Won Business Ears (IX)

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**This is me and my family story. Please contact me at somebodyinMA@gmail.com if content is seriously incorrect and provide references, thanks forward.

I said in article "I Inherited My Wealth (VIII)" that there were rumors about if I indeed inherited wealth because inheriting-meeting itself was a joke. Lets see what happened in that same meeting and who else attained that same meeting. The person, an accountant, who informed me I have inheritance willed by Chinese Tang Dynasty Xuan Emperor 唐玄宗,  I assumed was former US Treasure Secretary Mr. Timothy Geithner. What make me assume it was him?

Well, I did not get a chance to chat with the accountant on that day, but got a chance to chat with him the next day (July 1st of 2004 meeting). He told me that he was working for a federal bank and wanted to serve the public working on private banking sector, he said he intend to work for some financial institute before that. I checked Mr. Timothy Geithner's online biography and assumed it was him.

Why I did not get a chance to chat with the accountant, Mr. Geithner possible? We were both too busy. After I inherited wealth, I was asked about how I would handle some of my investments and meeting drifted to how to have some possible new investments. From that point, I was busy talking about all my crazy business ideas and he was busy to detail things out.

One of my proud business ideas was smartphones. The chat started with I got a new cellphone which was so much smaller than those old brick like ones. We chatted about how new technology improving so rapidly. I said proudly that I knew computer Unix /Window/Apple's Mac system very well, I was very interested about how wireless works but too tired to really work on that. With this confidence, I said it would be really nice to have a cell phone could work as a mini computer.

I said I am a business person, so from a business person's perspective how to make this business idea a business?
  • First of all, there is no mini computer at all, how to make a cell phone a mini computer? Are there mini parts out there to assemble one? I was told hardware technology is good enough to have a mini computer. I was so excited and insisted on to work with Apple.
  • Next would be how to develop operating system software to match hardware technology. It is well know that Steve Jobs was the inventor of Apple machine. In order to sell the machine he wrote MAC operating system. He worked through hardware drivers to entire operating system. He did asked some questions from his experiences in the meeting and that was the time he kept asking me how come I know operating system so well with less than 5 years programming experience.
Why Apple? I was asked by Mr. Steve Jobs from Apple I believe.
  • I said that there was a lady I worked with in that Chinese restaurant when I was still a student married a musician. She bought a new Mac at home. I asked her why Mac instead of Windows, she said her husband(then boyfriend) told her Mac is better. She said her husband's friends use Mac to do audio/images editing etc. So I took Mac must be really good handling audio/video stuff. In my vision the mini-computer as cell phone would be something not just for emails or browsing online, but for entertainment as well which means good quality music and videos. This would be Apple's strong suite. Mr. Jobs and I both very excited about new revolution as he put.
  • I worked on Microsoft Windows logon related piece which includes authentication, window-pass(token) after verification and logon window (X-Window). From best of my knowledge, Microsoft Window system architecture framework is totally different with Unix or Apple system which is great for computer security but not easy to make it applicable on a smartphone.
  • I was told it has to be Apple because I learned so much from Apple's open source CDSA operating system project.
Talking about CDSA mix and match flexibility, I had some mix and match ideas about put a lens on a cellphone to make a cellphone a digital camera, assemble a computer similar CPU with video card to have a digital reader, replace video card to sound card to have a digital music player etc.. I was told in the meeting that Apple already had digital music player thing, just need to work on how to store more songs in there. When I told them I heard Intel or alike had something very small, a hard drive storage, can be used on that player thing, they were so happy. We were all so happy.

With smartphone work as mini computer, high sensor density on touch panel can make human fingers control of application more smooth like a computer mouse. I do not know what term to describe it so I said the touch screen need more neuron like things per square unit, and I said neuron in Chinese 神经元(pron:shen-jing-yuan), Lucky there were some Taiwanese
business person in the meeting saying they could do the job. So glad to know touch screen became such a big industry in Taiwan. I was asked how I know touch panel technology, I said I did not but I graduated from a medical school and I assumed it was like how animal neuro system sense sensation like touch, etc.

I was doubted how I could possibly know so much with only four and half years computer programming experience. How well did I know computer operating system? Well, lets see how I spent my four and half years in Janus Associates as a computer programmer.
  • Worked Linux (a Unix) system logon replacement as my first project which I worked through scripts and kernel c/c++ codes to make my little Linux login replacement client piece to integrate with Linux boot up system and to give user logged on window after user been verified via bio-method by authentication server. It was about a year.
  • Worked on BioGate which is a Microsoft Window system logon replacement. I worked on windows logon Gina & LSA as authentication client to give user domain logged on window after user been verified via bio-method by authentication server. I learned so many things about window system in order to give user that logged on window. It was a bit more about two years.
  • How I learned Apple Mac,? It was not really Mac but definitely an Apple system. It was an open sourced CDSA project that my boss found online and asked me to use its secure transport part to transmit data. It was a messy massive whole kernel code with not much description. It was not too hard project for me because my experience of Linux and Microsoft windows. I did finished job and learned all I need to know about a computer operating system. It was a bit more about a year.

How could I possibly get to work on three major operating systems' kernel? At beginning my part was a very small piece compare to bio-authentication module. I delivered better than expected job privileged me to keep "improving" my piece bigger and bigger. I was not picky about "small, not important but time consuming " assignment land me second and third operating system job, I just kept on earning my privilege to make my piece bigger.

Like I said in 1989's meeting (*see A Chat in 1989), it is not enough to read just a book. I was so proud that I could understand  notoriously abstract <Macro Economy> without sitting in a classroom but it is not enough just understand theory.

Like I put it in 2005 when I was in JPMChase  to promote pharmaceutical industry module of software Quality assurance, "If you don know even know how to develop, how could you possibly know how to assure the quality of those developed".

To have business ideas, to analyze what's happening in real business world, some theory learned from text book won't enable you. It takes years of real business experience to figure out what and which, to ask why and how. One can only analyze anything after one know what are possible questions.

Why business people listen to me in June 30th, 2004 meeting? There were some business people asking how I would do with my investment after I inherited my wealth, it was because they are my business representatives and they already heard my June Sunday Solo. (* see article A June Sunday Solo)

In the meeting I was constantly challenged by those business people who are not my own business representatives, the same way just like Mr. Steve Jobs from Apple kept asking me how I could possible know computer so well with only 4-5 years programming experience.

How situation changed from challenging me to asking me if I have any thought about some new sharp edge technology? Gradually during the process of me kept articulating my business vision.
  • Creative ideas of using Intel's sharp mini series hardware technology to built a smartphone(cellphone) not just mini laptop or mini desktop computers.
  • Considered to use human fingers to operate smartphone instead of using mini mouse made mini computer a cellphone possible, further considered to use enhanced touch screen created another huge business opportunity.
  • Considered to use new sharp edge Cloud technology to provide smartphone oriented customer related service.

This was how I exceled in June 30th, 2004 meeting like a shining star: With my strong technology background and business person's perspective.
  • A <Macro Economy> textbook did not give me all those creative ideas computer technology oriented, my Master degree of Computer Science from University of Bridgeport and 5 years working experience as computer programmer did.
  • Thorough knowledge of computer operating system did not give me visions about mini series computer hardware, business theory I learned from that < Macro Economy> textbook and my working experience in that small affiliated company in china and small Chinese restaurant did.
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