却是由中华人民共和国政府在1950年时根据当时中国人民解放军将领王震于1950年所收集的其部下签名而盖章认可的“继承人”。
另一个困扰就是我是否确实有电脑科技上的成就。现任中共中央政治局常委有好几个都在2004年的几个会议上,但是都不在当时我所参与的智能手机发明的那个聊天会场, 也没有一个是科技背景出身。我是1999年由美国的一所大学电脑科学硕士学位毕业。
09-12-2017 All About Glass House Cancer and its Public Deck Harassment (都是脑控癌及其”大众可通联“相关的)
Heard this morning's talk of glass house cancer "open to public accessible decks"(中文附后).
My response: I am not the person concerned about this "threats of harassment" because of my glass house cancer.
If you are privileged to have access to treatment instrument, and if you have the privilege to treat yourself, you can try to clean the neck area (passage from trunk to head) as much as possible to speed up treatment effectively.
If you are a concerned public, you can prepare some money (credit card plus cash card) for that $50,000 deposit, in case you need, to call your veteran friend or Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance for the reference to request Critical Treatment Package for Brain Control. It is just a phone call away to make a reservation to know all it takes is an average 1-3 hours' treatment to be freed from this harassment anxiety. If you are not in immediate concern, you can have this peace of mind to know it is not scary at all if you already have that $50,000 deposit prepared and a number to call whenever you need if you need, and it can be in only a couple of hours time to be freed from your concern if you are concerned.
----Sept 12th, 2017
Heard some question about not all Blue Cross Blue Shield offices open to this insurance.
My response: This treatment is a remote Laser treatment. You can just call those offices that offer this insurance to request this remote treatment regardless of where you are.
----Sept 12th, 2017
Heard some question about why $50,000 deposit.
My response: Heard it is free medical check up if you call to treat. It is $1000 for medical checkup if you call to check and call back to treat. The $50,000 deposit for both case is because treatment won't stop once it started till entire critical treatment package covered items being treated. The average treatment normally cost about $10,000-$30,000 ($10,000/hour), but some severe situation may reach $50,000 to be treated.
----Sept 12th, 2017
Heard curiosities about how I am in this situation.
My response: Not bad. I currently live in famous college town Boston, MA where tons of colleges offer Bio-Medical Engineer related undergraduate or graduate program. There is always somebody knowledgeable enough to answer inquiries on this matter related curiosities as inquirers' own trusted.
----Sept 12th, 2017
Heard this morning's question about a Chinese male's doubt if there is any male available for a female in U.S.
My response: There are tons of American males who are still singles if my romance's so unwanted propaganda's result is what this married male or unwanted old bachelor's concerns that publicly expressed, regardless if this male is a Chinese or not.
I am wealthy enough to be eligible to be a well groomed fanciful American female to trouble anyone's anxiety over my romance opportunities, that is not to mention I am on my way of being my young healthy self already. I am just in waiting to have my own financial means to be well groomed. I admit I am not good at grooming myself.
This is the person I never even met in person, Possibly the confidence is from the wife or the girlfriend by knowing I am a female MA resident who is impossible not to fancy some female breasts. (* Massachusetts of United States is the first place ever in this whole world has a lawful marriage for two females. Please read the article how I was so confused before I realize it is all because I am a female Massachusetts' resident. This article is just one of my clarification efforts that I have published. Min Fang's clarification on August 5th, 2017 )
----Sept 12th, 2017
如果你是一个很担心的老百姓,你可以准备好一些现金(信用卡和现金卡),美金五万元的样子。这样的话,一旦你有需要就可以通过打电话给你的退伍军人朋友或者通过蓝十字蓝盾保险公司(Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance)所介绍的电话要求进行脑控癌的治疗。就只需要打一通电话就可以知道也就只是平均1-3个小时的治疗就可以免除这一份被骚扰的惊恐。如果你现在不是很担心,你也可以把这美金五万给准备好,一旦你需要就可以随时拨打电话要求治疗,也就是几个小时你就可以不再担心了。
我本人就有足够的属于我自己的经济实力可以把自己打扮成一个美美的,花枝招展的美国女人,真是不至于会为了自己是否有浪漫的机会而担心, 更不用说我现在是在逐步恢复成原先那个年轻健康的我。我不过是在等着用我自己的钱把我自己打扮得美美的。我承认我不是太会自己打扮自己。
这个人是个我见也没见过的, 可能那份自信是从他老婆或是女朋友那儿来的。他们大概是因为知道了我是一个居住在美国麻州的女性,就认定我没有可能不馋女人的奶子。(美国麻州是这个地球上第一个两个女人可以合法结婚的地方。请参阅这篇在我弄清一切就只因为我是麻州女性居民之前我有多困绕的博文,这还只是我的一些与此有关的说明博文中的一篇而已。方敏在2017年8月5日的声明 )
09-11-2017 All about my glass house cancer treatment (都是有关我脑控癌治疗的)
Heard this morning's talk about "Why Chinese government pay for her (Min Fang's?) medical treatment?"(中文附后)
My response: Exact the question everybody asked including myself. I do not know if that her mentioned this morning was referring me (Min Fang).
I know for sure Chinese government never paid my (Min Fang's) any medical treatment and Chinese government is not paying my (Min Fang's) any medical treatment now. I, Min Fang, do not need Chinese government pay for my any medical treatment. I, Min Fang, have been paying for my own medical treatment as decided on July 1st of 2004.
I, Min Fang, refuse to let anyone other than myself to pay for my glass house cancer treatment.
----Sept 11th, 2017
Heard rumors that Chinese government had once paid big money on my medical treatment.
My response: I heard the same or similar rumor.
The version I heard is Chinese government approved budget of several hundred millions or so to pay for my glass house treatment, and it was paid from Chinese military's budgeted funding. And I heard Chinese government also set the daily usage limit to $10, 000 a day.
I jumped up high about this $10,000 limit and called law enforcement's help. At the time I heard this limit rumor, $10,000 a day means less than an hour treatment a day, and it was much less. This rumor sound to me only implied that I was not allow to continue my treatment indirectly even I have my own money to afford further treatment.
In United States, if any hospital do this to any patient, it only means thorough investigation on murder for money attempt. This money may be patient's life insurance or patient's life time savings, or etc..
I heard it was cleared on the radio some time ago that this never happened.
----Sept 11th, 2017
Heard this morning's talk about how I was treated in my medical treatment.
My response: Tons of rumors that I was never shielded by this or that big powerful person cause me being a shits like in my glass house cancer medical treatment.
Actually, my treatment progress very well is a lot of people's envy. I did screamingly shit a lot constantly and made my name for it among my medical treatment providers. Just like I mentioned on my blog the other day, a lot of my shitty screaming complains had not being promptly responded is because of that confusingly mysterious determination to do whatever it takes to protect treatment providers' interests. (Please refer: English Literature Confusion and "Ridiculous Confusion")
If you in need of glass house cancer treatment, "Brain Control" is its medical situation's official term, Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance company is where to contact for the $5000 per month insurance plan that offer one treatment session a month. You can also contact Blue Cross Blue Shield for reference information in your local area on Critical Treatment Package treatment.
----Sept 11th, 2017
Heard Chinese communities saying of why I do not let people keep my money.
My response: Because that is my lawful privately owned money I am not willing to give out. I do as anyone in any lawful country would to call law enforcement's help to report larceny or robbery or money laundry activities, depend on the situation accordingly.
----Sept 11th, 2017
其实,我治疗状况的良好进展程度是很多人都很羡慕的。我确实是不停地痛骂尖叫,在治疗过我的医疗单位里是远近闻名的“臭名昭著”。就像我在前几天的博文里提到的,很多造成我痛骂尖叫的抱怨没有得到及时的回应就是因为那份很神秘的,很让人莫名其妙的铁了心就是要保护治疗单位利益的决心。( 请参阅:英语文学的困扰和”莫名奇妙的困扰“ )
如果你有原因需要知道一些参与脑控癌治疗的信息,“脑控癌(Brain Control)”就是你询问时的使用名称,蓝十字蓝盾保险公司(Blue Cross Blue Shield)就是你可以询问那个每月提供一次治疗时间的每月5000美金的医疗保险计划的保险公司。蓝十字蓝盾保险公司也是你可以打听“核心治疗套组”治疗在你所在地区的联络电话的地方。
其实,我治疗状况的良好进展程度是很多人都很羡慕的。我确实是不停地痛骂尖叫,在治疗过我的医疗单位里是远近闻名的“臭名昭著”。就像我在前几天的博文里提到的,很多造成我痛骂尖叫的抱怨没有得到及时的回应就是因为那份很神秘的,很让人莫名其妙的铁了心就是要保护治疗单位利益的决心。( 请参阅:英语文学的困扰和”莫名奇妙的困扰“ )
如果你有原因需要知道一些参与脑控癌治疗的信息,“脑控癌(Brain Control)”就是你询问时的使用名称,蓝十字蓝盾保险公司(Blue Cross Blue Shield)就是你可以询问那个每月提供一次治疗时间的每月5000美金的医疗保险计划的保险公司。蓝十字蓝盾保险公司也是你可以打听“核心治疗套组”治疗在你所在地区的联络电话的地方。
09-10-2017 Hunger game like radio program and Glass house cancer related Information (电影饥馑游戏似的广播剧以及脑控癌相关的信息)
Heard this morning's talk of my children(中文附后).
My response: I, Min Fang, strongly refuse to use my biological birth children to do the radio program to prove the point "their birth father has the lawful freedom to have a new marriage by "US government's support" if necessary, even if that is complete not their own birth father's own willingness to participate this just-to-prove-so-radio-show".
My own experience of being the major featured person of this radio program already make it very clear, with world wide audience as witness, that my own money is current under entrusting but fancied by a lot of "money deserved" put me into life this threatening hunger-game movie like radio program producing.
I, Min Fang, refuse to let my children who carry my blood to be in this situation to have this kind life threatening possibilities just because my wealth is their inheritable. I, Min Fang, now declare this pair of my own biological birth children cannot inherit any of my any money and/or any of my any money equivalent and/or my any inherited and/or anything that is mine if their father insist on to have a new marriage with this pair of children before I can unite with my biological children.
----Sept 10th, 2017
Heard this morning's talk about how Tina O'Connor can manipulate this or that person since the day she met this or that person.
My response: Well, I did hear the rumor if this Tina O'Connor is interested in somebody she met, she would offer a drink, rumored weird taste fluid, to the person with a saying "drink this, you are mine forever".
I also heard glass house cancer can be infected by this kind of weird taste fluid. If you have tasted this to be weird taste, well, it may truly means you are hers forever till you decide to call Blue Cross Blue Shield to check out if glass house cancer is the means she can manipulate you. I heard she offered this drink thing to everybody she had ever dated.
----Sept 10th, 2017
Heard public panic on rumors of this kind infection through seafood or any kind food.
My response: This kind thing, rumored sea creature possible bacteria, normally can not pass human digestion system's strong acid environment (you must heard of acid reflex which is caused by too much strong acid in a human's stomach). The only possible chance food can cause glass house cancer infection, as rumored, is you are being a target that certain arrangement has already made to specially transfer this kind of bacteria into your system before contaminated food reach into your body's digestion system. And if indeed you are being targeted, there are tons of ways to get you infected.
From what I know, own willingness to participate glass house cancer related research is a must has been the policy from research related institutes since the beginning of this glass house cancer research. Some said some related research is only "known to participate", what I heard is this "known to participate" is not applicable to general public.
If there are illegal activities for a lot of people need to call Blue Cross Blue Shield to buy insurance for medical treatment, I myself already tipped law enforcement those rumors I heard of.
----Sept 10th, 2017
Heard this morning mentioned my picture post.
My response: I have another one I took about 6-7 months ago for my school cohort team. That photo took me some to this "finally can be posted picture". I have to cover my head because it looks like gorilla's, and I have to find a good angle otherwise I look like a Chinese male Kongfu movie star Jackie Chen (成龙)。I had this mouth and chin areas like a big concrete captured in this one but bare-able photo.
I was very happy the other night I can do 4 photos easily, and I am happy my forehead is a human one now. It is only in 6-7 month time, and I knew currently medical treatment is accelerating vastly.
Here are the photos. Notice my nose shortened, my eyebrow area, my chin and my left side face are still need a lot of treatment. Now I have a humanly forehead now. My treatment started when I could only recognize my right eye's out corner is mine recognizable. I still remembered when I in need of taking a photo for my driver license, doctors had to help to ensure I can have a photo that can be recognized as a photo ID some time later.
Photo I took on September 8th, 2017

Photo I took in March, 2017
----Sept 10th, 2017
听说了今天早上谈话提到Tina O'Connor从认识这个那个人的那天开始就是可以摆布这个那个的。
我的回应:我是有听说如果这个Tina O'Connor对这个那个人有兴趣的话,她就会邀请这个那个人喝她所奉上的一杯尝起来怪怪的液体,同时说上一句“喝了这个,你就永远都是我的了。”
已经永远都是她的了,直到你联络Blue Cross Blue Shield要求做一下检查以确定是否脑控癌是她可以摆布你的原因。我是有听说她是有邀请每一个和她谈过恋爱的人喝下这么一种液体。
就我所知,必须本人自愿参与是脑控癌相关研究机构从一开始就有的政策。有人说一些脑控癌相关的研究是一种“知情参与”方式, 我听说的是这种“知情参与”方式不适用于普通老百姓。
至于是否有一些违法活动造成了很多人需要打电话给Blue Cross Blue Shield买保险进行治疗,我本人是已经把我所听说的一些传言举报给了警方。


09-09-2017 Obviously All-Out Radio Program(很明显的所有家当都用上了的广播剧)
Heard this morning's broadcasting impressed audience that I do not have anything in a big name company since its registered as a company(中文附后).
My response: Who is the announcer? Who authorized who to do this "correction effort" on whose behave? Is this a lawful public announcement?
From what was featured yesterday, according to the style that anything should not be believed out of expectation of anyone's credibility as decent names supposed stands for without further clarifications of all details, these are the questions can not be assumed as if you know who was doing the talk when you are not in front of the talker face to face, even this "real authority is announcing" style is on a public channel radio.
From what was featured yesterday, according to the style that anything should not be believed out of expectation of anyone's credibility as decent names supposed stands for without further clarifications of all details, these are the questions can not be assumed as if you know who was doing the talk when you are not in front of the talker face to face, even this "real authority is announcing" style is on a public channel radio.
(What was featured yesterday:
Heard this morning's episode is producing team's effort to showcase 1980 China's language style that you do not append what was said by you own assumption. What is said can only be understood as word by word by each word's dictionary definition. ----published on Sept 8th, 2017)
Heard this morning's episode is producing team's effort to showcase 1980 China's language style that you do not append what was said by you own assumption. What is said can only be understood as word by word by each word's dictionary definition. ----published on Sept 8th, 2017)
According to what was featured yesterday, these are the questions can not be assumed as if you know who was doing the talk when you are not in front of the talker face to face. A lot of announcements style conversations of this radio program are in this same questionable situations including those "clarification on if I have any Children with any of those clarification announcers who I never even met in person."
I am the investor through both announced the 500 years old French Fund and the 400 years old French Fund.
----Sept 9th, 2017
Heard public was so impressed how Tina O'Connor can have this authority influence on the him.
My response: She is an English Literature person and she may be helped by some actress or actors expertise on Shakespeare's to know how to belittle a person by just a couple of words expressed with the impressive tone and the impressive gesture to achieve the belittle impression that he is just a know-nothing junior that everyone should ignore whatever he says but listen to her corrections regarding his nonsense. If I haven't mention, I heard there are (if not were) a group of Shakespeare's specialized actresses and actors helping out radio program producing since November of 2015.
This can be further helped by using sound waves modifying technology to edit his original voice's data to impress audience the intended results. For example, through a 3-D sound waves editor computer software, a person's voice waves can be flattened in the third dimension to make the voice sound thinner as a front voice( similar to the difference between popular song or opera song), to flat or exemplify the 2nd dimension to high pitch or lower the tone of the voice, a timid voice can be produced from original polite only voice if adjusting all these waves' dimensions professionally,
If you have ever been a computer programmer, you know this is nothing at all effort from technology. This doe not even include those politic tricks that you have already heard from radio program broadcasting, like campaign accusation to blacken techniques, or endless nonsense talks to limit other party's argument time technique, etc., and all those various efforts I already have experienced or I have heard from those voluntarily participating radio program's promotion efforts in their own jobs.
----Sept 9th, 2017
Heard the effort now is "Do not Let me hear what featured on the radio today."
My response: Well, My own attorneys' will help me if there is anything I need to know about. My treatment has been progress very well that I may soon unable to hear from my glass house cancer.
----Sept 9th, 2017
从昨天广播剧所呈现的,按照不应该以为这世上会有什么正正经经会说实话会负责任的人的原则,及没有进一步核实每一个说提到的细节就不应该轻易相信任何人的任何言论,即使这人应该是个有信誉名人也如此的原则,当你不是面对面和说这些话的人在一起的时候,就算这种“真正的权威在声明”的方式是在通过公共广播频道进行, 以上的这几个问题都是你不可以自己想当然地认为你自己已经知道的。
听说了公众对于Tina O'Connor对于那个男的能有这样权威的影响力印象非常深刻。
我的回应:这女的是大学英语文学专业毕业的,女的还有一堆专攻莎士比亚戏剧的男女演员在帮她的忙,他们这一群人很知道该如何就只用几个英语单词加上生动的语音语调及配合的身体语言来表达“男的就只是个小字辈,别听这男的胡言乱语,就只听那女的对男的所言进行的纠正就得” 这么一个效果。如果我还没有在我的博文中提及,我现在说明我是听说了从2015年11月起(不知是否现在还在),就有一组专攻莎士比亚戏剧的男女演员在协助广播剧的制作。
你要是曾经做过电脑程序员,你就知道要从科学技术上达到这点根本就是小菜一碟。这还不包括你已经从广播剧所播出内容听到的会政治的一些人所用的竞选抹黑技巧,霸者话筒不放随便乱说以占据辩论时间技巧等等, 还有我听说的及我亲身遭遇的由各行各业那些自愿参与广播剧推广活动的人员在各行各业的工作中所做的各种努力,等等,等等。
----Sept 9th, 2017
从昨天广播剧所呈现的,按照不应该以为这世上会有什么正正经经会说实话会负责任的人的原则,及没有进一步核实每一个说提到的细节就不应该轻易相信任何人的任何言论,即使这人应该是个有信誉名人也如此的原则,当你不是面对面和说这些话的人在一起的时候,就算这种“真正的权威在声明”的方式是在通过公共广播频道进行, 以上的这几个问题都是你不可以自己想当然地认为你自己已经知道的。
听说了公众对于Tina O'Connor对于那个男的能有这样权威的影响力印象非常深刻。
我的回应:这女的是大学英语文学专业毕业的,女的还有一堆专攻莎士比亚戏剧的男女演员在帮她的忙,他们这一群人很知道该如何就只用几个英语单词加上生动的语音语调及配合的身体语言来表达“男的就只是个小字辈,别听这男的胡言乱语,就只听那女的对男的所言进行的纠正就得” 这么一个效果。如果我还没有在我的博文中提及,我现在说明我是听说了从2015年11月起(不知是否现在还在),就有一组专攻莎士比亚戏剧的男女演员在协助广播剧的制作。
你要是曾经做过电脑程序员,你就知道要从科学技术上达到这点根本就是小菜一碟。这还不包括你已经从广播剧所播出内容听到的会政治的一些人所用的竞选抹黑技巧,霸者话筒不放随便乱说以占据辩论时间技巧等等, 还有我听说的及我亲身遭遇的由各行各业那些自愿参与广播剧推广活动的人员在各行各业的工作中所做的各种努力,等等,等等。
09-08-2017 English Literature Confusion & Ridiculous Confusion (英语文学的纠结和莫名其妙的纠结)
Heard this morning's broadcasting is teaching American people some English as this radio program has been.(中文附后)
My response: This has been an insiders' known issue for some time already.
I am a new immigrant in U.S for 8 years only in 2005 to have this radio program a huge success cause a lot of "how" agitation among American English Literature major graduated, non-immigrants (not first or second generation immigrants)) in U.S.
Last year I clarified on Boston 96.9 FM that radio program's success is my story plus authentic American producing team's great talents to have this radio program an Authentic American Radio Program, current radio program's producing has more than one American Harvard University English Literature Professors involved.
Tina O'Connor, who has huge personal issues with me, is a particularly "how" agitated English Literature major who insists on to participate producing this radio program has caused a lot of issues. Some of her English Literature majored O'Connor cousins who have their shared family wealth confusion are also participating this radio program's producing, you can certainly imagine how confused O'Connors are from your confusion as audience towards this radio program.
And this "English major" confusion also from Chinese "English as Foreign language major" producing team, my 8 years in U.S. as a resident and over 5 years full time job with oral and written English's daily practicing in American companies(both before 2005) seems does not count when considering my English language skills.
Heard this morning's episode is producing team's effort to showcase 1980 China's language style that you do not append what was said by you own assumption. What is said can only be understood as word by word by each word's dictionary definition.
The issue is the guideline of producing. The point of producing this radio program's featured theme is to prove I do not deserve to have any children, or to probe why these people's saying confused everyone.
----Sept 8th, 2017
Heard there is a lot of people start to share my anger of some ridiculous challenging.
My response: I have some experience to share with you to take some of these "ridiculous challenges" easily.
I am a known person who has been treated for my glass house cancer for two and half years. This two and half years treatment experience has been a rocky road till recently.
What made me screamed include: turn of treatment instrument during treatment, take away treatment laser needles and refuse to handover upon the boss's request, turn off entire building's electricity during treatment... The reason was these people did verified my medical treatment has been paid by my own money, and that was exactly the reason they were doing so.
I was constantly screaming, my attorneys were constantly complaining, everyone from treatment providers' were gossiping what could possibly be the reason for these real agitated real anger explosion towards knowing my treatment being paid by my own money has been verified by themselves through treatment providers' accounting departments checking with their own(law people).
They were asked by their boss why they did that, they answer with angrily shaking voice saying " She is paying by her own money, She can't be doing this to this place, I will do everything to stop this."
My treatment has been remote treatment, entire time I have been a resident somewhere remotely during my treatment, what could I possibly do to these treatment providers? This was asked by their boss. The answer their boss got was: "She is paying by her own money. Why don't you get this? Our budget is to treat our own patients, we can't let her being treated in this place, we have our owns to treat. I will do everything don't let her take advantage of this place." This answer is certainly more confusing.
One day, there was another pissed off group, this group's experience was: The boss kept saying "I told you not to do this", the once good employee kept replied with "OK, I am doing this right in front of you, OK?" every time.
When I heard this story, I said as an very calm outsider that I had this similar experience if you tell me turn right, I repeat with you by saying "OK, I am turning right" and actually I turned left. If you confront me why I turned left, I would answer you with "You told me to turn right, and I turned right, what is your problem?"
If you have similar experience, Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance offer "Brain Control" treatment insurance plan to check if "Brain Control" bio-medical health situation is the real reason of these kind "ridiculous challenging".
----Sept 8th, 2017
因为和我之间的私人矛盾, Tina O'Connor是一个特别纠结“怎么会”的英语文学专业的毕业生,她本人坚持要参与广播剧的制作是造成广播剧很多问题的原因。她还有一些O'Connor家的英语文学专业毕业的堂兄弟姐妹亲戚,他们和她有着同样纠结的“O'Connor家的困扰”也在参与这个广播剧的制作,从你们作为听众对广播剧播出内容的困扰,你们应该可以想象这份“O'Connor家的困扰”是什么样的一个纠结。
这份“英语专业”的困扰也是“英语作为外语专业的大学毕业生”中国大陆制作团队的困扰,2005年之前我在美国已经生活8年并且在美国人的公司(没有一个华人)全职上班用英语听说读写进行工作上的交流也已经不只5年的时间, 所有这些好像没有成为我英语能力应该会是什么程度的考量成分。
我对一些”挑衅根本就是莫名其妙“的愤怒, 很多人也有同样的感受。
总做周至,我的治疗都是远程治疗,治疗期间我是一直即每天都住在离治疗单位很远很远的外地。他们的老板就问他们:我能对这些治疗单位做些什么呀?他们给他们老板的回答是:“她是在用她自己的钱在支付治疗费用。你怎么就弄不明白? 我们的经费是用来治疗我们自己的常规门诊病人的,我们不能让她在这个治疗单位进行治疗,我们有我们自己的常规门诊病人需要(我们的经费)进行治疗。我会尽最大努力不让她占这个治疗单位的任何便宜。” 这个回答让听者更是莫名其妙。
有一天,我听说了这么一群人怒气冲天地经历:老板不停地说“你不要这么做”,曾今工作表现很好的员工就不停的回答:“好吧,我就在这里当你的面做,可以了吧?”, 每次如此。
如果你有类似的经历,你可以打听一下Blu Cross Blue Shield有提供针对“脑控癌”治疗的保险计划,有些这种莫名其妙的挑衅是否是因为“脑控癌”的生物医学状况造成。
09-07-2017 I only clarify on my related.(我只澄清和我有关的)
Heard this morning's tons of announcements.
My response: None of my business announcement other than I confirm none of my children that carry my blood will carry Ford name. True statement.
----Sept 7th, 2017
Rumored providing request to me to provide financial support to that person and that person's beloved, for the sake of children who also carry my blood.
My response: Impossible. Why would I do that, and why would I care a bit about that person or that person's beloved, after my children who carry my blood have been publicly trashed and myself being publicly expressed hatred towards. It is very ridiculous if that person ever fancy I would ever do that. I say so is for the sake of my own biological children who carry my own blood.
----Sept 7th, 2017
Heard rumored $40,000/month children care providing before today.
My response: This is the question why would that person willing to spend $40,000 a month on a pair of "pets like( to him)" children that he can throw out easily, with money making books to be published to explain the whole process of realization how this pair of "pet like (to him) " children truly deserve to be trashed publicly again and again and again, and that is after he decided to have this pair of "pet like (to him)" children by his own decision without my involvement. This is the question I would seek answer in the U.S. courtroom, and I am determined to do so.
----Sept 7th, 2017
Heard this morning's radio program said all announced David Petraeus' children are his own biological children by DNA test.
My response: None of my business announcement. None of the child or children announced as David Petraeus' children carry my blood to have any association with me. I do not have any biological child or biological children with David Petraeus, this is announced by Rockefellers I respect on the radio that I echo. Any implication of having a child or children contradicted with what announced by Rockefellers will be sued for all laws that applicable upon information validated. Any information is encouraged and reward of valid information will be demanded on informant's behave to be paid by those rumor spreaders.
----Sept 7th, 2017
Rumored there are two children in China claimed my children.
My response: They are made up rumored children for bilking purpose. I do not have any my own biological child or any my own biological children abducted by Chinese Government or by any Chinese citizen into People's Republic of China's territory land, territory sea or air space. I do not have any my own biological child or my own biological children are willingly in People's Republic of China's territory land, territory sea or air space. Any implication of having such child or such children will be sued for all laws that applicable upon information validated. Any information is encouraged and reward of valid information will be demanded on informant's behave to be paid by those rumor spreaders.
I do not have any my own biological child or my own biological children who is seeded by a Chinese race or a Chinese citizen. Any implication of having such child or such children will be sued for all laws that applicable upon information validated. Any information is encouraged and reward of valid information will be demanded on informant's behave to be paid by those rumor spreaders.
I do not have any my own biological child or any my own biological children is/are seeded by a Albert Gore or his relatives. Any implication of any child or any children to associate me with, this Albert Gore, who I have nothing to do with will be sued for all laws that applicable upon information validated. Any information is encouraged and reward of valid information will be demanded on informant's behave to be paid by those rumor spreaders.
Heard there are two 7 years old children, together with other children, denounced by Chinese Premiere Li reported by Chinese producing team.
My response: These two 7 years old are none of my business children. They do not carry my blood and they do not have any association with me. Any implication of having such child or such children associated with me will be sued for all laws that applicable upon information validated. Any information is encouraged and reward of valid information will be demanded on informant's behave to be paid by those rumor spreaders.
----Sept 7th, 2017
Heard this destroy me intention was expressed on July 1st of 2004 meeting by everyone.
My response: I now declare I determined to seek justice in courtrooms even then and there at the moment in that same teleconference meeting on July 1st of 2004.
----Sept 7th, 2017
我的回应:没有任何可能。我为什么要这么做啊? 我哪里会在乎那人及那人的所爱一丝一毫啊?特别是在那人又是公开把我的亲生孩子们当垃圾踩跺,又是公开表达对我的一腔仇恨之后。真是滑稽,那人以为他自己是谁啊。我这么说就是为了我自己亲生的孩子们。
听说了今天早上的广播说所有已经宣布的David Petraeus 的小孩都是有DNA鉴定证实是David Petraeus自己的亲生小孩。
我的回应: 这和我一点关系都没有的。我重复我所尊敬的洛克菲勒们在广播上所公开宣布:没有一个所宣布的David Petraeus 的亲生小孩承载我方敏的血液,David Petraeus的所有已宣布的小孩都和我方敏没有任何血缘承载关系。如果有任何谣言暗示说法与洛克菲勒家的声明相违背,一旦证实,会按所有适用法律起诉造谣者。欢迎提供信息,会代表提供信息者要求法庭判决造谣传谣者支付费用以鼓励提供信息。
我没有任何一个亲生小孩或亲生的孩子们是由一个叫Albert Gore 的下种或者由他的任何亲戚下种。我和这个Albert Gore一点关系都没有。如果有任何谣言暗示说我有由这个Albert Gore下种或者有他的任何亲戚下种的亲生小孩,一旦证实,会按所有适用法律起诉造谣者。欢迎提供信息,会代表提供信息者要求法庭判决造谣传谣者支付费用以鼓励提供信息。
09-06-2017 Why Chinese government need to fly 12 hours to be jealous of whom ?(为什么中国政府要飞12个小时来吃谁的醋?)
Heard this morning's indirect complain why I swear about none-of-my-business things(中文附后).
My response: I apologize.
I do apologize here for a lot of swears I directed to his relatives. I still have no idea about a lot of things, but I do appreciate the efforts of shielding my children.
I assumed I must be famous in Boston law enforcement how I insanely tried to go to New York City to ask British Consulate's help to get to London to reach to my "British Children" after I heard some rumors about how much they were disliked. I was stopped on a local highway by police officers when I was trying to ask for a ride.
----Sept 6th, 2017.
Heard some angers shared with me from reading my web blog.
My response: I appreciate those who share my feelings. I will continue my honest style about what I know or what I do not understand, and I promise I will correct my own saying if I made some wrong assumptions.
Example is Jessica, the accused one who took my $3 Billion radio company's paid out income. I still do not share her anger why she can't take my money, and I still do not get any idea why she is privileged to take my money. But I do give credit and respect to those who care about her feelings to find out what is the possible issue(s), those decent big names I respect who associate with her also aware I do have my own wealth. I did call law enforcement's help as I wrote on my web blog and I do understand it maybe very confusing.
----Sept 6th, 2017
Heard Chinese government's anger on possibility that I was financially incentived to accuse them as a government.
My response: I has not been financially incentived by anyone. I already filed my U.S.green card application as a computer programmer and I did not intend to apply for asylum immigration visa, I had no need and I did not intend to accuse Chinese government in anyway anyhow in January of 2004, there was some misunderstanding about my understanding of 8 years Chinese-Japanese war in WWII time.
I did comment if Chairman Mao (Mao, Zedong) and President Jiang (Jiang, Jieshi) could put off their ambitions about achieving their vision of China to join force to fight against Japan, it may not take China 8 years to win the war. People's Republic of China's government took this very badly.
When I talked about my understanding of WWII, I admired Japanese military's unprecedentedly united to every single war their Generals led that never ever happened in worldly history of wars, and I did my comment saying of China anti-Japan forces' lack of this caused 8 years of fighting. I used Chinese Civil war as example to say Chinese then leaders, Chairman Mao and President Jiang, both were very good at strategies was the reason I said lack of this "United to win" caused China took 8 years time to win the war.
I did accuse Chinese government "in the name of jealous to fly 12 hours away from the beloved marriage partner to come to U.S." to have this shit-me-all-over campaign, on the radio and on every aspects of my life through organized radio program's promotions, to destroy my life in United States. I did accuse Chinese government employees used Chinese government's name and resources to attempt to devoid me from my inheritances by insist on to propaganda I have no money. I did accuse financial gain is the reason of all these shit-me-all-over performances organized by Chinese government. Why O'Connors family, being a generational U.S. Senators family since almost 200 years ago, would need Chinese government's help on a U.S. fund's legal ownership? I accused Chinese government's employees' and their families intended financial gains motivated their performing "public robbery" that caused my current situation. It is calculated as 20% of the fund size as "helping to rename" service fee to donate to Chinese government as unexpected tax, in order to make 10% tax incentive from Chinese Un-projected tax income of this "20% of the fund size" as "their own hard-earned cleaning money", all these are suppose to be called public armed robbery and money-laundry, etc. criminal activities by U.S. laws. (Public channel broadcasted radio program is the fire-arm equivalent in use)
I have been fighting to protect my own money not to be publicly robbed, and I shitted Chinese government for Chinese government's help and support as a government on what I accused as "publicly rob my money campaign".
----Sept 6th, 2017
Heard there were some confusions caused some Chinese government's fine could not execute cause public anger among Chinese.
My response: Heard China did have some misunderstanding about government fine's calculation base upon.
A couple of years ago, I heard there were some rumored stories about some Chinese riches want to practice their lawful rights to spend their lawful money as they wish on "buying all bought-able crops and burn it all". I did participated rumored story-telling in my glass house cancer session by suggesting "only very very limited and very very expensive crops can be bought for this lawful buy-to-burn rights practicing with government arranged very very expensive fire safety assurance efforts", and I do support Chinese government's heavy fine on this kind of activities.
I heard the fine suggested is 95%. Based on my knowledge about U.S. government's common 200%-300% fine is based on the money actually spend on fined activities. So $1 Million on practicing this buy-to burn, as suggested by Chinese government, would mean 95% of this $1 Million as fine amount. I heard Chinese government's suggested 95% fines have been understood as 95% of entire wealth caused enormous angers from riches and Chinese government's unable to fine further caused public anger regarding this matter.
----Sept 6th, 2017
I was asked how I felt about what is going on cause my life.
My response: I felt all these challenges against U.S. laws are unusual because of all these campaign like movements. I felt if there is an opportunity, just an excuse actually to get my money, there would be some organized movements attempt to make a creek thing in U.S laws to have this opportunity; and if there is a creek in US Laws, the effort is to organize some movements to make this creek a big opening. I am currently obviously relaxed a lot because I am protected by U.S.laws.
----Sept 6th, 2017
我确实指责了中国政府“以吃醋为名,和挚爱的婚姻伴侣分开,飞了12个小时到美国来闹吃醋”来进行这场向我泼屎扔粪的活动,通过广播剧,通过推销广播剧从我生活的各个方面进行骚扰以达到摧毁我在美国(与他们完全无关的)的生活之目的。我确实指责了中国政府一些工作人员利用中国政府名义和中国政府资源企图通过坚持到处宣传我没钱来“做空”我的私人财产,我确实指责企图谋取财产是中国政府组织这场向我扔屎泼粪演出的真正目的。作为一个在美国已经有将近200年历史(每代都是参议员)的参议员家族的O'Connor家族,为什么会需要中国政府的支持帮助才能弄清一个美国基金的法律所有权问题? 我指责中国政府的一些官员和他们家属的贪财动机所演出”公然抢劫”造成了我现在的处境。基金总额的20%被当成是“基金主人换个名字的帮忙手续费”,作为计划外的税收上交中国政府,再领取10%的税务返还奖励作为“他们自己挣的和我一点关系都没有的干干净净的钱”,所有这些在美国都属于“公然武装抢劫”,“洗钱”等美国法律规定的刑事犯罪活动。(通过公共屏道播出的广播剧就是抢劫武器)。
一两年前,我听说过一些中国的富豪要行使他们有权按自己意愿花自己的合法钱的权利,他们要把"当年的农业收成都买下然后都给烧了", 我是有通过我的“脑控癌聊天室”参与过这些聊天并建议“就只有非常非常有限的,非常非常昂贵的农业收成可以被这么合法地买下来烧了,这还得是在由政府组织的非常非常昂贵的防火措施保护下才可以进行”。我也支持中国政府对此种行为的重罚。
我是听说了建议的罚款是95%。按照我在美国生活的认知,美国政府动不动就罚个200% 或者300%都是按照参与这种行为活动的实际花费金额来算的。就是说你花了100万来买了就烧,那你就得另交这00万的95%作为罚款。听说中国政府建议的这95%罚款被误认为是富豪们全部财产的95%,造成富豪们的愤怒,而中国政府不能就这种行为活动进行罚款又进一步引发社会大众的愤怒。
09-05-2017 The Braved, The Prestiged and The Promised(勇敢的,傲慢的,承诺的)
Heard this morning's proud of bravery announcement "Willing to be a mother fucker to father a whore born"(中文附后).
My response: Be the mother fucker as you wish to father the whore born for all generations to remember. You should go on fuck your birth mother to proudly announce yourself " PROUD to be the one really BRAVE enough to fuck the own birth mother with own birth father sharing the movements at the same time. " That could be the real proud your family name's proudly stands for all generations to come.
I am truly glad I have nothing to do with you, and never had anything to do with you.
I am truly happy my bloody own children have nothing to do with you, and never had anything to do with you.
----Sept 5th, 2017
Some said why you need to stand high instead of instead of stand by.
My response: I refuse to be abused by malicious intentional murder like destroying effort. It is a matter of fact presentation style which leaves no room for me to argue if that is not intentional. And I do not see why I need to argue at all with the matter of fact presented already.
I refuse to be destroyed by is the reason I refused to stand by.
----Sept 5th, 2017
Some said if this is the return of all these efforts.
My response: Absolutely. You get what you seed is already an ancient saying in U.S. and in P. R. China.
----Sept 5th, 2017
Heard there were people faking crying "I really want to be your friend (to make it all up to you)", or just "I want to make it all up to you, (you just tell me how)."
My response: Please call 1-800 telephone number published on May 16th, 2017 via the radio program to express this willingness and to request some legal documentations to sign.
I have told my attorneys to prepare some legal documentations for you to sign for you to make it all up to me in one and only way that I would say might validly prove you mean to make it all up to me & my children for everything you did to me and my children: Let me cut your real biological head completely off from you body trunk. I will prove it to you that I will cut your head off with no strength reserved, and I will cut your head off completely even if that means I may need a hammer to help out this cut-your-head-off promise.
----Sept 5th, 2017
听说了今天早上骄傲的勇敢宣言:“就是乐意做个操妈的, 就是乐意做个婊子养的当爹”。
09-04-2017 Possible reasons why I am a target (我成为标靶的可能原因)
Heard this morning's anger "why would I give you my money".
My response: Exactly my point on why would I let you have any of my own birth grandfathers' entrusts I inherited by wills just because your grandfathers had been paid to look after?.
My own birth grandfathers, who set up those entrusts, all had been Chinese for me to be born a pure blood Chinese female, no confusion at all who did not father you.
Now it is publicly acknowledged of this mutual understanding that my inheritances are my money I inherited from my own birth grandfathers', it is so publicly acknowledged now it is nothing wrong that I am not willing to give out.
----Sept 4th, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting mentioned Chinese females longing to be a mother with pregnancy mother's help. (中文附后)
My response: Being a happy and proud mother, I really want to share some of my thoughts on this.
The visa issue is because by a lot of countries immigration laws, local born child is a citizen regardless of parents' nationality. This may cause the visa issue if the immigration policies do no encourage this kind immigration. One way to try around this is to find if there is some way to have the child be born in China, or by local laws not a citizen by birth, or the parents would choose to let the child be the citizen to parents' nationality country instead of local's.
I heard Chinese DNA test only do father side and accuracy is about 97%. The issue with this is mother side DNA test is critical for a female to know if a child from another woman's belly is her blood. And 99% accuracy is necessary for both intended parents to know if the child is not a cousin's child but their own. In U.S, before the medically helped conceive of fertilized egg, a DNA test for both intended parents would be performed to ensure about-to-be-conceived child is from intended mother and intended father. And another DNA test would be performed to verify if the child born is indeed the child from intended mother and intended father. This is how I have my children that I know for sure who carry my blood.
Beyond this technique issue, there would be concerns about if local laws can protect intended parents from all these possible DNA tricks to have a child of their own blood instead of a child born for them.
Everyone heard my issues with Chinese government over the radio program, about why this or that person's own child from this or that person's own woman can not be provided by my money, certainly would agree with me that People's Republic of China is not ready yet in a lot of way to help Chinese women to have children through pregnancy mothers.
**Heard some countries do not acknowledge a child born on board of a ship on an common sea area should be considered to have ship's flag's citizenship, which means the child has to follow its parents' nationality.
-----September 4th, 2017
Heard another conversation featured today triggered the question why my children are the constant targets being insulted like this.
My response: No.1 reason, I am not with them to protect them from all these as a mother.
No 2. I am an publicly known person who has glass house cancer, the cancer is what one to three hours treatment referring to this morning.
Glass house cancer is a bio-medical situation that make me have no privacy about what I see, what I hear, or what I think. I am also a known person who made a lot of income called intellectual income. This glass house cancer bio-medical situation made me, through the help of this radio program, a public known "no-value any more" person.
In July 1st of 2004 meeting, I was voluntarily to have this glass house cancer on me to help treatment on this cancer. I was very confident about this because this was bio-medical-ed on human body by laser powered delicate research instrument. Being an engineer, I was very confident on this cancer could be completely treated by same research instrument with higher laser power to burn-remove it all, I described my confidence on this as "same way in, same way out" in 2004.
My treatment since Christmas in 2014 was started off like so, now the treatment technology has improved a lot by replacing delicate research instrument with "almighty" powered treatment instrument to achieve fast burn-removal. The effort is on-going to provide better and fast treatment on this glass house cancer. And treatment result is complete cure biologically which means complete removal with completely no 'bio-mediocal-ed" alien items left on a biological human's body, which totally means I would be a private person with my thoughts can be kept private to myself, my biological visions can be kept private to myself, my biological hearing can be kept private to myself, and laws can help me to keep myself save from non-stop harassment and more.
If you have experienced similar anger in your own life that you can not identify what is the cause, you may contact Blue Cross insurance. "Brain Control" is the official name of glass house cancer, $5000/month plan open to all U.S citizen, $6000/month plan open to veteran or military associated, like contractors. Both are one treatment session (about 40-50 minutes) per month plan.
If you are indeed intend to contact Blue Cross, you can ask if you can start with "critical treatment package" arranged in one day, and go on further treatment a couple of month later. "Critical treatment package" offers 1/4-1/3 of total's fast removal just in several session hours time. You can also ask if you can have "scalpel or electroautery surgery treatment sessions".
If you are not U.S citizen, you can ask a veteran to make a call to help you to have critical package treatment.
For more information, please see reference: I am asked if glass house caner treatment has been offered to public.
----September 4th, 2017
如果你在你自己的生活里有一些类似的经历,整天被人气到够呛,就是弄不清原因所在,如果需要,你可以打听一下Blue Cross 保险公司的保险。“脑控癌”是玻璃房子癌的正式名称,每月5000美金的保险对美国公民开放,每月6000美金的保险对部队的关系户开放,像合同商等等。两种保险都是每月治疗一次月40-50分钟。
如果你确实想接触一下Blue Cross,你可以问一下你是否先开始在一天内做完”核心治疗套组“, 过几个月在开始后续治疗。”核心治疗套组“提供全身总量的1/4-1/3可以在几个治疗时间内迅速清楚。你也可以问一下是不是可以要求”电子手术刀的手术治疗时间"。
09-03-2017 How ridiculous announcement can be a true statement (莫名其妙的声明是如何“没有说谎的”)
Heard this morning's announcement that several Chinese colleges have nothing to do with me.(中文附后)
My response: It is a true statement. I only graduated from one medical university for my bachelor degree of science in pharmacology major, of course I have nothing to do with all the rest of Chinese medical universities or Chinese medical colleges.
China has categorized undergraduate/graduate schools into three categories, First category schools are equivalent to Ivy colleges in U.S., the third categories are associated degree colleges similar to community colleges in U.S.
Shanghai Medical University, currently named Fudan University Shanghai Medical School, I graduated from is similar in a lot way to Harvard Medical School in U.S.(the third oldest medical school in U.S.) that had a long history of its own name building as medical school but later merged with another great name. I heard Harvard Medical School had been a very famous medical school with its own famous name before it carries Harvard name. Shanghai First Medical College I was admitted into in 1985 had been a No.1 or No.2 Medical School's name in entire China, changed its name in 1986-1987 to Shanghai Medical University which was the name stamped my graduation diploma, now it merged with Fudan name but kept Shanghai in its full name of Fudan University Shanghai Medical School. The other No.1 or No.2 famous medical school in entire China (Beking Union Medical College) is located in Beijing.
I do not know why this announcement is needed, I know all three college announced are category II colleges in China, maybe two medical colleges announced currently do not have pharmacy school is the reason this radio program grouped a pharmacy college with them to make a fully functional "strength by number equivalent" announcement of "nothing to do". The choice of schools may be based upon schools' locations. One announced medical school is located in Shanghai, the other announced medical school is located in Beijing, the pharmacy school is located in my home town city Nanjing.
----September 2nd, 2017
Heard this morning's talk featured some other announcements.
My response: A lot of announcements made by the radio program are similar to what I just explained. For example "The Chinese woman has no money in my (accounting) books" is announced, from what I hear, by someone who have nothing to do with any accounting books of my inheritances funds or any of my own making to make the announcement a true statement.
The 2nd example: "It is ruled by justice in U.S that you do not have shared custody to claim you have your own children" was announced, from what I hear, by Tina O'Connor's husband's cousins who are attorneys not eligible to represent me on this matter just by interest conflicts.
The 3rd Example: "You don't have anyone in U.S. to claim you have children in U.S.", from what I hear, was announced at school vacation time.
The 4th Example: "I am Min Fang, I have nothing to do with 2008 Beijing Olympic Game Opening Ceremony." was announced, from what I hear, by a Chinese Male who is in his 30s and is a resident in Germany.
----September 3rd, 2017
第二例:“美国的司法公平已经判定你没有什么共同抚养权,也就别提你有什么你自己的孩子之类的"。我听说这是由Tina O'Connor的丈夫那些做律师的堂兄弟们宣布的.(共同抚养权是一个特定也局限使用的法律术语)。这几个堂兄弟因为利益冲突关系,根本就不可能做我的代理律师打这一类官司的)。
09-02-2017 "Min Fang has Biological Children" is really acknowledged (“方敏有自己亲生的小孩“已经得到认可啦)。
Heard this morning's announcement of "Fight to have the deserved right of having own child(ren) in a marriage from a non-marriage partner"(中文附后).
My response: Well, first of all, I would give my many, many thanks to this real frustration caused by real acknowledgement of the fact I have my own biological children who carry my own blood.
And I have to make myself very clearly that even though I appreciate this consideration of having me in that Chinese male's life to have this fight, I still have to point out I do have my own life that will never have anything to do, at least romantically, with that Chinese male.
----September 2, 2017
Heard this morning's radio program's continued 1920's American Union Movies style.
My response: Ya, I heard. I am one of the evil images in the "picture", the "Parents' Union's Leader" is Mr. Albert Gore, The fight is "Deserved rights of children be handsomely provided for by no-blood association riches." Those attorneys are just evil dumps who know nothing at all.
I have to say I am not willing to provide for not--my-own-blood children even I am wealthy. I do firmly believe it is parents' privileges and responsibilities to let their children feel their full-heart love and their rich-provide from all they have. I am willing to continually reaching out to help those in need families through charities that my inheritances Funds have been supporting.
----September 2nd, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting also reflected proud of mothering birth child(ren).
My response: That has been my frustration entire time. I do not have any issue against those mother so proud of what they have through their own bellies, I am also very proud of my own biological children who carry my blood through pregnancy mothers, but I have been despised being an imperfect woman because of my virgin belly.
That despise against woman's inability in reproduction is the reason that having child(ren) through pregnancy mother is so overwhelmingly supported since 2004 meetings.
In the past, a woman's inability in reproduction can often impact this woman's marriage family's finance managing because of some expectations out of understandings that "this marriage family has no-need to consider passing on".
Now, from my own experience of being a biological mother without my own giving birth experience, it seems it is publicly acknowledged as offensive and ridiculous if fancy my wealth is in the picture, but I am still not a woman deserve any respects by being a woman who still has a virgin belly.
----September 2nd, 2017
Heard some angers from my mother's eldest sister's relatives.
My response: The anger is why I fancy my mother's eldest sister's belongings in my "June Sunday Solo" in 2004.
That is misunderstanding. My mother's eldest sister adopted a child (daughter) from her youngest brother around 1980 or so which was 24 years ago in 2004.
I did have that excitement in my voice when I said "would be all mine" in that June Sunday Solo in United States. I have to clarify that excitement was not from fancy to own my mother's eldest sister's belongings in China, but from my expectation of my possible own making from BioGate.
In June of 2004, I was asked to leave from Janus Associates already and I was trying to find another job, I knew BioGate I did in Janus Associates was going to be my big making but was in some situation. I could not say a lot to Huang, Li whose residence I was at on that 2004's June Sunday, but my excitement was leaked.
My mother has been struggled with her frustration ever since her eldest sister's adoption. My mother had lived with her eldest sister since 11 years old till her marriage to my father, the child was adopted when she was 8 years old. It is the same family that My mother had been like a maid while the child had been a daughter. We, my mother's marriage family, totally correctly understood her frustration and her eldest sister's marriage family's attitude on this, this is the reason we had been all amicable and willing to stay aloof since the adoption in 1980 or 1981.
I have my angers toward my mother's "maiden family", I do not consider they are my relatives at all because they publicly spread their own sayings to say I am not my mother's husband's birth child, to accuse my mother being a whore for their hatreds toward my mother since their childhood. My mother was abandoned by her mother since birth, and all her siblings knew and understood that my mother is "an outcast that unwanted threw out". I am not willing to have anything to do with these people.
----September 2nd, 2017
我确实在2004年6月的一个星期天那天在美国讲话的录音里提到“那还不全都是我的”时候,声音里确实有透着一份激动。我现在澄清那激动不是因为我会认为我还有可能分到我母亲大姐远在中国的家里的那些家当及多年存下的退休金,而是因为我从Bio Gate这个研究成果里可能挣到的大笔钱。(也就是我在激动“我发财了”)。
在2004年6月的时候,我已经按要求离开了Janus Associates,正在找工作,我很清楚我在Janus Associates的研究会是我自己挣的第一桶金,但是在2004年6月当时有很多情况我没法在当时身处的黄莉家里直说出来,但我的激动是透露出来了。
09-01-2017 Being insulted by denials from those self promoting purpose (被“否定你就为自我拔高”的一群给挑衅了)
Heard this morning's featured some discussion about difference between daughter and daughter-in-laws in family business.(中文附后)
I echo: A daughter, like a son, is privileged to be the biological child of the owner of a family business. A daughter to a owner of a family business is often privileged to have opportunities to be guided to walk her steps up from a junior position since youth time, and that is not necessarily in the family business. The daughter-in-laws certainly does not have this privilege before being a family by marriage. Neither a daughter nor a daughter-in-laws would have the privilege to run family business as a house wife and expect to be respected as a talented boss. I am blessed to be a daughter privileged to be guided to walk my steps up, my hard working attitude is my understanding and willingness to earn respects. Truly appreciate all the guidance.
----September 1st, 2017
Heard this morning's featured family cosily chats about "company to practice general administration".
I echo: I have the similar consideration. I am currently studying MBA concentrated on General Administration, and I also have this kind of thinking.
Should I go on managing at least one of my inheritance fund?
I figured most likely I would answer with an Nay. It is not appealing and it is not necessarily to be fully loaded with responsibilities daily.
What would I do if I am interested in general administration?
I was advised to run a small company to have some people for me to enjoy practicing general administration.
Won't I enjoy the feeling of overseeing a big company in a corner office of a big high rise?
I decided I could choose to have a corner office in a big high rise overseeing some people to practice my passion of general administration.
Won't I envy that feeling of knowing entire building is my investment?
I decided I can achieve that by choose to have another office in a very small building to enjoy the feeling.
Won't I feel great if I can walk into any floor to practice "general administration" in a big high rise?
I decided I could give that up for my high heels that I determined to practice how to walk on.
----September 1st, 2017
Heard confusion about why I take it insulting when I asked to very if I am the creator of 2008 Beijing Olympic Game Opening.
My response: There is an original video tape in Chinese that director Zhang, Yimou based upon to prove my authentication, why I need to prove the authentication of myself after almost 10 years and in English? Why you need to understand what all these Chinese means after you applauded director Zhang, Yimou's presentation of his understanding in 2008? And that is based on the understanding you are a non-Chinese who does not know enough Chinese history and Chinese culture to understand what had been presented by all those Chinese words I said in original video tape. Why don't you prove you can be a manager or capable enough by resolving easy enough issue of how to understand those Chinese in original tape to match each piece with what Zhang, Yimou had produced in 2008? If it is insulting for me to say a manager need to prove this manager's managerial skills by proving this manager can resolve this simply issue of translating the original tape, it is same insulting for anyone to demand me to prove myself knowing there is this original video tape that Beijing Olympic's Game Opening's director Zhang, Yimou worked upon.
----September 1st, 2017
Regarding the saying somebody can not see how I possess those knowledge.
My response: That is the huge problem I have with some English as foreign language major college graduates and some Chinese literature community college graduates. What knowledge do you have to question me? What education level do you have to be this authority on my knowledge? You saw the original video tape to know that is my authentic work, and I am telling you now that you do not have knowledge to evaluate me. Who the fuck do you think you are to promote yourself by denying me without any credentials of your own knowledge? Who the fuck do you think you are? My credentials of my rich knowledge is what you already heard from radio program's presentation which have been chose from my daily security tapes that have been broadcasted new episode daily for almost 10 years time and stills tons of materials can be worked on.
----September 1st, 2017
I was asked why I do not feel insulted when I was challenged about computer knowledge.
My response: I did feel insulted when I was challenged by those who either do not have computer knowledge at all or do not have computer programmers' work experiences.
What I presented on June 30th, 2004 is my knowledge about computer's architecture science, what I presented in my working experience in JP Morgan Chase Lowell technology center to promote Software Quality Assurance is my knowledge as an experienced computer programmer. But between computer's architecture, which is about operating system & hardware, and computer programming, there are tons of knowledge about how each piece of hardware to work in a computer operating system by architectural design. This part I know of has not been presented yet.
My major in college is pharmacology and I worked a full time restaurant job during my 2 years computer science master program time. I started my first computer programmer job in September of 1999 and the impressive meeting was on June 30th, 2004. I can imagine those disbelieves graduated from computer science major and have some work experience. Of course I have no reason to feel insulted when I am challenged by these experienced computer science programmers unless challenges are unreasonable and meant to insult.
----September 1st, 2017
08-31-2017 Intellectual Income in anywhere is not the donated money collected from Chinese streets in 1989 (智慧产权收入从来不是1989年中国街头上收集的捐款)
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured intellectual income's confusion if calculation is based on total $45,000 savings.(中文附后)
My response: $45,000 is an impossible number for calculating budget savings to generate $5000 monthly intellectual income.
Even for just a monthly salaries expense, the budget would be way over $45,000 for over 100 researchers whose monthly income is over $3000 each, some researchers' are much over. And salaries only is not enough to have a research lab functional. To have a lab to do "research as usual" need to have lab test related solutions, office space to host researchers and instruments, various paid supports to help lab keep fully functional and productive, etc. All these would be counted as savings from budgeted spending if a fully functional lab is no longer needed for a research. Rents may excluded during leasing time if office space is rented. In budget calculating, rent is calculated even for self owned facility since this office space can be used for other research projects (that may need to rent lab space) or to be rented out to make profit.
That was, may still is, the huge problem I had (have) with this radio program, featured are authorities alike being judgmental on everything that is not their professional knowledge at all or not their associated matters a bit. Do not know why they are featured to have this kind authority sayings, maybe from producing team's efforts to probe what caused real frustrations.
This is the similar problem I had (have) with Chinese Foreign Department. They are foreign language majors in Colleges, they had been accusing my achievement on Computer science and Basic medical system knowledge(基础医学) as if they are the real authorities on all these professions. I had been in the same classrooms with medical major students in Shanghai Medical University for 3 years which can be easily verified is the huge problem I had with Chinese government's judgmental on my achievements from my 20 years living abroad life (I left China in 1996). They even announced on the radio program to impress worldwide Shanghai Medical University never even existed as a Government. This is the same medical school now call Fudan University Shanghai Medical School.
----August 31st, 2017
Heard this morning's "impossible this or that" is out of the doubts if these money distributed in intellectual income's name is actually donations from 1989 Student Movement that collected from Chinese streets.
My response: The confusion is from why Albert Gore should receive any intellectual income from Viagra (Blue).
Heard tons of rumors in Chinese community about Albert Gore may have taken those donations transferred to U.S. as his own money.
I was the person reported to Chinese government in April or May of 1989 about those donations on the streets. Whoever collected those donations won't let me touch this money is a true statement.
The huge problem I have with Albert Gore is I have been accusing him spent my money without my willingness. This rumored $5000 monthly income from Viagra(blue) deposited to Albert Gore is one of the items I called Law enforcement's help, rumored all these checks have been titled in my name (Min Fang). I am not willing to provide for Albert Gore and/or his relatives and/or his woman (women) and/or his child (children).
My intellectual Income is my own making from knowledge I contributed. My intellectual Income has nothing to do with 1989.
All my inheritances were entrusted before 1949. My inheritances has nothing to do with 1989.
----August 31st, 2017
Heard Intellectual income cause a lot of confusion about why this much even among government employees.
My response: Nobody doubted that I contributed my knowledge and I deserve some intellectual income for what I have contributed, the confusion is why this much.
That is the reason I am doing my best to explain what I know about how this might be calculated. I have no problem for authorities on this matter to take a look at "why this is my (Min Fang's) share and why this is the number".
I heard some did take a look at this matter and did expressed "DO not underestimate what intellectual income can contribute to a family's finance."
----August 31st, 2017
Heard this morning's argument on difference between salary income and percentage based bonus calculation plus base salary income.
My response: It is very common among salesperson to have base salary plus sales incentive that is calculated by percentage of sales achieved.
Financial managers incentives are similar to salesperson commission calculation to encourage good investment returns.
I do not know how intellectual contribution earned income divided into salary income category or percentage calculated income category, other than there are two tax rates in U.S tax collecting. Salary category applicable to income tax rate (federal 28%, state 5% etc.), and intellectual Income applicable to federal income tax rate 10% and state income tax rate (5%).
Tons of intellectual contribution earned incomes like Medical Doctors earned or College Professors earned, etc. are salary category incomes.
----August 31st, 2017
**Heard the issue is if the total amount of my intellectual income can be "compromised" among research or pre-market team members, why not everyone else.
My response: My intellectual income total amount is one-person's very cleared number instead of a team's total number is a true statement.
Like Viagra(blue), my intellectual income is what my contribution has saved for budgeted research spending, total amount is very easy to be identified as my contribution. Research or Pre-market are all teamed up as group contributions to calculate the total amounts of rewards. Pre-Market is the group to responsible for further clinic research and apply for FDA approval.
My other intellectual income situation is patents. My contribution is concept, each research team's effort to materialize it to become a prototype or a model and pre-market team to do some further research, etc.
All my intellectual income has similar situation that total available amount for reward is never enough to correctly reward each member of teams like research or pre-marketing team. I have no problem that my reward was put either with research team or pre-marketing team to improve the total reward size for that team . My reward share is comprised but very limited.
But why everyone else? Who are these law or legal matter "voluntary" PhD professionals can have this authority tone to address legal matters?
----August 31st, 2017
就算是只计算一个月的工资,超过100个研究人员,每个研究人员的每月工资都大于3000美金的预算工资总和都远超过4万5千美金,有些研究人员的月工资还远远大于3000美金。光支付研究人员的工资是不可能维持一个实验室的研究工作的。要能让一个研究室可以如常运转,就必须要有实验用的溶剂试剂,实验室办公场地安置实验仪器和实验人员,各种各项的付费服务来协助实验室的正常运转及保障实验成效,等等。当一个实验室的常规运转已不再需要时,所有这些都是被算成是实验室预算支出的节省部分。在租约期间的房租可能不包括在节省部分。在进行预算支出的数额计算时,房租支出是需要计算在内的,就算是自己的房子都会计算,因为这房子是可以用来进行其他课题的研究的, 而这个其他的课题组可能会需要租房子,或者这房子本身是可以出租盈利的。
我一直就在指责阿尔伯特·高尔违反我的意愿花了我的钱。这个传言中的5千美金一个月的伟哥(蓝片)给存入阿尔伯特·高尔的私人账户就是我报警内容的其中一项,传言所有这些每月的支票抬头都是我名字的英语拼写(Min Fang)。我不愿意支付金钱供给阿尔伯特·高尔和/或他的亲戚和/或她的女人(们)和/或他的孩子(们)。
为什么所有人都应该从我的收入里分点儿钱? 哪一个是法津或法津事物博士级别专家, 怎么都是指手画脚的好像很权威的样子?
----August 31st, 2017
08-30-2017 Why I have to be yelled "unwanted" but demanded to provide?(我为什么被吆喝“没人要”却必须按要求支付月供?
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured a Chinese woman's crying sound "Relationship (marriage) broke."(中文附后)
My response: That woman is talking about her own relationship(marriage). She has nothing to do with me at all and she has nothing to do with the person who father my children.
Rumored this Chinese female mothers a Chinese seeded child or children. I have no romance association with any Chinese citizen lives in P.R. China or lives abroad, I have no romance association with any Chinese race who lives abroad being a citizen of other countries.
----August 30th, 2017
Heard Tina O'Connor's comment in July 1st of 2004's meeting about I was not the person who could spend David Petraeus' money.
My response: That was heard by my own ears at that meeting. I never intended or had spent David Petraeus any money. I had no problem with that comment, not a bit. It was not my interest at all to argue or to know who should be that person, or why Tina O'Connor said so.
----August 30th, 2017
Heard I was accused "scandalous director" is the real reason everyone deserve to “direct” everyone's life.
My response: I did ask law enforcement's help to investigate on who was the real director of 2011's infamous "scandalous romance" of a Military General. I am a polygamist female with expected male's privilege in marriage, and I am obviously very self centered which was very obvious even in 2004 meetings. I was obviously very interested in romance with David Petraeus in 2004 meetings. It was not my interests at all to set him up with another woman as a "director". My current medical situation may also my then medical situation. That "directing" was not my style but I may had participated with some details like how to do photo shots, etc.
I assume that $40,000 monthly providing by David petraeus to that 2011 female, as announced on the radio program, may inspired some requests to me including a "monthly $40,000 at least to be provided for a Chinese bachelor" that made me scream aloud "not willing", "I have no marriage with any Chinese race", "I have nothing to do at all with any Chinese romantically that can be demanded", etc.
----August 30th, 2017
听说了Tina O'Connor在2004年7月1日会议上的评论说我不是那个可以花费David Petraeus钱的那一个。
我的回应:我在那天会上是自己亲耳听到。我从未想过需要花费而且我也没有花费过David Petraeus 的任何钱财,我当时对这句评论也没有任何反感,一点都没有。当时我就没有兴趣询问那应该是谁可以花David Petraeus的钱,或者为什么Tina O'Connor需要如此评价。
我的回应:我是有报警求助希望查一下究竟谁才是有名的2011年美国将军情色绯闻的真正导演。我本人是个一妻多夫者并且很以自我为中心,这在2004年会议期间就已经非常明显。我在2004年的时候也很明显的对与David Petraeus发展恋情很有兴趣。以作“导演”为借口为他和另一个女人做媒很显然对我自己没有任何好处。我现在的身体及医学状况可能就是我当年的身体及医学状况。那种“导演”不是我的风格但我可能参与了一些像怎么来照一张张的照片等等。
我估计广播剧里所宣布的David Petraeus 支付给2011年那女子的美金4万的月供,可能是引发一些对我提出必须付钱要求的原因,其中就包括那个“至少美金4万每月支付给那个中国光棍”的要求,这些要求把我给气的是上奔下跳的干嚎“我就是不愿意”,“我和华人没有任何婚姻”,"我和任何华人华裔都没有任何恋爱关系,不可能向我要钱”,等等。
08-29-2017 I am born to be my own birth grandfather's heir. I am not an installed heir(我生下来就是我爷爷的继承人,我不是一个被“扶植”的继承人.)
Heard this morning's broadcasting featured some arguments which certainly can be understood as implied the question why I am "installed" as heir of a Chinese historical Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li (唐太宗李世民)by a non-Chinese government(中文附后).
My response: What "install" means in here? This is incorrect word to refer who I am to my own birth grandfather whom I got my birthmark from. How this birth grandfather of mine(唐太宗李世民) became an Emperor in Tang dynasty is recorded in Chinese history books as by his famous palms' lines. I have the same palms like he had, like my birth father has, like my birth father's birth father had, like everyone of my birth grandfathers had (those grandfathers who had entrusted & willed some wealth to me. Some of these birth grandfathers of mine are recorded in Chinese history as heirs of this Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li(唐太宗李世民) that can be verified in Chinese historical books). I was not installed as my grandfathers' heir. I am born to be my own birth grandfathers' one and only heir according to my ancient grandfathers' inheritance rule which was updated by Tang Tai Zong Li and his Emperor father(唐太宗李世民和他的父皇), there is no confusion at all about this and this is not arguable at all.
I announced myself the heir of Chinese Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li's Heir myself in my 2004's inheriting meetings. I inherited my own birth grandfathers entrusts and titles by my blood, as well as my own birth grandfathers' heir rule and my own birth grandfathers' wills. These grandfathers of mine are heirs of Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li(唐太宗李世民的继承人)is the reason that I announced myself publicly and nobody from those entrusted groups corrected me in January of 2004.
I announced myself when I was chatting with a group of Chinese who either graduated from my same medical school or my same high school (a classmate). I was asked why they were called into this meeting while I was like a host sitting there, I was asked exactly what is my family background eligibled me so, I said then and there in Chinese "Oh, I am heir to Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li". That chat was after ( may be before) I was recruited as U.S. military Three Stars General Strategist. I did not inform Chinese government before I said that is true statement, but it was never announced to insult Chinese government or to show any disrespect to Chinese government. The words went out after the meeting.
It was till early this year I realized some complains about meetings in June and July of 2004 is because those meetings are understood as either professional seminars or some official meetings. I was keep telling this or that person I am heir to my Tang Tai Zong Emperor Li whenever I was asked exactly who I am to host this meeting or that meeting. I was told I should inform Chinese government about who I am and I replied with Chinese government were in the meeting heard what I said . What I meant is I did not hide from Chinese government who I am. All those meetings were inspired by some conversations in my inheriting meetings that we all took as extended casual chats among us my inheriting meetings participants. This is the reason nobody reminded me if my self announcement was appropriate or not when respecting Chinese government in consideration.
The real public announcement was made through the radio program in 2011 together with publication of copied paintings of my ancestors, I heard Chinese government (Beijing) was officially informed before this official public announcement. I heard Taiwan and Singapore were also informed at the same time.
I was not installed by any government to be my own birth grandfathers' heir. I am my birth grandfather's heir by birth. My announcement obviously made who I am (my true identity) went public in 2004, and that is all.
----August 29th, 2004
Heard the question if there is anything to do with me in this morning's talk about MTV former CEO cause troubles with radio company.
My response: No thing to do with me at all. I only knew current IHeartRadio (former Clear Channel) CEO is the co-founder of MTV from internet. I knew nothing about MTV to comment at all.
----August 29th, 2017.
Heard today that the other day's broadcasting was about a Boston Chinese Super Market (平价超市)
My response: I was grabbed outside by the security called by a manager like when I was trying to complain to this manager like.
In U.S., the typical way for a customer like me to handle this is to call 911 to continue my grocery shopping or leave it to attorneys. I had no mood to do any grocery shopping, so I chose to walk away from the scene to leave it to my attorneys.*I did tip the FBI to check if this incident was out of aroused hatred.
----August 29th, 2017
我的回应:这“扶植”是什么意思,指的可能是什么?这个“扶植”不是一个可以形容我和我亲生爷爷的词汇, 特别是在我有着和我的亲生爷爷一样的胎记掌纹是可以核实的情况下。我的这个亲生爷爷(唐太宗李世民)是如何成为唐朝皇帝是记载在中国的历史书上的, 史载就是因为他的一双手上的掌纹。我有的是和他一样的双手掌纹,就和我亲生父亲的双手掌纹一样,就和我亲生父亲的亲生父亲的双手掌纹一样,就和我的每一个亲生爷爷的双手掌纹一样(就是那些为我立了遗嘱并且信托一些财产给我的爷爷们, 我的这些亲生爷爷们中的一些是中国的古籍里明确记载的唐太宗李世民的继承人,这在中国历史上是有记载可查的)。我不是被“扶植”成为唐太宗李世民的继承人的,我是生下来就是血脉传承的唯一符合我的祖爷爷们的继承规则的唐太宗李世民的继承人,我祖爷爷们的继承规则就是由唐太宗李世民和他的父皇所确立的, 这是没有任何争议也没有任何疑点的。
08-28-2017 I am helped by U.S. Government and U.S. Laws. (我有受到美国政府和美国法律的帮助)
Heard this morning's saying of "performing style wife".(中文附后)
My response: What I heard, just like Chinese people( citizens of People's Republic of China), is that the wife is the one and only lawful wife by Chinese laws.
What I heard, from Chinese communities abroad, the mother of his children was known for sexually involved with him since he started to spend nights at her place on his vocations abroad. He was at the hospital the next day when she gave birth to her first born. This mother of his children is the girlfriend he acknowledged having over 7 years relationship on the radio in 2015 when her first born was about 6 years old.
I do not see myself in this picture at all, I do not see why Chinese government need a female to perform his wife, I do not see why Chinese government's money can not pay for this "performing style wife".
I really have nothing to do with Chinese Premiere Li and/or his wife and/or his girlfriend who mother his children. I really have the same determination, just like Chinese Premiere Li's and his administration's known for to the world through this radio program, to let world know that I really have nothing to do with Chinese Premiere Li and I really cherish my own beloved including my own biological children.
I am not willing to pay and/or provide a penny for this Chinese Premiere Li and/or his wife and/or his girlfriend who mother his children and/or his children. All By Law is the accurate and vivid expression of my determination to declare I really have nothing to do with this Chinese Premiere Li.
----August 28th, 2017
Heard the saying China is like this to imply any money already taken and transferred to China won't be back to me.
My response: I can wait till People's Republic of China has decent government to govern this People's Republic of China as a lawful country to demand every penny of my money plus interests from this People's Republic of China. Any saying that I can never get every penny of my money back which certainly either imply the future of People's Republic of China or if this country can ever be a lawful county. I have to declare my confidence in the fact that to develop People's Republic of China to be a lawful country has been the education I grew up with. I have to declare that it was never from me if there is any implication of any saying about future of People's Republic of China.
----August 28th, 2017
Heard some questioned why U.S government tolerate this radio program like so as a lawful country?
My response: Freedom of speech has been the No.1 reason in a lot of arguable publishing related matters and filing lawsuits is normally and typically how impacted individuals to seek lawful fairness in each individual case.
I did call law enforcement help since August of 2015, and you can tell shits throwing at me since November of 2015 was not the same "easy and relaxed composure" style as radio program's daily broadcasting "educational" series <Min Fang does not deserve any money> had been since January of 2014 .
I am the person, as a victim, requested radio program not to be shut down "immediately" as how this similar situations normally handled. I used the quoted "immediately" to describe when Freedom of Speech is no longer enough can be used to block radio program to be "immediately shut down" by government, I was already fully covered in all those shits they have thrown at me. "Immediately shut down" the radio program only means make me to "stuck in all those shits forever permanently". I do not know who they are, but I know I am helped by U.S. government and U.S laws.
----August 28th, 2017
08-27-2017 David Petraeus's family wealth has nothing to do with me (David Petraeus家的钱和我一点关系都没有)
Heard this morning's argument about "money take from me as return to her nephew-in-laws family" from Chinese Premiere's wife(中文附后).
My response: I called law enforcement's help on who spend money from her nephew-in-laws family. I was not the person did that to that family. This saying was from those screams you heard on the radio a couple of months ago.
I never expressed myself that I need to spend that family's money in July 1st of 2004's meeting. And I never make phone calls, etc. to find out that family's bank information. I never make any effort at all to spend that family's money.
I have my own wealth, announced verified on the radio, about $800-950 Billion. I only spent about 4-6 Billion in U.S. Dollar on the day of July 1st of 2004. I did not intent to spend that family's money at all in July 1st of 2004's meeting.
----August 27th of 2017
Rumored someone cares about me did that to fulfill my wishes.
My response: Everyone cares about me is either my grandfathers' followers' descendants, aka children of those who carried my ancestors' wealth out from ancient China in ancient time to entrust abroad, or those who are currently representing or had represented my inheritances. Everyone of these people know for sure I have my own money to spend, none of these people need to get other people's money just to see my smiling face for their love to my ancient grandfathers.
----August 27th, 2017
Rumored David Petraeus never intend to let me spend that much money.
My response: That is a true statement. I heard David Petraeus only intended to spend total $60,000 on me in 2004 era a couple of months ago. "Not going to pay for it" was what I heard by my own ears that he himself expressed entire time in July 1st of 2004's meeting. It was never an issue in 2004 meeting era , or after 2004 meeting era. I did not know if he had ever spent a penny on me is a true statement.
----August 27th, 2017
Rumored there is an entrust David Petraeus set up for me that was mentioned in 2004's meeting.
My response: That is untrue statement. There were some confusion about my spending in 2004, and I do appreciate what caused confusion. There is still some confusion from entertainment industry about "why set up an entrust" regarding some entrust I mentioned in July 1st of 2004's meeting. The entrust I mentioned in July 1st of 2004's meeting is actually entrusts which appended with a "s" and it actually refer to my inheritances (also with a "s") I inherited from my own birth grandfathers (with another "s" here). The entrusts I mentioned in any of 2004's meetings have nothing to do with David Petraeus or his family wealth.
----August 27th, 2017
There were some rumors about I would give David Petraeus money in July 1st of 2004's meeting.
My response: That was mentioned when possible children who carry my blood from possible marriage was discussed. It only means I have no intention to "discriminate" my own biological children even if they are fathered by a wealthy man. That money-giving mentioned was not meant to give to David Petraeus himself but to possible children from possible marriage that carry my own blood.
Now you heard David Petraeus announced on the radio his romance has nothing to do with me, and of course I won't give any of my own money to David petraeus or his announced children from other female(s). Of course, I won't let David Petraeus himself or his female(s) to spend my money, the same.
----August 27th, 2017
Some questioned why would I fancy to have children with those rich prominent person in 2004's meeting.
My response: I was told in 2004's meeting that I am the same wealthy as them. It was not I have money that I have this kind of illusion. I am very proud of my family's history and my historically known talented ancestors. I am very proud I am the one after my ancient ancestors the most. I am very proud the saying "In the past, this is the house you can only contribute into (that is over 2500 years), this is the only chance you can have from this house." I am very proud I am the spoiled girl who head this house.
----August 27th, 2017
我有我自己的财产,广播剧里宣布已经证实的就有美金800-950 Billion。我在2004年7月1日那天就只花了美金4-6 Billion。我在2004年7月1日会议那天没有任何企图要花费那个家族的钱财。
传言David Petraeus 从来就没打算为我花那么多的钱。
我的回应:这是非常真实非常正确的说法。我前几个月前听说David Petraeus 在2004年的时候就只打算为我花最多6-7万美金。我自己在2004年7月1日会议上亲耳听到的是他一直在说”我是不会付钱的“。这在2004年开会期间及2004年会议之后都根本不是问题。说实话我还真是不知道他在我身上究竟有没有花过一分钱。
传言2004年会议上提到David Petraeus会为我设立了一个信托。
我的回应:这传言是不正确的。对于我在2004年7月1日那天所花的钱,确实是有一些误会,我很珍惜造成误会的原因。在娱乐圈里还有一些有关2004年7月1日会议上我提到的信托的困扰:为什么要给我方敏设立信托?我在2004年7月1日会议上提到的信托其实是个复数名词(信托们), 这个名词指的是我所继承的我的祖爷爷们(这里也是个复数名词)所信托给我的基金们(这里也是复数名词)。我在2004年所有会议上提到的所有信托(们)都和David Petraeus 或者他的家族财富没有任何关系。
有些传言说我在2004年7月1日会议上说我会给David Petraeus钱。
我的回应:那是在闲聊可能会有一些承载我自己血脉的婚生小孩的时候说的。我也就是在说我不会因为我孩子们的父亲很有钱就”歧视“我自己的孩子们。这”给钱“的说法也不是指我会给David Petraeus 本人什么钱,这”给钱“指的是我会给“可能的婚姻里可能会有的”承载我自己血脉的我自己的孩子们我自己的钱。
现在你们听到David Petraeus 在广播上说他的情与爱和我没有任何关系,那么我当然也就不会把任何属于我的钱给David Petraeus 本人或者他本人所宣布的他和别的女性(们)生下的孩子(们)。同样,我当然也是不会让David Petraeus 或者他的女人(们)花我任何的钱啦。
08-26-2017 I never dated that 7 years relationship and I never dated in College (我从未和那个7年男子谈过恋爱,我读大学时从未谈过恋爱)
Heard this morning's broadcasting of a seven years relationship.(中文附后)
My response: A roommate is not considered a relationship in U.S. culture. The male who had a seven years relationship mentioned in this morning's broadcasting is not the person I ever dated is a true statement.
I am currently live a Boston Housing Authority's Hispanic residents majority community. It is obviously very necessary for me to do clarifications to keep myself clear from all these confusions & possible conflicts from those announced romantically involved Hispanic females' friends or families.
----August 26th, 2017
Heard this morning's argument if I ever dated in college.
My response: I never dated Jianze Li (李健泽) and I never dated in college. I heard “never dated” was echoed by Jianze Li (李健泽) this morning.
The confusion was from our Beijing Trip in 1988. In my college time (1985-1990), dating means holding hands and hanging around together in China. The day we visited Jinan city in Shandong, we did that. We did not think that was dating because it was not an "announcement" to let everybody know to stay like that. It was in another city 6 hours train time from our college and no dating intention from both me and Jianze Li (李健泽), we were just holding hands hanging around as friends. And that was all from our own understanding, both of us. I was asked about if this "hanging around in Jinan" means anything when we arrived in Beijing a couple days later (in 1988) by those behind security cameras. Jianze Li and I both stated we were not dating and we had no intention to date.
I do have security tapes since I was born and somehow this Jinan city hanging around piece was discovered caused the confusion. He is very handsome guy may be contributed to this "jealous" like confusion ( Do not know who though). His wife was from our medical college's medicine major, they started dating in a year after that Beijing Trip. His wife has been annoyed by her own curiosity of this entire Beijing trip, and I have been very annoyed by his wife's curiosity the same. Jianze Li (李健泽) is the person keep saying nothing ever happened.
----August 26th, 2017
我的回应:按照美国的传统和常识,和一个男性室友的室友关系不是一种既亲密又紧密相联的一种关系。今天早上的广播里Tina O'Connor 提到的那个和她有着七年既亲密又紧密相关的男子是我从来没有恋爱过的一个男人是非常正确的说法。
08-25-2017 What I do appreciate and What I do not appreciate
Heard about this morning's radio program production.
My response: None of these people I have ever met in person.
----August 25th, 2017
Was I crazy like in my college time?
My response: I was in China in my college time as a girl. I had been busy in my entire five years college time on nobody knows what, the same. And I was not even busy on boys, not interested at all. I was really busy on things nobody knew what, that nobody included myself.
My high school time was the same. My parents thought I was studying for college entry test while I was busy on my own interest of reading whatever I could find that was not a textbook related. My college time's own interest was not really reading but if I read, non-textbook would be the preferred.
----August 25th, 2017
Heard the anger from some musician was why I try to portrait myself as a musician on in 2004 meeting.
My response: I was so pissed off when it was announced on the radio program last year that I am not allowed to go to any Boston Pops' concert because I was never a musician.
I screamed out aloud "Since when I said I am a musician." I told everyone right in the meeting that I can only play piano as instrument with one hand because the semester in high school finished before second hand sessions started. I can sing some songs but I have an Asian average vocal range to say I can consider practice some opera solos. I know nothing about write a song or a composition. I am a music lover. I love vocals the most in all instruments.
Well, I did learned some music in high school to know there is solo, duet, trio, etc. And I do know orchestra means a group of people sit together to play wonderful compositions. All I said in the meeting was it would be really wonderful if use orchestra to mix with vocals to extend the depth of the music.
I am happy what I know about music "angered" some really great musicians. I was never a musician is a true statement. I do take all these real angers as real compliments.
----August 25th, 2017
Why I do not appreciate that $5000 donation on my medical treatment but called laws help.
My response: Well, If you can afford $1000 on your rent, but you can only live in a shabby shed I donated and that is all I can afford, and you have to save your $1000 to live in that "at least that is a free shed". Do you yell "what the xxxx is this?"
That is what I did. I have been treated over 16 hours daily on my medical treatment for the past two and half years already, and I was offered this one hour per month "donated treatment insurance" without knowing anything. Heard this $5000 per month treatment insurance was donated by this morning's $10,000 monthly provided for female. The treatment providers are so confused why I do not want to save my own money for this "at least it is an hour of free treatment". I jump up high because after that "precious donated" one hour my treatment would temporary stop till I am transferred to another shift provider who registered me as a self pay patient.
----August 25th, 2017
08-24-2017 Is it real that I have such inheritances (我继承财产会是真的吗?)
Heard this morning's broadcasting saying of being Chinese race or Chinese is not the reason to have my money (中文附后).
My response: That is the same issue some Chinese men and women are possibly considered whore -borns or whores because they do not know what individual private sexual relationship means. One male married to a Chinese woman should not mean this male can fuck all Chinese women from People's Republic of China or a Chinese race woman. A female married to a Chinese man can never be fucked by all Chinese from People's Republic of China or all Chinese men is the same understanding.
This is precisely the reason I keep swearing that this term Chinese Government is like a whores' and whore-borns' government. Some of them seemed are so confused why their wives or themselves are not deserved by everyone who had ever fucked a Chinese woman. Otherwise, why some of them are so impressively fighting that their wives or themselves are authentic Chinese deserved to be called whores so delicious which I called dry unwanted whores completely unfuck-able? I dare say if these screamed Chinese females take off their cloth to go all naked in crowds in U.S, I dare say less than 5% male passers-by can have little lump in trousers and these are the ones you have to ask how long they have not be able to touch a woman. Where they got this confidence to "keep insist on " to me who live in U.S who is a female as well?
My wealth is my private wealth which just like my private breasts that is protected by laws to ensure not open for anyone to have free access. No one should have my money by just being a Chinese.
----August 24th, 2017
Heard this morning's broadcasting saying about if my inheritances are real and why I am the one got my ancient grandfathers' special blessing.
My response: My inheritances are real. The rumor that I am blessed by 27 of my grandfathers is possible. I heard every grandfather of mine other than the one who fathered my father had put symbolic something aside specially for me to shower blessings to me being a girl share their same birthmark since 1200 years ago. My grandfather who fathered my father may have entrusted my generation's heir share to me per my father's decision. (see ref:07-21-2017 BioGate and if my father has inheritance(Bio Gate 及我的父亲是否有遗产) ) Not every one of my grandfathers' entrust is very impressive today but all decent sized today and well cherished by me.
The reason I am the one got my grandfathers' blessings is that I am the only girl who share their same heir birthmark in 2000 years long time, my father and my grandfather are "not special at all " because they are boys just like my ancient grandfathers themselves. I am so special to my grandfathers is because I am the only girl who share their same family birthmark in records for 2500 years. I am so special because my ancient grandfathers had been expecting me to be born in any generation since 1200 years ago. My grandfathers(唐玄宗父子) and my Empress grandmother (武则天) even fought seriously to ready Imperial rules for my privileged Empress marriage to prepare me to be born in their time.
----August 24th, 2017.
这可以说是我为什么痛骂这届中国政府根本是破鞋及婊子养的政府的非常精确的其中一个根本矛盾。他们当中的一些似乎就是不明白为什么他们自己的老婆或者他们自己怎么就是不够资格让传说中每一个有做过中国女子的这个那个男人都给做了?否则他们中的一些怎么老是让人感觉在撑腰帮她们自己或者他们自己的老婆们吵个不停强调她们自己或者他们自己的老婆们才是真正从中华人民共和国来的正宗华女就是应该就是有资格当破鞋馋这个男人那个男人。他们这些老黄脸婆及其丈夫们就扯着嗓门的抗争说她们自己才是特能撩人谁都应该想捅的,我就嘶吼她们根本就是一群没人要的干瘪老婊子根本就没法捅。我就敢说要是她们在美国擁擠人群中脫光衣服,我就敢说可能就只有僅僅5%的过路男人褲子可能会鼓一鼓,还得问问这5%过路男人有多久没有机会碰女人 .她们哪来的这自信对着我这个在美国生活的女人就是"坚决要求"?
我的回应:我继承财产是真实。传言我有27个爷爷留了些信托给我可能是真实。我听说除了我祖父以外的其他爷爷都象征性的留了点东西给我来表达对我这个孙女的祝福。我的祖父可能按照我父亲的意愿把我作为我这一代的家里继承人应拿的一份替我父亲办理了给我的信托。(请参阅:07-21-2017 BioGate and if my father has inheritance(Bio Gate 及我的父亲是否有遗产) ) 不是我每一个爷爷的信托到了今天还特别壮观,但每一个都很体面很漂亮是真,我也很珍惜着每一个信托。
08-23-2017 Lehman Brothers' Story and this Radio Program (雷曼兄弟控股和广播剧)
Heard Lehman Brothers' story is the reason of this radio program revenging on me.(中文附后)
My response: That is ridiculous. I was called stupid in Chinese Community and China because I jump into things I knew nothing of and things got nothing to do with me. How about all these people jumping into everyone else private romance managing?
Some said I did that in 2004 in order to have a great Financial person.
My response: That is untrue statement. The other party is also a great Financial person. They both are.
The rumor I heard recently is, the other one has been my inheritance business representative before 2004. I have to say that when I first heard this rumor, I said I have to take it as a joke.
I did ask "the public post" if interested to represent my inheritance but that was after my famous "jump right in".
This Lehman brothers‘ investor is the 400 years old French Fund announced this morning that also have confusions from family that has been representing it for 200 years already. The other one announced this morning that has similar confusion is the 500 years old French Fund from also a 300 years representing family..
Heard the Lehman Brothers’ investor story in 2004 is the behind scene reason of this radio program current style.
My response: Well, in July 1st of 2004 “discussion”, the only targeted is the investor to cost him to experience what "the public post" had complained: financial difficulties impacts and a lot more because of something. I was famous for "jump right in" was because I did not even ask what caused financial impact.
In entire discussion was how to make "the investor" to experience financial difficulties and limited to financial difficulties together with its impacts. There were efforts from myself to limit possible impacts to Lehman Brothers' other investors, or impacts to its employees, etc.. I also made myself very clearly in the discussion that I have no intention to take advantage of Lehman Brothers' possible situation caused by this discussion and I would have nothing against anyone to help the investor.
This of course would hurt this investor's feeling if he is indeed a great business representative of my inheritance. Can I say if so, that should best let it be limited between me and this investor.
Some said why do you do that to your own people and your own investment.
My response: Well, If I knew he has been business representative for my inheritance, I definitely would ask him what happened or what was his family's side story after I heard the complains and before I "jump right in".
About the investment, it was Never OK to do this to anybody's investment. There were some real reasons, it just sounds like targeting the investor.
----August 23rd, 2017
我最近听到的说法是: 另一个在2004年之前就一直是我所继承的一个基金的生意代理。我得承认我刚听到这个说法的时候,我回答说我就只能当你是在说笑了。