I Inherited My Wealth(VIII)--updated on 08/06/2016

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**This is me and my family story. Please contact me at somebodyinMA@gmail.com if content is seriously incorrect and provide references, thanks forward.

I was asked in July 1st, 2004 meeting if those extension of business theory were mine (* see A June Sunday Solo article). My answer was of course. I was lucky that even though I did not write down a single word that June Sunday at 黄莉 (Li, Huang) apartment, my solo was past on to some business person that understand me. Some questions about my solo was asked by a business professor from New York University who knew 黄莉(Li, Huang) husband. 黄莉(Li, Huang) husband used some material from my solo in his school article and this professor wanted to know why it was claimed mine in the meeting. So some details was asked to verify if it was mine and of course it was. Then the professor asked me why I let 黄莉(Li, Huang) husband to use my material in his article, I said his wife was my college dorm mate since 1986. I made that solo at his home when I visited his wife on a June Sunday. It is true that he did not tell me about it but I did not have problem he used something from my solo in his article. I said it would be very nice if he discussed with me that day since he is a MBA from  BBA(Bachelor of Business)  major and I am a one book MBA.

How come the professor heard about me and my solo? I don't know, probably heard from someone that attained the previous day (June 30th, 2004) meeting.

I was called to attorney Mr. Mahale's law office in Stamford, CT on June 30th, 2004 and had a meeting similar to January's meeting. June 30th, 2004 was a very important day in my life,  I inherited my wealth that day. There were tons of rumors about if I indeed inherited wealth because somebody heard that I inherited my wealth just by saying I am the heir of Tang Dynasty Tai Emperor 唐太宗李世民. It was not true. I inherit willed entrusted wealth by proved blood as female palms (birth mark) according lo inheritance laws that day.

The meeting started off with something else, after that I was asked if I am heir of a famous Chinese Tang Dynasty Tai Emperor (唐太宗李世民). Honestly, how do I know if I am the heir of someone 1500 years ago at that moment? I don't really. I read something here and there when I was in China to knew that famous Chinese Emperor became an crown prince was because of his palms. I have my both palms exactly after my father 方文海(Fang, Wenhai)(*see article "My Family Ancestry (II)" ). What else do I knew? What had been said in a meeting in 1989 (* see article " A Chat in 1989 (IV)").

In that 1989 meeting, I chatted with somebody and told them a family story I don't really knew who I heard that from. In that story I said only my grandmother( who mothers my father) and my own mother are first wives in my family, all my great grandmothers were not. One of my great grand mother died to save her baby. She was famous for her beauty and I am exactly after her. She was first married to the son then her father in-law. She was sent to a religious retreat place for three years before her second marriage which symbolized her out-of-this-world and reborn. I used 道观(pron: dou-guan) to refer that religious retreat place which startled me during my story telling since it sounds familiar but not sure why. I ignored it and continued to tell that beauty great grandmother's story.

I did not recognize at the moment who that great grandmother was in my story telling but a lot of people in the meeting did, historians (that was a meeting participated by most of Chinese colleges). The story I told was all about how my famous beauty great grandmother married my great grandfather. One and only person in history that famous for spending 3 years in 道观(pron: dou-guan) was Tang Dynasty Xuan Emperor's (唐玄宗) beauty wife Empress Yang, Yuhuan (杨贵妃杨玉环).

When I was asked if I am the heir of the famous Emperor, I said yes very comfortably but with some doubts. I was told I have wealth to inherit and I was not surprised. It never occurred to me that I got my wealth by saying I am the heir of famous Emperor 1500 years ago with no further evidence to prove myself, I took it the other way around that it proved I am the heir of the famous Emperor 1500 years ago. Why? Nobody is stupid enough to hand me wealth just because I said I am the heir but nothing to prove myself. Based on my one book MBA and 8 years US resident knowledge, I believed entrusted party must have records tracked my family history. I do come from a known rich family till my grandfather 方智仁 (Fang, Zhiren) generation.

There were tons of rumors about if I indeed inherited wealth because somebody heard that I inherited my wealth just by saying I am the heir of Tang Dynasty Tai Emperor 唐太宗李世民. It was not true. I inherit willed entrusted wealth by proved blood as female palms (birth mark) according lo inheritance laws in 2004 already. Entrusted wealth have original entrusting letters written and signed in Chinese by my ancestors. Each generation heir's name is in entrusting records according entrusting laws , that is my name together with my father's name 方文海 and my grandfather's name 方智仁 are all in entrusted wealth records as heirs of my ancestor grandfathers. My blood relationship with my father and my grandfather are in United States government immigration records. Attorney Mr. Raj Mahale who called me to have this meeting in his law office was my green card application representing attorney. It is Mr. Raj Mahale identified and verified I am the person who match the immigration record and that is the reason why I participated meetings in his lawfirm with his presence.

I am not sure how my birthmark was verified, but I did vaccine for my green card biometric application (I485) sometime in September or October 2003 in a assigned Chinese clinic located in Newton, MA which is in Boston area. My finger prints appointment for same application was around that time too. I remembered the first step of finger prints taking procedure is both hands palms up to let the immigration officer do the general inspection.

No attorney can write a letter and sign with a valid attorney license to own a client's money, even if that is only a penny. Entrusted wealth are governed by much more strict entrusting laws. 
No diplomat can sign a treaty to own private wealth in any lawful country. I am proud to be an American citizen.

One of the confusion of promoting a Mr Li (father) and a Ms. Li (daughter) from Henan province to be the heirs of my ancestor grandfathers cause serious legal concern prompt me call laws' help. Is this to challenge my inheritances are valid my wealth? On what ground? I inherited my wealth according to inheritance laws with proved blood, wealth I inherited are all known-willed-entrusted-wealth according to entrusting laws. Both Mr. Li's and Ms. Li's names including their grandfathers' names are not in any record of all entrusted wealth, they have nothing at all to say they are heirs of my ancestor grandfathers other than possible government stamped statement. It would become serious issue even to the point if this is a crime. If after announcing Henan Li-s are heirs of my ancestor grandfathers, a stamped statement is provided to say known-willed-entrusted-wealth recorded heir is not traceable, not convincible or not even good enough , is this an attempt to make known-willed-entrusted-wealth become no-owner-wealth? Who would be the declared new owner of known-willed-entrusted-wealth by existing no-owner-laws? Who would be the beneficiary party? There are existing laws in multiple countries including Britain and United States to make no-owner wealth/property own-able by eligible party, so who would be eligible party in this case? The original entrusting letters of my inheritances' were all written in Chinese and signed by my Chinese ancestors in Chinese, this maybe the reason of rumored Chinese government's involvement. Some of my inheritances were invested in Britain before been transferred to invest in young America (including it Colony time).

How about the meeting itself, June 30th of 2004 meeting that I claimed I inherited money, is it a joke? Lets see what happened in that meeting, who else attained the meeting. The person, an accountant, who informed me I have inheritance, willed by Chinese Tang Dynasty Xuan Emperor 唐玄宗, I assumed was former US Treasure Secretary Mr. Timothy Geithner. What make me assume it was him?

Well, I did not get a chance to chat with the accountant on that day, but got a chance to chat with him the next day (July 1st of 2004 meeting). He told me that he was working for a federal bank and wanted to serve the public working on private banking sector, he said he intend to work for some financial institute before that. I checked Mr. Timothy Geithner's online biography and assumed it was him.

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